
Clipboard Replace

Nov 22nd, 2015
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  1. /*
  2. Name: Mango: Clipboard Replace
  3. Version 1.8 (Mon November 18, 2013)
  4. Created: (Thu May 28, 2009)
  5. Author: tidbit (
  6. Info: A plugin for my personal script Mango.
  7. */
  8. #singleinstance OFF
  9. amount:=-1
  10. mode:=""
  11. Gui, +AlwaysOnTop +Resize
  12. Gui, Add, Text, x4 y6 w80 h20, &Find what?
  13. Gui, Add, Edit, x+2 yp w250 r2 wanttab gPreview vfind,
  14. Gui, Add, Text, x4 y+3 w80 h20, Replace &with?
  15. Gui, Add, Edit, x+2 yp w250 r2 wanttab gPreview vrepwith,
  17. Gui, Add, Button, xp+160 y+5 w90 h20 vbtnrep greplace, &Replace
  18. Gui, Add, Button, xp y+3 w90 h20 vbtnprev gPreview Default, &Preview
  19. Gui, Add, Button, xp y+3 w90 h20 vbtnCancel gcancel, Cancel (Esc)
  21. Gui, Add, Checkbox, x6 yp-50 h20 gPreview vcs, &Case Sensitive
  22. Gui, Add, Checkbox, x+5 yp h20 gPreview vwwo, &Whole Words Only
  23. Gui, Add, Checkbox, x6 y+3 h20 gPreview vra +Checked, Replace &All?
  24. Gui, Add, Checkbox, xp y+3 h20 gPreview vrem, Rege&x Mode
  25. Gui, Add, Button, x+5 yp h20 gregexhelp, ?
  27. Gui, Font, s12, Verdana
  28. Gui, Add, Edit, x6 y+5 w330 h310 +HScroll vpreviewbox,
  30. Gui, Show,, Clipboard Replace
  31. gosub, Preview
  32. Return
  35. 11GuiClose:
  36. Gui, Destroy
  37. Return
  40. OnClipboardChange:
  41. gosub, Preview
  42. Return
  45. replace:
  46. Gui, Submit, NoHide
  47. gui, 1: default
  48. Gosub, setup
  50. ; StringReplace, Clipboard, previewbox, `n, `r`n, All
  51. GuiControl, , previewbox, %Clipboard%
  52. Return
  55. Preview:
  56. Gui, 1: Submit, NoHide
  57. gui, 1: default
  58. Gosub, setup
  60. reg:=case find
  61. ;stringreplace, reg, reg, %a_space%, %a_space%, all
  62. previewChange:=RegExReplace(Clipboard, reg, repwith)
  64. ; StringReplace, previewChange, previewChange, `n, `r`n, All
  65. GuiControl, , previewbox, %previewChange%
  66. Return
  69. Guisize:
  70. If ErrorLevel = 1 ; The window has been Minimized. No action needed.
  71. Return
  72. GuiControl, Move, btnrep, % "x" A_GuiWidth-96
  73. GuiControl, Move, btnprev, % "x" A_GuiWidth-96
  74. GuiControl, Move, btnCancel, % "x" A_GuiWidth-96
  75. GuiControl, Move, find, % "w" A_GuiWidth-91
  76. GuiControl, Move, repwith, % "w" A_GuiWidth-91
  77. GuiControl, Move, previewbox, % "w" A_GuiWidth-6 " h" A_GuiHeight-127
  78. Return
  81. setup:
  82. Gui, Submit, NoHide
  83. gui, 1: default
  84. If (cs=1) ;case sensitive
  85. case=
  86. Else
  87. case=i)
  89. If (rem=0) ;regex mode
  90. find:=RegExReplace(find, "[\\.*?+[{|()^$]", "\$0")
  92. ;this >>MUST<< be after Regex Mode.
