
Shiori **Copy**

Sep 16th, 2016
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  1. rsz_2shiorimaid_zpsd8992d97.jpg
  4. Bio
  8. Name: Shiori Makado
  10. Alias: Blood-Soaked Rose
  11. Gender: Male
  12. Age: 20
  13. Birth date: February 14th, 1994
  14. Birthplace: Kobe, Japan
  15. Currently residing: Soul Society
  16. History:
  18. Life in the living world
  21. Shiori Makado. The son of Kaido and Aisha Makado and the next in line to govern over the Makado's in their branch of the Yakuza. His father was a rather cold and ruthless crime lord as opposed to his mother who was a noble kindred spirit. His father being off always on business was never around even for his birth. He spent most of his childhood at the side of his mother who thought him to embrace his gentle nature much like her own despite the qualities of the family. She encouraged him that one day a kind hearted leader could very well unite the families in peace and harmony instead of warring with each other. Shiori took his mother’s words to heart and did his best to spread joy to his family to see them happy instead of sour all the time from fighting. By the time shiori was five years old and preparing to enter his first year of school his father Kaido decided to take his mother on vacation to Tokyo for their anniversary and promised to return in time to take him to his first day of school. Before leaving Aisha took her young son and brushed out his long crimson red hair putting it into a pony tail he loved to wear. They talked for a while about what they would be doing in Tokyo promising to call him daily and left shortly after with his father.
  24. The first couple of days he waited by the phone awaiting his parents call and surely enough they did. The next day he received a call from his mother but his father was nowhere to be heard. She didn't say where he was only she would have him call when he returned to their room. The next few days he hadn't heard a word from his parents and he knew they should have returned by now as his entrance ceremony was around the corner. He waited and waited and there were still no signs of his parents return. They were only supposed to be gone a few days and yet they hadn't even so much as called. The day came for his ceremony and he refused to leave home without his parents being there to take him but his grandfather eventually calmed him and went in their place. After attending school for the first week and asking his grandfather daily had he heard anything from his parents he sighed and picked Shiori up onto his lap to explain that his parents had been killed by a rival family and that soon they would be holding a memorial service for them.
  26. This was a heavy blow to the psyche of young Shiori as he could never imagine life without his parents there with him. His large family was the only thing keeping the young boy from shutting down emotionally as he didn't know how to handle such a situation. At the day of the memorial ceremony as he kneeled before his parent's shrine he felt a hand upon his shoulders one strong and heavy the other light and gentle but both very familiar. He looked up to acknowledge them seeing the faces of both of his parents looking down at him. His father pressed a finger to his lips asking him to remain quiet as his mother placed her hand upon his cheek to calm the boy. He didn't quite understand why he could see them and no one else seemed to but he was just happy that they were there and he could see them one more time before they faded away.
  28. After seeing the spirits of his parents he was able to regain himself and continue on with his life excelling through school if not in social activities. He was Bright yet he was a socially awkward child. Lots of times he was made fun of for his long red hair and other times because he resembled a girl in name and appearance. He never argued or fought with them he just ignored them and kept to himself. One day as he sat along one of the living areas of his home he began hearing unusual sounds and seeing ghostly figures stalking many of his uncles and cousins. Some were men, some were women, there were even a few children that seemed to haunt them. He didn't really understand why there would be so many apparitions invading his home until he started listening to them more closely. These spirits were sad, they were angry, they were the spirits of those his family had murdered hoping to make their assailants feel guilty for the things they had done to them. Not knowing more what to do, he would catch the attention of a spirit or two and hold a conversation with them. He offered them a deal that if they would pass on and be happy like his parents who met similar fates he would in return change the ways of his family when he was leader. Some agreed and others reluctantly did so wanting to see his kin's blood in return but his childlike innocence and sincerity had quite the charm over them. This was the day he decided he would surely put an end to the bloodshed.
  31. Shiori thought long and hard about ways that he could help make things better with the yakuza but nothing really stood out to him. Though there was one activity he was interested in that seemed to work for others. Martial arts. As a young boy he would often watch live action super heroes who were very strong and noble defending the innocent through profound abilities in martial arts. He vowed to one day learn to do the same to assist in his goal of uniting the families. One day he snuck out of class to pursue this particular dojo he heard about that wasn't very famous because the sensei was disliked among many other schools and refused to acknowledge them as an official dojo. It would be perfect in learning in secret away from his family and the ridicule of the other children. Gathering up the courage to speak to the sensei he took a liking to the boy's determination and interest to learn and offered to help him. Between his school work and Training he quickly rose to the heights expected of him by him family and sensei. Practicing not only martial arts but the art of the sword as well.
  34. As he was ready to graduate into junior high school his grandfather began to speak with him about how he was getting older and soon he would have to take the place of his father as the head of the family. This was something he had been preparing himself for but their ideals of running the family were completely opposite of his own desires. He wanted peace and tranquility. They wanted more violence and bloodshed in the conquest to be the strongest family in japan. He started to neglect his grandfather's lectures in business and warfare. Since his class was out for a while he decided to take his martial prowess and use it in another productive way by taking up dance lessons with a private tutor his grandmother hired for him. The hours he put into dancing were the only peace of mind he could obtain within his own home. Step by step he began learning several dances that took to him and made him feel as if he was telling his tale of turmoil lying deep within his heart as his tutor would put it. When he was ready he put on a performance for his family that left them in silence of his grace and beauty. They seemed to understand his desires for peace through his dance. They seemed to be closer together enjoying the performance and this is what he wanted more than anything. To have unity within the ranks. Though to his dismay his grandfather was not all too happy about this. He did not like the fact the only heir left to take his place wasted his time like this instead of learning how to control the family business.
