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Dec 9th, 2018
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  1. #
  2. #
  3. # Conglomerate Skript
  4. #
  5. #
  6. #
  8. #
  9. #
  10. #--------=================== Start of Duels/ ===================-------------------
  11. #
  12. #
  15. variables:
  16. {kills.%player%} = 0
  17. {deaths.%player%} = 0
  18. {killstreakcurrent.%player%} = 0
  19. {killstreakhighest.%player%} = 0
  20. {prestige.%player%} = 0
  21. {level.%player%} = 0
  22. {levelxp.%player%} = 0
  23. {xparb.%player%} = 0
  24. {customkit.%player%} = 0 # Custom kit level only goes to 5
  25. {souls.%player%} = 0
  26. {reset123.%player%} = 0
  27. {pvptoggle} = "true"
  28. {nokit.%player%} = true
  29. {frozen.%player%} = false
  30. {duelwins.%player%} = 0
  31. {duelwins.%player%} = 0
  32. {player.count} = 0
  33. options:
  34. version: 1.0
  35. title: &3&k!!!&r &8[&bAetherian&8] &3&k!!!&r
  36. subtitle: Hope you enjoy your stay!
  37. perm: staff.staffchat
  38. noperm: {@prefix} &4&lYou are not permitted to use this command.
  39. #-------------------============ Bans ==================----------------------#
  40. prefixban: &4&lB.B.S. &7|&r
  41. # messgaes/other
  42. messages: %player%-messages.log
  43. commands: %player%-commands.log
  44. # Ban messages
  45. aKickmsg: &7. &7&lBinarites Ban System %nl% &7You have been temporarily banned by %player% &4|&r &cReason&r: %arg-2% &4|&r Time: %arg-3%
  46. bKickmsg: &7 &7&lBinarites Ban System %nl% &7You are currently banned &4|&r &cReason&r: %{bin_.reason.%player's UUID%}% &4|&r Time: %{_bin_.unbantimecheck}% %nl% &7&lif you any concerns with the ban, please join our &7discord, &4,&r to appeal
  47. # Ban
  48. banmsg2: %arg-1% is currently banned &4|&r &cReason&r: %{bin_.reason.%arg-1's UUID%}% &4|&r &cTime&r: %{bantime_.unbantimecheck}%
  49. # banlog: %arg-1%-ban.log
  50. # unbantemplog: %arg-1%-unban.log
  51. banmsg:You are banned! &4|&r &cReason&r: %{bin_.reason.%player's UUID%}%
  52. banlogmsgreason: %arg-1% has been banned by %player% for %arg-2%
  53. banlogmsg: &4&l%arg-1% &7has been &4&lPERM banned by &4&l%player%&r &4|&r &cReason&r: %arg-2%
  54. unbanmsg: &4&l%arg-1% &7 has been unbanned by &4&l%player%
  56. # Tempban
  57. # tempbanlog: tempbans.log
  58. tempbanlogmsg: &4&l%arg-1% &7has been &7TEMP banned&r &7by &4&l%player%&r &4|&r &cReason&r: &4%arg-2% &4|&r &cTime&r: &7%arg-3%
  59. unbantemplog: unbantemp.log
  60. unbantempmsg: &4&l%arg-1% &7 has been unbanned by &4&l%player%
  61. #-------------------============ Ranks ==================----------------------#
  62. permmsg: {@prefix} You are not allowed to rank players!
  64. #-------------------============ Verification ==================----------------------#
  66. verification1: %player%-verification.log #CONTAINS ALL VERIFICATION CODES FOR STAFF MEMBER!!
  68. #-------------------============ General ==============-------------------------#
  70. prefix: &c&lAet PvP &l-
  71. killstreakhighestmsg: {@prefix} You have reached a new highest killstreak of %{killstreakhighest.%player%}%
  72. Icon: ►
  73. IconColor: &8
  75. #-------------------============ Spectate ==============-------------------------#
  77. spectating: &7You are now spectating %arg-1%
  79. #-------------------============ Duels ==============-------------------------#
  82. #-------------------============ Freeze ==============-------------------------#
  84. frozen: &4You have been frozen by %{freezer.%player%}% %nl% Do not logout!
  85. discord: &4
  87. #-------------------============ Staff stuff ==============-------------------------#
  89. StaffHeader: &7&lStafflist
  90. StaffOnline: &8Online
  91. StaffChatColor: &4
  94. #-------------------============ Other ==============-------------------------#
  95. every 10 minutes in world "World":
  96. loop all players:
  97. broadcast " {@prefix} &cHappy Holidays from Aetherian"
  98. on load:
  99. loop all players:
  100. set {dueled.%loop-player%} to false
  102. on join:
  103. loop all players:
  104. set {online.%loop-player%} to true
  105. if {staffmode.%loop-player%} is true:
  106. hide loop-player from all players
  107. if {staff.%loop-player%} is true:
  108. reveal player to loop-player
  109. add 1 to {player.count}
  110. set {max.players} to 10
  111. set {slotcount} to {player.count}
  113. on quit:
  114. remove 1 from {player.count}
  115. if {freeze.%player%} is true:
  116. make console execute "/ban %player% Logged out during ss"
  117. #-------------------============ Spectate ==============-------------------------#
  119. #command /spectate <player>:
  120. # trigger:
  121. # if arg-1 is player:
  122. # send "You cannot spectate yourself"
  123. # else:
  124. # if {dueled.%arg-1%} is false:
  125. # stop
  126. # else:
  127. # set {spec.%player%} to true
  128. # hide player from all players
  129. # set player's fly mode to true
  130. # teleport player to arg-1
  131. # give book named "&7Spectater options" to slot 0 of player
  133. on right click on player:
  134. if event-item is ice named "&7Freeze":
  135. set {_frozen} to event-entity
  136. if {staffmode.%player%} is true:
  137. if {frozen.%{_frozen}%} is true:
  138. send "&7%{_frozen}% has been unfrozen" to player
  139. set {frozen.%{_frozen}%} to false
  140. stop
  141. else:
  142. set {frozen.%{_frozen}%} to true
  143. send "{@frozen}" to {_frozen}
  144. send "{@discord}" to {_frozen}
  145. send "&4%{_frozen}% has been frozen" to player
  146. set {freezer.%{_frozen}%} to player
  147. on right click:
  148. if event-item is a compass named "&7Telport/Thru":
  149. send ""
  150. if event-item is a book named "&7Online players":
  151. send "&7 Online players"
  152. #set {_online.%{_slotcount}%} to {onlinelist.%{_slotcount}%::*}
  153. set {_num} to -1
  154. open chest with 6 rows named "&7Player list &8&l|&r &7Online: &4%number of all players%" to player
  155. loop all players:
  156. add 1 to {_num}
  157. set {_loopplayer} to loop-player
  158. format slot {_num} of player with skull of loop-player named "%loop-player%" with lore "▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ |{@IconColor}{@Icon} &8This is %loop-player%" to close then run [make player execute "/tp %{_loopplayer}%"]
  160. if event-item is a book named "&7Spectater options":
  161. open chest with 3 rows named "Spectator options" to player
  162. format slot 13 of player with paper named "Leave" to close then run [make player execute "/joinduel"]
  165. #-------------------============ Duels ==============-------------------------#
  167. #command /joinduel:
  168. # trigger:
  169. # teleport player to {lobby}
  170. # clear player's inventory
  171. # give compass named "&7Spectate" to slot 0 of player
  172. # set {inqueue.%player%} to true
  173. #
  174. #command /duel <player>:
  175. # usage: &7/duel player
  176. # trigger:
  177. # if arg-1 is set:
  178. # if {dueled.%arg-1%} is true:
  179. # send "&7This player is already in a duel!"
  180. # stop trigger
  181. # else:
  182. # if {dueled.%player%} is true:
  183. # send "&7You are in a duel!"
  184. # stop trigger
  185. # else:
  186. # set {wanted.%player%} to arg-1
  187. # send " &7%player% has requested to duel you in default gear!" to arg-1
  188. # send " &7Would you like to accept?" to arg-1
  189. # json("%arg-1%", " &7Yes ||cmd:/accept %player%|| No ||cmd: /deny|| " )
  190. # else:
  191. # send "&7You must choose a player to duel"
  192. #command /accept <player>:
  193. # trigger:
  194. # if arg-1 is player:
  195. # send "&7You cannot duel yourself"
  196. # stop trigger
  197. # else:
  198. # if {dueled.%arg-1%} is true:
  199. # send "&7This player is already in a duel!"
  200. # stop trigger
  201. # else:
  202. # if {dueled.%player%} is true:
  203. # send "&7You are in a duel!"
  204. # stop trigger
  205. # else:
  206. # if {wanted.%arg-1%} is player:
  207. # set {_player1} to player
  208. # set {_player2} to arg-1
  209. # set {inv::%{_player2}%} to {_player2}'s inventory
  210. # set {inv::%{_player1}%} to {_player1}'s inventory
  211. # wait 1 tick
  212. # set {dueled.%player%} to true
  213. # set {dueled.%arg-1%} to true
  214. # set {Opponent.%{_player1}%} to {_player2}
  215. # set {Opponent.%{_player2}%} to {_player1}
  216. # set {_max} to {max}
  217. # set {_random} to a random integer between 0 and {_max}
  218. # if {_random} is 0:
  219. # set {_random} to 1
  220. # wait 1 tick
  221. # set {inqueue.%player%} to false
  222. # teleport {_player1} to {Arena%{_random}%.1}
  223. # teleport {_player1} to {Arena%{_random}%.2}
  224. # hide all players to {_player1}
  225. # hide all players to {_player2}
  226. # clear {_player1}'s inventory
  227. # clear {_player2}'s inventory
  228. # give enchanted book named "&7KIT: &4DEFAULT" to slot 0 of {_player1}
  229. # give enchanted book named "&7KIT: &4DEFAULT" to slot 0 of {_player2}
  230. # set {countdown10.arena%{_random}%} to 5
  231. # broadcast "&7The match between %{_player1}% and %{_player2}% is about to start!"
  232. # broadcast "&7The match will begin in 10 seconds"
  233. # wait 5 seconds
  234. # broadcast "&7The match will begin in 5 seconds"
  235. # wait 5 seconds
  236. #
  237. # reveal all players to {_player1}
  238. # reveal all players to {_player2}
  239. # broadcast "&7The match has begun!"
  240. #on death:
  241. # if {dueled.%attacker%} is true:
  242. # set {dueled.%victim%} to false
  243. # set {dueled.%attacker%} to false
  244. # teleport attacker to {lobby}
  245. # teleport victim to {lobby}
  246. # add 1 to {duelwins.%attacker%}
  247. # add 1 to {duellosses.%victim%}
  248. # broadcast "&7%attacker% has won the game!"
  249. # set attacker's inventory to {inv::%attacker%}
  250. # set victim's inventory to {inv::%victim%}
  251. #command /setmaxarenas <int>:
  252. # trigger:
  253. # set {max} to arg-1
  254. #command /setlobbyspawn:
  255. # trigger:
  256. # set {lobby} to player's location
  257. # send "New lobby spawn set to %player's location%"
  258. #command /addarena1 <int>:
  259. # trigger:
  260. # if arg-2 is set:
  261. # set {Arena%arg-1%.1} to player's location
  262. # send "You have set spawn 1 for the arena %arg-1%"
  263. #command /addarena2 <int>:
  264. # trigger:
  265. # if arg-2 is set:
  266. # set {Arena%arg-1%.2} to player's location
  267. # send "You have set spawn 2 for the arena %arg-1%"
  269. #-------------------============ Freeze ==============-------------------------#
  270. command /freeze <player>:
  271. trigger:
  272. if arg-1 is player:
  273. send "&7You may not freeze yourself" to player
  274. stop
  275. if {staffmode.%player%} is true:
  276. if {frozen.%arg-1%} is true:
  277. send "&7%arg-1% has been unfrozen" to player
  278. set {frozen.%arg-1%} to false
  279. stop
  280. else:
  281. set {frozen.%arg-1%} to true
  282. send "{@frozen}" to arg-1
  283. send "{@discord}" to arg-1
  284. send "&7%arg-1% has been frozen" to player
  285. set {freezer.%arg-1%} to player
  286. on any movement:
  287. if {frozen.%player%} is true:
  288. cancel event
  290. on inventory click:
  291. if {staffmode.%player%} is true:
  292. close player's inventory
  293. cancel event
  294. on break:
  295. if {staffmode.%player%} is true:
  296. cancel event
  297. on place:
  298. if {staffmode.%player%} is true:
  299. cancel event
  300. on drop:
  301. if {staffmode.%player%} is true:
  302. cancel event
  303. #-------------------============ Staff stuff ==============-------------------------#
  304. #command /invsee <player>:
  305. # usage: &7/invsee <player>
  306. # trigger:
  307. # if {listener.%player%} is true:
  308. # set {listener.%player%} to false
  309. # if {listenee.%arg-1%} is true:
  310. # set {listenee.%arg-1%} to false
  311. # if arg-1 is player:
  312. # send "&7You cannot invsee yourself"
  313. # else:
  314. # set {listenee.%arg-1%} to true
  315. # set {listener.%player%} to true Doesnt update automatically while in GUI - Binarite
  316. #
  317. #every tick in world "World":
  318. # loop all players:
  319. # if {listenee.%loop-player%} is true:
  320. # set {_player} to loop-player
  321. # if {listener.%loop-player%} is true:
  322. # set {_listener} to loop-player
  323. # set {_counter} to 0
  324. # loop 36 times:
  325. # set {inv.%{_player}%.%{_counter}%} to slot {_counter} of {_player}
  326. # add 1 to {_counter}
  327. # open chest with 6 rows named "%{_player}%'s Inventory" to {_listener}
  328. # set {_counter} to 0
  329. # loop 36 times:
  330. # format slot {_counter} of {_listener} with {inv.%{_player}%.%{_counter}%} to run [make console execute "/arb"]
  331. # add 1 to {_counter}
  332. #on inventory close:
  333. # set {listener.%player%} to false
  337. command /leveladmin [<text>] [<text>] [<integer>]:
  338. permission: staff.admin
  339. permission message :&4&lYou are not a staff member.
  340. aliases: /la, /rankadmin, /ra
  341. trigger:
  342. if arg 1 is "reset":
  343. if arg 2 is set:
  344. loop all players:
  345. if arg 2 is equal to loop-player:
  346. set {level.%loop-player%} to 0
  347. set {levelxp.%loop-player%} to 0
  348. send "&4&lLevel &r&8» &c%player% &7has reset your level stats." to loop-player
  349. send "&4&lLevel &r&8» &7You have reset &c%loop-player%'s &7level stats." to player
  350. else if arg 1 is "set":
  351. if arg 2 is set:
  352. loop all players:
  353. if arg 2 is equal to loop-player:
  354. if integer argument is set:
  355. if integer argument is less than 501:
  356. set {level.%loop-player%} to integer argument
  357. send "&4&lLevel &r&8» &c%player% &7has set your level stats to &c%{level.%loop-player%}%&7." to loop-player
  358. send "&4&lLevel &r&8» &7You have set &c%loop-player%'s &7level stats to &c%{level.%loop-player%}%&7." to player
  359. else:
  360. send "&4&lLevel &r&8» &7You may not go above lvl 500!" to player
  362. command /setstaff <player> <text>:
  363. trigger:
  364. if player is op:
  365. if arg-2 is "on":
  366. set {staff.%arg-1%} to true
  367. send "&7Player may now see invisible players!" to player
  368. send "&7Staff has been enabled for you!" to arg-1
  369. else:
  370. set {staff.%arg-1%} to false
  371. send "&7Player is no longer able to see invisible players!" to player
  372. send "&7Staff has been disblaed for you!" to arg-1
  374. command /staffmode:
  375. permission: staffmode.bin
  376. trigger:
  377. if {staff.%player%} is false:
  378. stop
  379. send "You are no longer a staff emem"
  380. if {staffmode.%player%} is true:
  381. set {staffmode.%player%} to false
  382. send "&7Staffmode disabled"
  383. clear player's inventory
  384. loop all players:
  385. reveal player to loop-player
  386. set {_slotcount} to 0
  387. loop 36 times:
  388. set slot {_slotcount} of player's inventory to {inv.%player%.%{_slotcount}%}
  389. add 1 to {_slotcount}
  390. else:
  391. set {staffmode.%player%} to true
  392. send "&7 Staffmode"
  393. send ""
  394. send " &7 Staffmode enabled"
  395. send ""
  396. set {_slotcount} to 0
  397. loop 36 times:
  398. set {inv.%player%.%{_slotcount}%} to slot {_slotcount} of player's inventory
  399. add 1 to {_slotcount}
  400. clear player's inventory
  401. give ice named "&7Freeze" to slot 0 of player
  402. give book named "&7Online players" to slot 1 of player
  403. give compass named "&7Teleport/Thru" with lore "&7When left clicked it will teleport you up to 50 blocks away from you're origin" to slot 8 of player
  404. loop all players:
  405. hide player from loop-player
  406. if {staff.%loop-player%} is true:
  407. reveal player to loop-player
  408. set player's fly mode to true
  409. send "&7 Fly enabled"
  410. send ""
  411. send " &7 You are now hidden from all players"
  412. #
  413. #
  414. # --------=================== Start of ===================-------------------
  415. #
  416. #
  418. command rank <player> [<text>]:
  419. permission: staff.admin
  420. permission message: {@permmsg}
  421. trigger:
  422. if player's name is "Bluejeanx" or "Messisteve" or "Kailum":
  423. if arg 2 is not "Owner" or "Manager" or "JrMod" or "Admin" or "SrMod" or "Mod" or "VIP" or "Partner" or "Developer" or "Builder" or "Default" or "Developer":
  424. send "{@prefix} &7That rank is not a valid rank! Please use the following ranks instead: &6Owner&7, &6Co-Owner&7, &6Admin&7, &6Mod&7, &6Friend&7, &6Partner&7 or &6Default&7." to player
  425. else if arg 2 is not set:
  426. send "{@prefix} &7That rank is not a valid rank! Please use the following ranks instead: &6Owner&7, &6Co-Owner&7, &6Admin&7, &6Mod&7, &6Friend&7, &6Partner&7 or &6Default&7." to player
  427. else:
  428. make console execute "pex user %arg 1% group set %arg 2%"
  429. # send "{@prefix} &b%arg 1% &7has been ranked to &b%arg 2%&7." to player
  430. send "{@prefix} Your rank has been set to &b%arg 2%&7." to arg 1
  431. broadcast "{@prefix} &c%player% &7ranked &b%arg 1% &7to &b%arg 2%&7."
