
Text Adventure Chapter 60 Log

Jul 31st, 2014
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  1. >You feel like you need to say something to her.
  2. “Twilight, I just wanted to say sorry about yesterday. I realize now that I was being a jerk. Back home, there was a big problem with racism and the like, when I remembered it, I guess it sort of clouded my judgement on everything. I was out of line, and from now on I will completely trust you on your word and I’ll think about what you say.”
  3. >Twilight looks up at you and closes her book, speaking as she stands up.
  4. >”It’s alright, Anon. I guess you just said some things that might’ve gotten under my skin a bit more than usual, but I know you didn’t mean to. I’m sorry too, for what it’s worth.”
  5. >You and Twilight shake hand and hoof, and she starts sorting out her books.
  6. >”So I saw Pinkie flying through here saying something about training?”
  7. “Yeah, since we’re gonna be going into the hive, I was hoping to get everyone some training so we’re a bit safer. Can never be too careful.”
  8. >”And you’re wanting those lessons, I’m betting?”
  9. “Read my mind. Though, is it alright if you help me find some more medical books, or anything on healing? You know this library a lot better than I do, after all.”
  10. >”You’re still on about the healing magic?”
  11. “Never give up is my motto.”
  12. >Twilight rolls her eyes.
  13. >”I wonder if all you humans are this stubborn. Okay, look. If I find anything about it, I’ll give it to you, but don’t come asking me anymore questions about it? The only pony who’d even know anything about it would be Celestia or Luna, and I wouldn’t bother them about something so silly.”
  14. “Fine, fine.”
  15. >”Now c’mon, let me show you around.”
  20. >You have found Ultimate Knowledge of Medical Mastery: Volume XXVI, Tome of Teleport (Intermediate), and Starswirl’s Notes: Healing!
  22. >...
  23. >Twilight led you to the restricted section of the library as you kept insisting on something for healing spells, but it was all you could find.
  24. >The tome was a definite plus as well, along with the medical mastery.
  25. >You have a lot of reading to do, it seems.
  26. >Twilight even thinks so.
  27. >”You know, you might want to invest in a bigger bag, maybe an enchantment to make it lighter. With the way you hoard, I’m surprised that thing doesn’t split open!”
  28. “I know, I know. Thanks for helping me, Twilight.”
  29. >She nods as she leads you back out of the library and into the Main Hall.
  30. “So, do you mind teaching me about magic a bit more?”
  31. >”That’s why we’re out here.”
  32. >You look around the hall a bit and see that there is indeed plenty of space.
  33. >But there’s also a lot of expensive looking crystal items.
  34. “Are you sure we can do it here?”
  35. >Twilight turns around to face you as she responds.
  36. >”Anything you throw at me, I’ll make sure hits nothing else. Trust me, you can’t do anything I would be surprised at, at least not right now.”
  37. >She sounds very sure of herself.
  38. “Confident, huh?”
  39. >”Er, well, I just know you don’t have much experience with magic, you know, hehehe… Anyways, let’s get started. You don’t have to strip or anything this time since I know how your magic works.”
  40. “Alright.”
  42. [TRAINING START] [ ]
  43. >”I can teach you a wide variety of combat or utility spells, but only when you have more experience in that area. What would you like to learn this session?”
  45. >Knowledge:
  46. -General (Raises magical ability/experience, teaches general magical knowledge and may raise MP) {1 hour and 30 minutes}
  47. -Combat (Focuses on Magical Attack, uses MP) {30 minutes}
  48. -Defense (Focuses on Magical Defense, uses MP and HP) {1 hour}
  49. -Utility (Focuses on the non-combat aspects of magic to better understand how it works and to learn new abilities.) {45 minutes}
  50. -Advanced/Specific (Focuses on a specific spell or aspect of magic for greater understanding and improvement, uses MP) {2 hours}
  51. -Enter Battle Mode (Turns training into battle to gain much higher experience, dangerous)
  54. >Inspect Aspect Types
  55. -Fire
  56. -Frost
  57. -Arcane
  58. -Transmutation
  59. -Illusion
  60. -Abstract (Other)
  64. >General selected
  65. >”Magic is something not all unicorns can master, did you know? Some can barely levitate anything or can’t use the luminate spell. There are a poor few unicorns in rare cases that can’t use magic at all! More often than not, the reason they have problems is because their perception of magic and the way they concentrate. You see, the expression ‘mana pool’ came from the old adage to aid magic-users with their casting. You’re supposed to imagine your mana like a pool, or a calm lake that you can draw from. As you gain experience and increase your power, you take cup fulls at a time, then gallons, and all the while the lake will gradually expand into an ocean where you’re taking entire lakefuls! It’s an interesting concept, but it’s helped me quite a lot. Try imagining whenever you’re casting a spell, that you’re taking it from your mana pool.”