  37. One day when it was close for Shiori's entrance ceremony into his new school he sat down to have dinner with his grandfather that cause a major fight between them about his 'lack of respect for the family'. This was a serious stab to him. He had done all he could to please his grandfather aside from wishing to learn his violent ways of conducting 'business' and he further refused to learn anything having to do with the yakuza at this point. He stormed off into his parent’s room rather upset and missing his parents more than ever, especially his mother. It had been a few years since the death of his parents yet the maids continued to keep it sparkling clean and as the way it was when they left. He snuck into his mother’s closet and clung to one of her dresses as began to mourn his parents again. He would have done anything to see them again and tell him what to do. The sweet scent of his mother’s perfume still lingered on her dress as the fragrance was well preserved inside her closet. It helped to soothe his spirit and he drifted off to sleep dreaming about the happiness he shared with his mother. As he awakened he decided that he could rebel against his grandfather and still be close to his mother at the same time and thus he began tailoring some of her clothing as she had done in the past to fit him and started to dress in this manner every day to annoy his grandfather to no end. It was just another way to show that he would not bend to the cruel ways of the family.
  40. Shiori began his days in his new school much to the confusion of his fellow classmates. As they thought a boy named Shiori was weird but when he appeared in class dressed as he was everyone immediately started treating him like a girl. He continued to express the fact he was a boy to them but no one believed him and he hated conflict so he started to let them believe whatever they wished of him. It didn't change who he was even if he did sort of like the attention he was still much too shy to act upon it. Since his new school was still close to his dojo he started to attend again after being on break for a while. No one believed it was the same Shiori at all but they knew it was indeed him. The one most shocked by this was his Sensei who seemed to shun him. This was most odd to Shiori as his sensei had always been fond of him and he was a bit of a class favorite so this change in behavior was most peculiar. He shrugged it off and continued his lessons as normal.
  43. One day on his way to class he was assaulted by two masked individuals whom carried him off into an alley way. He was caught by surprised at first but seeing them pull out knives he quickly regained his senses to defend himself against his attackers using his dancing to flow with their attacks and used his martial training to disable them quickly before grabbing his bag and running away. He reported his attack to the principle upon arrives to explain why he was late and it was apparent due to the dirt on his clothing and a few tears from when he was snatched. It took him some time to relax and recover from the initial shock as he had never ever been in an actual fight with anyone let alone one for his life. He was never so happy to attend his training again in his life as it had helped him to live another day. His sensei seemed very surprised he'd made it to class and there were two students missing that day but he shrugged it off. He would never think that two of his friends would have attacked him in the streets like cowards. Though it was when he was attacked not once more but twice more that he began to question their loyalty and confronted his sensei. Of course his sensei would deny that he would ever have a hand in his students street fighting let alone armed assault. Being the kind person he was he trusted his sensei and dropped the subject.
  46. As Shiori grew through junior high and excelled further in his training as well as his dancing he became more and more confident that he would definitely be the strong leader his family needed while kind and gentle as well. Wearing his mother’s clothing definitely helped his moral as he always felt he was within her warm embrace giving him the strength to preserver no matter what. After his junior graduation ceremony he was invited to go out to a small party at one of the local karaoke clubs with some of his class mates. He was very reluctant as he was not use to anyone ever inviting him to anything and it made him very uncomfortable. Yet they were so adamant about it he accepted and went along for the ride. He actually had a lot of fun with them and it was pretty late by the time they departed and one of boys offered to walk him home but he declined as he was capable of taking care of himself. The walk home was rather quiet and peaceful as he took his time enjoying the crisp night air. It was sudden that a much larger group of masked assailants attacked him from above and tried to pin him to the ground. If not for the scraping of the roof tops he would have never heard them coming in time to avoid them. This group was much heavier armed than the last two and had no intention to let him leave alive. Shiori wanted to scream for help but he knew he wouldn't get an answer and he would have to fight his way out. This discouraged him as he knew he couldn't get by without seriously hurting some of them. He didn't have much time to decide as they rushed him. He gracefully stepped around them trying not to hit hem but rather redirecting their attacks into one another. This method went well until one slashed him across the back throwing him off balance and angering him in the process. The adrenaline flowing through him helped nullify the pain long enough to strike down the remaining thugs long enough to clear and opening giving him the opportunity to run for it. They chased him for quite a while until they realized he was near his family's home and there would be a night watch. They faded away as they drew closer and left him be as he made it through the gates.
  49. His grandfather was outraged at him for not killing them for attacking him especially after he was wounded. He bashed Shiori calling him a weak excuse for a n heir among other very hurtful things demoralizing the boy even more. It was bad enough he was starting to think that his method of things was horribly wrong and his grandfather had been right this whole time. There could be no peace. Only blood and tears...He began acting more cold and distant than ever shunning his new found friends from his class and becoming very hateful. As the large wound over his back began to heal he started to remember his mother's words. Hurting someone that hurt you will only cause them to want to hurt you even more and eventually someone ends up badly hurt or worse. There is no need to hate the world because one person or even many dislike you. Just show them how kind you can be and they'll eventually change their ways. His mother was his rock and he wouldn't let her down even if she couldn't be there with him. He cast his hatred aside and continued to move forward as he entered high school.
