
Princesses do Double Dare Slopstacle Course.

May 4th, 2017
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  1. >You never thought you'd be watching the princesses do something like this ever.
  2. >But, weird things seemed to happen in Equestria.
  3. >You got invited to watch a little bit of a show.
  4. >Some kind of messy game show with challenges and such.
  5. >The Princesses on one side, the other side was 4 of the Elements of Harmony.
  6. >Except Rarity.
  7. >Rarity was not apparently getting messy.
  8. >It was a fun thing, seeing the two teams get covered in slime and other messy concoctions.
  9. >The princesses won barely, so they get to go on the final thing.
  10. >An obstacle course.
  11. >A very messy obstacle course.
  12. >You watch the well dressed host go over the instructions.
  13. >Granted, he's well dressed, but even he's gotten a bit messy, especially in his curly brown hair.
  14. >"Okay, so we have eight objects, the simple challenge is to complete all eight of the challenges and finish within sixty seconds. I'll break this down."
  15. >He goes over to Celestia, next to the first spot, a giant gumball machine.
  16. >"This is gumdrop. All Luna has to do is put the giant bit into the machine and you hop in, come out this hole and grab the flag to pass it to Luna."
  17. >He then walks over to Luna, who's next to a pool of Water with a paddle and raft at one side.
  18. >"And this is Lake Double Dare, you just need to get on the raft, paddle to the the other side, grab the flag and pass it to Cadance."
  19. >Moving to the third obstacle, a massive... door with a doggy entrance, and... a bowl of dog food.
  20. >Cadance looks worried.
  21. >"All you need to do, is go through the Doggie Door, that's the obstacles name, and dig through the dog food. Find the flag and pass it to Princess Twilight."
  22. >He moves over to Twilight, who is staring at a tricycle in confusion.
  23. >He pats her on the back, motioning to the brick wall put together with... is that Whipped Cream?
  24. ----
  25. >"All you need to do is ride this tricycle through the brick wall with shaving cream, grab the flag and pass it to Celestia."
  26. >He moves over to Celestia, now in front of another tank, as he looks inside, it's filled with green slime.
  27. >"This one's easy, Princess Celestia, you just jump in and swim to the other side, grab the flag, pass it to your sister, done. You're lucky it could've been filled with baked beans!"
  28. >He then moves over to Luna, who's standing behind a regular slide... except the slide's tongue is covered in chocolate syrup.
  29. >That and it leads into a massive ice cream sundae.
  30. >This would be Pinkie's favorite obstacle, as you can tell as she rushes for it, but security is just on top of her as she gets dragged away, begging for just one taste.
  31. >The host speaks again.
  32. >"This is The Big Scoop. All you need to do is go down the slide, Luna, right into the sundae. Get up, grab the flag and hand it to Cadance."
  33. >He moves over to Cadance, standing next to a massive popcorn box.
  34. >"Simply put, this is Pop Corn, just pull this thing and it'll empty out the popcorn. Find the flag inside, and hand it to Twilight and you get to do the final obstacle."
  35. >He slides over to Twilight for the final obstacle, and she's standing next to a small makeshift mountain.
  36. >"Mount Saint Double Dare, Princess Twilight. All you need to do is pull the cord, and then it'll erupt! Slime will fly everywhere, but so will the flag. Just grab the flag and you four beat the course."
  37. >He takes a look at the princesses.
  38. >"Just remember, you have sixty seconds, so go as quickly as you can, things will get messy, but messy is fun, trust me. Are you ready?"
  39. >After discussing, the four nod.
  40. >"Well then, get into position."
  41. >The four do on the first four obstacles and you realize.
  42. >You should've brought an umbrella.
  43. ----
  44. >The host counts down after getting next to the Gum Drop.
  45. >"Just remember, no magic or flying. On your marks... Get set... Go!"
  46. >Luna puts in the nickel and Celestia jumps in, it doesn't take long for her to come barreling out of the exit, grabbing the flag and hoofing it to Luna.
  47. >The Night Princess quickly goes over and jumps on the raft, using the paddle to get across Lake Double Dare, splashing the crowd, and you as she reaches over and grabs the flag, giving it to Cadance.
  48. >Course, Luna also splashes Cadance as she's now all wet.
  49. >Cadance rushes under the Doggie Door, going to the dog bowl, and begins digging around for the flag, making a mess on the ground, before grabbing the flag, giving it to Twilight.
  50. >Twilight rushes over, getting on the tricycle, and almost tips over and falls to start.
  51. >Course, she eventually rides through the brick wall, now splattered in whipped cream.
  52. >She reaches up and grabs the flag, giving it to Celestia.
  53. >Celestia sees the massive tank and flings her massive body in, they have about thirty seconds left.
  54. >Slime goes everywhere, hitting even Rarity, who somehow stayed in the crowd to watch this.
  55. >She comes up, looking more like a massive slime monster as she swims to the other side of the tank, grabbing the flag and hands it to Luna.
  56. >Luna runs and climbs up the ladder, going down the slide face-first in the ice cream.
  57. >She pulls her head out of the ice cream, cherry on her head, grabbing and giving Cadance the sixth flag.
  58. >Fifteen seconds left.
  59. >Cadance runs to empty the massive popcorn, as Pinkie Pie flies out of nowhere, tackling Luna into the ice cream, covering them both.
  60. >The massive popcorn kernels cover Cadance, burying her underneath them.
  61. >But her hoof pops out, holding the last flag, but there's only about six seconds left!
  62. >Twilight grabs the flag and reaches over to pull the cord.
  63. >Slime erupts from the mountain, going everywhere, even covering the host.
  64. >In fact everyone gets covered.
  65. >Twilight's madly searching the slime.
  66. >Three... two... one....
  67. >An alarm sounds.
  68. >Twilight couldn't find the flag.
  69. >The crowd awwwww's in annoyance.
  70. >The host comes over, cleaning his face with slime.
  71. >"Well... Seven out of Eight is very good. I mean, some ponies get stuck at the halfway mark. Not bad for no magic, princesses."
  72. >He nudges Twilight with an elbow.
  73. >The other princesses walk over.
  74. >Luna's still covered in Ice Cream, but she sneaks over and drops some of the ice cream on Twilight.
  75. >Course, Tia comes around and drips Slime all over Luna.
  76. >Cadance laughs, but Twilight grins, magicing a bucket to pick up some slime and slimes Cadance.
  77. >The four princesses laugh loudly.
  78. >They seem to have enjoyed themselves on the obstacle course.
  79. >But there's one last thing.
  80. >Celestia grins as she uses her horn to pick up the host, and drops him right into the tank of slime.
  81. >More slime splatters on you and the rest of the crowd.
  82. >The Princesses jump in as well, and even some crowd members do as well.
  83. >Except Rarity, who hmphs.
  84. >"Well, I never would believe you'd all get so messy."
  85. >She turns to her left, and Rainbow Dash puts a pie right in her face.
  86. >And that's how Double Dare somehow became a thing in Equestria.
  87. >Course somepone had to calm down Rarity before she buried Dash in pie filling.
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