  67. [+50 Magical Knowledge experience.]
  68. [1 hour, 30 minutes passed.]
  69. >It is now 9:00 A.M.
  71. >”I can teach you a wide variety of combat or utility spells, but only when you have more experience in that area. What would you like to learn this session?”
  73. >Knowledge:
  74. -General (Raises magical ability/experience, teaches general magical knowledge and may raise MP) {1 hour and 30 minutes}
  75. -Combat (Focuses on Magical Attack, uses MP) {30 minutes}
  76. -Defense (Focuses on Magical Defense, uses MP and HP) {1 hour}
  77. -Utility (Focuses on the non-combat aspects of magic to better understand how it works and to learn new abilities.) {45 minutes}
  78. -Advanced/Specific (Focuses on a specific spell or aspect of magic for greater understanding and improvement, uses MP) {2 hours}
  79. -Enter Battle Mode (Turns training into battle to gain much higher experience, dangerous)
  83. >General selected
  84. >”Everything you learn about your mana or magic in general affects the way you perceive your spells and your entire magical experience. What you reap is what you sow when it comes to the ethereal plane. Take, for example, your magic. You have a very small mana pool, below-average of a normal unicorn’s, but your output is staggering when it comes to combat. The amount of magic you use when you fire that big cannon of yours, that Giga Buster? Any other Unicorn only needs that much to levitate less than a hundred pounds for just a few seconds. This applies with your combat only, however. I’ve noticed that the blessing you’ve learned takes nearly half of your pool in one shot, but it’s meant to help others instead of being combat oriented, and it’s all because of what you’ve learned. Let me teach you about some other forms of magic to help alleviate this problem, but it might take some work.”
  86. [+50 Magical Knowledge experience.]
  87. [1 hour, 30 minutes passed.]
  88. >It is now 10:30 A.M.
  90. >”I can teach you a wide variety of combat or utility spells, but only when you have more experience in that area. What would you like to learn this session?”
  92. >Knowledge:
  93. -General (Raises magical ability/experience, teaches general magical knowledge and may raise MP) {3 hours}
  94. -Combat (Focuses on Magical Attack, uses MP) {30 minutes}
  95. -Defense (Focuses on Magical Defense, uses MP and HP) {1 hour}
  96. -Utility (Focuses on the non-combat aspects of magic to better understand how it works and to learn new abilities.) {45 minutes}
  97. -Advanced/Specific (Focuses on a specific spell or aspect of magic for greater understanding and improvement, uses MP) {2 hours}
  98. -Enter Battle Mode (Turns training into battle to gain much higher experience, dangerous)
  102. >Advanced/Specific selected
  103. >”From what I’ve seen of your spell, I’m not sure if it falls under any other aspect of magic, so it’s classified abstract when we can’t categorize it. To be honest, I haven’t ever quite seen magic like it, but I’ll do what I can.”
  105. [Twilight teaches you how to better use and perform the Blessing of Harmony.]
  107. >You can choose to upgrade this ability in multiple ways:
  109. -Potency Σ (Increases overall effectiveness of the blessing and has a small chance to replenish the target’s mana out of combat.)
  110. -Potency Ψ (Adds an extra boosting effect to the blessing that increases attack and defense by 33% for 5 turns while in combat.)
  111. -Efficiency Σ (Decreases mana cost by 2.)
  112. -Efficiency Ψ (Allows the blessing to reach two people at once if requested.)
  113. -Creative [Training only] (Allows you to work on the minor effects of the blessing and has a small chance of discovering a new blessing.)
  116. >Efficiency Ψ selected
  117. >Blessing of Harmony successfully upgraded! (-10 MP, releases a powerful magical spell that soothes, rejuvenates and calms any two targets that the blessing is given to, and removes all mental and spiritual status effects.)
