
15 , i lied about it being final lol

Apr 28th, 2016
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  1. unsheathed his sword and spread his legs to shoulder width, he'd close his eyes and face the entrance of the western gate he had been guarding , it was time for him to practice that technique once more after all he was all alone on guard duty, no one could possibly see his new jutsu and he wouldn't end up hurting someone with it anyways.
  3. He had most of the technique down, it was just that the struggle was controlling the flame once it had been sent flying , the boy would form the half-seal of the tiger and begin to brew chakra in his stomach, several moments later he'd feel the temperature inside of his core starting to heat up, he'd let the katon-based chakra travel upwards and into his chest before concentrating it all into the arm that held his katana.
  5. The sword's tip would glow red and let out a series of sparks before igniting into a small flame, the rest of the fire-based energy flew into his blade as the middle section caught fire aswell, a nice enhancement to his blade was formed, but it was quite risky to use in close combat as the flame was rather unstable and could end up hurting Soryen if he wasn't too carefull, that was exactly why he created this technique. It was not a short-range attack but rather a middle ranged one.
  7. The boy opened his eyes and set his sight upon the entrance of the western gate he'd slash the air as if he was slashing someone's ribs but instead release a horizontal line of engulfling flames, for the first three seconds the flame traveled in a rather stable manner before it scattered in random directions, he had the jutsu down for a short-range , but a bit more practice was needed. Regardless three seconds were quite enough for a blaze of such proportions to travel to its target faster than they could run, probably, it really depended on the opponent he was up against after all.
  9. The boy rested his back against a wall and looked towards the sky, a slight smile appeared on his face , this was the feeling of accomplishment.
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