  433. command /demote <player>:
  434. permission: staff.admin
  435. permission message: {@prefix} &4&lYou may not demote users.
  436. trigger:
  437. make console execute "pex user %arg 1% group set default"
  438. broadcast "&4&lDemote &r&8» &c%player% &7has demoted &c%arg 1%&7."
  441. command /lockdown:
  442. permission: bluejeanx.xigoth
  443. permission message: &4&lOnly the owner and host may use this.
  444. trigger:
  445. if player's name is "bluejeanx" or "Xigoth" or "Binarite":
  446. if {lockdown} is not set:
  447. broadcast "&4&lLockdown &r&8» &c%player% &7has initiated server lockdown."
  448. make console execute "whitelist on"
  449. wait 3 seconds
  450. kick all players
  451. stop
  452. else:
  453. delete {lockdown}
  454. broadcast "&4&lLockdown &r&8» &c%player% &7has disabled server lockdown."
  455. stop
  456. else:
  457. send "&4&lLockdown &r&8» &7You may not initiate lockdown, this is restricted to the owner and host." to player
  458. #
  459. #
  460. # --------=================== Start of ===================-------------------
  461. #
  462. #
  464. command /rx42:
  465. permission: bin.reset
  466. trigger:
  467. set {reset123.%player%} to 0
  469. on join:
  470. if {reset123.%player%} is 0:
  471. set {kills.%player%} to 0
  472. set {deaths.%player%} to 0
  473. set {souls.%player%} to 0
  474. set {level.%player%} to 0
  475. set {killstreakcurrent.%player%} to 0
  476. set {killstreakhighest.%player%} to 0
  477. set {levelxp.%player%} to 0
  478. add 1 to {reset123.%player%}
  481. # --------------===================== Scoreboard Stuff =====================--------------
  482. every second in world "World":
  483. loop all players:
  484. Scoreboard(loop-player)
  485. function Scoreboard(a: player):
  486. loop all players:
  487. set {_uuid} to uuid of loop-player
  488. wipe loop-player's sidebar
  489. set name of sidebar of loop-player to "&bAetherian &7[KITPVP]"
  490. set score "" in sidebar of loop-player to 13
  491. set score "&l» &c&lSTATS" in sidebar of loop-player to 12
  492. set score " &7Name &l» &4%loop-player%" in sidebar of loop-player to 11
  493. set score " &7Rank &l» &4%loop-player's prefix%" in sidebar of loop-player to 10
  494. set score " &7Kills &l» &4%{kills.%loop-player%}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 9
  495. set score " &7Deaths &l» &4%{deaths.%loop-player%}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 8
  496. set score " &7Souls &l» &4%{souls.%loop-player%}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 7
  497. set score " &7Level &l» &4%{level.%loop-player%}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 6
  498. set score " &7Current Killstreak &l» &4%{killstreakcurrent.%loop-player%}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 5
  499. set score " &7Highest Killstreak &l» &4%{killstreakhighest.%loop-player%}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 4
  500. set score " &7Prestige Level &l» &4%{prestige.%loop-player%}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 3
  501. set score "" in sidebar of loop-player to 2
  502. set score "&l» &c&lServer" in sidebar of loop-player to 1
  503. set score " &7PvP: &4%{pvptoggle}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 0
  504. set score " &" in sidebar of loop-player to -1
  506. # --------------===================== KIT STUFF =====================--------------
  507. on death:
  508. set {slow.%player%} to false
  509. set {nokit.%player%} to false
  510. clear player's inventory
  514. command /kits:
  515. aliases: /kit
  516. trigger:
  517. if {nokit.%player%} is true:
  518. send "{@prefix} &3You have already chosen a kit!"
  519. stop
  520. else:
  521. set {_slot} to 0
  522. open chest with 3 rows named "&4&lKits" to player
  523. loop 24 times:
  524. format slot {_slot} of player with black glass to run [make console execute "/arbitrary"]
  525. add 1 to {_slot}
  526. if {_slot} is 12:
  527. set {_slot} to 15
  528. set {nokit.%player%} to true
  529. format slot 12 of player with book named "&4&lTank &7[DISABLED]" to close then run [make player execute "/tank"]
  530. format slot 13 of player with book named "&cArcher &b[KIT]" to close then run [make player execute "/Archer"]
  531. format slot 14 of player with book named "&4Warrior &b[KIT]" to close then run [make player execute "/Warrior"]
  532. command /kit:
  533. aliases: /kits
  534. trigger:
  535. if {nokit.%player%} is true:
  536. stop
  537. send "{@prefix} &3You have already chosen a kit!"
  538. set {_slot} to 0
  539. open chest with 3 rows named "&4&lKits" to player
  540. loop 24 times:
  541. format slot {_slot} of player with black glass to run [make console execute "/arbitrary"]
  542. add 1 to {_slot}
  543. if {_slot} is 12:
  544. set {_slot} to 15
  545. set {nokit.%player%} to true
  546. format slot 12 of player with book named "&4&lTank &7[DISABLED]" to close then run [make player execute "/tank"]
  547. format slot 13 of player with book named "&cArcher &b[KIT]" to close then run [make player execute "/Archer"]
  548. format slot 14 of player with book named "&4Warrior &b[KIT]" to close then run [make player execute "/Warrior"]
  549. command /failure:
  550. trigger:
  551. send "&7That command has failed due to some error"
  552. command /warrior:
  553. trigger:
  554. clear player's inventory
  555. set slot 36 of player to iron boots of protection 2 named "&cWarrior's Boots"
  556. set slot 37 of player to iron leggings of protection 2 named "&cWarrior's Pants"
  557. set slot 38 of player to iron chestplate of protection 2 named "&cWarriors Chestplate"
  558. set slot 39 of player to iron helmet of protection 2 named "&cWarriors Helmet"
  559. set slot 0 of player to diamond sword of sharpness 2 named "&cWarriors Sword"
  560. set slot 1 of player to 3 golden apples named "&bHealth Boosters"
  561. command /archer:
  562. trigger:
  563. clear player's inventory
  564. set slot 36 of player to leather boots of protection 2 named "&cArcher's Boots"
  565. set slot 37 of player to leather leggings of protection 2 named "&cArcher's Pants"
  566. set slot 38 of player to leather chestplate of protection 2 named "&cArcher's Chestplate"
  567. set slot 39 of player to leather helmet of protection 2 named "&cArcher's Helmet"
  568. set slot 0 of player to iron sword of sharpness 1 named "&cArcher's Dagger"
  569. set slot 1 of player to bow of power 4 named "&cArcher's Bow"
  570. set slot 2 of player to 3 golden apples of knockback 1 named "&bHealth Boosters"
  571. set slot 10 of player to 32 arrows named "&cArcher's Quiver"
  572. command /tank:
  573. trigger:
  574. clear player's inventory
  575. set {slow.%player%} to true
  576. set slot 36 of player to diamond boots of protection 3 named "&cTank's Boots"
  577. set slot 37 of player to diamond leggings of protection 3 named "&cTank's Pants"
  578. set slot 38 of player to diamond chestplate of protection 3 named "&cTank's Chestplate"
  579. set slot 39 of player to diamond helmet of protection 3 named "&cTank's Helmet"
  580. set slot 0 of player to iron sword named "&cTank's Sword"
  581. set slot 1 of player to 5 golden apples of knockback 1 named "&bHealth Boosters"
  582. while {slow.%player%} is true:
  583. wait 2 second
  584. apply potion of slowness of tier 2 to player for 2 seconds
  586. command /stats <player>:
  587. trigger:
  588. set {_slot} to 0
  589. open chest with 3 rows named "&4&lStatistics of %arg-1%" to player
  590. loop 22 times:
  591. format slot {_slot} of player with black glass to run [make console execute "/arbitrary"]
  592. add 1 to {_slot}
  593. if {_slot} is 4:
  594. set {_slot} to 5
  595. set {_skull} to skull of arg-1
  596. format slot 4 of player with {_skull} named "%arg-1%" to run [make console execute "/arbitrary"]
  597. if {_slot} is 12:
  598. set {_slot} to 15
  599. format slot 12 of player with diamond sword named "&7Kills &l» &4%{kills.%arg-1%}% &b&l|&r Deaths &l» %{deaths.%arg-1%}%" to run [make console execute "/arbitrary"]
  600. set {_kdr} to {kills.%arg-1%} / {deaths.%arg-1%}
  601. format slot 14 of player with nether star named "&7KDR &l» %{_kdr}% &b" to run [make console execute "/arbitrary"]
  602. format slot 13 of player with book named "&7Level &l» %{level.%arg-1%}% &b&l|&r &7XP &l» %{levelxp.%arg-1%}% " to run [make console execute "/arbitrary"]
  603. if {_slot} is 22:
  604. set {_slot} to 23
  605. format slot 22 of player with paper named "&7Souls &l» %{souls.%arg-1%}%" to run [make console execute "/arbitrary"]
  606. #
  607. #--------=================== Start of ===================-------------------
  608. #
  609. #
  611. on death of player:
  612. if attacker is not a player:
  613. stop
  614. send "{@prefix} &4%attacker% &7has killed you" to victim
  615. send "{@prefix} &7You have killed &4%victim%}"
  616. add 1 to {kills.%attacker%}
  617. add 1 to {kills::%attacker%}
  618. add 1 to {deaths.%victim%}
  619. add 10 to {xp.%attacker%}
  620. add 10 to {xparb.%attacker%}
  621. set {killstreak.%victim%} to 0
  622. set {_1msg} to "&c%victim% &7has been DESTROYED by %attacker%"
  623. set {_2msg} to "&c%attacker% &7has ripped &c%victim% &7into shreds!"
  624. set {_3msg} to "&c%victim% &7was crushed by &c%attacker%"
  625. set {_4msg} to "&c%victim% &7was turned into gravel by %attacker%"
  626. set {_5msg} to "&c%attacker% &7has just killed NOOB &8» %victim%"
  627. set {_6msg::*} to "%{_1msg}%", "%{_2msg}%", "%{_3msg}%", "%{_4msg}%", "%{_5msg}%"
  628. set {_deathmsg} to a random element out of {_6msg::*}
  629. broadcast "&4&lDeath &r&8» %{_deathmsg}%"
  630. add 50 to {bal.%attacker%} # send "&4&lKill &r&8» &7You have recieved &4$50 &7for killing &c%victim%&7." to player
  631. add 1 to {killstreakcurrent.%attacker%}
  632. if {killstreakcurrent.%attacker%} is greater than {killstreakhighest.%attacker%}:
  633. set {killstreakhighest.%attacker%} to {killstreakcurrent.%attacker%}
  634. if {xp.%attacker%} is equal to 100: #10 Kills
  635. set {xp.%attacker%} to 0
  636. set {_levelcounter} to 0
  637. add 1 to {level.%attacker%}
  638. make console execute "/crate key %attacker% Common"
  639. while {level.%attacker%} is equal to {_levelcounter}:
  640. add 5 to {_levelcounter}
  641. set {_levels} to {_levelcounter}
  642. make console execute "/crate key %attacker% Legendary"
  643. add 1 to {customkit.%attacker%}
  644. if {level.%attacker%} is equal to 500:
  645. broadcast "&4%attacker% &7has prestiged to prestige %{prestige.%attacker%}%"
  646. set {_soulcounter} to 5
  647. while {souls.%attacker%} is equal to {_soulcounter}:
  648. add 5 to {_soulcounter}
  649. add 2 to {souls.%attacker%}
  650. if {level.%attacker%} is equal to 10:
  651. add 1 to {customkit.%attacker%}
  653. #--------=================== Adds Kills/Leaderboard Stuff ===================-------------------
  657. #--------=================== LeaderBoard ===================-------------------
  659. command /topkills:
  660. trigger:
  661. set {_1st.point} to 0
  662. set {_2nd.point} to 0
  663. set {_3rd.point} to 0
  664. set {_4th.point} to 0
  665. set {_5th.point} to 0
  666. set {_6th.point} to 0
  667. set {_7th.point} to 0
  668. set {_8th.point} to 0
  669. set {_9th.point} to 0
  670. set {_10th.point} to 0
  671. loop {kills::*}:
  672. if loop-value is more than {_1st.point}:
  673. set {_15th} to {_14th}
  674. set {_15th.point} to {_14th.point}
  675. set {_14th} to {_13th}
  676. set {_14th.point} to {_13th.point}
  677. set {_13th} to {_12th}
  678. set {_13th.point} to {_12th.point}
  679. set {_12th} to {_11th}
  680. set {_12th.point} to {_11th.point}
  681. set {_11th} to {_10th}
  682. set {_11th.point} to {_10th.point}
  683. set {_10th} to {_9th}
  684. set {_10th.point} to {_9th.point}
  685. set {_9th} to {_8th}
  686. set {_9th.point} to {_8th.point}
  687. set {_8th} to {_7th}
  688. set {_8th.point} to {_7th.point}
  689. set {_7th} to {_6th}
  690. set {_7th.point} to {_6th.point}
  691. set {_6th} to {_5th}
  692. set {_6th.point} to {_5th.point}
  693. set {_5th} to {_4th}
  694. set {_5th.point} to {_4th.point}
  695. set {_4th} to {_3rd}
  696. set {_4th.point} to {_3rd.point}
  697. set {_3rd} to {_2nd}
  698. set {_3rd.point} to {_2nd.point}
  699. set {_2nd} to {_1st}
  700. set {_2nd.point} to {_1st.point}
  701. set {_1st} to loop-index
  702. set {_1st.point} to loop-value
  703. else if loop-value is more than {_2nd.point}:
  704. set {_15th} to {_14th}
  705. set {_15th.point} to {_14th.point}
  706. set {_14th} to {_13th}
  707. set {_14th.point} to {_13th.point}
  708. set {_13th} to {_12th}
  709. set {_13th.point} to {_12th.point}
  710. set {_12th} to {_11th}
  711. set {_12th.point} to {_11th.point}
  712. set {_11th} to {_10th}
  713. set {_11th.point} to {_10th.point}
  714. set {_10th} to {_9th}
  715. set {_10th.point} to {_9th.point}
  716. set {_9th} to {_8th}
  717. set {_9th.point} to {_8th.point}
  718. set {_8th} to {_7th}
  719. set {_8th.point} to {_7th.point}
  720. set {_7th} to {_6th}
  721. set {_7th.point} to {_6th.point}
  722. set {_6th} to {_5th}
  723. set {_6th.point} to {_5th.point}
  724. set {_5th} to {_4th}
  725. set {_5th.point} to {_4th.point}
  726. set {_4th} to {_3rd}
  727. set {_4th.point} to {_3rd.point}
  728. set {_3rd} to {_2nd}
  729. set {_3rd.point} to {_2nd.point}
  730. set {_2nd} to loop-index
  731. set {_2nd.point} to loop-value
  732. else if loop-value is more than {_3rd.point}:
  733. set {_15th} to {_14th}
  734. set {_15th.point} to {_14th.point}
  735. set {_14th} to {_13th}
  736. set {_14th.point} to {_13th.point}
  737. set {_13th} to {_12th}
  738. set {_13th.point} to {_12th.point}
  739. set {_12th} to {_11th}
  740. set {_12th.point} to {_11th.point}
  741. set {_11th} to {_10th}
  742. set {_11th.point} to {_10th.point}
  743. set {_10th} to {_9th}
  744. set {_10th.point} to {_9th.point}
  745. set {_9th} to {_8th}
  746. set {_9th.point} to {_8th.point}
  747. set {_8th} to {_7th}
  748. set {_8th.point} to {_7th.point}
  749. set {_7th} to {_6th}
  750. set {_7th.point} to {_6th.point}
  751. set {_6th} to {_5th}
  752. set {_6th.point} to {_5th.point}
  753. set {_5th} to {_4th}
  754. set {_5th.point} to {_4th.point}
  755. set {_4th} to {_3rd}
  756. set {_4th.point} to {_3rd.point}
  757. set {_3rd} to loop-index
  758. set {_3rd.point} to loop-value
  759. else if loop-value is more than {_4th.point}:
  760. set {_15th} to {_14th}
  761. set {_15th.point} to {_14th.point}
  762. set {_14th} to {_13th}
  763. set {_14th.point} to {_13th.point}
  764. set {_13th} to {_12th}
  765. set {_13th.point} to {_12th.point}
  766. set {_12th} to {_11th}
  767. set {_12th.point} to {_11th.point}
  768. set {_11th} to {_10th}
  769. set {_11th.point} to {_10th.point}
  770. set {_10th} to {_9th}
  771. set {_10th.point} to {_9th.point}
  772. set {_9th} to {_8th}
  773. set {_9th.point} to {_8th.point}
  774. set {_8th} to {_7th}
  775. set {_8th.point} to {_7th.point}