  119. [2 hours passed.]
  120. >It is now 12:30 P.M.
  122. >”I can teach you a wide variety of combat or utility spells, but only when you have more experience in that area. What would you like to learn this session?”
  124. >Knowledge:
  125. -General (Raises magical ability/experience, teaches general magical knowledge and may raise MP) {3 hours}
  126. -Combat (Focuses on Magical Attack, uses MP) {30 minutes}
  127. -Defense (Focuses on Magical Defense, uses MP and HP) {1 hour}
  128. -Utility (Focuses on the non-combat aspects of magic to better understand how it works and to learn new abilities.) {45 minutes}
  129. -Advanced/Specific (Focuses on a specific spell or aspect of magic for greater understanding and improvement, uses MP) {2 hours, 30 minutes}
  130. -Enter Battle Mode (Turns training into battle to gain much higher experience, dangerous)
  135. >General selected
  136. >”While I was studying with Princess Celestia as her protogè, she basically taught me everything I know. Sure I learned a lot of spells from ancient texts and scriptures, but most of my magical foundation was from her. One of the things that she taught me is that no magic should ever be underestimated, no matter what kind it is. There’s a lot of different magics that I can teach you, but there’s hundreds of more schools that I don’t know that are lost in history, or too unstable to be used. I’m going to teach you a few of the deeper meanings of the schools of magic that I’ve learned, and let you use the knowledge the way you feel is best.”
  138. [+50 Magical Knowledge experience.]
  139. [Your mana pool has increased!]
  140. [+6 MP UP]
  141. Anon: [HP: 130/130][MP: 30/30]
  142. [3 hours passed.]
  143. >It is now 3:30 P.M.
  145. >”I can teach you a wide variety of combat or utility spells, but only when you have more experience in that area. What would you like to learn this session?”
  147. >Knowledge:
  148. -General (Raises magical ability/experience, teaches general magical knowledge and may raise MP) {3 hours}
  149. -Combat (Focuses on Magical Attack, uses MP) {30 minutes}
  150. -Defense (Focuses on Magical Defense, uses MP and HP) {1 hour}
  151. -Utility (Focuses on the non-combat aspects of magic to better understand how it works and to learn new abilities.) {45 minutes}
  152. -Advanced/Specific (Focuses on a specific spell or aspect of magic for greater understanding and improvement, uses MP) {2 hours}
  153. -Enter Battle Mode (Turns training into battle to gain much higher experience, dangerous)
  154. -Exit Training
  158. >General selected
  159. >”You’re aware of the way that magic is inherently present throughout the world? How you can subtly sense magical signals from every living being and even the air itself? There’s an innate sensitivity within your very core that all of us share, and it’s something that Princess Celestia taught me right before sending me to ponyville. Magic itself is an ethereal manifestation of emotions throughout the world, and positive emotions create more potent magic than negative ones. If you ever wonder why the Elements of Harmony or the magic of friendship is so much stronger than everything else, just keep that in mind. I’m going to do my best to help you think positively whenever you’re casting a spell so you can benefit from their full strength.”
  161. [+50 Magical Knowledge experience.]
  162. [Your knowledge has increased!]
  163. [ACQUIRED EXPERT KNOWLEDGE OF MAGICAL PROPERTIES (Allows learning of expert tomes/spellbooks, decreases all mana costs by 25%, great control of magic)]
  164. Anon: [HP: 130/130][MP: 30/30]
  165. [3 hours passed.]
  166. >It is now 6:30 P.M.
  168. >”I’ve taught you everything I know about magical theory, you’re a really fast learner! I’ve never seen anypony with as much enthusiasm for the magical arts besides me before! What else do you want to try?”
  170. >Knowledge:
  171. -General (Raises magical ability/experience, teaches general magical knowledge and may raise MP) {Maxed}
  172. -Combat (Focuses on Magical Attack, uses MP) {30 minutes}
  173. -Defense (Focuses on Magical Defense, uses MP and HP) {1 hour}
  174. -Utility (Focuses on the non-combat aspects of magic to better understand how it works and to learn new abilities.) {45 minutes}
  175. -Advanced/Specific (Focuses on a specific spell or aspect of magic for greater understanding and improvement, uses MP) {2 hours}
  176. -Enter Battle Mode (Turns training into battle to gain much higher experience, dangerous)
  177. -Exit Training
  181. >Exit Training
  182. >When Twilight finishes her last lecture and asks you what else you’d like to learn, you hold one hand up while rubbing your head with the other.
