
Predator blinded

Mar 25th, 2024
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  1. It was time for more desperate weapons. The major withdrew the flash-grenade from around his neck. Then, with a swift jerk of his hand, he struck and tossed it forward, and it exploded, briefly illuminating the whole area below the bonfire. During that instant Schaefer saw his enemy poised on a rock above him, its weapon raised and about to strike. But momentarily blinded by the flash the alien recoiled, ducking its head to the side.
  3. As the phosphorous shed by the grenade faded Schaefer seized the advantage. Before the golden eyes could activate again he hurled his bang-stick spear. It smashed into the boulder at the creature’s feet and detonated, exploding the face of the rock. The alien sprang back too late, and shrapnel tore into its body. With a terrifying scream of pain and fury the creature clutched frantically at its neck and chest. Then with a second bloodcurdling shriek of rage it jumped off its rocky platform and disappeared into the night.
  5. The Predator (1987 novelization), chapter 16
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