  776. set {_7th} to {_6th}
  777. set {_7th.point} to {_6th.point}
  778. set {_6th} to {_5th}
  779. set {_6th.point} to {_5th.point}
  780. set {_5th} to {_4th}
  781. set {_5th.point} to {_4th.point}
  782. set {_4th} to loop-index
  783. set {_4th.point} to loop-value
  784. else if loop-value is more than {_5th.point}:
  785. set {_15th} to {_14th}
  786. set {_15th.point} to {_14th.point}
  787. set {_14th} to {_13th}
  788. set {_14th.point} to {_13th.point}
  789. set {_13th} to {_12th}
  790. set {_13th.point} to {_12th.point}
  791. set {_12th} to {_11th}
  792. set {_12th.point} to {_11th.point}
  793. set {_11th} to {_10th}
  794. set {_11th.point} to {_10th.point}
  795. set {_10th} to {_9th}
  796. set {_10th.point} to {_9th.point}
  797. set {_9th} to {_8th}
  798. set {_9th.point} to {_8th.point}
  799. set {_8th} to {_7th}
  800. set {_8th.point} to {_7th.point}
  801. set {_7th} to {_6th}
  802. set {_7th.point} to {_6th.point}
  803. set {_6th} to {_5th}
  804. set {_6th.point} to {_5th.point}
  805. set {_5th} to loop-index
  806. set {_5th.point} to loop-value
  807. else if loop-value is more than {_6th.point}:
  808. set {_15th} to {_14th}
  809. set {_15th.point} to {_14th.point}
  810. set {_14th} to {_13th}
  811. set {_14th.point} to {_13th.point}
  812. set {_13th} to {_12th}
  813. set {_13th.point} to {_12th.point}
  814. set {_12th} to {_11th}
  815. set {_12th.point} to {_11th.point}
  816. set {_11th} to {_10th}
  817. set {_11th.point} to {_10th.point}
  818. set {_10th} to {_9th}
  819. set {_10th.point} to {_9th.point}
  820. set {_9th} to {_8th}
  821. set {_9th.point} to {_8th.point}
  822. set {_8th} to {_7th}
  823. set {_8th.point} to {_7th.point}
  824. set {_7th} to {_6th}
  825. set {_7th.point} to {_6th.point}
  826. set {_6th} to loop-index
  827. set {_6th.point} to loop-value
  828. else if loop-value is more than {_7th.point}:
  829. set {_15th} to {_14th}
  830. set {_15th.point} to {_14th.point}
  831. set {_14th} to {_13th}
  832. set {_14th.point} to {_13th.point}
  833. set {_13th} to {_12th}
  834. set {_13th.point} to {_12th.point}
  835. set {_12th} to {_11th}
  836. set {_12th.point} to {_11th.point}
  837. set {_11th} to {_10th}
  838. set {_11th.point} to {_10th.point}
  839. set {_10th} to {_9th}
  840. set {_10th.point} to {_9th.point}
  841. set {_9th} to {_8th}
  842. set {_9th.point} to {_8th.point}
  843. set {_8th} to {_7th}
  844. set {_8th.point} to {_7th.point}
  845. set {_7th} to loop-index
  846. set {_7th.point} to loop-value
  847. else if loop-value is more than {_8th.point}:
  848. set {_15th} to {_14th}
  849. set {_15th.point} to {_14th.point}
  850. set {_14th} to {_13th}
  851. set {_14th.point} to {_13th.point}
  852. set {_13th} to {_12th}
  853. set {_13th.point} to {_12th.point}
  854. set {_12th} to {_11th}
  855. set {_12th.point} to {_11th.point}
  856. set {_11th} to {_10th}
  857. set {_11th.point} to {_10th.point}
  858. set {_10th} to {_9th}
  859. set {_10th.point} to {_9th.point}
  860. set {_9th} to {_8th}
  861. set {_9th.point} to {_8th.point}
  862. set {_8th} to loop-index
  863. set {_8th.point} to loop-value
  864. else if loop-value is more than {_9th.point}:
  865. set {_15th} to {_14th}
  866. set {_15th.point} to {_14th.point}
  867. set {_14th} to {_13th}
  868. set {_14th.point} to {_13th.point}
  869. set {_13th} to {_12th}
  870. set {_13th.point} to {_12th.point}
  871. set {_12th} to {_11th}
  872. set {_12th.point} to {_11th.point}
  873. set {_11th} to {_10th}
  874. set {_11th.point} to {_10th.point}
  875. set {_10th} to {_9th}
  876. set {_10th.point} to {_9th.point}
  877. set {_9th} to loop-index
  878. set {_9th.point} to loop-value
  879. else if loop-value is more than {_10th.point}:
  880. set {_15th} to {_14th}
  881. set {_15th.point} to {_14th.point}
  882. set {_14th} to {_13th}
  883. set {_14th.point} to {_13th.point}
  884. set {_13th} to {_12th}
  885. set {_13th.point} to {_12th.point}
  886. set {_12th} to {_11th}
  887. set {_12th.point} to {_11th.point}
  888. set {_11th} to {_10th}
  889. set {_11th.point} to {_10th.point}
  890. set {_10th} to {_9th}
  891. set {_10th.point} to {_9th.point}
  892. else if loop-value is more than {_11th.point}:
  893. set {_15th} to {_14th}
  894. set {_15th.point} to {_14th.point}
  895. set {_14th} to {_13th}
  896. set {_14th.point} to {_13th.point}
  897. set {_13th} to {_12th}
  898. set {_13th.point} to {_12th.point}
  899. set {_12th} to {_11th}
  900. set {_12th.point} to {_11th.point}
  901. set {_11th} to {_10th}
  902. set {_11th.point} to {_10th.point}
  903. else if loop-value is more than {_12th.point}:
  904. set {_15th} to {_14th}
  905. set {_15th.point} to {_14th.point}
  906. set {_14th} to {_13th}
  907. set {_14th.point} to {_13th.point}
  908. set {_13th} to {_12th}
  909. set {_13th.point} to {_12th.point}
  910. set {_12th} to {_11th}
  911. set {_12th.point} to {_11th.point}
  912. else if loop-value is more than {_13th.point}:
  913. set {_15th} to {_14th}
  914. set {_15th.point} to {_14th.point}
  915. set {_14th} to {_13th}
  916. set {_14th.point} to {_13th.point}
  917. set {_13th} to {_12th}
  918. set {_13th.point} to {_12th.point}
  919. else if loop-value is more than {_14th.point}:
  920. set {_15th} to {_14th}
  921. set {_15th.point} to {_14th.point}
  922. set {_14th} to {_13th}
  923. set {_14th.point} to {_13th.point}
  924. else if loop-value is more than {_15th.point}:
  925. set {_15th} to {_14th}
  926. set {_15th.point} to {_14th.point}
  927. send "&9&m&l======= &f&e&lTop Kills &9&m&l======="
  928. if {_1st} is set:
  929. send "&e1st : &7%{_1st}% - &c%{_1st.point}% &7Kills"
  930. else:
  931. send "&7No one has ranked on the leaderboard"
  932. if {_2nd} is set:
  933. send "&72nd : &7%{_2nd}% - &c%{_2nd.point}% &7Kills"
  934. if {_3rd} is set:
  935. send "&63rd : &7%{_3rd}% - &c%{_3rd.point}% &7Kills"
  936. if {_4th} is set:
  937. send "&r4th : &7%{_4th}% - &c%{_4th.point}% &7Kills"
  938. if {_5th} is set:
  939. send "&r5th : &7%{_5th}% - &c%{_5th.point}% &7Kills"
  940. if {_6th} is set:
  941. send "&r6th : &7%{_6th}% - &c%{_6th.point}% &7Kills"
  942. if {_7th} is set:
  943. send "&r7th : &7%{_7th}% - &c%{_7th.point}% &7Kills"
  944. if {_8th} is set:
  945. send "&r8th : &7%{_8th}% - &c%{_8th.point}% &7Kills"
  946. if {_9th} is set:
  947. send "&r9th : &7%{_9th}% - &c%{_9th.point}% &7Kills"
  948. if {_10th} is set:
  949. send "&r10th : &7%{_10th}% - &c%{_10th.point}% &7Kills"
  950. every 1 minute in world "World":
  951. set {_1st.point} to 0
  952. set {_2nd.point} to 0
  953. set {_3rd.point} to 0
  954. set {_4th.point} to 0
  955. set {_5th.point} to 0
  956. set {_6th.point} to 0
  957. set {_7th.point} to 0
  958. set {_8th.point} to 0
  959. set {_9th.point} to 0
  960. set {_10th.point} to 0
  961. loop {kills::*}:
  962. if loop-value is more than {_1st.point}:
  963. set {_15th} to {_14th}
  964. set {_15th.point} to {_14th.point}
  965. set {_14th} to {_13th}
  966. set {_14th.point} to {_13th.point}
  967. set {_13th} to {_12th}
  968. set {_13th.point} to {_12th.point}
  969. set {_12th} to {_11th}
  970. set {_12th.point} to {_11th.point}
  971. set {_11th} to {_10th}
  972. set {_11th.point} to {_10th.point}
  973. set {_10th} to {_9th}
  974. set {_10th.point} to {_9th.point}
  975. set {_9th} to {_8th}
  976. set {_9th.point} to {_8th.point}
  977. set {_8th} to {_7th}
  978. set {_8th.point} to {_7th.point}
  979. set {_7th} to {_6th}
  980. set {_7th.point} to {_6th.point}
  981. set {_6th} to {_5th}
  982. set {_6th.point} to {_5th.point}
  983. set {_5th} to {_4th}
  984. set {_5th.point} to {_4th.point}
  985. set {_4th} to {_3rd}
  986. set {_4th.point} to {_3rd.point}
  987. set {_3rd} to {_2nd}
  988. set {_3rd.point} to {_2nd.point}
  989. set {_2nd} to {_1st}
  990. set {_2nd.point} to {_1st.point}
  991. set {_1st} to loop-index
  992. set {_1st.point} to loop-value
  993. else if loop-value is more than {_2nd.point}:
  994. set {_15th} to {_14th}
  995. set {_15th.point} to {_14th.point}
  996. set {_14th} to {_13th}
  997. set {_14th.point} to {_13th.point}
  998. set {_13th} to {_12th}
  999. set {_13th.point} to {_12th.point}
  1000. set {_12th} to {_11th}
  1001. set {_12th.point} to {_11th.point}
  1002. set {_11th} to {_10th}
  1003. set {_11th.point} to {_10th.point}
  1004. set {_10th} to {_9th}
  1005. set {_10th.point} to {_9th.point}
  1006. set {_9th} to {_8th}
  1007. set {_9th.point} to {_8th.point}
  1008. set {_8th} to {_7th}
  1009. set {_8th.point} to {_7th.point}
  1010. set {_7th} to {_6th}
  1011. set {_7th.point} to {_6th.point}
  1012. set {_6th} to {_5th}
  1013. set {_6th.point} to {_5th.point}
  1014. set {_5th} to {_4th}
  1015. set {_5th.point} to {_4th.point}
  1016. set {_4th} to {_3rd}
  1017. set {_4th.point} to {_3rd.point}
  1018. set {_3rd} to {_2nd}
  1019. set {_3rd.point} to {_2nd.point}
  1020. set {_2nd} to loop-index
  1021. set {_2nd.point} to loop-value
  1022. else if loop-value is more than {_3rd.point}:
  1023. set {_15th} to {_14th}
  1024. set {_15th.point} to {_14th.point}
  1025. set {_14th} to {_13th}
  1026. set {_14th.point} to {_13th.point}
  1027. set {_13th} to {_12th}
  1028. set {_13th.point} to {_12th.point}
  1029. set {_12th} to {_11th}
  1030. set {_12th.point} to {_11th.point}
  1031. set {_11th} to {_10th}
  1032. set {_11th.point} to {_10th.point}
  1033. set {_10th} to {_9th}
  1034. set {_10th.point} to {_9th.point}
  1035. set {_9th} to {_8th}
  1036. set {_9th.point} to {_8th.point}
  1037. set {_8th} to {_7th}
  1038. set {_8th.point} to {_7th.point}
  1039. set {_7th} to {_6th}
  1040. set {_7th.point} to {_6th.point}
  1041. set {_6th} to {_5th}
  1042. set {_6th.point} to {_5th.point}
  1043. set {_5th} to {_4th}
  1044. set {_5th.point} to {_4th.point}
  1045. set {_4th} to {_3rd}
  1046. set {_4th.point} to {_3rd.point}
  1047. set {_3rd} to loop-index
  1048. set {_3rd.point} to loop-value
  1049. else if loop-value is more than {_4th.point}:
  1050. set {_15th} to {_14th}
  1051. set {_15th.point} to {_14th.point}
  1052. set {_14th} to {_13th}
  1053. set {_14th.point} to {_13th.point}
  1054. set {_13th} to {_12th}
  1055. set {_13th.point} to {_12th.point}
  1056. set {_12th} to {_11th}
  1057. set {_12th.point} to {_11th.point}
  1058. set {_11th} to {_10th}
  1059. set {_11th.point} to {_10th.point}
  1060. set {_10th} to {_9th}
  1061. set {_10th.point} to {_9th.point}
  1062. set {_9th} to {_8th}
  1063. set {_9th.point} to {_8th.point}
  1064. set {_8th} to {_7th}
  1065. set {_8th.point} to {_7th.point}
  1066. set {_7th} to {_6th}
  1067. set {_7th.point} to {_6th.point}
  1068. set {_6th} to {_5th}
  1069. set {_6th.point} to {_5th.point}
  1070. set {_5th} to {_4th}
  1071. set {_5th.point} to {_4th.point}
  1072. set {_4th} to loop-index
  1073. set {_4th.point} to loop-value
  1074. else if loop-value is more than {_5th.point}:
  1075. set {_15th} to {_14th}
  1076. set {_15th.point} to {_14th.point}
  1077. set {_14th} to {_13th}
  1078. set {_14th.point} to {_13th.point}
  1079. set {_13th} to {_12th}
  1080. set {_13th.point} to {_12th.point}
  1081. set {_12th} to {_11th}
  1082. set {_12th.point} to {_11th.point}
  1083. set {_11th} to {_10th}
  1084. set {_11th.point} to {_10th.point}
  1085. set {_10th} to {_9th}
  1086. set {_10th.point} to {_9th.point}
  1087. set {_9th} to {_8th}
  1088. set {_9th.point} to {_8th.point}
  1089. set {_8th} to {_7th}
  1090. set {_8th.point} to {_7th.point}
  1091. set {_7th} to {_6th}
  1092. set {_7th.point} to {_6th.point}
  1093. set {_6th} to {_5th}
  1094. set {_6th.point} to {_5th.point}
  1095. set {_5th} to loop-index
  1096. set {_5th.point} to loop-value
  1097. else if loop-value is more than {_6th.point}:
  1098. set {_15th} to {_14th}
  1099. set {_15th.point} to {_14th.point}
  1100. set {_14th} to {_13th}
  1101. set {_14th.point} to {_13th.point}
  1102. set {_13th} to {_12th}
  1103. set {_13th.point} to {_12th.point}
  1104. set {_12th} to {_11th}
  1105. set {_12th.point} to {_11th.point}
  1106. set {_11th} to {_10th}
  1107. set {_11th.point} to {_10th.point}
  1108. set {_10th} to {_9th}
  1109. set {_10th.point} to {_9th.point}
  1110. set {_9th} to {_8th}
  1111. set {_9th.point} to {_8th.point}
  1112. set {_8th} to {_7th}
  1113. set {_8th.point} to {_7th.point}
  1114. set {_7th} to {_6th}
  1115. set {_7th.point} to {_6th.point}
  1116. set {_6th} to loop-index
  1117. set {_6th.point} to loop-value
  1118. else if loop-value is more than {_7th.point}:
  1119. set {_15th} to {_14th}
  1120. set {_15th.point} to {_14th.point}
  1121. set {_14th} to {_13th}
  1122. set {_14th.point} to {_13th.point}
  1123. set {_13th} to {_12th}
  1124. set {_13th.point} to {_12th.point}
  1125. set {_12th} to {_11th}
  1126. set {_12th.point} to {_11th.point}
  1127. set {_11th} to {_10th}
  1128. set {_11th.point} to {_10th.point}
  1129. set {_10th} to {_9th}
  1130. set {_10th.point} to {_9th.point}
  1131. set {_9th} to {_8th}
  1132. set {_9th.point} to {_8th.point}
  1133. set {_8th} to {_7th}
  1134. set {_8th.point} to {_7th.point}
  1135. set {_7th} to loop-index
  1136. set {_7th.point} to loop-value
  1137. else if loop-value is more than {_8th.point}:
  1138. set {_15th} to {_14th}
  1139. set {_15th.point} to {_14th.point}
  1140. set {_14th} to {_13th}
  1141. set {_14th.point} to {_13th.point}
  1142. set {_13th} to {_12th}
  1143. set {_13th.point} to {_12th.point}
  1144. set {_12th} to {_11th}
  1145. set {_12th.point} to {_11th.point}
  1146. set {_11th} to {_10th}
  1147. set {_11th.point} to {_10th.point}
  1148. set {_10th} to {_9th}
  1149. set {_10th.point} to {_9th.point}
  1150. set {_9th} to {_8th}
  1151. set {_9th.point} to {_8th.point}
  1152. set {_8th} to loop-index
  1153. set {_8th.point} to loop-value
  1154. else if loop-value is more than {_9th.point}:
  1155. set {_15th} to {_14th}
  1156. set {_15th.point} to {_14th.point}
  1157. set {_14th} to {_13th}
  1158. set {_14th.point} to {_13th.point}
  1159. set {_13th} to {_12th}
  1160. set {_13th.point} to {_12th.point}
  1161. set {_12th} to {_11th}
  1162. set {_12th.point} to {_11th.point}
  1163. set {_11th} to {_10th}
  1164. set {_11th.point} to {_10th.point}
  1165. set {_10th} to {_9th}
  1166. set {_10th.point} to {_9th.point}
  1167. set {_9th} to loop-index
  1168. set {_9th.point} to loop-value
  1169. else if loop-value is more than {_10th.point}:
  1170. set {_15th} to {_14th}
  1171. set {_15th.point} to {_14th.point}
  1172. set {_14th} to {_13th}
  1173. set {_14th.point} to {_13th.point}
  1174. set {_13th} to {_12th}
  1175. set {_13th.point} to {_12th.point}
  1176. set {_12th} to {_11th}
  1177. set {_12th.point} to {_11th.point}
  1178. set {_11th} to {_10th}
  1179. set {_11th.point} to {_10th.point}
  1180. set {_10th} to {_9th}
  1181. set {_10th.point} to {_9th.point}
  1182. else if loop-value is more than {_11th.point}:
  1183. set {_15th} to {_14th}
  1184. set {_15th.point} to {_14th.point}