  183. “No, that’s okay. I didn’t know my brain could hurt this much… D’you mind if we take a short break, maybe check up on our friends and see how they’re doing?”
  184. >Twilight blinks and stops taking her notes on your progress, nodding.
  185. >”Oh, of course. Sorry, I guess I got a bit carried away. Wow, we haven’t seen anyone else all day? … It’s 6:30?! We’ve been working for 11 hours!”
  186. >Holy shit.
  187. >You saw a few of your group members pass through the hall a few times, but you have no idea about their progress with their own training, or if they even found anybody to train them.
  188. >You go over to one of the more empty tables and start discarding your previously read books on it like you planned to do before.
  189. [Removed Med. Pamphlet (First Aid 101/Procreation), Med. Book (Diseases), Book of Dark Magic, Engineering Book (Practical), and Medical Expertise Books (Bleeding, clots, nasty gashes; stitches and poison treating) from inventory.]
  190. >You feel a bit lighter after taking out those books, and you’re sure the library would like to have them.
  191. >Used (Tome) Teleport
  192. [YOU HAVE LEARNED TELEPORTATION (-20 MP, Allows small distances to be traveled instantly. In Combat: couple with another attack for x3 damage, 5 turn CD)]
  193. >You look over at Twilight and see she’s already writing another letter to Celestia.
  194. >That reminds you.
  195. “Hey, Twilight?”
  196. >”Hm…?”
  197. “Did you get that letter yet? It could hold the key for stopping that magical disease.”
  198. >”I’m sorry Anon, it’s not here yet. It’ll probably be here tomorrow though, so if you’re not staying again, stop by and check, alright?”
  199. “Okay. Oh, and can you tell me anything about this?”
  200. >You scrounge out your Enchanter’s Rune and show it to Twilight.
  201. >She levitates it out of your hands and examines it, the recognition crossing her face instantly.
  202. >”Oh, it’s an Enchanter’s Rune! This is the central tool that all enchanter’s use when they’re modifying anything. They’re used up for every enchantment, so if you bring this to somepony with magical experience, this’ll probably knock off the price a lot, or at the very least let them give you more powerful enchantments.”
  203. >That’s very useful…
  204. “Good to know, thanks for checking it out. Also...”
  205. >She throws it back to you, and you bow to her all of a sudden.
  206. “Thank you, teacher. I’m glad I could be your student and learn what you’ve come to offer.”
  207. >Twilight’s ears flatten and her cheeks flush with red.
  208. >”Oh, that’s okay, really. You don’t have to bow like that, it’s really embarrassing.”
  209. >She’s definitely hiding that she sort of liked that, however miniscule.
  210. >It is now 6:40 P.M.
  211. >What would you like to do?
  215. >Read Starswirl’s Notes: Healing
  217. [You look over the notes and see very scratchy, precise movements, the quill bored so deeply into the paper that there are tears in certain spots. X’s indicate smudges or burns.]
  219. >”Friday, X0X3 of May 12, Age X
  221. It’s been fourteen fortnights and I still haven’t found my underwear! Where could it have gone? Making a mental note here before my experiment to check the Tamriel universe for spare underwear and to replace the Mask of the Dragon Aspect.
  225. Restoration seems to elude Unicornian magic like the plague. I’ve found many alterXXtives through alchemy and enchantments, but straight healing is even more difficult than time travel and dimension hopping. It’s easy to make a hole, but rearranging the elementary particles of the physical universe by the billions to chXge the state of a life force to be stronger isn’t an exemplary field-- I find it quite impossible from my iniXXal tests.
  227. Reporting back, I’ve found that XX XXXXXXX XXXX but only if you focus on the soul’s omicron, but you need the sigma field to be stable in order to process the spell correctly. Keep in Xind that electrons don’t respond well to magical manipulation due to the Equestrian Emotion-Magic ParticXXe, so keep abroad the positive energy that will exXXe if not handled carefully. Repeat-- If you don’t focus on bringing down the positive energy, the spell will explode before you get to blink!
