
angel help you with a break up

May 26th, 2021 (edited)
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  1. /hhg/ Helluva Hotel general #743
  2. --------------------------------
  3. >Ugh... Whose callin-
  4. >Anon?
  5. >Anon, what are ya doin' all me so lat-
  6. >Wha?
  7. >Whaddya mean she dump ya?
  8. >Calm down! Slow down and quick cryin'! Fkin' Hell, now I'm awake...
  9. >Okie, okie now fell me what happened?
  10. >Alright, I'm up - I'm up, you were working late with Vaggie helping clean up after that bozo who trashed his room at the Hotel?
  11. >And then what? Caught up in traffic during to explosions? Must have been Cheeri, I'll text her later...
  12. >And... Wait, you're telling me that btch was in bed with that same prck who wrecked the room-!?
  13. >Fk... Anon... I'm... Sorry to hear.
  14. >Anon, listen - LISTEN, I know it hurts and she betrayed you so badly, but you have to calm down
  15. >Is she gone? She left with that asshle?
  16. >SHE STOLE YOUR PS2-!?
  17. >That btch! Fk-!
  18. >Alright... Just, fk! That ungrateful ct!
  19. >Just... Just let me get my clothes on, I'll be right over
  20. >...Yeah, Yeah... I'll bring the ice cream and whiskey, yes... Even the romcom collection.
  21. -
  22. >Alright, Alright, I'm here
  23. >Uhhh... Sht, she wrecked the place before she left huh?
  24. >Don't worry, we'll clean up in the morning
  25. >Here, go ahead and take some scoops of ice cream and I'll put the movie, it's an Adam Sandle flick, I know you like him
  26. >Ooooookie, scoot over and lemme sit down
  27. >I'm here now, Anon, don't worry
  28. >Let's forget the world exists for tonight and just pig out
  29. >And we'll get Vags and Cherri to hunt down that dyke and get your PS2, no worries
  30. >You were almost done with Ratchet & Clank right? If she erases your save data I swear I'll beat that btch black and blue
  31. >But enough of that for now, let's just watch some comedy gold and eat some Ice cream
  32. >You want a hug, Anon?
  33. >You do? ...Fine, come here buddy, I'm here for you
  34. >I'll always be here, Anon, just call me and I'll be here
  35. -
  36. >Ya feel better? Kinda? Well, here... Lemme whip off your face, its all sticky from ice cream and tears
  37. >There we go, all cleaned up
  38. >Come on, let's get you to be-
  39. >Uhh... Sht, no, she likely did it the-
  40. >Listen... let's... just sleep here.
  41. >Lie down, I'll lie back and let you sleep on me
  42. >I'll hold you and make sure you don't fall off
  43. >Anon, it's fine doll, I swear
  44. >I know you can't be alone right now, just... Come here
  45. >There we go, now lie down with me
  46. >See...? Much better now, just take a deep breath and relax. You can cuddle up againts my fluff if you want, its soft and I took a shower ealier today so it should smell nice
  47. >Heh, Glad ya like it so much
  48. >Just keep your head there and go to sleep
  49. >There there, I'll let be here when you wake up, no worries
  50. >We'll clean this up together and sort out when you wake up, just sleep for now and forget about that lyin' bch for tonight
  51. >...Anon? Before you go to sleep...
  52. >I'm... I'm sorry, ya genuinely deserved better than that skank. I... wish you could find someone who wants to make you happy and be by your side whenever you need them...
  53. >Uh- Hold up, why are ya lookin' at m-
  54. >...W-What...?
  55. >You... You think that's me? Ya think I'm worth yer time? But I'm just some dr-
  56. >You really mean that, Anon...? You really do...?
  57. >I... Anon...! ...I-I'm not sure... You're one if my closet friends! And you know my track record when it comes to relationships! You know what I do for a living!
  58. >...You still want me? Despite me being some method spider hoker?
  59. >I don't know what to say, Anon...
  60. >I'm... willing to try this, just for you...
  61. >But... Promise me something, from the bottome of your heart, don't you dare lie to me...
  62. >You promise you'll be here when I wake up...?
  63. -
  64. More pls.
  65. -
  66. No, I've reached a point I'm happy with but I fully promote continuing with your own posts.
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