

Aug 24th, 2014
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  1. [X] 2 Come straight out. Explain to her that she has three wishes and that anyone may steal the lamp until she makes the first. Offer her no other clues.: (Jiven, Silver W. King)
  2. [X] 16 Pretend joyful idiocy even by the extraordinarily low standards of mortals. Tell her the basics, but let the fool think herself above you.: (Acaila, Anasurimbor, MHLord, Adyen, Warslick, Ct613hulu, fitzgerald, godofbiscuit, mc2rpg, Robotninja, Heaven Canceler, Xicree, Pipeman, Alexander, iamnuff, MrGazzer)
  3. -[X] 12 Profess joy at being in her company (because you plan to wreck her) Give her the rules behind your wishes in broad strokes (to encourage her to think that those are the ultimate bounderies), then start asking her about all the things in her life that she's always wanted while continuing the bubbleheaded facade.: (Acaila, MHLord, Warslick, Ct613hulu, fitzgerald, godofbiscuit, mc2rpg, Heaven Canceler, Xicree, Pipeman, iamnuff, MrGazzer)
  4. -[X] 2 Profess joy at being in her company (because you plan to wreck her) Give her the rules behind your wishes in broad strokes (to encourage her to think that those are the ultimate bounderies), then start asking where this place is and why is she here.: (Anasurimbor, Adyen)
  5. [X] 3 You can see her gaze drifting to contempt as she sees you. As if a human could grasp your nature! Threaten the exiled princess' fragile pride. Pose a game of cleverness where she'll wish and you'll try to twist the wishes.: (subsider34, TheOtherSandman, dalmedya)
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