  52. From his first year in high school until his third and final year. His attacks became more and more frequent until they happened every day before graduation. By now he was well aware that the ones attacking him were his fellow students of the dojo but he couldn't pin the attacks on his sensei being the one to organize them. Being in tune with the spiritual world there were often times where stray spirits would speak to him saying they've seen the people that have followed him to attack him. They all seem to be connected to one source and that source traced back to his sensei. One spirit urged him to go confront the man because he was a very black hearted man who had killed him and that's why he clung to the world to see him meet his end. Shiori told the spirit if these things were true he could not extract revenge for him but he would bring him to justice. The next day when he returned home coming from school there was a letter from his sensei that told him to meet with him atop the roof of the high school and he would explain why. If he were to come the attacks on his life would cease and all would be well. Shiori knew that he could passively resolve this if he understood why this kept happening and took up the sword he had trained with at the dojo. He didn't like to use weapons but this was something he was fond of. He knew that he may need to use it should they attack him along the way. Telling his family to assist him would be the smart thing to do but he didn't want to jeopardize anyone if he was the only one they wanted. Dressing in black to help blend into the night he set out to confront his sensei.
  55. Without fail there were some that tried to attack him but he was more than well prepared for them by now. He couldn't understand why they bothered to pretend anymore even if he was a little sore from all their attacks he was a much better fighter because of it. He may not have been the smartest when it came to right out common sense but even he wasn't that dumb. What ran through his mind was what was it that their sensei promised them that made them so eager to fight an opponent they couldn't defeat. Was it money, promises of power? He couldn't understand it at all but he would soon enough he thought as he walked up the stairs of the school. As he opened the door and stepped onto the roof there his sensei was sitting there facing him. He immediately started laughing and looking at him almost endearingly before speaking in a rather creepy manner calling him 'Beautiful'. Shiori was disturbed and demanded to know what this was all about all these years of unprovoked attacked. He stood and grabbed the handle of his sword causing Shiori to do the same in reaction. His sensei went onto explain how he knew exactly who shiori was because he looked and even smelled exactly like Aisha. He went on to speak about how he was supposed to be Shiori's father were it not for Kaido. He was supposed to be the one to marry his mother and because of that being the head of his family he waged silent war on the makado's. If he could kill Shiori in a series of thug related attacks with kids who weren't in his family no one would suspect him of being the one who killed their Heir just like he killed his parents. Upon Hearing this Shiori's rational mind snapped and his father's blood boiled deep within him. There was to peace, there was no harmony, there was no way he would talk his way from this fight. There was only anger and the desire for revenge for his parent’s death. Especially over such a childish reason he would not be forgiven.
  58. Shiori drew his sword and launched his attack toward his sensei sparking the inevitable fight. Back and forth they went on equal terms for quite some time. Shiori's dancing and his Sensei's experience clashed fiercely in a shower of sparks cut for cut, blow for blow, they fought until the fatigue of battling so many opponents bared down on Shiori. He started to give way and he began to lose his footing giving his sensei the advantage he needed to critically wound the boy. With revenge burning brightly in his eyes he refused to die until this man lay at his feet. He went into a deathless rage of desire to destroy his sensei his body spiked with adrenaline and he began back his sensei into a corner forcing him to the edge of the building where he lost his footing. Before he could fall Shiori grabbed his sensei by the collar of his shirt and forced him back onto the roof where he drove his blade through his gut. Feeling a calm come over him knowing he had won the fight he let his sensei fall back onto the ground below. His body felt weak and cold as his blood poured from his wounds but he used the last of his strength to make it to a nearby generator and fall down against it. He'd never wanted to kill but he knew if he didn't he would die yet here he was bleeding out slowly to his own demise. He looked to where the battle ended and laughed coughing up quite a bit of blood forgiving his sensei for his horrible ways and hoped he would gain forgiveness as well. His eyes felt heavy and darkness clouded his vision. He was tired and this blissful feeling was just the rest he needed. Closing his eyes he passed out in a puddle of his own blood.
  61. After death
  64. Shiori suddenly awakened shortly after falling asleep assuming that everything was fine. He stood up and began to walk around moving over to the ledge where his sensei had fallen. There he was surely dead as there was no way he would survive the fall as well as being impaled. He has killed his sensei but in honesty it was, in a sense, self-defense but he didn’t know how well that would go over if he were caught. He turned around to walk back to the stairwell when he noticed a long trail of blood before him. Once wouldn’t usually want to follow a blood trail but he was compelled to for some reason. There were only two people there his sensei and himself. If it wasn’t his sensei’s blood then it must have been…but it couldn’t be he wasn’t bleeding anymore nor was there any pain from his wounds. That just made him all the more afraid but he swallowed hard and looked to where it lead and surely enough there he was. HE didn’t understand this situation. How could he be over there when he was clearly right where he was standing as well? Is this what they called an out of body experience? He figured if that was the case all he had to do was return to his body and everything would be fine. He walked over to it and kneeled down before trying to go back into his body but he couldn’t. This terrified him even more. He looked dead…? Dead!? He couldn’t be dead! What could have killed him!? He tried grabbing his corpse to shake it awake but he couldn't even touch it. He fell back and just stared at his bloodied body as there was nothing more he could do. He was…dead…
  66. Not knowing more what to do he left the school anyway and made his way back home and laid in his bed on the verge of tears refusing to accept the fact he was gone for good. His family was rich and powerful. They would find some way to bring him back to life. This couldn’t be the end. No way this was his final hour. He was still so young and had a lot to do in life, a lot of promises to keep. How could he if he were dead!? This was just unacceptable. He stayed there the rest of the night in his room trying to sleep. Could a spirit sleep? Spirits are supposed to be restless aren’t they? His mind was filled with far too many thoughts to even sleep anyway. After a few hours of being in darkness the sun peeked its way into his window. Ah ha! The warm sun light would soon touch his skin and remind him that the night before was all one horrible nightmare. He would get up from bed, eat his breakfast and go to school as if nothing happened…because it didn’t. He laid in the light for quite some time not feeling a single ray upon him. Odd…maybe it was just very cold in his room as he got up and left his room.
