
bbs 0.2 demo notes

Dec 15th, 2016
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  1. -Blizzaga froze one of the enemies, meaning spells also have potential status effects.
  2. -Using spells while moving looks really smooth and really cool.
  3. -Combos look like they have some power behind them, but Aqua's combo's are still sloppy and all over the place.
  4. -Spellweaver is still as clunky as ever.
  5. -Half-MP Cure is broken. I really hope this doesn't make it into KH3.
  6. -Attacking out of the "Blizzaga slide" looks delayed and clunky, probably not much potential their unfortunately.
  7. -At around 3:16 is the "over the shoulder" camera. I've never been a fan of this ever since I've seen it, I hope they don't use this that often and it's only a cinematic thing used once or twice.
  8. -Castle of Dreams "world" is somewhat expansive and non-linear, but there isn't much platforming to be had and the whole world just seems void and empty. I'd like some interesting puzzles, platforming, or at least interesting areas to fight in.
  9. -Also, Aqua parkour'ing around is not "platforming". It looks like you just hold the analog stick in that direction and the parkour just happens. There isn't any climbing around or dropping down or anything, it's just static moving with some new animations to "spice things up" or make you "feel like you're doing something" when you aren't doing anything.
  10. -Shot Locks still suck and I still hate them.
  11. -The boss at the end is "interesting". I say interesting in quotes because I feel like this boss has more to it in terms of what it wants you to do or learn in order to beat it, but the player just kinda brute forces through the fight with Half MP Cure and spells/combos and just wins. I hope this is just Standard Mode and there are higher difficulties to pick because this looks way too easy.
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