  1185. set {_14th} to {_13th}
  1186. set {_14th.point} to {_13th.point}
  1187. set {_13th} to {_12th}
  1188. set {_13th.point} to {_12th.point}
  1189. set {_12th} to {_11th}
  1190. set {_12th.point} to {_11th.point}
  1191. set {_11th} to {_10th}
  1192. set {_11th.point} to {_10th.point}
  1193. else if loop-value is more than {_12th.point}:
  1194. set {_15th} to {_14th}
  1195. set {_15th.point} to {_14th.point}
  1196. set {_14th} to {_13th}
  1197. set {_14th.point} to {_13th.point}
  1198. set {_13th} to {_12th}
  1199. set {_13th.point} to {_12th.point}
  1200. set {_12th} to {_11th}
  1201. set {_12th.point} to {_11th.point}
  1202. else if loop-value is more than {_13th.point}:
  1203. set {_15th} to {_14th}
  1204. set {_15th.point} to {_14th.point}
  1205. set {_14th} to {_13th}
  1206. set {_14th.point} to {_13th.point}
  1207. set {_13th} to {_12th}
  1208. set {_13th.point} to {_12th.point}
  1209. else if loop-value is more than {_14th.point}:
  1210. set {_15th} to {_14th}
  1211. set {_15th.point} to {_14th.point}
  1212. set {_14th} to {_13th}
  1213. set {_14th.point} to {_13th.point}
  1214. else if loop-value is more than {_15th.point}:
  1215. set {_15th} to {_14th}
  1216. set {_15th.point} to {_14th.point}
  1217. make console execute "/holo setline holo1st 1 &7---======&4&lTop 10 PvPers&7&l======---"
  1218. if {_1st} is set:
  1219. make console execute "/holo setline holo1st 2 &e1st : &7%{_1st}% - &c%{_1st.point}% &7Kills"
  1220. else:
  1221. if {_2nd} is set:
  1222. make console execute "/holo setline holo1st 3 &72nd : &7%{_2nd}% - &c%{_2nd.point}% &7Kills"
  1223. if {_3rd} is set:
  1224. make console execute "/holo setline holo1st 4 &63rd : &7%{_3rd}% - &c%{_3rd.point}% &7Kills"
  1225. if {_4th} is set:
  1226. make console execute "/holo setline holo1st 5 &r4th : &7%{_4th}% - &c%{_4th.point}% &7Kills"
  1227. if {_5th} is set:
  1228. make console execute "/holo setline holo1st 6 &r5th : &7%{_5th}% - &c%{_5th.point}% &7Kills"
  1229. if {_6th} is set:
  1230. make console execute "/holo setline holo1st 7 &r6th : &7%{_6th}% - &c%{_6th.point}% &7Kills"
  1231. if {_7th} is set:
  1232. make console execute "/holo setline holo1st 8 &r7th : &7%{_7th}% - &c%{_7th.point}% &7Kills"
  1233. if {_8th} is set:
  1234. make console execute "/holo setline holo1st 9 &r8th : &7%{_8th}% - &c%{_8th.point}% &7Kills"
  1235. if {_9th} is set:
  1236. make console execute "/holo setline holo1st 10 &r9th : &7%{_9th}% - &c%{_9th.point}% &7Kills"
  1237. if {_10th} is set:
  1238. make console execute "/holo setline holo1st 11 &r10th : &7%{_10th}% - &c%{_10th.point}% &7Kills"
  1241. #command /kitupgrades <> # NOT IN USE NOW
  1242. command /reset <player> <text>:
  1243. trigger:
  1244. if arg-1 is "All":
  1245. loop all players:
  1246. set {kills.%loop-player%} to 0
  1247. set {deaths.%loop-player%} to 0
  1248. set {souls.%loop-player%} to 0
  1249. set {level.%loop-player%} to 0
  1250. if arg-2 is "All":
  1251. set {kills.%player%} to 0
  1252. set {deaths.%player%} to 0
  1253. set {souls.%player%} to 0
  1254. set {level.%player%} to 0
  1255. if arg-2 is "Kills":
  1256. set {kills::%arg-1%} to 0
  1257. if arg-2 is "Deaths":
  1258. set {deaths.%player%} to 0
  1259. if arg-2 is "Souls":
  1260. set {souls.%player%} to 0
  1261. if arg-2 is "Level":
  1262. set {level.%player%} to 0
  1264. #
  1265. #
  1266. #----------============================ ============================----------
  1267. #
  1268. #
  1269. on right click on end portal frame:
  1270. open chest with 3 rows named "&3Soul Well" to player
  1271. set {_slot} to 0
  1272. loop 27 times:
  1273. format slot {_slot} of player with gray glass pane named "&r" to be unstealable
  1274. if {_slot} is equal to 11:
  1275. set {_slot} to 11
  1276. format slot 12 of player with gray glass pane named "&r" to be unstealable
  1277. format slot 11 of player with enchanted book named "&8[&3Souls&8] &7Basic Chest" with lore "&c&l(!) &r&cInside||&r||&c&l* &r&7Crate Keys||&c&l* &r&7Souls||&c&l* &r&7Admin Items" to close then run "say wip"
  1278. if {_slot} is 13:
  1279. set {_slot} to 13
  1280. format slot 14 of player with gray glass pane named "&r" to be unstealable
  1281. format slot 13 of player with chest named "&8[&3Souls&8] &7Advanced Chest" with lore "&c&l(!) &r&cAdvanced Chest||&b&otest" to close then run "say test2"
  1282. if {_slot} is 15:
  1283. set {_slot} to 15
  1284. format slot 15 of player with ender chest named "&8[&3Souls&8] &7Premium Chest" with lore "&c&l(!) &r&cPremium Chest||test" to close then run "say test3"
  1285. add 1 to {_slot}
  1288. command /soul1:
  1289. trigger:
  1290. if {souls.%player%} <= 10:
  1291. send "&7You need atleast &410 &7souls to use the well." to player
  1292. if {souls.%player%} >= 10:
  1293. subtract 10 from {souls.%player%}
  1294. send "&7Rolling" to player
  1295. set {_choice} to random integer between 1 and 8
  1296. wait 3 seconds
  1297. if {_choice} is 1:
  1298. add 2 to {souls.%player%}
  1299. send "&4&lSouls &r&8» &7You have received &c2 &7souls." to player
  1300. stop
  1301. if {_choice} is 2:
  1302. send "&4Nothing!" to player
  1303. stop
  1304. if {_choice} is 3:
  1305. send "&4Nothing!" to player
  1306. stop
  1307. if {_choice} is 4:
  1308. add 5 to {souls.%player%}
  1309. send "&4&lSouls &r&8» &7You have received &c5 &7souls." to player
  1310. stop
  1311. if {_choice} is 5:
  1312. add 10 to {souls.%player%}
  1313. send "&4&lSouls &r&8» &7You have received &c10 &7souls." to player
  1314. stop
  1315. if {_choice} is 6:
  1316. make console execute "crate key %player% Legendary 1"
  1317. broadcast "&4&lSouls &r&8» &c%player% &7have received a &cLegendary &7key from the souls well!"
  1318. stop
  1319. if {_choice} is 7:
  1320. make console execute "crate key %player% Common"
  1321. send "&4&lSouls &r&8» &7You have received a &cCommon &7key." to player
  1322. stop
  1323. if {_choice} is 8:
  1324. add 15 to {souls.%player%}
  1325. send "&4&lSouls &r&8» &7You have received &c15 &7souls!" to player
  1326. stop
  1329. command /souls <text> <player> [<integer>]:
  1330. permission: staff.admin
  1331. permission message: {@prefix} &4&lNo access!
  1332. trigger:
  1333. if arg 1 is "add":
  1334. if arg 2 is set:
  1335. if integer argument is more than 0:
  1336. if integer argument is less than 1000000000:
  1337. add integer argument to {souls.%arg 2%}
  1338. send "&4&lSouls &r&8» &c%player% &7has added &c%integer argument% &7souls to you!" to arg 2
  1340. command /soulsreset:
  1341. permission: staff.admin
  1342. permission message: {@prefix} &4&lNo access!
  1343. trigger:
  1344. loop all players:
  1345. set {souls.%player%} to 0
  1347. #
  1349. command /bc <text>:
  1350. permission: admin.broadcast
  1351. aliases: /broadcast, /announce
  1352. permission message: {@prefix}&4&lYou are not permitted to use this.
  1353. usage: /warn (player) (reason)
  1354. trigger:
  1355. if arg 1 is set:
  1356. broadcast "&r"
  1357. broadcast "&4&lAnnouncement &r&8» &c%arg 1%"
  1358. broadcast "&r"
  1360. command /test <text>:
  1361. permission: admin.broadcast
  1362. aliases: /t
  1363. permission message: {@prefix} &4&lYou are not permitted to use this.
  1364. usage: /warn (sd) (reason)
  1365. trigger:
  1366. if arg 1 is "lock":
  1367. broadcast "&r"
  1368. broadcast " &c&lChat Locked"
  1369. broadcast "&r"
  1370. broadcast " &c&l* &r&7Chat Locked by &c%player%&7!"
  1371. broadcast " &c&l* &r&7Only &bStaff &7can talk!"
  1372. broadcast "&r"
  1373. else if arg 1 is "unlock":
  1374. broadcast "&r"
  1375. broadcast " &c&lChat Locked"
  1376. broadcast "&r"
  1377. broadcast " &c&l* &r&7Chat Locked by &c%player%&7!"
  1378. broadcast " &c&l* &r&7Only &bStaff &7can talk!"
  1379. broadcast "&r"
  1380. broadcast " &c&l(!) &r&7Reason: &c%arg 1%"
  1381. broadcast "&r"
  1384. command /links:
  1385. aliases: /link, /sites
  1386. trigger:
  1387. send "&r" to player
  1388. json("%player%", "&b&lDiscord &r&8» &7 ||url: ||")
  1389. json("%player%", "&b&lForums &r&8» &7 ||url: ||")
  1390. send "&b&lWebsite &r&8» &7Coming Soon"
  1391. send "&r"
  1393. command /buy:
  1394. trigger:
  1395. send "&7We are currently working on our &3Buycraft &7store. We will announce it when our buycraft is complete."
  1397. command /rules:
  1398. trigger:
  1399. send "&r"
  1400. send "&b1. &7No inappropriate skins or usernames. (Kick)"
  1401. send "&b1a. &7Must change skin and username in order to rejoin our server or it will result in a temporary ban."
  1402. send "&b2. &7No Hacking. (30 Day Ban)"
  1403. send "&b3. &7No abusing exploits. (Warning)"
  1404. send "&b4. &7Faking Hacks will result in a 7 Day Ban."
  1405. send "&b5. &7Racist Comments / Racial Slurs (1 Day Mute)."
  1406. send "&b6. &7Spamming / Chat Flood will result in a 7 Day Mute. If continued will escalate to 7 Day Ban."
  1407. send "&b7. &7Player / Staff Harassment will result in 7 Day Ban. If continued will escalate to Permanent Ban."
  1408. send "&b8. &7Staff / Player / Server Disrespect will result in Warning then 7 Day Mute then 7 Day Ban then Permanent Ban Punishments may vary."
  1409. send "&b9. &7Swearing is not allowed on any Aetherian Network Server. If done it will result in a 7 Day Mute then Permanent Mute."
  1410. send "&b10. &7Advertising will result in a Permanent Mute."
  1411. send "&b11. &7Threatening in sort of way will result in a 30 Day Ban."
  1412. send "&r"
  1413. send "&7If you have any questions about rules, please contact a staff member. Thanks!."
  1414. send "&r"
  1422. on command:
  1423. loop all players:
  1424. if {spy.%loop-player%} is true:
  1425. send "&4&lPlayer &8» &7%player%" to loop-player
  1426. send "&4&lCommand &8» &7%command%" to loop-player
  1428. #
  1429. #
  1430. # --------=================== Start of ===================-------------------
  1431. # Yet to be edited
  1432. # -Binarite
  1434. command /ticket [<text>]:
  1435. trigger:
  1436. if arg-1 is not set:
  1437. send ""
  1438. send "&9&l&NUSAGE"
  1439. send ""
  1440. send "&b/ticket (what you need)"
  1441. send ""
  1442. if arg-1 is set:
  1443. send "&bTicket created!"
  1444. loop all players:
  1445. if loop-player has permission "staff.ticketcheck":
  1446. send "&e%player%&6 has created a ticket!" to loop-player
  1447. send "&eReason&8 - &6%arg-1%" to loop-player
  1449. command /punish <player>:
  1450. permission: staff.ticketcheck
  1451. permission message: {@prefix} &cInsufficient permissions!
  1452. aliases: /p
  1453. trigger:
  1454. if arg-1 is not set:
  1455. send ""
  1456. send "&4&lUR WR0NG"
  1457. send "&c/punish [player]"
  1458. send ""
  1459. if arg-1 is set:
  1460. delete {_staffplayer}
  1461. delete {staff.%player%::*}
  1462. set {staffplayer.%player%} to true
  1463. set {staff.%player%::*} to arg-1
  1464. open chest inventory with 3 rows named "&c&lPUNISHMENT" to player
  1465. loop all integers from 0 to 45:
  1466. set slot loop-integer of player's current inventory to black glass named "&7&oNot a category!"
  1467. set slot 10 of player's current inventory to feather named "&cWarn"
  1468. set slot 11 of player's current inventory to plain_glass_block named "&cTemp. Mute"
  1469. set slot 13 of player's current inventory to book named "&cHistory"
  1470. set slot 14 of player's current inventory to tnt named "&cTemp. Ban"
  1471. set slot 15 of player's current inventory to barrier named "&cPerm. Ban"
  1472. set slot 16 of player's current inventory to redstone_torch_on named "&cKick"
  1473. set slot 12 of player's current inventory to paper named "&cPerm. Mute"
  1474. set slot 26 of player's current inventory to sign named "&bMade by:" with lore "&3CyberRyan"
  1475. set slot 25 of player's current inventory to sign named "&bEnhanced by »" with lore "&cBinarite"
  1477. on inventory click:
  1478. if name of event-inventory is "&c&lPUNISHMENT":
  1479. cancel event
  1480. if index of event-slot is 10:
  1481. if {staffplayer.%player%} is set:
  1482. open chest inventory with 1 rows named "&c&lPUNISHMENT &r&8| &6Warn" to player
  1483. loop all integers from 0 to 9:
  1484. set slot loop-integer of player's current inventory to light blue glass or cyan glass named "&7&oNot a category!"
  1485. set slot 0 of player's current inventory to feather named "&cDisrespect"
  1486. delete {staffplayer.%player%}
  1487. else:
  1488. send "&cYou have not picked a player to punish!"
  1489. if index of event-slot is 11:
  1490. if {staffplayer.%player%} is set:
  1491. open chest inventory with 1 rows named "&c&lPUNISHMENT &r&8| &6Temp-Mute" to player
  1492. loop all integers from 0 to 9:
  1493. set slot loop-integer of player's current inventory to light blue glass or cyan glass named "&7&oNot a category!"
  1494. set slot 0 of player's current inventory to paper named "&cSpamming" with lore "&47 day mute"
  1495. set slot 1 of player's current inventory to red glass block named "&cRacisim" with lore "&414 day mute"
  1496. set slot 3 of player's current inventory to bedrock named "&cManual 30m Mute" with lore "&430 minute mute"
  1497. set slot 4 of player's current inventory to bedrock named "&cManual 6h Mute" with lore "&46 hour mute"
  1498. set slot 5 of player's current inventory to bedrock named "&cManual 7d Mute" with lore "&47 day mute"
  1499. delete {staffplayer.%player%}
  1500. else:
  1501. send "&cYou have not picked a player to punish!"
  1502. if index of event-slot is 13:
  1503. if {staffplayer.%player%} is set:
  1504. set {_staffplayer} to a random object out of {staff.%player%::*}
  1505. make player execute "checkinfo %{_staffplayer}%"
  1506. close player's inventory
  1507. if index of event-slot is 14:
  1508. if {staffplayer.%player%} is set:
  1509. open chest inventory with 1 rows named "&c&lPUNISHMENT &r&8| &6Temp-Ban" to player
  1510. loop all integers from 0 to 9:
  1511. set slot loop-integer of player's current inventory to light blue glass or cyan glass named "&7&oNot a category!"
  1512. set slot 0 of player's current inventory to diamond sword named "&cHacking" with lore "&430 day ban"
  1513. set slot 1 of player's current inventory to red glass block named "&cAdvertisement" with lore "&47 day ban"
  1514. set slot 2 of player's current inventory to barrier named "&cThreats" with lore "&420 day ban"
  1515. set slot 3 of player's current inventory to feather named "&cAbusing Exploits" with lore "&445 day ban"
  1516. set slot 4 of player's current inventory to wooden sword named "&cFake Hacks" with lore "&410 day ban"
  1517. set slot 5 of player's current inventory to red wool named "&cHarrasment" with lore "&415 day ban"
  1518. set slot 7 of player's current inventory to bedrock named "&cManual 7d Ban" with lore "7 day ban"
  1519. set slot 8 of player's current inventory to bedrock named "&cManual 30d Ban" with lore "30 day ban"
  1520. delete {staffplayer.%player%}
  1521. else:
  1522. send "&cYou have not picked a player to punish!"