  68. He went into his usual seat at the table waiting for his grandfather to awaken and eat with him. Surely enough, his grandfather came in and took his seat as well as other members who didn’t usually eat with him. They were discussing the whereabouts of the ‘young master’ and how he wasn’t in his room this morning. Shiori kept talking to them to tell them he was right there. Tried as he might he just felt as if he were in one of his nightmares where no one could hear him no matter how loudly he yells. One of the maids came in and requested that they turned on the news in the dining room as there was something they should see. The announcer of the news was reporting a double homicide at his high school that was discovered early that morning. The names of the two victims were displayed as they were identified. Shiori dreaded what she would say hoping she wouldn’t say his name and as if on cue the words ‘Shiori Makado’ was displayed under a school photo of him. His grandfather caused an uproar upon hearing his name and stormed out of the manor with a few other members of the family who rushed to the high school to see for themselves. Shiori just sat there his eyes overflowing with tears as he finally realized he was truly dead.
  71. Leaving his home behind knowing there was nothing left for him there; he wandered through the streets of Kobe looking for a place to exist. Why he was still in the living world he couldn’t understand. He was always convinced that once a spirit left its body they would be taken to the spirit world. There was no grim reaper pointing him to the river styx. There wasn’t even a cute girl on an oar flying around screaming ‘bingo’ at him. What was he to do? Was his punishment to roam the world of the living not being acknowledged by anyone? He was use to the lonely feeling because he chose to be lonely but at least the fact of people speaking to him still made him feel alive. Maybe all he needed was to be in the company of another spirit. He quickly made his way around town to one of the many locations he’d met with spirits before. Luckily he found one that greeted him happily. They stayed there together for quite some time keeping each other company and giving him the feeling of being content.
  74. A couple of days into being a spirit and he started to hear strange monstrous howls throughout the day that made him quite concerned. He had never heard such sounds when he was alive not even in horror films. This was more…authentic… what could be making such terrible noises? The spirit with him told him that he could hear them to and have been since he’s died as well. They never sounded so close before. The spirit had heard rumors about souls who had heard those screams before and they were never seen again after hearing them. Shiori was indeed frightened by this line of thinking but these were just literal ghost stories…right? Not long after the sounds got even closer and one day while he was out wandering the city his friend was gone without a trace. HE was alone again and the screams only got louder so he decided it was time to take the warning seriously and leave the area.
  77. After leaving the spot he was attached to he started to wander around without cause again. He was amazingly depressed as being dead was supposed to be peaceful not so dreadfully dull. He sighed and went to the top of a local hotel to watch the view of the city. If you were to see a monster a nice tall building would give you the jump on it at least. However, it wasn’t a monster he encounters but a squad of strange people in black clothing appearing behind him. They immediately informed him that it was not safe here for souls and that it was their duty to help spirits ascend to the soul society before they were devoured by the hollow. Duty? Soul society? Hollow? What did any of that mean to him? All he saw was a group of weirdoes in funny clothing trying to give him orders. He stuck his tongue out at them and leapt from the building running from the funny looking guys only to have them reappear in front of him seconds later. This was shocking to him as humans shouldn’t be able to move that fast. Maybe they were the grim reapers? They demanded that he cease his childishness and allow them to perform soul burial. This all sounded much too weird for him and he continued to try and flee from them. They tried to detain him but he gracefully danced from their grasps causing them to pile onto each other buying him enough time to hide. He thought he was safe and that he wouldn’t be found again but this game of cat and mouse went on for a week before he got tired of running from them.
  80. He was about to accept his fate when a rather large sized hollow burst from a nearby wall and thrashed the soul reapers that were patrolling the area. As they were knocked unconscious by its surprise attack it quickly put its attention on Shiori licking at him in a hungry manner. This disgusting display caused shiori to return the gesture poking his tongue out at the ugly monster before it roared loudly and caused him to become rather frightful. It was the same sound he was told be be wary of and this was the thing that would devour a soul. The creature wiped its mouth and lunged at the defenseless boy as a split second white blur blew past him as well as the hollow and it faded away in a large butterfly-like glyph. The strange item on her hand returned into a sword that she kept in her hand glaring at him with cold eyes. She was quite cute to be as short as she was but he was much to dazzled by what just happened to mess with her. The woman immediately started to spit fire at him with many many insults causing him to retract his cute statement before she rammed the handle of her sword into his forehead knocking him right back on his behind as he started to fade from the living world to the soul society.
  84. Life in the soul society
  88. Shiori was very confused about the things that happened. One minute he was in a modernized city in the living world and the next it’s like that woman’s sword was a time travel device. He seemed to be in a feudal time of japan where everything was…well dated. He had been there for a few weeks now and picked up on the fact he was apparently in the west rukongai ‘s 9th district. It was a rather fancy looking place but it was still too old fashion for his tastes. Not like he had a choice apparently.
