
Language Barrier Chapter Five [2/3, New] {Feb. 6th}

Jan 25th, 2013
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  6. >Alright, found it.
  7. >Can't really miss the large purple carousel thing, to be fair.
  8. >Just as you are about to knock, the door opens and something hits your waist.
  9. >You look down and see a slightly dazed purple pony that just collided with you.
  10. >Well, that's a surprise.
  11. "Hey Twilight."
  12. >The unicorn perks up as she hears her name.
  13. >"Anonymous!"
  14. >And there goes the blabbermouth again.
  15. >When will those ponies learn that you can't understand them.
  16. >Seriously.
  17. >As you patiently wait for Twilight to either realise she's talking for nothing or to simply be done saying what she has to tell, a white silhouette appears in the doorway.
  18. >Hmmm... That looks like...
  19. >You pull out Applebloom's drawing once again.
  20. >Yep. Same white coat and squiggly purple mane.
  21. >Noticing that you are not listening to her, Twilight stops her babbling.
  22. >She tilts her head and, well, 'floats' the paper to her from your hands.
  23. >You see her eyes dart over the paper before she nods and gives it back to you.
  24. >The white unicorn clears her throat.
  25. >"Oh!"
  26. >Twilight turns around and says a few words to SquiggleTail, notably, your name.
  27. >After a few traded words between the two of them, the white pony trots to you and looks you up and down with a slightly weirded out expression.
  28. >"Anonymous.", Twilight gestures to you.
  29. >"Rarity.", She motions to the second pony.
  30. >Rarity raises a hoof in a daintily fashion and says a single word to you.
  31. >You're guessing it's 'charmed' or something of the like.
  32. >Considering yourself a classy gentleman...
  33. >Okay, not really, but you might as well make a nice first impression.
  34. >You kneel down to one knee and reaches for her hoof with a hand, pulling it closer to you slightly and planting a small peck on it.
  35. >She seems a little surprised, but you can spy a hint of a smile on her face before standing back up.
  36. >Rarity takes a step back and exchanges a few words with Twilight before they both stare at you.
  37. >Or rather, at your shirt.
  38. >...It's kinda creepy to be hon-WHOA.
  39. "What are you two doing?!"
  40. >Your shirt is already halfway above your head at that point.
  41. >The tug on your shirt vanishes as soon as you speak and you pull it back down.
  42. >You look at them, slightly irritated and mostly confused.
  43. >Twilight has a small sheepish smile and raises the drawing to you.
  44. >A purple circle draws itself around the pictogram showing a repaired shirt.
  45. "Oh."
  46. "Could have asked."
  47. >Both unicorns tilts their heads in confusion at your words.
  48. "Right..."
  49. >You rub your temples for a moment before gesturing towards the door with a very small bow.
  52. >You are Rarity.
  53. >And Twilight just introduced you to the strange creature known as Anonymous.
  54. >I looks rather...loutish, and while it seems like a brute, it does have a certain air of civility to it.
  55. >Probably due to his ensemble.
  56. >You must admit that you were quite reluctant to let this... 'Anonymous', in your boutique.
  57. >But you simply cannot -not- help somepony in dire need of tailor help.
  58. >Even if it's not a pony who needs the help.
  59. >"-eed to get going for now."
  60. >The voice of Twilight snaps you out of your mind rambling.
  61. "Hm? My apologies Twilight, I was lost in thoughts."
  62. >"I said that I need to go back to the library. Spike is waiting for me to reshelf the books"
  63. "Again? This is the third time this week."
  64. >"...Your point?"
  65. "...Nevermind."
  66. >"Well, I must be going. Take care Rarity, and..."
  67. >"Don't be too hard on Anonymous."
  68. "Me? Too hard? Why, I would never my dear Twilight."
  69. "Go shelf that charming library of yours and worry none about this cre-"
  70. "I mean, Anonymous."
  71. >"...Riiiiight."
  72. "Twilight, I swear, you have not a thing to worry about."
  73. >"Well alright then. I'll see you later."
  74. "Likewise."
  75. >And with that, she's gone.
  76. >Now, where is tha-
  77. "No! Don't touch that!"
  80. ------------------------------------
  81. PART TWO
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  85. >You catch the bipedal being bugging around a baby blue bolt of silk and stops it before it damages your precious belongings.
  86. >Really now... rummaging through your personal things?
  87. >Has this thing never learned any kind of manners?
  88. >Bah!
  89. >Bah you say!
  90. >You push him away from anything that could be easily stained, damaged or ruined by him, grumbling all the while.
  91. >Which means that he his now standing in the center of the room.
  92. >As he was pushed around, it kept growling. Well, maybe 'growling' is not the right word, but that's pretty much how it sounds to you.
  93. "Stand still now, while I fix this disaster."
  94. >With a glow of your horn, a needle and some thread float over to the creature's poor excuse for a shirt.
  95. "Stop fidgeting or I'll-"
  96. >"Ow!"
  97. "See? This is what happens when you do not listen to me, you get pricked by my needle."
  98. "Now stand. Still."
  99. >It seems that 'Anonymous' finally understands as he frowns and pouts slightly, but otherwise ceases moving.
  100. >It takes you mere minutes to patch up the sleeve back to the shirt.
  101. >You decide to get closer to admire your wo-
  102. >What.
  103. >Sniff.
  104. >What is-
  105. "..."
  106. "Sweet Celestia! What -is- that stench?!"