  1523. if index of event-slot is 15:
  1524. if {staffplayer.%player%} is set:
  1525. open chest inventory with 1 rows named "&c&lPUNISHMENT &r&8| &6Perm-Ban" to player
  1526. loop all integers from 0 to 9:
  1527. set slot loop-integer of player's current inventory to light blue glass or cyan glass named "&7&oNot a category!"
  1528. set slot 0 of player's current inventory to bedrock named "&cManual Perm Ban"
  1529. delete {staffplayer.%player%}
  1530. else:
  1531. send "&cYou have not picked a player to punish!"
  1532. if index of event-slot is 16:
  1533. if {staffplayer.%player%} is set:
  1534. open chest inventory with 1 rows named "&c&lPUNISHMENT &r&8| &6Kick" to player
  1535. loop all integers from 0 to 9:
  1536. set slot loop-integer of player's current inventory to light blue glass or cyan glass named "&7&oNot a category!"
  1537. set slot 0 of player's current inventory to iron chestplate named "&cInnapropriate Skin/Username"
  1538. set slot 2 of player's current inventory to bedrock named "&cManual Kick"
  1539. delete {staffplayer.%player%}
  1540. else:
  1541. send "&cYou have not picked a player to punish!"
  1542. if index of event-slot is 12:
  1543. if {staffplayer.%player%} is set:
  1544. open chest inventory with 1 rows named "&c&lPUNISHMENT &r&8| &6Mute" to player
  1545. loop all integers from 0 to 9:
  1546. set slot loop-integer of player's current inventory to light blue glass or cyan glass named "&7&oNot a category!"
  1547. set slot 0 of player's current inventory to bedrock named "&cManual Perm Mute"
  1548. set slot 1 of player's current inventory to barrier named "&cUnmute"
  1549. delete {staffplayer.%player%}
  1550. else:
  1551. send "&cYou have not picked a player to punish!"
  1553. command /ct [<text>]:
  1554. permission: staff.ticketcheck
  1555. trigger:
  1556. if arg-1 is not set:
  1557. send "&cUsage &8- &c/sct [msg]"
  1558. if arg-1 is set:
  1559. loop all players:
  1560. loop-player has permission "staff.ticketcheck":
  1561. send "{@prefix} &b%player% &8>>&7 %arg-1%"
  1562. on inventory click:
  1563. if name of event-inventory is "&c&lPUNISHMENT &r&8| &6Warn":
  1564. cancel event
  1565. if index of event-slot is 0:
  1566. set {_staffplayer} to a random object out of {staff.%player%::*}
  1567. broadcast "{@prefix} &c%player%&7 has warned &c%{_staffplayer}%"
  1568. broadcast "&9Reason &8>> &cDisrespect"
  1569. add 1 to {warns.%{_staffplayer}%}
  1570. close player's inventory
  1571. if name of event-inventory is "&c&lPUNISHMENT &r&8| &6Temp-Mute":
  1572. cancel event
  1573. if index of event-slot is 0:
  1574. set {_staffplayer} to a random object out of {staff.%player%::*}
  1575. broadcast "{@prefix} &c%player%&7 has muted &c%{_staffplayer}%"
  1576. broadcast "&9Time &8>> &c7 days"
  1577. broadcast "&9Reason &8>> &cSpamming"
  1579. add 1 to {tmutes.%{_staffplayer}%}
  1580. close player's inventory
  1581. if index of event-slot is 1:
  1582. set {_staffplayer} to a random object out of {staff.%player%::*}
  1583. broadcast "{@prefix} &c%player%&7 has muted &c%{_staffplayer}%"
  1584. broadcast "&9Time &8>> &c14 days"
  1585. broadcast "&9Reason &8>> &cRacisim"
  1586. make player execute "/tempmute %{_staffplayer}% Racisim 14 days"
  1588. add 1 to {tmutes.%{_staffplayer}%}
  1589. close player's inventory
  1590. if index of event-slot is 3: # Start here
  1591. set {_staffplayer} to a random object out of {staff.%player%::*}
  1592. broadcast "{@prefix} &c%player%&7 has muted &c%{_staffplayer}%"
  1593. broadcast "&9Time &8>> &c30 minutes"
  1594. broadcast "&9Reason &8>> &cManual 30 Minute Mute"
  1595. make player execute "/tempmute %{_staffplayer}% Manual 30 Minute Mute 30 minutes"
  1596. add 1 to {tmutes.%{_staffplayer}%}
  1597. close player's inventory
  1598. if index of event-slot is 4:
  1599. set {_staffplayer} to a random object out of {staff.%player%::*}
  1600. broadcast "{@prefix} &c%player%&7 has muted &c%{_staffplayer}%"
  1601. broadcast "&9Time &8>> &c6 hours"
  1602. broadcast "&9Reason &8>> &cManual 6 Hour Mute"
  1603. make player execute "/tempmute %{_staffplayer}% Manual 6 Hour Mute 6 hours"
  1604. add 1 to {tmutes.%{_staffplayer}%}
  1605. close player's inventory
  1606. if index of event-slot is 5:
  1607. set {_staffplayer} to a random object out of {staff.%player%::*}
  1608. broadcast "{@prefix} &c%player%&7 has muted &c%{_staffplayer}%"
  1609. broadcast "&9Time &8>> &c7 days"
  1610. broadcast "&9Reason &8>> &cManual 7 Day Mute"
  1611. make player execute "/tempmute %{_staffplayer}% Manual 7 Day Mute 7 days"
  1612. add 1 to {tmutes.%{_staffplayer}%}
  1613. close player's inventory
  1614. if name of event-inventory is "&c&lPUNISHMENT &r&8| &6Temp-Ban":
  1615. cancel event
  1616. if index of event-slot is 0:
  1617. set {_staffplayer} to a random object out of {staff.%player%::*}
  1618. broadcast "{@prefix} &c%player%&7 has temporarily banned &c%{_staffplayer}%"
  1619. broadcast "&9Time &8>> &c30 days"
  1620. broadcast "&9Reason &8>> &cHacking"
  1621. make player execute "/tempban %{_staffplayer}% &cHacking 7 days"
  1622. add 1 to {tbans.%{_staffplayer}%}
  1623. close player's inventory
  1624. if index of event-slot is 1:
  1625. set {_staffplayer} to a random object out of {staff.%player%::*}
  1626. broadcast "{@prefix} &c%player%&7 has temporarily banned &c%{_staffplayer}%"
  1627. broadcast "&9Time &8>> &c7 days"
  1628. broadcast "&9Reason &8>> &cAdvertisement"
  1629. make player execute "/tempban %{_staffplayer}% &cAdvertising other servers 7 days"
  1630. add 1 to {tbans.%{_staffplayer}%}
  1631. close player's inventory
  1632. if index of event-slot is 2:
  1633. set {_staffplayer} to a random object out of {staff.%player%::*}
  1634. broadcast "{@prefix} &c%player%&7 has temporarily banned &c%{_staffplayer}%"
  1635. broadcast "&9Time &8>> &c20 days"
  1636. broadcast "&9Reason &8>> &cThreats"
  1637. make player execute "/tempban %{_staffplayer}% &cThreats 20 days"
  1638. add 1 to {tbans.%{_staffplayer}%}
  1639. close player's inventory
  1640. if index of event-slot is 3:
  1641. set {_staffplayer} to a random object out of {staff.%player%::*}
  1642. broadcast "{@prefix} &c%player%&7 has temporarily banned &c%{_staffplayer}%"
  1643. broadcast "&9Time &8>> &c45 days"
  1644. broadcast "&9Reason &8>> &cAbusing Glitches"
  1645. make player execute "/tempban %{_staffplayer}% &cAbusing glitches 45 days"
  1646. add 1 to {tbans.%{_staffplayer}%}
  1647. close player's inventory
  1648. if index of event-slot is 4:
  1649. set {_staffplayer} to a random object out of {staff.%player%::*}
  1650. broadcast "{@prefix} &c%player%&7 has temporarily banned &c%{_staffplayer}%"
  1651. broadcast "&9Time &8>> &c10 days"
  1652. broadcast "&9Reason &8>> &cFake Hacks"
  1653. make player execute "/tempban %{_staffplayer}% &cFake Cheats 10 days"
  1654. add 1 to {tbans.%{_staffplayer}%}
  1655. close player's inventory
  1656. if index of event-slot is 5:
  1657. set {_staffplayer} to a random object out of {staff.%player%::*}
  1658. broadcast "{@prefix} &c%player%&7 has temporarily banned &c%{_staffplayer}%"
  1659. broadcast "&9Time &8>> &c15 days"
  1660. broadcast "&9Reason &8>> &cHarrasment"
  1661. make player execute "/tempban %{_staffplayer}% &cHarrasment 15 days"
  1662. add 1 to {tbans.%{_staffplayer}%}
  1663. close player's inventory
  1664. if index of event-slot is 7:
  1665. set {_staffplayer} to a random object out of {staff.%player%::*}
  1666. broadcast "{@prefix} &c%player%&7 has temporarily banned &c%{_staffplayer}%"
  1667. broadcast "&9Time &8>> &c7 days"
  1668. broadcast "&9Reason &8>> &cManual 7 Day Ban"
  1669. make player execute "/tempban %{_staffplayer}% &cManual 7 Day Ban 7 days"
  1670. add 1 to {tbans.%{_staffplayer}%}
  1671. close player's inventory
  1672. if index of event-slot is 8:
  1673. set {_staffplayer} to a random object out of {staff.%player%::*}
  1674. broadcast "{@prefix} &c%player%&7 has temporarily banned &c%{_staffplayer}%"
  1675. broadcast "&9Time &8>> &c30 days"
  1676. broadcast "&9Reason &8>> &cManual 30 Day Ban"
  1677. make player execute "/tempban %{_staffplayer}% &cManual 30 Day Ban 30 days"
  1678. add 1 to {tbans.%{_staffplayer}%}
  1679. close player's inventory
  1680. if name of event-inventory is "&c&lPUNISHMENT &r&8| &6Perm-Ban":
  1681. cancel event
  1682. if index of event-slot is 0:
  1683. set {_staffplayer} to a random object out of {staff.%player%::*}
  1684. broadcast "{@prefix} &c%player%&7 has banned &c%{_staffplayer}%"
  1685. broadcast "&9Reason &8>> &cManual Perm. Ban"
  1686. make player execute "/ban %{_staffplayer}% &cManual Perm. Ban"
  1687. add 1 to {bans.%{_staffplayer}%}
  1688. close player's inventory
  1689. if name of event-inventory is "&c&lPUNISHMENT &r&8| &6Kick":
  1690. cancel event
  1691. if index of event-slot is 0:
  1692. set {_staffplayer} to a random object out of {staff.%player%::*}
  1693. make player execute "/kick %{_staffplayer}%"
  1694. broadcast "{@prefix} &c%player%&7 has kicked &c%{_staffplayer}%"
  1695. broadcast "&9Reason &8>> &cInnapropriate Skin/Username"
  1696. add 1 to {kicks.%{_staffplayer}%}
  1697. close player's inventory
  1698. if index of event-slot is 2:
  1699. set {_staffplayer} to a random object out of {staff.%player%::*}
  1700. # make player execute "/kick %{_staffplayer}%"
  1701. broadcast "{@prefix} &c%player%&7 has kicked &c%{_staffplayer}%"
  1702. broadcast "&9Reason &8>> &cManual Kick"
  1703. add 1 to {kicks.%{_staffplayer}%}
  1704. close player's inventory
  1705. if name of event-inventory is "&c&lPUNISHMENT &r&8| &6Mute":
  1706. cancel event
  1707. if index of event-slot is 0:
  1708. set {_staffplayer} to a random object out of {staff.%player%::*}
  1709. broadcast "{@prefix} &c%player%&7 has muted &c%{_staffplayer}%"
  1710. broadcast "&9Reason &8>> &cManual Mute"
  1711. make player execute "/mute %{_staffplayer}% Manual Mute"
  1712. add 1 to {mutes.%{_staffplayer}%}
  1713. close player's inventory
  1714. if index of event-slot is 1:
  1715. set {_staffplayer} to a random object out of {staff.%player%::*}
  1716. broadcast "{@prefix} &c%player%&7 has unmuted &c%{_staffplayer}%"
  1717. make player execute "/mute %{_staffplayer}%"
  1718. add 1 to {unmutes.%{_staffplayer}%}
  1719. close player's inventory
  1721. command /resetinfo [<offlineplayer>]:
  1722. permission: staff.console
  1723. permission message: {@prefix} &cInsufficient permissions!
  1724. trigger:
  1725. set {warns.%arg-1%} to 0
  1726. set {kicks.%arg-1%} to 0
  1727. set {tmutes.%arg-1%} to 0
  1728. set {mutes.%arg-1%} to 0
  1729. set {unmutes.%arg-1%} to 0
  1730. set {tbans.%arg-1%} to 0
  1731. set {bans.%arg-1%} to 0
  1732. send "&cDone!"
  1734. on first join:
  1735. make console execute "resetinfo %player%"
  1737. command /checkinfo [<offlineplayer>]:
  1738. permission: staff.ticketcheck
  1739. permission message: {@prefix} &cInsufficient permissions!
  1740. trigger:
  1741. send "&3Punishments for &9%arg-1% &8-"
  1742. send "&3Warns &8:&9 %{warns.%arg-1%}%"
  1743. send "&3Kicks &8:&9 %{kicks.%arg-1%}%"
  1744. Send "&3Temp. Mutes &8:&9 %{tmutes.%arg-1%}%"
  1745. send "&3Mutes &8:&9 %{mutes.%arg-1%}%"
  1746. send "&3Unmutes &8:&9 %{unmutes.%arg-1%}%"
  1747. Send "&3Temp. Bans &8:&9 %{tbans.%arg-1%}%"
  1748. send "&3Bans &8:&9 %{bans.%arg-1%}%"
  1750. #
  1751. #
  1752. # --------=================== Start of ===================-------------------
  1753. #
  1754. #
  1755. command /report1 <player> <text>:
  1756. trigger:
  1757. add arg-1 to {bancheck.%arg-1%.%player%}
  1758. add 1 to {reports}
  1759. set {_ID.Report} to {reports}
  1760. set {report.ID.%{_ID.Report}%} to {_ID.Report}
  1761. set {report.sender.%{_ID.Report}%} to player
  1762. set {report.reported.%{_ID.Report}%} to arg 1
  1763. set {report.text.%{_ID.Report}%} to arg 2
  1764. set {report.status.%{_ID.Report}%} to "&bOpen"
  1765. set {report.time.%{_ID.Report}%} to "&b%now%"
  1766. send "&aThank you for your report. Staff will resolve the report shortly." to player
  1767. loop all players:
  1768. if loop-player has permission "report.check":
  1769. send ""
  1770. send ""
  1771. send ""
  1772. send "&a&lNEW REPORT"
  1773. send ""
  1774. send "&aID: &b%{report.ID.%{_ID.Report}%}%"
  1775. send "&aSender: &b%{report.sender.%{_ID.Report}%}%"
  1776. send "&aReported: &b%{report.reported.%{_ID.Report}%}%"
  1777. send "&aReport Reason: &b%{report.text.%{_ID.Report}%}%"
  1778. send "&aReport Time: &b%{report.time.%{_ID.Report}%}%"
  1779. send "&aReport Status: &b%{report.status.%{_ID.Report}%}%"
  1780. send ""
  1781. send ""
  1782. send ""
  1784. command /reportold [<offlineplayer>] <text>:
  1785. trigger:
  1786. if arg 1 is set:
  1787. if arg 2 is set:
  1788. add 1 to {reports.%arg 1%}
  1789. send "&4&lReport &r&8 &7You have reported &c%arg 1% &7for &c%arg 2%&7." to player
  1790. loop all players:
  1791. if player has permission "":
  1792. send "&4&lReport &r&8» &c%player% &7has reported &c%arg 1% &7for &c%arg 2%&7." to loop-player
  1794. #
  1795. #
  1796. # --------=================== Start of ===================-------------------
  1797. #
  1798. #
  1800. command /set-sotm [<offlineplayer>]:
  1801. usage: /set-sotm (user)
  1802. permission: staff.set-sotm
  1803. trigger:
  1804. arg-1 is set:
  1805. set {sotm-skull} to arg-1's skull
  1806. set {sotm.player} to arg-1
  1807. send "&bYou have given Staff of the Month award to &7%arg-1%&b!" to player
  1808. broadcast "&7%arg-1% &bhas been given Staff of the Month award!"