  91. One thing he didn’t understand was the fact that other souls never had to buy a single bite to eat but he was rather hungry and didn’t know why. Why would a soul have to need food? There wasn’t a body to nurture. He was laying on a bench one day groaning as he was bored and hungry. Life as a soul was JUST as hard as being alive and that was definitely annoying. Before long he was surrounded by a small unit of what he learned were ‘shinigami’ that requested that he is to be escorted to the seireitai. He noticed these were the same guys that chased him in the world of the living. Not feeling like resisting them this time around he followed them obediently. Anything would be more fun than being there on that bench any longer.
  94. Along the way there they spoke with him about how much trouble they got into for not being able to catch a single soul among the three of them. They spoke to their superior and they could use someone with moves like that and they recommended that he be called in to be evaluated for shinigami training at the academy. He never got to graduate high school to this would be a good chance to fill that hole in his heart. He accepted willingly and eagerly went into the academy. After all this would most definitely be a solution to undying boredom.
  99. The young flower buds
  101. Upon entering the academy things were quite intimidating for Shiori at first. The sounds of martial training, swordplay, and even fiery explosions were all around him. Being new to it all he was of course placed into a squad of new students to take an introductory class about all that has happened and why they were there as well as where they could potentially wind up. He was rather confused as to why he was given the red hakama over the blue until it dawned on him they assumed he was a female. Of course he looked much better in the red anyhow he wouldn’t correct them simply for that reason. This was as normal a life as he could have imagined. Being able to Study, eat, and live with his fellow classmates. It was something that helped put him at ease to slowly integrate him into this lifestyle. As the days passed on his body started to remember and do things he couldn't quite explain. It affected his way of moving, the sway he had, and the sound of his everyday life forming a harmonious tune. After a few months of training, embracing his talent and studying he was known to be rather proficient in zanjutsu and hakuda but was more than excellent when it came to hoho. He was also very studious with the academics alongside the physical aspects. With due time, he skipped to the top of his class and was moved into the accelerated program. His only down fall was his lack of ability and willingness to try and understand Kido. It was like taboo for him as he couldn’t grasp the concept of it. Sure, the idea to fire lightning from ones fingertip was interesting. Yet it seemed harsh. He was just as kind, compassionate and umbel as he was when he was alive. The sword could be used to be nonlethal, striking someone even more so, yet even binding kido was a bit much to him. It still looked so very painful to be forcefully bound by shards of light or rods striking through you to pin a person down. It just made him shudder at the thought of not being allowed to flow freely. He utterly rebuked it and strived to make up for in other ways what he lacked instead. His results were hard to deny when he was one of the absolute fastest in terms of speed and learning capability. He lived up to the stories of being able to avoid full-fledged shinigami with nothing but his street savvy and natural instincts. With his credentials being very satisfactory verified he was pushed through as a graduate quite early. With his unique style and speed he was given to the division who recommended him, The Second Division.
  103. The rose that bloomed into the blood-soaked street.
  105. Day one, Shiori was highly impressed with how the headquarters looked. It was so much more…advanced than what he had personally seen since coming to the soul society. It was a nice change from the medieval Japanese look for sure. He didn’t have much time to enjoy it before being greeted by the two members who had helped him out so much. They spent some time catching up and congratulating him on his success with getting into the division. Though, it was fun he was quickly reminded by them and the paper in his sash that he was to report to the captain. Stopping to collect his memory on who the captain was his smile went neutral. The captain, while rather adorable, was like a Pomeranian with the bite of a pit bull. She didn’t look it but she was scarily vicious even when she was silent. Soi-fon, the woman who’d finally ended his free run through the living world. She did rescue him and he was grateful for it all but with the force she slammed her weapon into his head he got a headache in memory. He took a deep breath and went to her office to meet her once more.
  106. Their conversation was short, one-sided and tension filled. It pretty much summed up to how everything he’d known should be casted away. He was only there to kill and eliminate whatever he was ordered to and should he fall he was nothing more than a weakling who wouldn’t be missed. Harsh, yet it was to be expected. He bowed and gave his word he would do his best to uphold his duties and proceeded to leave. He exhaled the biggest breath in the world as he sighed in relief it was over.
  108. He spent the next couple of weeks mostly on standby in his room as he was still getting accustomed to his new surroundings. It was really nice compared to his dorm. It was top of the line and luxurious in every way. The room was always the perfect temperature and the dinners they had in their dining hall was amazing. It was told to be all thanks to the vice captain, Marechiyo Omaeda, that things were that way.
  110. Soon, he was given his first assignment by the captain of second division. It was something that he was almost sure required at least a few shinigami yet he was instructed to go alone and be as stealthy as possible. It had to be a test of his ability and should he come back alive maybe he would show he was cut out for the division. Going alone as instructed his mission was to infiltrate a Hollow’s nesting site in an abandoned subway system. As he made his way about as best he could he was still detected by these little insect type hollow. They started to swarm him causing him to use his ingenuity to escape them and terminate them as well. During his exploration and escape he came across the ‘Queen’s lair’. It was such a disgusting thing to see it would make anyone’s flesh crawl. The skittering, scratching, and slamming of carapace against carapace as they tried to reach him was enough to drive one insane. With more of his quick thinking he destroyed the smaller ones which agitated the ‘Queen’ forcing it to attack him. After a long fight with a much larger being he succeeded and reported back with a few wounds to show for it. Yet, he was alive and well as one could be for a soul reaper anyway.
