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Nov 15th, 2019
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  1. //Q0 AssertEquality using match…with
  2. let AssertEquality inputTuple =
  3. match inputTuple with
  4. | (a,b) when a=b -> printfn " Test Success"
  5. | _ -> printfn " Test Fail"
  7. //NOTE: all the below questions require Tail Recursion + Match with
  8. //Q1 remember the example from PPT: grab the even numbers out from a list
  9. let rec getEven mylis accumulator=
  10. match mylis with
  11. | [] -> accumulator
  12. | head::tail when head%2=0 -> getEven tail (head::accumulator)
  13. | _::tail -> getEven tail accumulator
  14. let mylis=[1..6]
  15. let result = getEven mylis []
  16. printf "Q1..."
  17. AssertEquality (result, [6;4;2])
  18. let result1 = result |> getEven <| []
  19. AssertEquality (result1, [2;4;6])
  21. //make sure the recursive function call is the VERY LAST step of your calculation to avoid stack overflow
  22. //Always use a result accumulator to remember the result of each step
  23. //getEven tail (head::accumulator) instead of head::getEven tail
  25. //Q2 modify Q1 so that you can put the reverse the result list in the function call directly
  26. let rec getEven2 mylis accumulator=
  27. let getEvenInner mylis acc=
  28. match mylis with
  29. | [] -> acc
  30. | head::tail when head%2=0 -> getEven2 tail (head::acc)
  31. | _::tail -> getEven2 tail acc
  32. (List.rev (getEvenInner mylis accumulator))
  33. let result2=getEven2 mylis []
  34. printf "Q2..."
  35. AssertEquality (result2, [2;4;6])
  37. //Q3 modify Q2 and create the below function which will grab the odd numbers out from a list
  38. let rec getOdd lis accumulator =
  39. let getOddinner lis acc =
  40. match lis with
  41. | [] -> accumulator
  42. | head::tail when head%2=1 -> getOdd tail (head::acc)
  43. | _::tail -> getOdd tail acc
  44. (List.rev(getOddinner lis accumulator))
  45. let result3=getOdd mylis []
  46. printf "Q3..."
  47. AssertEquality (result3, [1;3;5])
  49. //Q4 Get the sum of all the even numbers in a list
  50. let rec getEvenSum mylis sumAcc=
  51. match mylis with
  52. | [] -> sumAcc
  53. | head::tail when head%2=0 -> getEvenSum tail (sumAcc+head)
  54. | _::tail -> getEvenSum tail sumAcc
  56. let result4=getEvenSum mylis 0
  57. printf "Q4..."
  58. AssertEquality (result4, 12)
  60. //Q5 calculate the square of each number in the input list
  61. let rec getSqr mylis sqrLis=
  62. let rec getSqrInner mylis sqrLis=
  63. match mylis with
  64. | [] -> sqrLis
  65. | head::tail -> getSqr tail ((head*head)::sqrLis)
  66. (List.rev(getSqrInner mylis sqrLis))
  67. let result5=getSqr mylis []
  68. printf "Q5..."
  69. AssertEquality (result5, [1;4;9;16;25;36])
  71. //Q6 Calculate factorial of n
  72. //n! = 1*2*3*...*(n-1)*n
  73. let rec factorial n ftRes=
  74. match n with
  75. | 0 -> 1
  76. | 1 -> 1
  77. | _ -> n * factorial (n-1) 1
  79. let result6=factorial 5 1
  80. printf "Q6..."
  81. AssertEquality (result6, 120)
  83. //Q7 You can merge the 2 "if statements" of the pattern 0 and 1 together like below:
  84. let rec factorial1 n ftRes=
  85. match n with
  86. | 0 | 1 -> 1
  87. | _ -> n * factorial1 (n-1) 1
  89. let result7=factorial1 5 1
  90. printf "Q7..."
  91. AssertEquality (result7, 120)
  93. //Q8 to help user call this function easier by using "factorial 5" instead of "factorial1 5 1"
  94. //(so that the API user do not need to worry about giving us the accumulator as the second func input),
  95. //we can wrap the recursive function call inside of regular function that looks nicer
  96. let nicer_factorial n =
  97. let rec factorial1 n ftRes=
  98. match n with
  99. | 0 | 1 -> 1
  100. | _ -> n * factorial1 (n-1) ftRes
  101. factorial1 n 1
  103. let result8=nicer_factorial 5
  104. printf "Q8..."
  105. AssertEquality (result8, 120)
  108. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  110. // queue definition stuff
  111. type Queue = QueueContents of int list
  113. let EMPTY = QueueContents []
  115. let enqueue x q =
  116. let (QueueContents contents) = q
  117. let newContents = List.append contents [x]
  118. QueueContents newContents
  120. let dequeue (QueueContents contents) =
  121. match contents with
  122. | head::tail ->
  123. let newQueue = QueueContents tail
  124. (contents.Head, QueueContents contents.Tail)
  125. | [] -> failwith "Queue is Empty"
  127. // create random number jobs
  128. let createJobs count =
  129. let rnd = System.Random()
  130. List.init count (fun _->rnd.Next(1,9))
  132. // parse list
  133. let rec workJobs jobqueue joblis=
  134. match joblis with
  135. | [] -> printfn "Reached end of available jobs"
  136. | head::tail when head%2=1 ->
  137. printf "New job %d added to Queue.\n" head
  138. workJobs (enqueue head jobqueue) tail
  139. | head::tail when head%2=0 ->
  140. try
  141. let front, newQueue = dequeue jobqueue
  142. printf "Completed job %d.\n" front
  143. workJobs newQueue tail
  144. with
  145. | Failure(msg) -> printfn "No more jobs to do right now."
  146. workJobs jobqueue tail
  147. | _::tail -> workJobs jobqueue tail
  149. let main =
  150. let jobs = createJobs 10
  151. printfn "%A" jobs
  152. workJobs EMPTY jobs
  154. main
  156. (*
  157. let testQ = EMPTY |> enqueue 1 |> enqueue 2
  158. printf "%A" testQ
  159. let front, testQ2 = dequeue testQ
  160. printf "%d, %A" front testQ2
  161. let testQ3 = enqueue 3 testQ
  162. printf "%A" testQ3
  163. *)
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