  1810. command /sotm:
  1811. trigger:
  1812. open chest with 3 rows named "&b&lSOTM &8• &7%{sotm.player}%" to player
  1813. format slot 0 of player with gray glass pane named "&r" to be unstealable
  1814. format slot 1 of player with gray glass pane named "&r" to be unstealable
  1815. format slot 2 of player with gray glass pane named "&r" to be unstealable
  1816. format slot 3 of player with gray glass pane named "&r" to be unstealable
  1817. format slot 4 of player with gray glass pane named "&r" to be unstealable
  1818. format slot 5 of player with gray glass pane named "&r" to be unstealable
  1819. format slot 6 of player with gray glass pane named "&r" to be unstealable
  1820. format slot 7 of player with gray glass pane named "&r" to be unstealable
  1821. format slot 8 of player with gray glass pane named "&r" to be unstealable
  1822. format slot 9 of player with gray glass pane named "&r" to be unstealable
  1823. format slot 10 of player with gray glass pane named "&r" to be unstealable
  1824. format slot 11 of player with gray glass pane named "&r" to be unstealable
  1825. format slot 12 of player with nether star named "&bSOTM" to be unstealable
  1826. format slot 13 of player with {sotm-skull} named "&b&lSOTM &8• &7%{sotm.player}%" with lore "&bIGN &8• &7%{sotm.player}%||&7&oAwarded with honor." to be unstealable
  1827. format slot 14 of player with nether star named "&bSOTM" to be unstealable
  1828. format slot 15 of player with gray glass pane named "&r" to be unstealable
  1829. format slot 16 of player with gray glass pane named "&r" to be unstealable
  1830. format slot 17 of player with gray glass pane named "&r" to be unstealable
  1831. format slot 18 of player with gray glass pane named "&r" to be unstealable
  1832. format slot 19 of player with gray glass pane named "&r" to be unstealable
  1833. format slot 20 of player with gray glass pane named "&r" to be unstealable
  1834. format slot 21 of player with gray glass pane named "&r" to be unstealable
  1835. format slot 22 of player with gray glass pane named "&r" to be unstealable
  1836. format slot 23 of player with gray glass pane named "&r" to be unstealable
  1837. format slot 24 of player with gray glass pane named "&r" to be unstealable
  1838. format slot 25 of player with gray glass pane named "&r" to be unstealable
  1839. format slot 26 of player with gray glass pane named "&r" to be unstealable
  1841. command /prefix <text> <text>:
  1842. permission: staff.admin
  1843. trigger:
  1844. if player's name is "LostSnow" or "Bluejeanx" or "Messisteve" or "Kailum":
  1845. if arg-1 is set:
  1846. if arg-2 is set:
  1847. make console execute "pex group %arg-1% prefix ""%arg-2% "" "
  1848. send "&bYou have set the rank &7%arg 1%'s &bprefix to &7%arg 2%&c." to player
  1849. else:
  1850. send "&bYou must choose a prefix to set it too." to player
  1851. else:
  1852. send "&bYou must choose a rank to set the prefix of." to player
  1853. #
  1854. #
  1855. # --------=================== Start of ===================-------------------
  1856. #
  1857. #
  1860. on command "hub":
  1861. cancel event
  1862. send ""
  1863. send " &cThank you for playing on the Aetherian Network: Aether Realm" to player
  1864. send "" to player
  1865. send " &7You may return with &c/server AetPvP&7!" to player
  1866. send " &7Join our discord with &cASvrvjd&7!" to player
  1867. send " &7Owner: &cBluejeanx" to player
  1868. make player execute "lobby"
  1871. on chat:
  1872. if message contains "rxc2":
  1873. set {codecreated.%player%} to false
  1874. send "&7You have deleted you're verification code, &4%player%"
  1875. if message contains "%{vericode.%player%}%":
  1876. set {codeentered.%player%} to 2
  1877. on any movement:
  1878. if {codeentered.%player%} is 1:
  1879. cancel event
  1881. on quit:
  1882. if player is op:
  1883. if {codecreated.%player%} is true:
  1884. if {vericode.%player%} is set:
  1885. set {codeentered.%player%} to 1
  1887. command /code [<text>]:
  1888. usage: &7/code generate
  1889. trigger:
  1890. if arg-1 is "Generate":
  1891. if {codecreated.%player%} is true:
  1892. send "{@prefix} Hello &4%player%&r&7, You have already created a verfication code"
  1893. stop
  1894. else:
  1895. set {_numbers.el::*} to "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "0"
  1896. set {_spec.el::*} to "-", "+", "!", "@", "$", "^", "*", "=", "~"
  1897. set {_elims.el::*} to "a", "s", "d", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "b", "v", "c", "x", "z", "q", "w", "e", "r", "t", "y", "u", "o", "p"
  1898. set {_r} to a random element out of {_numbers.el::*}
  1899. set {_a} to a random element out of {_numbers.el::*}
  1900. set {_n} to a random element out of {_elims.el::*}
  1901. set {_d} to a random element out of {_numbers.el::*}
  1902. set {_r2} to a random element out of {_numbers.el::*}
  1903. set {_a2} to a random element out of {_elims.el::*}
  1904. set {_n2} to a random element out of {_spec.el::*}
  1905. set {_d2} to a random element out of {_elims.el::*}
  1906. set {_rand} to "%{_a2}%%{_r}%%{_a}%%{_d2}%%{_n2}%%{_n}%%{_d}%-%{_r2}%"
  1907. set {codeentered.%player%} to 1
  1908. set {fatle::%player%} to {_rand}
  1909. set {codecreated.%player%} to true
  1910. set {verification.code.%player%.%arg-1%} to {_rand}
  1911. set {vericode.%player%} to {verification.code.%player%.%arg-1%}
  1912. log "&m------------------=============== Verification ===============------------------" to "{@verification1}"
  1913. log "%player%, %{verification.code.%player%.%arg-1%}%" to "{@verification1}"
  1914. log "&m------------------=============== Verification ===============------------------" to "{@verification1}"
  1915. send "{@prefix} Hello &4%player%&r&7, You're verification code(&c%{_rand}%&r&7) has been generated and logged in &4plugins/skript/logs/%player%-verification.log"
  1916. if {vericode.%player%} is set:
  1917. send "&cYour verification code is %{vericode.%player%}%"
  1918. if player is "Messisteve":
  1919. send "&cYour verification code is &7NA837-ASM&c." to player
  1920. else if player is "Kailum":
  1921. send "&cYour verification code is &7AS0732-A8M&c." to player
  1922. else if player is "Elixzer":
  1923. send "&cYour verification code is &7AAO38-39M&c." to player
  1924. else if player is "Creative_Color":
  1925. send "&cYour verification code is &7NHA083-MNA&c." to player
  1926. else if player is "Ninventoo":
  1927. send "&cYour verification code is &7NIN813-M97&c." to player
  1928. else if player is "Azides":
  1929. send "&cYour verification code is &7HAS073-ASU&c." to player
  1930. else if player is "MottoMon":
  1931. send "&cYour verification code is &781MA-ASIO1&c." to player
  1932. else if player is "WaterPhox_":
  1933. send "&cYour verification code is &7ZA02-91MSa&c." to player
  1934. else if player is "Magnus0075":
  1935. send "&cYour verification code is &7ANIME3-091M&c." to player
  1936. else if player is "Baei":
  1937. send "&cYour verification code is &7FGH23-f258&c." to player
  1938. else if player is "SoloStrafe":
  1939. send "&cYour verification code is &7JU2fdf-2689L&c." to player
  1940. else if player is "YoranPulles":
  1941. send "&cYour verification code is &7DEV-24593FSD&c." to player
  1942. else if player is "Bluejeanx":
  1943. send "&cYour verification code is &7DEV-24593FSD&c." to player
  1945. #
  1946. #
  1947. #-------------------============ Start of ChatLock.Sk ==============-------------------------#
  1948. #
  1949. #
  1951. command /chat <text>:
  1952. permission: staff.admin
  1953. permission message: {@prefix} &4&lYou may not control the chat!
  1954. trigger:
  1955. if arg 1 is "lock":
  1956. if {chatlock} is not set:
  1957. set {chatlock} to true
  1958. broadcast "&r"
  1959. broadcast " &c&lChat Locked"
  1960. broadcast "&r"
  1961. broadcast " &c&l* &r&7Chat Locked by &c%player%&7!"
  1962. broadcast " &c&l* &r&7Only &bStaff &7can talk!"
  1963. broadcast "&r"
  1964. stop
  1965. else:
  1966. delete {chatlock}
  1967. broadcast "&r"
  1968. broadcast " &c&lChat Unlocked"
  1969. broadcast "&r"
  1970. broadcast " &c&l* &r&7Chat has been unlocked."
  1971. broadcast " &c&l* &r&7You may resume talking."
  1972. broadcast "&r"
  1973. stop
  1974. else if arg 1 is "clear":
  1975. loop 350 times:
  1976. broadcast ""
  1977. broadcast ""
  1978. broadcast " &4&lClear Chat"
  1979. broadcast " &4&l* &7Chat was cleared by &4%player%"
  1980. broadcast " &4&l* &7You may resume chatting."
  1981. broadcast ""
  1982. stop
  1985. on chat:
  1986. if {chatlock} is true:
  1987. if player does not have permission "staff":
  1988. cancel event
  1989. send "&4&lChat Lock &r&8» &7The chat is locked, please wait." to player
  1990. else:
  1991. uncancel event
  1993. #
  1994. #
  1995. #-------------------============ Start of StaffStuff3.Sk ==============-------------------------#
  1996. #
  1997. #
  1999. command /pvptoggle:
  2000. permission: admin.pvptoggle
  2001. usage: /pvptoggle
  2002. trigger:
  2003. if {pvptoggle} is false:
  2004. broadcast "&r"
  2005. broadcast "&8[&6!&8] &7PVP is now &aEnabled&7!"
  2006. broadcast "&r"
  2007. set {pvptoggle} to true
  2008. stop
  2009. if {pvptoggle} is true:
  2010. broadcast "&r"
  2011. broadcast "&8[&6!&8] &7PVP is now &cDisabled&7!"
  2012. broadcast "&r"
  2013. set {pvptoggle} to false
  2014. stop
  2016. on damage:
  2017. if {pvptoggle} is false:
  2018. cancel event
  2021. command /talert <text>:
  2022. permission: staff.talert
  2023. permission message: &4&lYou may not announce talerts.
  2024. trigger:
  2025. loop all players:
  2026. send loop-player title "{@title}" with subtitle "&7%arg 1%" for 5 seconds
  2028. command alert <text>:
  2029. aliases: /a, /bc, /ca, /calert, /broadcast, /bcast
  2030. permission:
  2031. permission message: {@prefix} &c&lAdmin &8» &7You are not permitted to use this command.
  2032. trigger:
  2033. broadcast ""
  2034. broadcast "&8[&b!&8] &c%colored arg 1%"
  2035. broadcast ""
  2037. #
  2038. #
  2039. #-------------------============ Management ==============-------------------------#
  2040. #
  2041. #
  2047. command /staffchat <text>:
  2048. permission: {@perm}
  2049. permission message: {@noperm}
  2050. usage: /staffchat (message)
  2051. aliases: /sc, /schat, /st
  2052. trigger:
  2053. if arg 1 is set:
  2054. loop all players:
  2055. if loop-player has permission "staff.staffchat":
  2056. send "&8[&4&lSC&r&8] &r&8» %player's prefix%&e%player%&8: &3%arg 1%" to loop-player
  2058. command /managerchat <text>:
  2059. permission: {@perm}
  2060. permission message: {@noperm}
  2061. usage: /managerchat (message)
  2062. aliases: /mc, /mchat, /mt
  2063. trigger:
  2064. if arg 1 is set:
  2065. loop all players:
  2066. if loop-player has permission "staff.staffchat":
  2067. send "&8[&4&lSC-&3&lMANAGER&r&8] &r&8» &e%player%&8: &e%arg 1%" to loop-player
  2069. command /stalert <text>:
  2070. permission: admin.scannounce
  2071. permission message: {@noperm}
  2072. usage: /staffchat (message)
  2073. aliases: /sta
  2074. trigger:
  2075. if arg 1 is set:
  2076. loop all players:
  2077. if loop-player has permission "staff.staffchat":
  2078. send "" to loop-player
  2079. send "&4&lSTAFF-ALERT &r&8» &a%arg 1%" to loop-player
  2080. send "" to loop-player
  2083. command /sct:
  2084. permission: staff.staffchat
  2085. permission message: {@prefix} &4&lYou are not permitted to use this!
  2086. trigger:
  2087. if {sct.%player%} is not set:
  2088. set {sct.%player%} to true
  2089. send "&8[&4&lSC&r&8] &r&8» &7You have &cenabled &7staff chat!" to player
  2090. stop
  2091. else if {sct.%player%} is set:
  2092. delete {sct.%player%}
  2093. send "&8[&4&lSC&r&8] &r&8» &7You have &cdisabled &7staff chat!" to player
  2094. stop
  2096. on chat:
  2097. if {sct.%player%} is set:
  2098. cancel event
  2099. loop all players:
  2100. if loop-player has permission "staff.staffchat":
  2101. send "&8[&4&lSC&r&8] &r&8» %player's prefix% &e%player%&8: &b%message%" to loop-player
  2106. #
  2107. #
  2108. #-------------------============ Start of ==============-------------------------#
  2109. #
  2110. #
  2113. command /eventstart:
  2114. aliases: /estart, /es
  2115. permission:
  2116. trigger:
  2117. open chest with 3 rows named "&b&lEvents &r&8| &7Panel" to player
  2118. format slot 0 of player with black stained glass pane named "&r" to be unstealable
  2119. format slot 1 of player with black stained glass pane named "&r" to be unstealable
  2120. format slot 2 of player with black stained glass pane named "&r" to be unstealable
  2121. format slot 3 of player with black stained glass pane named "&r" to be unstealable
  2122. format slot 4 of player with black stained glass pane named "&r" to be unstealable
  2123. format slot 5 of player with black stained glass pane named "&r" to be unstealable
  2124. format slot 6 of player with black stained glass pane named "&r" to be unstealable
  2125. format slot 7 of player with black stained glass pane named "&r" to be unstealable
  2126. format slot 8 of player with black stained glass pane named "&r" to be unstealable
  2127. format slot 9 of player with black stained glass pane named "&r" to be unstealable
  2128. format slot 17 of player with black stained glass pane named "&r" to be unstealable
  2129. format slot 18 of player with black stained glass pane named "&r" to be unstealable
  2130. format slot 19 of player with black stained glass pane named "&r" to be unstealable
  2131. format slot 20 of player with black stained glass pane named "&r" to be unstealable
  2132. format slot 22 of player with black stained glass pane named "&r" to be unstealable
  2133. format slot 24 of player with black stained glass pane named "&r" to be unstealable
  2134. format slot 25 of player with black stained glass pane named "&r" to be unstealable
  2135. format slot 21 of player with black stained glass pane named "&r" to be unstealable
  2136. format slot 23 of player with black stained glass pane named "&r" to be unstealable
  2137. format slot 26 of player with black stained glass pane named "&r" to be unstealable
  2138. #kits
  2139. format slot 10 of player with slimeball named "&eDangerous Skies &7[ZEUS]" to close then run [make player execute command "/eventstartadmin Zeus"]
  2141. on death:
  2142. if name of victim is "Nico":
  2143. broadcast "&r"
  2144. broadcast " &c&l(!) &eNico &7has died. Zeus's bolt has been returned to it rightful owner."
  2145. broadcast "&r"
  2146. broadcast " &c&l* &7The &eDangerous Skies &7Event has ended!"
  2147. broadcast "&r"
  2148. if {event} is true:
  2149. delete {eventposeidon}
  2150. delete {eventzeus}
  2151. set {event} to false
  2152. loop all players:
  2153. if {eventjoin::%loop-player%} is true:
  2154. execute console command "/spawn %loop-player%"
  2155. wait 1 tick
  2156. set loop-player's inventory to {inventory::%player%::*}
  2157. set {eventjoin::%loop-player%} to false
  2160. command eventstartadmin <text>:
  2161. aliases: /eventstartadmin
  2162. permission: event.admin
  2163. permission message: &6&lAdmin &8» &7You are not permitted to use this command.
  2164. trigger:
  2165. if arg 1 is not set:
  2166. send "Try Again"
  2167. else if arg 1 is "Poseidon":
  2168. if {event} is false:
  2169. set {eventposeidon} to 20
  2170. set {event} to true
  2171. broadcast "&r"
  2172. broadcast "&3&l&nAngering of the Seas Event"
  2173. broadcast "&r"
  2174. broadcast "&c&l(!) &r&7Poseidon has angered and wants revenge for people mistreating his seas."
  2175. broadcast "&7You must defeat him in order to receive prized goods. He will not rest until justice is served."
  2176. broadcast "&r"
  2177. broadcast "&c&l(!) &7Do &a/event join &r&7to fight against the angered god."
  2178. broadcast "&r"
  2179. broadcast "&c&l(!) &r&7BOSS SPAWNING IN 15 SECONDS!"
  2180. broadcast "&r"
  2181. else if {event} is true:
  2182. message "an event is ongoing"
  2183. else if arg 1 is "Zeus":
  2184. if {event} is false:
  2185. set {eventzeus} to 15
  2186. set {event} to true
  2187. broadcast "&r"
  2188. broadcast "&e&l&nDangerous Skies Event"
  2189. broadcast "&r"
  2190. broadcast "&c&l(!) &r&7Zeus is mad about Hades for stealing his legendary thunderbolt. He has summoned a huge lightning storm to stop Hades son Nico from taking it to the Lord of the Dead."
  2191. broadcast "&7You must defeat him in order to receive prized goods and for the skies to calm. Zeus will be mad for decades if you do not complete the task."
  2192. broadcast "&r"
  2193. broadcast "&c&l(!) &7Do &a/event join &r&7to fight against the angered god."
  2194. broadcast "&r"
  2195. broadcast "&c&l(!) &r&7BOSS SPAWNING IN 10 SECONDS!"