  112. a couple month after he was thinking about the type of person his vice captain was never personally speaking to him. As the thought crossed his mind he was called out by a few of his squad members. They were given a mission to scout Tokyo for a new type of hollow called ‘angels’. With this group he traveled for the first time in a gigai which was undoubtedly female. It was at this point he accepted his fate to be a girl no matter what. It did give him exactly what he needed to fit whatever he wanted as he killed time in the living world. During this time he spent shopping gleefully he encountered a strange presence. It was a reiatsu he’d never felt before and it was clearly hostile. It was the angel he was supposed to find and he was a great distance away from his allies. Calling for help would take time so he had no choice but to engage the Angel alone. He fought the being valiantly with the obviously much stronger opponent he was attacked with an attack he’d never really seen before. It was a ray that struck him much faster than he would have assumed damaging him badly. Despite his best effort he couldn’t recover in time to stop the opponent from taking him down. In a last exchange he was much too weak to mount any real offense and thus was thought to be his end. Oddly enough his speaking to and treating his opponent with much kindness and respect it responded by renouncing its angel abilities and befriending the shinigami. Who would have thought that a hollow and a Shinigami could get along in such fashion? It carried him to their rendezvous point and left him there to be rescued by his squad who carried him back to the soul society.
  114. The blood-soaked rose blooms once more.
  117. Shiori spent quite some time in the fourth division being patched up from his encounter with the Angel. Even if he had failed to defeat and capture the critter his job was to gather Intel which he was successful in doing. He was to report to the vice captain immediately after recovery which he promptly did happy to get out of bed. At least until Omaeda chewed him out heavily for making such mockery of the division. Luckily he was able to recover his bags by sending a couple friends too retrieve them for him. Those chocolate covered crackers really lightened the load of what could have been. Instead of bashing the poor red head any further Omaeda took this as a grand opportunity to take the younger male under his wing. It was something about reminding him of his sister. Shiori shrugged it off and decided to live with this decision. He quickly regretted it as, for a big fat ass, Omaeda was actually pretty fast and strong. It was good for him though as it helped him improve. Spending the next few weeks training with omaeda it was time to test his newly strengthened body as Arrancar were attacking the soul society. Omaeda ordered him to the front line to help assist in pushing them back. This battle was very interesting indeed as it was his first time fighting alongside other squads as well as meeting a couple of the captains. He felt so overwhelmed and insignificant compared to them all yet he did his best to not get in the way. Suddenly they all attempted to retreat as if they had accomplished something. He returned to report to omaeda and took this experience with him as a learning experience to always stay on guard even within the Seireitai.
  120. The Briar and the Rose
  122. With Aizen detained and the hogyoku locked away safely back in the soul society everything seemed to return back to normal. Even if it was boring compared to his fast pace life of always being flung into danger. It was once again peaceful allowing him to lower his guard for a bit and try and enjoy his life again. With all the captains returning to have their wounds nursed a lot of shinigami came with them and within a couple months of resting things were back to livelihood. New and fresh recruits were coming out of the academy to help try and strengthen the gotei 13 once more. Along with them was quite a large fellow that was new to the sixth division. He was definitely different from other shinigami he’d seen before especially the fact he was a canine type humanoid. Captain Komamura was the only one he’d ever seen so it was interesting to say the least. Despite his vicious appearance he was a rather timid and gentle person. This alone made him very approachable even for someone as socially awkward and shy as Shiori. His name was J’tai and with their meeting blossomed the flower of friendship. Soon they were taking missions together, training together, even spending their off days together. They became quite the inseparable pair the giant and the ‘princess’. Within time their closeness started to grow forming an unbreakable bond between them. J’tai eventually presented Shiori with a gift he’d been holding onto since a mission he’d taken before asking him to be his own. Shiori saw no reason to deny his friends request and eagerly accepted the invitation to be his.
  124. Others saw their relationship as a strange unity but to them it was no different than two people expressing their feelings for one another. J’tai was the first person Shiori could ever see himself dating as he was almost oblivious to anyone else who’d tried in the past. Months passed and thanks to shiori’s teachings J’tai advanced his way through Sixth division rather quickly. He was rather grateful for all Shiori had done for him from day one especially now. The time they spent together was something to be remembered by the two of them for many years and Shiori couldn’t imagine being without him. Eventually a really serious mission came up for Shiori to attend to as the newly appointed third seat of second division having to leave the soul society to help apprehend a rouge shinigami and return him to the seireitei to be escorted to the maggot’s nest. It was during this absence that the Quincy attacked the soul society severely damaging certain division. Receiving the distress call via hell butterfly the squad Shiori was in charge of collected the criminal and hurried back through the Senkaimon. Shiori had never encountered a quincy personally so he had no idea what to expect from this. The destruction caused by the first wave alone was a frightening thing. Of course in the midst of it all Shiori’s primary concern was to find J’tai. With him in tow he knew the two of them could cause quite a mass of defense with a fighting style they’d recently developed. Upon reaching where the Sixth division stood there were heavy casualties all about. There were arrows everywhere but even in all the mess J’tai would be easy to identify. He continued to search for him defending himself from the occasional stray arrows to finally find his partner. He was surrounded, covered horribly in arrows, yet he still stood by sheer will and adrenaline fighting for his life as well as those of his comrades. Out of desperation to reach him before they could fire again he charged full speed into J’tai grabbing him by his large wrist and leg to hoist the massive body onto his shoulders and Shunpo’d as swiftly and as far away as he could. He kept charging until he felt he was in a secluded area away from the mass of fighting to try and aid to J’tai. He did his best to try and patch the canine warrior up to stop the bleeding until he could transfer him over to the fourth squad’s headquarters. Shiori’s senses were dulled by relief and the tears that he didn’t notice the glint of reishi forming in the distance behind him. J’tai, on instinct alone, grabbed Shiori and yanked him into his chest turning them over as a blindingly fast arrow sniped through his back stopping right in his heart. Shiori being stuck in his embrace couldn’t move his arms to push the now dead shinigami from his form but the rapid fading of a heart beat told him everything he needed to know. J’tai had saved him and was now using his body to hide the poor boy from further harm.
