

Oct 5th, 2016
Not a member of Pastebin yet? Sign Up, it unlocks many cool features!
  1. $username = Read-Host "Enter username"
  2. $securepassword = Read-Host "Enter password" -assecurestring
  3. $BSTR = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($SecurePassword)
  4. $UnsecurePassword = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto($BSTR)
  5. $ie = New-Object -com InternetExplorer.Application
  6. $ie.visible=$true
  7. $ie.navigate("")
  8. while($ie.ReadyState -ne 4) {start-sleep -m 100}
  9. $ie.document.getElementById("user_id").value= "$username"
  10. $ie.document.getElementById("password").value = "$unsecurepassword"
  11. $ie.document.getElementById("entry-login").Click()
  12. while($ie.Busy) {Start-Sleep 1}
  13. $links = $ie.Document.getElementsByTagName('A')
  14. $go = $links | where {$_.innerText -eq 'Cyber Security Academy Q1 2016 / 2017'}
  15. $
  16. while($ie.Busy) {Start-Sleep 1}
  17. $links = $ie.Document.getElementsByTagName('A')
  18. $go2 = $links | where {$_.innerText -eq 'Clock in / Clock out'}
  19. $
  20. while($ie.Busy) {Start-Sleep 1}
  21. $links = $ie.Document.getElementsByTagName('A')
  22. $link = $links | where {$_.innerText -match 'Clock in’}  | select -expand  href
  23. $ie.navigate($link)
  24. while($ie.Busy) {Start-Sleep 1}
  25. $ie.document.getElementById("bottom_Begin").Click()
  26. while($ie.Busy) {Start-Sleep 1}
  27. $ticks = $ie.Document.getElementsByTagName('input')
  28. $tick1 = $ticks | where {$_.value -eq 'true'}  | select -expand  name
  29. $Wut = $tick1 | select -last 4
  30. $arr = $wut -split ‘ ‘
  31. $arr
  32. $ie.document.getElementById($arr[0]).Click()
  33. $ie.document.getElementById($arr[1]).Click()
  34. $ie.document.getElementById($arr[2]).Click()
  35. $ie.document.getElementById($arr[3]).Click()
  36. $ie.document.getElementById(“bottom_Save and Submit”).click()
  37. Write-Host "tickmark: $tick1"
  38. Write-Host "link: $link”
  39. Write-host “pass: $password”
  40. Write-host “wut: $wut”
  41. while($ie.Busy) {Start-Sleep 1}
  42. $ie.navigate("")
  43. while($ie.Busy) {Start-Sleep 1}
  44. $links = $ie.Document.getElementsByTagName('A')
  45. $go = $links | where {$_.innerText -eq 'Cyber Security Academy Q1 2016 / 2017'}
  46. $
  47. while($ie.Busy) {Start-Sleep 1}
  48. $links = $ie.Document.getElementsByTagName('A')
  49. $go2 = $links | where {$_.innerText -eq 'Clock in / Clock out'}
  50. $
  51. while($ie.Busy) {Start-Sleep 1}
  52. $links = $ie.Document.getElementsByTagName('A')
  53. $link = $links | where {$_.innerText -match 'Clock out’}  | select -expand  href
  54. $ie.navigate($link)
  55. while($ie.Busy) {Start-Sleep 1}
  56. $ie.document.getElementById("bottom_Begin").Click()
  57. while($ie.Busy) {Start-Sleep 1}
  58. $ticks = $ie.Document.getElementsByTagName('input')
  59. $tick1 = $ticks | where {$_.value -eq 'true'}  | select -expand  name
  60. $Wut = $tick1 | select -last 3
  61. $arr = $wut -split ‘ ‘
  62. $arr
  63. $ie.document.getElementById($arr[0]).Click()
  64. $ie.document.getElementById($arr[1]).Click()
  65. $ie.document.getElementById($arr[2]).Click()
  66. $ie.document.getElementById(“bottom_Save and Submit”).click()
  67. Write-Host "tickmark: $tick1"
  68. Write-Host "link: $link”
  69. Write-host “pass: $password”
  70. Write-host “wut: $wut”
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