  2196. broadcast "&r"
  2197. wait 10 seconds
  2198. execute console command "/zeusboss"
  2199. else if {event} is true:
  2200. message "an event is ongoing"
  2202. command /setbossspawn:
  2203. trigger:
  2204. set {loc} to location of player
  2205. command zeusboss:
  2206. trigger:
  2207. execute console command "/summon Zombie -949 20 -40 {HandItems:[{Count:1,id:diamond_sword,tag:{ench:[{id:16,lvl:5},{id:34,lvl:3}]}},{}],ArmorItems:[{Count:1,id:diamond_boots,tag:{ench:[{id:0,lvl:4}]}},{Count:1,id:diamond_leggings},{Count:1,id:diamond_chestplate,tag:{ench:[{id:0,lvl:4}]}},{Count:1,id:diamond_helmet,tag:{ench:[{id:4,lvl:4},{id:0,lvl:4}]}}],CustomName:Nico,CustomNameVisible:1,Attributes:[{Name:generic.maxHealth,Base:250},{Name:generic.movementSpeed,Base:0.4},{Name:generic.attackDamage,Base:7},{Name:generic.followRange,Base:25},{Name:generic.knockbackResistance,Base:0.1}],HandDropChances:[0.1F,0.0F],ArmorDropChances:[0.3F,0.3F,0.2F,0.4F],Glowing:1,PersistenceRequired:1,Health:250.0f}"
  2209. command event <text>:
  2210. trigger:
  2211. if arg 1 is not set:
  2212. send "Usage: /event join/leave"
  2213. else if arg 1 is "join":
  2214. if {event} is true:
  2215. set {inventory::%player%::*} to items in the player's inventory
  2216. message "&c&l(!) &7Teleporting in 3 seconds!"
  2217. wait 3 seconds
  2218. set {eventjoin::%player%} to true
  2219. teleport player to {eventspawn}
  2220. set player's inventory to {eventinv::*}
  2221. message "&8[&6!&8] &7Teleported to the Event"
  2222. if {event} is false:
  2223. message "&8[&6!&8] &7There is not event going on."
  2224. else if arg 1 is "leave":
  2225. if {eventjoin::%player%} is false:
  2226. message "&8[&6!&8] &7You aren't apart of an event."
  2227. if {eventjoin::%player%} is true:
  2228. set {eventjoin::%player%} to false
  2229. execute console command "/spawn %player%"
  2230. set player's inventory to {inventory::%player%::*}
  2232. command eventinv <text>:
  2233. permission: event.admin
  2234. trigger:
  2235. if arg 1 is not set:
  2236. send "Usage: /eventinv set/get"
  2237. else if arg 1 is "set":
  2238. set {eventinv::*} to items in player's inventory
  2239. else if arg 1 is "get":
  2240. set player's inventory to {eventinv::*}
  2243. command eventend:
  2244. permission: event.admin
  2245. permission message: &6&lAdmin &8» &7You are not permitted to use this command.
  2246. trigger:
  2247. if {event} is true:
  2248. delete {eventposeidon}
  2249. delete {eventzeus}
  2250. set {event} to false
  2251. broadcast "&r"
  2252. broadcast "&8[&6!&8] &7An &cAdmin &7has force ended the event."
  2253. broadcast "&r"
  2254. loop all players:
  2255. if {eventjoin::%loop-player%} is true:
  2256. execute console command "/spawn %loop-player%"
  2257. wait 1 tick
  2258. set loop-player's inventory to {inventory::%loop-player%::*}
  2259. set {eventjoin::%loop-player%} to false
  2260. else:
  2262. every 1 minute:
  2263. if {eventzeus} is greater than or equal to 1:
  2264. remove 1 from {eventzeus}
  2265. stop
  2266. if {eventzeus} is less than or equal to 0:
  2267. delete {eventzeus}
  2268. stop
  2269. every 1 minute:
  2270. if {eventposeidon} is set:
  2271. remove 1 from {eventposeidon}
  2272. stop
  2273. if {eventposeidon} is less than or equal to 0:
  2274. delete {eventposeidon}
  2275. stop
  2279. on join:
  2280. if {eventjoin::%player%} is true:
  2281. set {eventjoin::%player%} to false
  2282. teleport player to {eventspawn}
  2283. wait 2 seconds
  2284. message "when you left you were in an event, we were so nice to leave it for you!"
  2285. stop
  2286. else:
  2289. command eventspawn:
  2290. permission: event.admin
  2291. trigger:
  2292. set {eventspawn} to location of player
  2293. message "&2Event spawn set!"
  2298. #
  2299. #
  2300. #-------------------============ ==============-------------------------#
  2301. #
  2302. #
  2304. command /sudo <player> <text>:
  2305. permission: xigoth
  2306. permission message: &4&lThis command is forbiden unless you're the Host.
  2307. trigger:
  2308. if player's name is "Xigoth" or "Bluejeanx":
  2309. if arg 1 is set:
  2310. if arg 2 is set:
  2311. make arg 1 execute "/%arg 2%"
  2312. send "&4&lSudo &r&8» &7Player successfully sudoed!" to player
  2313. else:
  2314. send "&4&lSudo &r&8» &7You must select a command to force!" to player
  2315. else:
  2316. send "&4&lSudo &r&8» &7You must target a user to sudo!" to player
  2317. else:
  2318. send "&4&lSudo &r&8» &7You are not allowed to do this!" to player
  2320. command /spy <text>:
  2321. permission: staff.spy
  2322. permission message: &4&lYou do not have permission to do this.
  2323. trigger:
  2324. if arg 1 is "on":
  2325. if {spy.%player%} is not set:
  2326. set {spy.%player%} to true
  2327. send "&4&lSpy &r&8» &7You have &4enabled &7spy." to player
  2328. stop
  2329. else:
  2330. send "&4&lSpy &r&8» &7Spy mode is already &4enabled&7." to player
  2331. else if arg 1 is "off":
  2332. if {spy.%player%} is true:
  2333. delete {spy.%player%}
  2334. send "&4&lSpy &r&8» &7You have &4disabled &7spy." to player
  2335. else:
  2336. send "&4&lSpy &r&8» &7Spy mode is already &4disabled&7." to player
  2339. #
  2340. #
  2341. #-------------------============ Start of ==============-------------------------#
  2342. #
  2343. #
  2345. command /afk:
  2346. trigger:
  2347. if {afk.%player%} is not set:
  2348. set {afk.%player%} to true
  2349. broadcast "&4&lAFK &r&8» &c%player% &7is now AFK."
  2350. stop
  2351. else:
  2352. delete {afk.%player%}
  2353. broadcast "&4&lAFK &r&8» &c%player% &7is no longer AFK."
  2354. stop
  2356. on any movement:
  2357. if {afk.%player%} is true:
  2358. delete {afk.%player%}
  2359. broadcast "&4&lAFK &r&8» &c%player% &7is no longer AFK."
  2361. on command:
  2362. loop all players:
  2363. if {spy.%loop-player%} is true:
  2364. send "&4&lPlayer &8» &7%player%" to loop-player
  2365. send "&4&lCommand &8» &7%command%" to loop-player
  2368. every 2 seconds in world "world":
  2369. loop all players:
  2370. if loop-player has permission "":
  2371. set {sb.staff.%loop-player%} to "True"
  2372. else:
  2373. set {sb.staff.%loop-player%} to "False"
  2376. on join:
  2377. wait 1 seconds
  2378. if player has permission "vip":
  2379. broadcast "&6&lDonor Join &8- &a&lVIP &7%player%"
  2381. on join:
  2382. wait 1 seconds
  2383. if player has permission "staff.join":
  2384. broadcast "&6&lStaff Join &8- &7%player's prefix% &7%player%"
  2386. command /help:
  2387. trigger:
  2388. send " &4&lHelp" to player
  2389. send "" to player
  2390. send " &c/kit &7- Opens the kit menu." to player
  2391. send " &c/level &7- Shows your level or another players." to player
  2392. send " &c/help &7- Shows this message." to player
  2393. send " &c/rules &7- Shows the server rules." to player
  2394. send " &c/prestige &7- Prestiges you if you're at level 500." to player
  2395. send " &c/report &7- Reports a player." to player
  2396. send " &c/pm &7- Private messages a player." to player
  2397. #
  2398. #
  2399. #
  2400. #
  2401. #
  2403. command /report [<offlineplayer>]:
  2404. trigger:
  2405. if arg-1 is not set:
  2406. send ""
  2407. send "&9&l&NUSAGE"
  2408. send ""
  2409. send "&b/report (player)"
  2410. send ""
  2411. if arg-1 is set:
  2412. set {reporting.%player%::*} to arg-1
  2413. open chest inventory with 5 rows named "&bAetherian &9Network &8>> &cReport" to player
  2414. loop all integers from 0 to 45:
  2415. set slot loop-integer of player's current inventory to red glass named "&c"
  2416. set slot 20 of player's current inventory to yellow wool named "&eCheating" with lore "&6Report %arg-1% for &eCheating"
  2417. set slot 24 of player's current inventory to yellow wool named "&eRule-Breaking" with lore "&6Report %arg-1% for &eRule-Breaking"
  2419. on inventory click:
  2420. if name of event-inventory is "&bAetherian &9Network &8>> &cReport":
  2421. cancel event
  2422. if index of event-slot is 20:
  2423. open chest inventory with 5 rows named "&bAetherian &9Network &8>> &cReason &7(Report.)" to player
  2424. loop all integers from 0 to 9:
  2425. set slot loop-integer of player's current inventory to red glass named "&c"
  2426. loop all integers from 35 to 44:
  2427. set slot loop-integer of player's current inventory to red glass named "&c"
  2428. set slot 17 of player's current inventory to red glass named "&c"
  2429. set slot 18 of player's current inventory to red glass named "&c"
  2430. set slot 26 of player's current inventory to red glass named "&c"
  2431. set slot 27 of player's current inventory to red glass named "&c"
  2432. set slot 10 of player's current inventory to yellow wool named "&eFlight" with lore "&6Report %{reporting.%player%::*}% for &eFlight"
  2433. set slot 11 of player's current inventory to yellow wool named "&eSpeed" with lore "&6Report %{reporting.%player%::*}% for &eSpeed"
  2434. set slot 12 of player's current inventory to yellow wool named "&eKillAura" with lore "&6Report %{reporting.%player%::*}% for &eKillAura"
  2435. set slot 13 of player's current inventory to yellow wool named "&eAntiKnockback" with lore "&6Report %{reporting.%player%::*}% for &eAntiKnockback"
  2436. set slot 14 of player's current inventory to yellow wool named "&eAimbot" with lore "&6Report %{reporting.%player%::*}% for &eAimbot"
  2437. set slot 15 of player's current inventory to yellow wool named "&eNoFall" with lore "&6Report %{reporting.%player%::*}% for &eNoFall"
  2438. set slot 16 of player's current inventory to yellow wool named "&eReach" with lore "&6Report %{reporting.%player%::*}% for &eReach"
  2439. set slot 19 of player's current inventory to yellow wool named "&eOther" with lore "&6Report %{reporting.%player%::*}% for &eOther"
  2440. if index of event-slot is 24:
  2441. open chest inventory with 5 rows named "&bAetherian &9Network &8>> &cReason &7(Report)" to player
  2442. loop all integers from 0 to 9:
  2443. set slot loop-integer of player's current inventory to red glass named "&c"
  2444. loop all integers from 35 to 44:
  2445. set slot loop-integer of player's current inventory to red glass named "&c"
  2446. set slot 17 of player's current inventory to red glass named "&c"
  2447. set slot 18 of player's current inventory to red glass named "&c"
  2448. set slot 26 of player's current inventory to red glass named "&c"
  2449. set slot 27 of player's current inventory to red glass named "&c"
  2450. set slot 10 of player's current inventory to yellow wool named "&eSpamming" with lore "&6Report %{reporting.%player%::*}% for &eSpamming"
  2451. set slot 11 of player's current inventory to yellow wool named "&eCursing" with lore "&6Report %{reporting.%player%::*}% for &eCursing"
  2452. set slot 12 of player's current inventory to yellow wool named "&eAdvertisement" with lore "&6Report %{reporting.%player%::*}% for &eAdvertisement"
  2453. set slot 13 of player's current inventory to yellow wool named "&eHarrassment" with lore "&6Report %{reporting.%player%::*}% for &eHarrassment"
  2454. set slot 14 of player's current inventory to yellow wool named "&eRacisim" with lore "&6Report %{reporting.%player%::*}% for &eRacisim"
  2456. on inventory click:
  2457. if name of event-inventory is "&bAetherian &9Network &8>> &cReason &7(Report.)":
  2458. cancel event
  2459. if index of event-slot is 10:
  2460. send "&6Reported &e%{reporting.%player%::*}%&6 for &eFlight"
  2461. loop all players:
  2462. if loop-player has permission "staff.ticketcheck":
  2463. send "&e%player%&6 has reported %{reporting.%player%::*}%&6 for &eFlight" to loop-player
  2464. delete {reporting.%player%::*}
  2465. close player's inventory
  2466. if index of event-slot is 11:
  2467. send "&6Reported &e%{reporting.%player%::*}%&6 for &eSpeed"
  2468. loop all players:
  2469. if loop-player has permission "staff.ticketcheck":
  2470. send "&e%player%&6 has reported %{reporting.%player%::*}%&6 for &eSpeed" to loop-player
  2471. delete {reporting.%player%::*}
  2472. close player's inventory
  2473. if index of event-slot is 12:
  2474. send "&6Reported &e%{reporting.%player%::*}%&6 for &eKillAura"
  2475. loop all players:
  2476. if loop-player has permission "staff.ticketcheck":
  2477. send "&e%player%&6 has reported %{reporting.%player%::*}%&6 for &eKillAura" to loop-player
  2478. delete {reporting.%player%::*}
  2479. close player's inventory
  2480. if index of event-slot is 13:
  2481. send "&6Reported &e%{reporting.%player%::*}%&6 for &eAntiKnockback"
  2482. loop all players:
  2483. if loop-player has permission "staff.ticketcheck":
  2484. send "&e%player%&6 has reported %{reporting.%player%::*}%&6 for &eAntiKnockback" to loop-player
  2485. delete {reporting.%player%::*}
  2486. close player's inventory
  2487. if index of event-slot is 14:
  2488. send "&6Reported &e%{reporting.%player%::*}%&6 for &eAimbot"
  2489. loop all players:
  2490. if loop-player has permission "staff.ticketcheck":
  2491. send "&e%player%&6 has reported %{reporting.%player%::*}%&6 for &eAimbot" to loop-player
  2492. delete {reporting.%player%::*}
  2493. close player's inventory
  2494. if index of event-slot is 15:
  2495. send "&6Reported &e%{reporting.%player%::*}%&6 for &eNoFall"
  2496. loop all players:
  2497. if loop-player has permission "staff.ticketcheck":
  2498. send "&e%player%&6 has reported %{reporting.%player%::*}%&6 for &eNoFall" to loop-player
  2499. delete {reporting.%player%::*}
  2500. close player's inventory
  2501. if index of event-slot is 16:
  2502. send "&6Reported &e%{reporting.%player%::*}%&6 for &eReach"
  2503. loop all players:
  2504. if loop-player has permission "staff.ticketcheck":
  2505. send "&e%player%&6 has reported %{reporting.%player%::*}%&6 for &eReach" to loop-player
  2506. delete {reporting.%player%::*}
  2507. close player's inventory
  2508. if index of event-slot is 19:
  2509. send "&6Reported &e%{reporting.%player%::*}%&6 for &eOther"
  2510. loop all players:
  2511. if loop-player has permission "staff.ticketcheck":
  2512. send "&e%player%&6 has reported %{reporting.%player%::*}%&6 for &eOther" to loop-player
  2513. delete {reporting.%player%::*}
  2514. close player's inventory
  2516. on inventory click:
  2517. if name of event-inventory is "&bAetherian &9Network &8>> &cReason &7(Report)":
  2518. cancel event
  2519. if index of event-slot is 10:
  2520. send "&6Reported &e%{reporting.%player%::*}%&6 for &eSpamming"
  2521. loop all players:
  2522. if loop-player has permission "staff.ticketcheck":
  2523. send "&e%player%&6 has reported %{reporting.%player%::*}%&6 for &eSpamming" to loop-player
  2524. delete {reporting.%player%::*}
  2525. if index of event-slot is 11:
  2526. send "&6Reported &e%{reporting.%player%::*}%&6 for &eCursing"
  2527. loop all players:
  2528. if loop-player has permission "staff.ticketcheck":
  2529. send "&e%player%&6 has reported %{reporting.%player%::*}%&6 for &eCursing" to loop-player
  2530. delete {reporting.%player%::*}
  2531. if index of event-slot is 12:
  2532. send "&6Reported &e%{reporting.%player%::*}%&6 for &eAdvertisement"
  2533. loop all players:
  2534. if loop-player has permission "staff.ticketcheck":
  2535. send "&e%player%&6 has reported %{reporting.%player%::*}%&6 for &eAdvertisement" to loop-player
  2536. delete {reporting.%player%::*}
  2537. if index of event-slot is 13:
  2538. send "&6Reported &e%{reporting.%player%::*}%&6 for &eHarrassment"
