

Jul 10th, 2014
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  1. [X] 4 "It leaves you wherever you want to be, Mihoshi. Ryoko and I might be a done deal, but I'm not going to throw everyone else out of my life - it would hurt everyone too much to pick just one of you. If you can live with that kind of arrangement then I'm certain we can work something out where everyone can have what they want.": (Smuthunter, nightblade, Cyanios, HypoSoc)
  2. [X] 1 "Mihoshi, you know practically every law ever, right?" *wait for her to nod and/or starting to ramble on about things* "Then, you do know that the Juraian Royal Family practices polygamy, right? I love all of you, and I want to be with all of you. I just started with Ryoko because I met her first, and that seemed like a fair way to go about doing things.": (nick012000)
  3. -[X] 4 Do something physically-inclusive for Ryoko during this to keep her involved. Hold hands and offer them to Mihoshi or something like that.: (Smuthunter, nightblade, Cyanios, HypoSoc)
  4. [X] 1 Group hug.: (Guile)
  5. [X] 1 Maybe it'll never be exactly as it was, but moving forward doesn't have to be a bad thing at all. We'll figure something out.: (Guile)
  6. [X] 1 We were actually talking about that before the fire.  If Ryoko is okay with you joining the relationship, so am I.: (Aranfan)
  7. [X] 1 We're not going anywhere, Mihoshi. I love you guys like family.... That aren't actually related to me and that I occasionally have awkward dreams about... Well, and maybe there's more squabbling than in most families... And arguments that end up destroying my poor house. Um. Anyway, you'll always have a place with us here, if you want one.: (Guile)
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