  126. Rage and despair caused a snap to occur within him spiking his reiatsu and causing the nearly year long train of memories to flush into his mind all at once. It gave him the strength to move J’tai from his small frame and place him up right against the near by wall. The arrow had faded as well as any remaining signs of life within his companion. He was beside himself in confusion not knowing rather to give up or take him to the fourth division out of desperation. Moments later the quincy that had shot at them from afar appeared with a small group ready to finish what they had started. Shiori took his zanpakuto from its sheathe Awakening it from its slumber to gain revenge in a deadly performance. Eliminating them with fierceness in combat he’d never thought possible from him they lied in rather unrecognizable fashion before him. His body coated in crimson much like his hair. He was truly the blood soaked rose now…Yet he felt like a rose who’s stem was snapped and left to wither away. No longer having the desire to think about anything he blindly grabbed J’tai’s corpse and carried it to the fourth division anyway where he collapsed from the mental stress. It just wasn't fair to him. He’d done everything he could to help people. Even the hollow that had become beings of malice through regret and anger they felt in life could be changed. Yet, this was just unforgivable. The desire for revenge would end in his life being wasted for nothing. He would fight them but not for the sake of revenge but to make them repent for the lives they’d taken of all their comrades and loved ones. He would not feel sorrow for those he could not take prisoner. If they could take those he cared about with no remorse…then why should he care if they live or die…its only fair…The quincy were monsters in his mind. There would be no sympathy from him. Upon awakening he returned to battle to aid those who still needed strong fighters.
  131. Faction: second division
  133. Rank: Lieutenant
  135. Appearance
  138. Height: 5'4"
  140. Weight: 105 lbs
  142. Physical Appearance: Shiori looks to be in his late teens and is rather short for a boy his age. He has a petite frame that is rather curved for a male complementing his new choice of lifestyle. His years of dancing and practicing martial arts helped him burn off a majority of the extra weight that most boys would gain in their later teen years and toned his body very well.
  144. His most unusual and normally first to be noticed is his crimson hair that flows down past his hips. It has a beautiful sheen for someone with hair so long as it its very healthy and vibrant due to his tender care of it. His eyes are unusual as well being a shade of yellow in natural light that transitioned to a dark orange in artificial.
  146. Original Appearance
  148. Spoiler: Show
  150. Clothing/Armor: As Shiori died during his phase as a cross dresser he decided to live his life in the soul society picking up where he left of, as a woman. He continued to wear female clothing and follow the mannerisms giving him the perfect illusion of a girl. As he joined the shinigami academy he was forced to wear the uniform like everyone else but this didn't bother him as it was regulation. Upon being places on his squad the only time he dresses outside of his uniform is on his off days returning to his female attire.
  152. Whenever he's to be sent to the world he keeps a lineup of the latest fashion choices of the girls’ clothing to blend in as naturally as possible. Of course being more so fond of dresses and skirts he usually ends up in the weirdest of styles. He enjoys it fully as there’s always something interesting to buy while he's back.
  154. Visual Age: Shiori died at a rather young age and appears to not be any older than the age he was when he passed form the living world. If anything he appears to be a couple years younger than his true age so over all he probably appears to be fifteen to sixteen.
  157. Personality
  160. Preferred Method of Combat: Shiori never likes to engage in direct combat if it can be helped but at the same time he doesn't have many if any range techniques at all. Despite being rather proficient in combat he doesn't like to fight or hurt anyone. His preferred style of combat is using a combination Hoho and Hakuda to dance his way through conflicts. He constantly moves along the battlefield using his graceful dance like movements to avoid, parry, or flow with his opponent’s attacks to wear them out before going on the offensive to disable them.
  163. Values: He values his solitude more than anything. Shiori carries a heavy grudge being betrayed by his first and only friends as well as his sensei. He doesn't believe in teamwork or even trying to make friends anymore. Because of his moral from when he was still alive he doesn't like to hurt people or see them in pain which makes him reluctant to fight. He prefers peace to conflict but will fight to preserve his own existence.
  166. Another thing he values about himself is his physical appearance. He is quite fond of his natural beauty and charm as it’s the only thing he feels truly carried over into death. His beauty would remain preserved in the seireitai as his aging is slowed like the rest of the residents. Anyone who would ever have the patience and time would quickly learn he is quite the narcissist.