  229. I’ve found an interesting discovery. When you use a blessing that recombobulates the life energy of a living being to State Upsilon 432-Statro. 1, you’ll find that there are a series of quantum tunneling effects that begin to remove the up, top and charm quarks straight out of their respeXXve atoms and sending them back a prediXitioned time directly pXopoXional to the amount of energy put in, same as Newtrot’s laws sound and simple, but here’s the kicker: Fourty thousand newtrot units of magical force is required to even perform a single second’s worth of reversal - making healing in the practical sense nonexistent due to the sheer amount of power. Why, a portal back to the stone ages takes less mana than that! A single second…
  233. I’ve found it. I’ve found the perfect incantation for the hiXest form of efficient healing, perXrmable by myself and a unicorn or magicXder of a strength of greater than 5,000 newtrots. Dear me, if someone lost in time ever finds these notes, look for my wand, as it holds the key to unlocking this charm.
  236. ℐ͎̟͊͊͗ͥ̀̇̀͝ℨ̤͕ℰ̤̹̣ͤ͆͊ℓ̪̲̽̍ͥͧͯ̆ͯ亞┐̷̬̺͓̹̜͈̣ͥ̊ͬ̽⏅̟̩͉̦͇̾̀␢̊͋̇̊̇͏̥ℨ̗̝̋̉̾̄̋ͦ ̲̳̪̊͂̈́̉̿̚┐̬̲̤ͅ ̨͓̮̐͛̑ͥ͊ℰ̢͓͙̫͚͓̻ͨ̽ℨ̨̼̘͕̞͌ ̷̩̖̯̯̞̤ͨ͋̓̀̋̽ͯ ̢͕̯̬͚̞̈̚⏅̸͙̐͂ℰͦͥ͆̑ͥ┐̦̙̭̭̭̅͐̇ͪͥ̽ͯͅ ̬̥̻̗ ̬͕̪͂ͥ̉ͦ̋ℰ͙̜̤̗͖͔̈ͤ͂͝ℐ̢̖̜̞͍̙͍͖͋ͩ͐ ̖̯̼͎͌̒̇ͬ̀͟ ̜ͬͫͨℰ̦̟̜͔̖̓ͫͬͫ̈́̚͟ ͙͇̝͍͐ͣ͂̄̀̄┐͈͈͓̤̩̰̏̃ℐ͒̾͡⏅̷͍͑͒͊̍ͧ̚ℐ̖̓́͢ ̮̻͎̰̍ͭ̃͡ℰ̭̙̙̠̮̭͢ ̫͇̞̪̫̯̏̆͋⏅͙̯̍͋̀͛┐̠̙̳͙̪̼͖̽͛̉ͬ̀̀ℨ̸̳͍̥̳̙ͫ̀̓⏅͌̇ͥ͊̽̚͟⏅͔ ͇̝̜͖̣͖̾ℰ͈̩͓̠̜͔ͬ̿̒ͧℐ̰̝̻̤͈͞┐̺͙͓ͫͩℨ͇̞̥ͬͣ̒̐ℐ̨͔̻͉̇ͬ亞ℨ̘̜͑ͮͣ̚ℰ̼̮͓̪̑ͪ̅̓ͯ͛ℓ̗͓̮̫̘̝̑̊┐͉̤̬͍̱̥̔ͅ⏅̸͉̔̔ͧ̂͊͐̑␢̿ͪͣ҉͖̠̜̻͉̻ℨ̶͚̰̝̭͋̿ͪͥ̌ͥ ̤̕┐̼̘̭͔̬͚ͣ̆͂ͮ̒̆ ̩̞̼ͤ́ℰ̬̜̘̋̐ͥͩ̈͗ℨ̌͒͌҉̮̝̝̩̺̼ ̗̝̪̙͇͓̺ͩ͒͛̽̆̅́ ̟̗̯̺ͬ̏⏅̜̼ ̝̤͐͂̒͂͋̑̇͞ͅͅ ̹̗̲͎̥ℰ̹̬̠̿ͭ̅̀ͦℐ̧ ̣̦̹̪̗̘̑̔̃ͅ ̗͚̯̭͙͋̄ͅℰ̖̤̼͙̟̌ͤ̃̅̉ ̖͎̹̮ͫͩͪ̉̈͂͝ͅ┐̳̤̳̩̽͛̒͂̀ͩ̚͝ℐ̮̞̫̤͞⏅̲̤͍̐̌ͥ̾亞ℐ͍̟̲ͫ̂͞ ̵̰̖͚̳̩ͣ̿̑̎ͭ̾̊ℰ͓͐̽ ̞̤͚̤͂͟⏅̼͈͈ͦ̄͠┐̞͓̲͍ͥ͌̿ℨ̗̭̮̜͔̜͌̎̋ℰ̫͕̱̰̱̩ͬͩͮ̆͒̍ͨℐ̙̂┐̻͉̮̦ͬℨ͌͒
  239. [End Notes]
  240. >...