  110. >Does this thing knows not how to -bathe-?!
  111. >Oh no, no, no. This will simply not do!
  112. >You wince and scrunch your snout at the odor.
  113. >Anonymous seems to notice as it raises one of his fore... limbs, and takes a whiff of his own scent.
  114. >How crass.
  115. >It recoils at its own not-so-subtle perfume.
  116. >A small sheepish smile appears on its face as it begins to...
  117. >You have no idea.
  118. >At all.
  119. >...
  120. >Is this... pantomime?
  121. >Is it trying to communicate?
  122. >What is it even doing?
  123. >Oh, if only Pinkie Pie was here.
  124. >She was always wonderful at this silly game.
  125. >Focus, Rarity.
  126. >Focus on this creature's gesticulations.
  127. >Is it...
  128. >Water?
  129. >And...
  130. >Falling?
  131. >You bear an expression of growing confusion until the gears in your head click.
  132. "A shower?"
  133. "MY shower?!"
  136. >Does this creature honestly believe that you will simply let it use your private sanitary installations?!
  137. "Never!"
  138. >It cowers ever so slightly at your shout.
  139. >You sigh.
  140. >Calm down Rarity.
  141. >Remember, you promised Twilight you would take care of her specimen while she goes to arrange a few things.
  142. >Ugh...
  143. >You guess that if you have to endure this thing's presence, the time spent with it could at least be spent without having it stain your boutique with its terrible stench.
  144. >You sigh. Again.
  145. "Come."
  146. >You walk towards your bathroom and open the door.
  147. >Anonymous stands unmoving in the middle of the room, looking at you.
  148. "I asked you to follow me."
  149. "Can you not understand me?"
  150. >Oh.
  151. >Right.
  152. >And for the third time, you sigh.
  153. >You wave a hoof, beaconing it closer.
  154. >It nods and walks up to the door with you.
  155. >You get behind it and pushes it inside with your head.
  156. >Honestly. The things you would do in the name of Friendship.
  159. >Anonymous brightens up as he sees the shower.
  160. "Yes, yes. You get to clean yourself. In -my- shower."
  161. >Calm.
  162. >Now to get it out of those rags.
  163. >What would be the point of a shower if it still walks around with those dirty clothes on?
  164. >Using magic, you slip its shirt off.
  165. >Anonymous' head slowly turns around like a broken clock to face you.
  166. >Its face is one of confusion with a hint of panic and fear.
  167. "Oh don't make that face."
  168. "It's simply magic, see?"
  169. >You float and wave the shirt in front of it.
  170. >It reaches for it in a desperate attempt to recover it.
  171. "Ap, ap, ap."
  172. "No. Bad Anonymous."
  173. "Bad."
  174. >You pull the shirt away.
  175. "It's filthy, you simply cannot wear it for now."
  176. "Besides, you are going in the shower."
  177. "Showering with your clothes on is -not- the way to clean them."
  178. "Must I teach you everything?"
  179. >You sigh and start to pull down on the apparel around its waist.
  180. >Panic is the only word that could describe Anonymous' reaction to this.
  181. >It franticly brings its paws down and grabs at the piece of clothing, pulling up.
  182. "I said -no-!"
  183. "No clothes in the shower, Anonymous!"
  184. >Using more force, you tug down, making the clothes slip from its grip.
  185. "Why must you be so foalish-"
  186. "..."
  187. "Youcankeepthison."
  188. >Would you have blinked, you would have missed Anonymous pulling the garnment up, its-
  189. >...
  190. >-His- face bearing a certain expression of anger and his cheek red with embarassement, or is it merely more anger?
  191. >It's hard to tell.
  194. >Anonymous takes advantage of the fact that your are stuck in a semi-stupor to pick you up and carry you out of the bathroom.
  195. >It's only after he lets you go that you realise what happened.
  196. "Hey!"
  197. "How dare you shoo me out of my own bathroom?!"
  198. >You are too late. Anonymous already went back to the other room.
  199. >You pound on the door.
  200. "Who do you think you are?!"
  201. "You... you cad! You brute! You-"
  202. >The door opens and he is standing on the other side, a towel wrapped around his waist.
  203. "What do you think you are doi-"
  204. >A ball of clothes slams on your snout, obstructing your view.
  205. "Gah! The stench! It burns!"
  206. >You hear a door slamming and the sound of running water is heard from the bathroom.
  207. >Shoving the clothes off your face, you take a breath of fresh air.
  208. "Did he!?"
  209. "He just!"
  210. "HRMPH!"
  211. >You stomp a hoof on the ground and raise your snout in the air.
  212. >...Sniff?
  213. >Eeeewww...
  214. >If you did not think that burning them would make them smell even worse, you would set the clothes ablaze this instant.
  215. >You sigh.
  216. >Washing it is...
  219. >Well, this required a lot of scrubbing, but you finally managed to clean those rags.
  220. >...
  221. >Now that they are cleaner, you must admit that you are quite curious about Anonymous' clothes.
  222. >There is the shirt, no real surprise here. A different cut than what you are used to, but that is to be expected.
  223. >Then there is this odd garnment that he wears around his waist and hindlegs. It came in two separate pieces, how peculiar.
  224. >And finally you have...
  225. >...What -are- those?
  226. >You do believe he wore these under his shoes.
  227. >...
  228. >...What -are- those?
  229. >You do believe he wore these under his shoes...
  230. >Well, in any case... you need to let those things dry.
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