  93. If (wwo=1) ;whole words only
  94. find=\b%find%\b
  96. If (ra=1) ;replace all
  97. amount=-1
  98. Else
  99. amount=1
  100. Return
  103. regexhelp:
  104. Gui, 11: Destroy
  105. Gui, 11: Default
  106. help=
  107. (
  108. . Matches any character. cat. matches catT and cat2 but not catty
  109. [] Bracket expression. Matches one of any characters enclosed. gr[ae]y matches gray or grey
  110. [^] Negates a bracket expression. Matches one of any characters EXCEPT those enclosed. 1[^02] matches 13 but not 10 or 12
  111. [-] Range. Matches any characters within the range. [1-9] matches any single digit EXCEPT 0
  112. ? Preceeding item must match one or zero times. colou?r matches color or colour but not colouur
  113. () Parentheses. Creates a substring or item that metacharacters can be applied to a(bee)?t matches at or abeet but not abet
  114. {n} Bound. Specifies exact number of times for the preceeding item to match. [0-9]{3} matches any three digits
  115. {n,} Bound. Specifies minimum number of times for the preceeding item to match. [0-9]{3,} matches any three or more digits
  116. {n,m} Bound. Specifies minimum and maximum number of times for the preceeding item to match. [0-9]{3,5} matches any three, four, or five digits
  117. | Alternation. One of the alternatives has to match. July (first|1st|1) will match July 1st but not July 2
  118. [:alnum:] alphanumeric character [[:alnum:]]{3} matches any three letters or numbers, like 7Ds
  119. [:alpha:] alphabetic character, any case [[:alpha:]]{5} matches five alphabetic characters, any case, like aBcDe
  120. [:blank:] space and tab [[:blank:]]{3,5} matches any three, four, or five spaces and tabs
  121. [:digit:] digits [[:digit:]]{3,5} matches any three, four, or five digits, like 3, 05, 489
  122. [:lower:] lowercase alphabetics [[:lower:]] matches a but not A
  123. [:punct:] punctuation characters [[:punct:]] matches ! or . or , but not a or 3
  124. [:space:] all whitespace characters, including newline and carriage return [[:space:]] matches any space, tab, newline, or carriage return
  125. [:upper:] uppercase alphabetics [[:upper:]] matches A but not a
  126. Default delimiters for pattern colou?r matches color or colour
  127. i Append to pattern to specify a case insensitive match colou?ri matches COLOR or Colour
  128. \b A word boundary, the spot between word (\w) and non-word (\W) characters \bfred\bi matches Fred but not Alfred or Frederick
  129. \B A non-word boundary fred\Bi matches Frederick but not Fred
  130. \d A single digit character a\dbi matches a2b but not acb
  131. \D A single non-digit character a\Dbi matches aCb but not a2b
  132. \n The newline character. (ASCII 10) \n matches a newline
  133. \r The carriage return character. (ASCII 13) \r matches a carriage return
  134. \s A single whitespace character a\sb matches a b but not ab
  135. \S A single non-whitespace character a\Sb matches a2b but not a b
  136. \t The tab character. (ASCII 9) \t matches a tab.
  137. \w A single word character - alphanumeric and underscore \w matches 1 or _ but not ?
  138. \W A single non-word character a\Wbi matches a!b but not a2b
  140. )
  142. Gui, 11: add, text, y6 x6, Regex Help
  143. Gui, 11:add, ListView, yp+22 xp w450 r25 vlist, Key|Description|Example
  146. Loop, Parse, help, `n, `r
  147. {
  148. StringSplit, col, A_LoopField, %A_Tab%
  149. LV_Add( "", col1, col2, col3)
  150. }
  152. LV_ModifyCol(1, "Auto")
  153. LV_ModifyCol(2, 200)
  154. LV_ModifyCol(3, "Auto")
  156. gui, 11: show, x45 , Regex Help
  157. Return
  160. Esc::
  161. cancel:
  162. GuiClose:
  163. ExitApp
  164. Return
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