  242. >You feel an overpowering magical signature from the charm, but you have no way of actually reading it, and it won’t absorb into your vision like the other scroll.
  243. >You immediately walk back over to Twilight.
  244. “Hey, look at this.”
  245. >You open and rub out the scroll for her to see, and she reads over it in a quarter of the time you did, focusing on the charm that lies there.
  246. >”Oh… It’s… Hmm…”
  247. >She scratches her chin with her hoof, eyes darting across the above notes.
  248. >”Well, my magical rating is about 4,700 newtrots, so I couldn’t even perform the charm to see if it works, but I believe you need Starswirl’s wand to unlock it.”
  249. “What’s my magical rating?”
  250. >Twilight clears her throat.
  251. >“”
  252. “You can tell me, don’t get all Flutters on me.”
  253. >”403.”
  254. >...Fuck.
  255. “Well, in any case, I saw it at Fortuna Potions.”
  256. >She looks up at you, and her expression suddenly lights up.
  257. >”Oh, that’s right! Sunwhirl found it during an expedition through the Cave of Maretonia! If you can get it from him, and raise your magical power enough, you might be the first living thing in the new age to learn healing magic. Of course, I’ll want to learn it to, and I definitely want to give this to Celestia, Luna and Cadance, I mean just think of the implications of this, Anon! Oh, I never knew Starswirl kept his notes here in the Library of the Crystal Empire! When did he visit here? I need to find out!”
  258. >Twilight suddenly runs off, leaving you with Starswirl’s notes.
  259. >You roll the notes back up carefully and you leave the Main Hall, going through the palace until you find some patrolling guards.
  260. “Excuse me guys, but do you know where I can find Applejack and Pinkie Pie? Hat and pink?”
  261. >The stallion turns around and directs you just like before.
  262. >”The pink one’s with the uh… annoying blue pegasus, somewhere outside, and the one with the hat is in the guard’s quarters, smashing out target dummies to death.”
  263. “Thanks.”
  264. >They’re separated just as you thought, so you’d have to pick one to go to first.
  265. >What would you like to do?
  269. >You straighten up your gear and head out to the Guard’s Quarters.
  270. >As you approach the right room that you were directed to, you start feeling subtle, periodic vibrations in the crystal floor beneath you.
  271. >You walk into the same hallway as the door, and now the vibrations are becoming more like earthquakes.
  272. >Once you get into arm’s reach of the door, that’s when you know the cause of said earthquakes.
  273. >You open the door, and just as your vision enters the room, an orange mare suddenly slams a big crystal hammer crackling with pure, raw voice, and a target dummy getting completely erased from existence.
  274. >As well as cracking the entire wall behind it.
  275. >The guards are fearful of their lives, cowering in the corner and trying to compose themselves by playing cards, but the second AJ delivers the blow, their cards are blown back all over the place.
  276. >AJ wipes sweat off of her brow, and looks back to assess any damage, but instead sees you.
  277. >”Oh, howdy Anon. Trainin’ goin’ good?”
  278. “...You… You’re uh…”
  279. >”Sweet, huh? This here sugarcube is what a real workin’ pony can do wit’ her time if you give her the righ’ tools. I’m usin’ mah own voice to make this thing go real fast, wanna see?”
  280. “I already saw… That’s amazing.”
  281. >She smiles underneath the mask, leaning on the handle of her hammer and checking her hoof like it was no big deal.
  282. >It gives you a strong memory of Dash.
  283. >”Ah know you told us to train, so we’re all trainin’. Well, except Berry and Iron.”
  284. “Wait, what?”
