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a guest
Dec 16th, 2017
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  1. <form id="co-shipping-method-form free-test" data-bind="blockLoader: isLoading, visible: isVisible()">
  2. <p class="field note" data-bind="visible: (shippingRates().length <= 0)">
  3. <!-- ko text: $t('Sorry, no quotes are available for this order at this time')--><!-- /ko -->
  4. </p>
  5. <fieldset class="fieldset rate" data-bind="visible: (shippingRates().length > 0)">
  6. <dl class="items methods" data-bind="foreach: shippingRateGroups">
  7. <dt class="item-title"><span data-bind="text: $data"></span></dt>
  8. <dd class="item-options" data-bind="foreach: { data:$parent.getRatesForGroup($data), as: 'method' }">
  9. <div data-bind="css: {'field choice item': available, 'message error': !available} ">
  10. <!-- ko ifnot: (available) -->
  11. <div data-bind="text: error_message"></div>
  12. <!-- /ko -->
  13. <!-- ko if: (available) -->
  14. <input type="radio"
  15. class="radio"
  16. data-bind="
  17. click: $parents[1].selectShippingMethod,
  18. checked: $parents[1].selectedShippingMethod,
  19. attr: {
  20. value: carrier_code + '_' + method_code,
  21. id: 's_method_' + carrier_code + '_' + method_code
  22. }
  23. "/>
  24. <label class="label" data-bind="attr: {for: 's_method_' + carrier_code + '_' + method_code}">
  25. <!-- ko text: $data.method_title --><!-- /ko -->
  26. <each args="element.getRegion('price')" render="" />
  27. </label>
  28. <!-- /ko -->
  29. </div>
  30. </dd>
  31. </dl>
  32. </fieldset>
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