  168. Being no longer of the living and never experienced the feeling of true freedom he values the expression of dance. Dancing was a release from your troubles and allowed you to be free. He believes strongly that everything in the universe has rhythm. Everything dances. Dancing brings peace and harmony to one’s self and to others around them. Stories have been told about how watching someone dancing could revitalize ones spirit and push them to continue through hardships. This is something he holds dearest.
  170. Attitude: Shiori is shy, vain and very quiet. He refuses to bother anyone nor does he engage in any form of contact unless he is spoken to first or it’s absolutely necessary. However getting close to him would reveal his is rather kind, friendly and loves to talk to anyone he feels would listen. He'll even dance for them if he trusts them enough.
  173. Dislikes: Shori dislikes being in large crowds for social gatherings or parties. His family was rather large and he always felt so out of place in the living world that he feels it’s best to keep to himself. He hates senseless killing, unusually violent people, or anyone who would bully a smaller or weaker person than themselves. One thing he really hates is being the only one left out of a loop of information. It makes people seem shady and assume they're making fun of him.
  176. Overall Personality: Shiori from a young age was a rather gentle natured child compared to his cold hearted father. His father was very loving toward him but he was a crime lord first and foremost and a father second thus warranting him to spend a majority of his time in his mother's company. She was very kind as well being a complete opposite of his father. He was very fond of her developing her personality as he was already quite shy.
  179. As Shiori grew up and began to fully understand things for what they were he learned that the activities his family engaged in were wrong. He has a very justified manner of thinking and doesn't believe that things should be done underhandedly without good reason. Sometimes being shady was beneficial to one’s own self perseverance but there are limits to it. He would gladly stalk around unseen to observe injustice and strike when necessary to prevent greater evil.
  182. The cruelty of the world is what inspired him to take up dance. To him dancing is a way to express one’s self and it brings people closer together. To look beautiful, to act beautiful and to dance beautifully are the keys to a harmonious spirit. Thus why he is quite vain despite his shy personality. Perhaps it is one of his father's worst qualities that passed through to him. As being the most beautiful person of any gender can become quite bothersome to those who are constantly in his presence.
  185. As much as he admires his physical appearance being watched or stared at makes him quite uncomfortable. He hates social gathering or large crowds because his unusual hair will always draw attention to himself. He much rather prefers to keep to himself in a small quite location.
  188. Zanpakutou
  191. 412Ogpr9rcL_zpsbiaqlnwy.jpg
  196. Zanpakutou Name: Fuyu Waiban (Winter Wyvern)
  200. Spirit Appearance:
  202. maxresdefault_zpse5f91cbi.jpg
  204. Fuyu Waiban is an elder wyrm of the ice element. Her scales are a dark, midnight blue and she has a crown of ice upon her head. She is covered in very thick, armor like scales and she sports a set of icy dagger like fangs. Whenever she flaps her wings, icy storms whip up around her covering the area immediately in snow.
  206. Inner World:
  208. Ice%20castle_zpstaugqdcp.png
  210. Fuyu Waiban's inner world consists of what seems to be mountain that expands as far as the eye can see. A little ways up the mountain, a castle made of expertly crafted ice stands tall providing shelter from the excruciatingly cold blizzard. The snow storm is a result of the Eldwurm's great spiritual pressure keeping the mountainside dressed in the crystalline powder.One that manages to navigate the halls of the structure will find the Eldwurm as she sits along her hoard of literature.
  212. Sealed Form: Fuyu Waiban is a mostly normal looking katana in its sealed state. The blade isn’t fully sharpened leading the section closest to the handle unedged. The hilt is formed in the shape of a heart and the tsuka wrapped around the handle is a shade of blue.
  215. Spoiler: Show
  218. Shikai
  221. Shikai Release Phrase: Chase away the autumn, Fuyu Waiban!
  223. Shikai Appearance: Shiori holds the zanpakuto in both hands as he utters the release phrase. Once released, the length of the katana shortens and begins to wrap around both his hands. Once the light fades, Fuyu Waiban appears as a pair of padded gloves that fold down over the user’s knuckles. They don’t fully cover the user’s hands allowing them to freely use their fingers without restriction.
  225. Shikai Abilities:
  227. Spoiler: Show
  229. Bankai
  231. Spoiler: Show
  235. Bankai Name: Fuyu Waiban No Noroi (Winter Wyvern's Curse)
  237. Bankai Appearance: Fuyu Waiban grants Shiori her eternal wisdom and control over the element of ice. When Shiori releases his bankai, He is wrapped in a light blue, terribly cold aura that causes the area around him to freeze. His arms become coated in dense, thin ice up to his shoulders and shine an incredibly brilliant blue. Because of Shiori’s desire to incorporate dance into any style he performs he is still able to elegantly guide his way through battle sliding along ice with quick and accurate parries and blows much like in his shikai.
  240. Bankai Abilities:
  242. Spoiler: Show
  245. Favorite Kido: Here, you list your character's preferred kido, which cost half of its normal cost to use. So Hado 90, now only cost 45 points to use. You get a max of 2. Here's a list of the canon kido spells
  248. http://bleach.wikia.com/wiki/Kido
  250. Skills You start at level 9, so split 27 points between these categories however you want (If you're a Canon, leave these blank. A mod fills in Canon stats)
  252. Level: 40
  253. Reiatsu: 60
  254. Kido: 0
  255. Hoho: 68 (+6 in shikai)
  256. Zanjutsu: 0
  257. Intelligence: 25
  258. Hakuda: 60
  259. Strength: 60
  261. Level Cap:76 (+5 prodigy)
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