  285. >”Yeah, we tried to get ‘em out of bed, but they complained that there weren’t no guards here that knew anything about unarmed combat, so they decided to, uh, ‘sleep in’.”
  286. “But you’re here training by yourself, too.”
  287. >”That’s cause I needed to mess with this here mask!”
  288. “Ah.”
  289. >“By the way, I talked to Red about your little fun las’ night.”
  290. “...Oh no.”
  291. >”Oooh yeah. Just a little tip for ya: Don’t clench.”
  292. >She chuckles as you stare dumbfounded, and revs up her hammer.
  293. >Now AJ’s swinging that huge thing like it’s a piece of paper.
  294. >”I’ma get back to it. Have fun, Anon.”
  295. “Y-yeah.”
  296. >”Oh, and..”
  297. >She looks at you with intense eyes and a solid tip of the hat.
  298. >”Thanks for checkin’ up on me. Really helps the morale that you’re still thinkin’ of us, ya know?”
  299. “Of course.”
  301. [APPLEJACK HAS LEARNED STRATUS SWING! (R, +100 PA, +20 MA, ½ chance to crit for x3, 7 turn CD)]
  302. >Applejack is now busy training.
  303. >What would you like to do?
  307. >You leave the quarters and find a distance away from it not being vibrated by the constant attacks of Applejack’s mighty swings.
  308. >You need to make some good time with an idea that you just acquired, and for that you have to have peace and quiet.
  309. >When you’re in one of the many halls of the Palace, no patrolling guards or pounding hammers, you sit down cross-legged and wrap your hand together.
  310. >With a resolve to train on your own, you close your eyes, take a deep breath, and begin feeling the magic within you.
  311. >Your markings begin to glow from underneath your armor, a soft white glow beginning to wave out of your outline.
  313. [MEDITATING . . .]
  314. [You focus on positive thoughts. The love of your life, Redheart, crosses through your mind. All the friends you’ve made through these last few weeks warm your heart, and heat your mana. When you meditate with these thoughts, you feel much more powerful than you usually do.]
  316. [MEDITATING . . .]
  317. [You then switch your mind’s focus to that of negativity. The haziness of your memories and the frustration that comes from it reveals its power as you feel your mana beginning to bubble away. The shadow, the pain and suffering it’s caused, the death that has happened because of it, and yourself, brings your mana pool to a stagnant state.]
  319. [MEDITATING . . .]
  320. [Finally, you erase your entire mind off all thought and conscious effort. Your mana begins flowing normally, coursing through your body at a steady state. However, as you keep your mind blank, emotions completely neutral, you feel an odd, tingling sensation. As you focus on the mana itself, the flow and waveform nature of your mana starts to quicken, boiling in an unstable state and becoming more chaotic. Soon, it becomes so fast, flowing through your body that you can physically feel the power within you, and you realize that your magic is easily ten times stronger and larger than it was before, and quickly rising. Thinking about this instantly dissolves the effects, and within seconds it’s back to normal.]
  322. [You have learned how to better control your mana.]
  323. >...
  325. >You gasp from the enriching experience of what you’ve just performed.
  326. >The state of nirvana you experienced with no emotions didn’t help with what you were trying to achieve, but boy if you didn’t stumble upon something completely new.
  327. >You’ll need to work on that more, because you feel like you were close to something like a vision in your dreams that you wake up right before you open that door.
  328. >You stand up and realize that you were meditating for a solid hour.
  329. >It is now 8:00 P.M.
  330. >You’re pretty sure you want to go find Pinkie.
  331. >What would you like to do?
  335. >You take off out of the hallway, and make your way out back to the Main Hall.
  336. >From there, you walk out of the Crystal Palace and nod at the guards standing at attention.
  337. >You begin looking around at the wide, flat area under the palace and around it, but you can’t seem to find Pinkie or Rainbow Dash anywhere.
  338. >You look for around ten minutes before realizing they’re not here in the slightest.
  339. >You go back to the guards standing guard.
  340. “Hey, have you guys seen a pink pony and a blue pegasus around here?”
  341. >They both nod.
  342. >”They were out here training for quite a while, but they just recently left the Palace.”
  343. “Do you know where they went?”
  344. >”They went south, but we don’t know where.”
  345. “Alright, thank you.”
  346. >South is in the direction of the stores.
  347. >What would you like to do?
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