  2539. loop all players:
  2540. if loop-player has permission "staff.ticketcheck":
  2541. send "&e%player%&6 has reported %{reporting.%player%::*}%&6 for &eHarrassment" to loop-player
  2542. delete {reporting.%player%::*}
  2543. if index of event-slot is 14:
  2544. send "&6Reported &e%{reporting.%player%::*}%&6 for &eRacisim"
  2545. loop all players:
  2546. if loop-player has permission "staff.ticketcheck":
  2547. send "&e%player%&6 has reported %{reporting.%player%::*}%&6 for &eRacisim" to loop-player
  2548. delete {reporting.%player%::*}
  2551. #
  2552. #
  2553. #-------------------============ Binarites Ban System ==============-------------------------#
  2554. #
  2555. #
  2559. #
  2560. #
  2561. # "On"s
  2562. #
  2563. #
  2564. on skript load:
  2565. send "Binarites Ban System has loaded" to console
  2566. loop all players:
  2567. send "&7My discord here -> & " to loop-player
  2568. on quit:
  2569. if {bin_.kickmsg.%player's UUID%} is true:
  2570. set leave message to ""
  2572. on connect:
  2573. if {bin_.time.%player's UUID%} is set:
  2574. set {_tempban} to difference between now and {bin_.time.%player's UUID%}
  2575. reduce {_tempban} by {bin_.time.%player's UUID%}
  2576. loop all players:
  2577. if loop-player is op:
  2578. send "%player% is banned and tried to join" to loop-player
  2579. if {bin_.tempbanned.%player's UUID%} is true:
  2580. if difference between now and {bin_.ban.%player's UUID%} is bigger than {bin_.time.%player's UUID%}:
  2581. clear {bin_.tempbanned.%player's UUID%}
  2582. clear {bin_.ban.%player's UUID%}
  2583. clear {bin_.time.%player's UUID%}
  2584. clear {bin_.txmban.%player's UUID%}
  2585. clear {bin_.banned.%player's UUID%}
  2586. if difference between now and {bin_.ban.%player's UUID%} is smaller than {bin_.time.%player's UUID%}:
  2587. set {_unbantime} to {bin_.ban.%player's UUID%}
  2588. add {bin_.time.%player's UUID%} to {_unbantime}
  2589. set {bantime_.unbantimecheck} to difference between now and {_unbantime}
  2590. set {_bin_.unbantimecheck} to difference between now and {_unbantime}
  2591. kick the player due to "{@bKickmsg}"
  2592. else if {bin_.banned.%player's UUID%} is true:
  2593. wait 1 tick
  2594. kick player due to "{@banmsg}"
  2595. on damage:
  2596. if {staffmode.%victim%} is true:
  2597. cancel event
  2599. on chat:
  2600. if {bin_.muted.%player's UUID%} is true:
  2601. send "&7{@prefixban} You may speak becuase you are muted"
  2602. cancel event
  2603. if {bin_.tempmuted.%player's UUID%} is true:
  2604. if difference between now and {bin_.tempmute.%player's UUID%} is bigger than {bin_.tempmutedtime.%player%}:
  2605. clear {bin_.tempmuted.%player's UUID%}
  2606. clear {bin_.tempmutereason.%player's UUID%}
  2607. clear {bin_.tempmutetime.%player's UUID%}
  2608. clear {bin_.tempmute.%player's UUID%}
  2609. if difference between now and {bin_.tempmute.%player's UUID%} is smaller than {bin_.tempmutedtime.%player%}:
  2610. set {_unmutetime} to {bin_.tempmute.%player's UUID%}
  2611. add {bin_.tempmute.%player's UUID%} to {_unmutetime}
  2612. set {bin_.bantime.unmutetimecheck} to difference between now and {_unmutetime}
  2613. set {_bin_.unmutetimecheck} to difference between now and {_unmutetime}
  2614. cancel event
  2615. on command:
  2616. loop all players:
  2617. # log command to "{@commands}"
  2619. command /mute <player> [<text>]:
  2620. usage: &7/mute <player> <reason>
  2621. permission message: {@prefix} You do not have permission to do that
  2622. permission: bin.mute
  2623. trigger:
  2624. if {bin_.muted.%arg-1's UUID%} is true:
  2625. send " &4&lBinarite's Ban System"
  2626. send ""
  2627. send " &7 That player has been unmuted"
  2628. send ""
  2629. send " &7Player: &4&l%arg-1%"
  2630. set {bin_.muted.%arg-1's UUID%} to false
  2631. set {bin_.tempmuted.%arg-1's UUID%} to false
  2632. else:
  2633. if arg-2 is not set:
  2634. send "{@prefixban} &7You need to set a reason for the mute" to player
  2635. stop
  2636. else:
  2637. send "{@prefixban} &7You have been muted by %player%! &c&l|&r &7Time » &4Forever &c&l|&r &7Reason » &4%arg-2%" to arg-1
  2638. send "{@prefixban} &7You have muted %arg-1% &c&l|&r &7Time » &4Forever &c&l|&r &7Reason » &4%arg-2%" to player
  2640. set {bin_.muted.%arg-1's UUID%} to true
  2641. set {bin_.mutereason.%arg-1's UUID%} to arg-2
  2642. command /tempmute <player> <text> <timespan>:
  2643. permission: bin.tempmute
  2644. permission message: {@prefix} You do not have permission to do that
  2645. usage: &7/tempmute <player> <reason> <number time(seconds, minutes, days, etc)>
  2646. trigger:
  2647. if arg-1 is player:
  2648. send "{@prefixban} You may not mute yourself"
  2649. if {bin_.tempmuted.%arg-1's UUID%} is true:
  2650. send "{@prefixban} That player is already tempmuted"
  2651. if arg-2 is set:
  2652. if arg-3 is set:
  2653. set {bin_.tempmutereason%arg-1's UUID%} to arg-2
  2654. set {bin_.tempmuted.%arg-1's UUID%} to true
  2655. set {bin_.tempmutetime.%arg-1's UUID%} to arg-3
  2656. set {bin_.tempmute.%arg-1's UUID%} to now
  2657. send "{@prefixban} &7You have been temp muted by %player% for %arg-3%" to arg-1
  2658. send "{@prefixban} &7You have temp muted %arg-1% &c&l|&r &7Time » &4%arg-3% &c&l|&r &7Reason » &4%arg-2%" to player
  2659. else:
  2660. send "{@prefixban} &7Please state a time for the tempmute"
  2661. else:
  2662. send "{@prefixban} &7Please state a reason for the tempmute"
  2664. command /ban <offline player> [<text>]:
  2665. usage: &7/ban <player> <reason>
  2666. permission message: {@prefix} You do not have permission to do that
  2667. permission: bin.tempban
  2668. trigger:
  2669. # set {_logban} to "" get of log "plugins/Skript/%arg-1%.log"
  2670. if arg-1 is op:
  2671. stop
  2672. if {bin_.banned.%arg-1's UUID%} is true:
  2673. send " &4&lBinarite's Ban System"
  2674. send ""
  2675. send " &7This player is already banned"
  2676. send ""
  2677. send " &7Player: &4&l%arg-1%"
  2678. else:
  2679. add 1 to {bin_.txmban.%arg-1's UUID%}
  2680. if arg-2 is set:
  2682. set {bin_.reason.%arg-1's UUID%} to arg-2
  2683. kick arg-1 due to "{@banmsg}"
  2684. set {bin_.banned.%arg-1's UUID%} to true
  2685. broadcast " &7&l%arg-1% has banned by &4&l%player%&7&l %nl%"
  2686. broadcast " &7Reason:%{bin_.reason.%arg-1's UUID%}%"
  2687. # log "{@banlogmsgreason}" to "{@banlog}"
  2688. else if arg-2 is not set:
  2689. set {bin_.reason.%arg-1's UUID%} to "There is no reason"
  2690. set {bin_.banned.%arg-1's UUID%} to true
  2691. kick arg-1 due to "{@banmsg}"
  2692. broadcast " {@banlogmsg}"
  2693. send " &7&lYou have banned &4&l%arg-1%&7&l %nl%" to player
  2694. send " &7&lReason:%{bin_.reason.%arg-1's UUID%}%" to player
  2695. send ""
  2696. # log "{@banlogmsgreason}" to "{@banlog}"
  2702. command /tempban <offline player> <text> <timespan> :
  2703. usage: &7/tempban <player> <reason> <number (seconds, minutes, days, etc)> -s(Silent tempban)
  2704. permission message: {@prefix} You do not have permission to do that
  2705. permission: bin.tempban
  2706. trigger:
  2707. if arg-1 is op:
  2708. stop
  2709. set {bin_.kickmsg.%arg-1's UUID%} to true
  2710. set {bin_.time.%arg-1's UUID%} to arg-3
  2711. kick arg-1 due to "{@aKickmsg}"
  2712. set {bin_.ban.%arg-1's UUID%} to now
  2713. # log "{@tempbanlogmsg}" to "{@tempbanlog}"
  2714. set {bin_.reason.%arg-1's UUID%} to arg-2
  2715. set {bin_.punisher.%arg-1's UUID%} to player
  2716. set {bin_.tempbanned.%arg-1's UUID%} to true
  2717. set {bin_.txmban.%arg-1's UUID%} to true
  2718. broadcast "{@tempbanlogmsg}"
  2720. command /unban <offline player> [<text>]:
  2721. permission: bin.unban
  2722. permission message: {@prefix} You do not have permission to do that
  2723. usage: /unban <player> -s(Silent unban)
  2724. trigger:
  2725. if {bin_.tempbanned.%arg-1's UUID%} is true:
  2726. set {bin_.tempbanned.%arg-1's UUID%} to false
  2727. set {bin_.time.%arg-1's UUID%} to false
  2728. unban arg-1
  2729. broadcast "{@prefixban} &4%player%&7 has unbanned &4%arg-1%"
  2730. else if {bin_.banned.%arg-1's UUID%} is true:
  2731. set {bin_.banned.%arg-1's UUID%} to false
  2732. unban arg-1
  2733. broadcast "{@prefixban} &4%player%&7 has unbanned &4%arg-1%"
  2735. command /kick <player>:
  2736. permission: bin.kick
  2737. permission message: {@prefix} You do not have permission to do that
  2738. trigger:
  2739. if arg-1 is set:
  2740. kick player due to "{@prefix} &7You were kicked by %player%"
  2743. command /baninfo <offline player>:
  2744. usage: &7&l/baninfo <player>
  2745. permission message: {@prefix} You do not have permission to do that
  2746. aliases: /binfo
  2747. permission: bin.baninfo
  2748. trigger:
  2749. if difference between now and {bin_.ban.%arg-1's UUID%} is bigger than {bin_.time.%arg-1's UUID%}:
  2750. clear {bin_.txmban.%arg-1's UUID%}
  2751. clear {bin_.tempbanned.%arg-1's UUID%}
  2752. clear {bin_.time.%player's UUID%}
  2753. if {bin_.txmban.%arg-1's UUID%} is true:
  2754. set {_y} to "Yes"
  2755. else:
  2756. set {_y} to "No"
  2757. send " &7Player: %arg-1%"
  2758. send ""
  2759. send " &7Currently banned?: %{_y}%"
  2760. send ""
  2761. if {_y} is "yes":
  2762. send " Banned for reason: {@banmsg2} "
  2763. if {bin_.tempbanned.%arg-1's UUID%} is true:
  2764. send " &7Temp banned for %{bin_.time.%arg-1's UUID%}%"
  2766. #
  2767. #
  2768. #-------------------============ JsonAPI ==============-------------------------#
  2769. #
  2770. #
  2772. options:
  2773. debug: false
  2774. codes: 0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|a|b|c|d|e|f|k|l|m|n|o|r
  2776. function removeColor(msg: text) :: text:
  2777. set {_m::*} to {_msg} split at ""
  2779. set {_color-codes} to "{@codes}"
  2780. set {_colors::*} to {_color-codes} split at "|"
  2782. set {_new} to ""
  2784. loop {_m::*}:
  2785. set {_char} to loop-value
  2786. set {_prev} to the last character of {_new}
  2788. if {_prev} is "&":
  2790. loop {_colors::*}:
  2792. if loop-value-2 is {_char}:
  2793. set {_skip} to true
  2795. if {_skip} is set:
  2796. delete {_skip}
  2798. else:
  2799. set {_new} to "%{_new}%%{_char}%"
  2801. return {_new}
  2803. function jsonColorize(msg: text, default-color: text = "&r") :: text:
  2804. set {_m::*} to {_msg} split at ""
  2806. set {_color-codes} to "{@codes}"
  2807. set {_colors::*} to {_color-codes} split at "|"
  2809. set {_color} to colored {_default-color}
  2810. set {_code} to the first character of {_color}
  2812. set {_new} to ""
  2813. set {_skip} to 0
  2815. loop amount of {_m::*} times:
  2817. if {_skip} is more than or equal to 1:
  2818. subtract 1 from {_skip}
  2820. else:
  2821. set {_char} to {_m::%loop-number%}
  2822. set {_next} to {_m::%loop-number + 1%}
  2824. if {@debug} is true:
  2825. broadcast "&a[Character Check] &r%loop-number%: &7%{_char}% &r&onext: &8%{_next}% &r[%{_color}%color&r]"
  2827. if {_char} is "&" or {_code}:
  2829. if {@debug} is true:
  2830. broadcast "&a[Color Check] &rFOUND: &o%{_char}%%{_next}% &7&m<--&7&o is it valid?"
  2832. loop {_colors::*}:
  2834. if loop-value-2 is {_next}:
  2835. set {_color} to "%{_color}%%{_code}%%{_next}%"
  2837. if {_next} is "r":
  2838. set {_color} to {_default-color}
  2840. set {_new} to "%{_new}%%{_color}%"
  2841. set {_skip} to 1
  2843. if {_skip} is less than or equal to 0:
  2844. set {_new} to "%{_new}%%{_char}%"
  2846. else if {_char} is " ":
  2847. set {_new} to "%{_new}% %{_color}%"
  2849. else:
  2850. set {_new} to "%{_new}%%{_char}%"
  2852. return {_new}
  2854. function jsonSanitize(msg: text) :: text:
  2855. if {@debug} is true:
  2856. broadcast "&a[Sanitize] &7&oSanitizing input..."
  2858. set {_m::*} to {_msg} split at ""
  2860. loop {_m::*}:
  2862. if loop-value is """":
  2863. set {_m::%loop-index%} to "\""" # """
  2865. else if loop-value is "\":
  2866. set {_m::%loop-index%} to "\\"
  2868. set {_new} to join {_m::*} with ""
  2869. return {_new}
  2871. function jsonFormat(msg: text, color: boolean = true) :: text:
  2872. set {_m::*} to {_msg} split at "||"
  2874. set {_current} to 1
  2876. loop {_m::*}:
  2877. if {_clusters::%{_current}%} is not set:
  2878. set {_clusters::%{_current}%} to ""
  2880. if {_clusters::%{_current}%::text} is not set:
  2881. set {_clusters::%{_current}%::text} to jsonSanitize(loop-value)
  2883. else:
  2884. set {_tag} to the first 4 characters of loop-value
  2885. set {_value} to subtext of loop-value from characters 5 to the length of loop-value
  2887. if {_tag} is "ttp:":
  2888. set {_clusters::%{_current}%::tooltip} to jsonSanitize({_value})
  2890. else if {_tag} is "cmd:":
  2891. set {_clusters::%{_current}%::command} to jsonSanitize({_value})
  2893. else if {_tag} is "sgt:":
  2894. set {_clusters::%{_current}%::suggest} to jsonSanitize({_value})
  2896. else if {_tag} is "url:":
  2898. if {_value} doesn't contain "http://" or "https://":
  2899. set {_value} to "http://%{_value}%"
  2901. set {_clusters::%{_current}%::url} to jsonSanitize({_value})
  2903. else if {_tag} is "ins:":
  2904. set {_clusters::%{_current}%::insertion} to jsonSanitize({_value})
  2906. else:
  2907. add 1 to {_current}
  2908. set {_clusters::%{_current}%::text} to jsonSanitize(loop-value)
  2909. set {_clusters::%{_current}%} to ""
  2911. if {@debug} is true:
  2912. broadcast "&a[Tag Check] &3cluster:&b%{_current}% &8(&f&o%{_tag}%&8)"
  2914. loop {_clusters::*}:
  2916. if {@debug} is true:
  2917. broadcast "&a[Cluster Check] &7&oCluster ##%loop-index% exists."
  2919. set {_i} to loop-index
  2921. set {_text} to {_clusters::%{_i}%::text}
  2923. if {_color} is true:
  2924. set {_text} to jsonColorize({_text})
  2926. if {_json} is not set:
  2927. set {_json} to "{""text"":""%{_text}%"""
  2928. else:
  2929. set {_json} to "%{_json}%,{""text"":""%{_text}%"""
  2931. if {_clusters::%{_i}%::tooltip} is set:
  2933. if {_color} is true:
  2934. set {_tooltip} to jsonColorize({_clusters::%{_i}%::tooltip})
  2936. else:
  2937. set {_tooltip} to {_clusters::%{_i}%::tooltip}
  2939. set {_json} to "%{_json}%,""hoverEvent"":{""action"": ""show_text"",""value"": ""%{_tooltip}%""}"
  2941. if {_clusters::%{_i}%::insertion} is set:
  2942. set {_json} to "%{_json}%,""insertion"":""%{_clusters::%{_i}%::insertion}%"",""obfuscated"":false"
  2944. if {_clusters::%{_i}%::command} is set:
  2945. set {_clickable} to "%{_json}%,""clickEvent"":{""action"":""run_command"",""value"":""%{_clusters::%{_i}%::command}%""}"
  2947. if {_clusters::%{_i}%::suggest} is set:
  2948. set {_clickable} to "%{_json}%,""clickEvent"":{""action"": ""suggest_command"",""value"": ""%{_clusters::%{_i}%::suggest}%""}"
  2950. if {_clusters::%{_i}%::url} is set:
  2951. set {_clickable} to "%{_json}%,""clickEvent"":{""action"": ""open_url"",""value"": ""%{_clusters::%{_i}%::url}%""}"
  2953. if {_clickable} is set:
  2954. set {_json} to "%{_clickable}%}"
  2955. delete {_clickable}
  2957. else:
  2958. set {_json} to "%{_json}%}"
  2960. return "{""text"":"""", ""extra"":[%{_json}%]}"
  2962. function json(to: text, msg: text, color: boolean = true):
  2963. set {_msg} to jsonFormat({_msg}, {_color})
  2964. execute console command "/tellraw %{_to}% %{_msg}%"
  2966. if {@debug} is true:
  2967. set {_player} to {_to} parsed as offline player
  2968. if {_player} is online:
  2969. send uncolored {_msg} to {_player}
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