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Yang alliance post

a guest
Nov 27th, 2019
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  1. Hi there! I'm a Bernie supporter and I'm here to propose an alliance between the Sanders and Yang campaigns. I think that we can accomplish much more if we cooperate instead of competing, and I think that the time is now.
  3. Most of us know that [the DNC will try to rig the primaries in favor of an establishment candidate,]( and we have to do everything we can to make sure that doesn't happen. I think that the best way to do that is to make sure that a progressive candidate has such a clear lead that it can't be ignored. We shouldn't run the risk of a close race, we need a decisive lead so that everyone knows who's winning. I think that the way to do that is to have all the progressives combine their efforts and support one candidate, and that candidate is Bernie.
  5. I believe that Yang and Bernie (and their supporters) have a lot more in common than people might think. Bernie is [constantly]( treated [unfairly]( by [the media,]( and [so is Yang.]( They're both being ignored and smeared because they're outside the establishment and they would actually change the system.
  7. If the Yangers and the Berners joined forces then we would become an unstoppable army! We're the two strongest and most active support bases, so if we worked together I think we could do amazing things. It might be the difference between neither of our candidates getting in to the white house, or both of them making it.
  9. I'm sure that Bernie would be glad to work with Yang, and I think he would be open to creating the Department Of Technology like Yang has suggested. I would really like to see Yang and Bernie on the same team, I think they could both learn a lot from each other and I'm sure they could accomplish a lot working together.
  11. If you're reading this and you think it's a good idea, then please spread the word as much as you can among Bernie, Yang, and Tulsi supporters. If the outsiders unite and work together, we will have the strongest grassroots support network and the most momentum of any candidate. Imagine if Yang and Tulsi both decided that they were uniting with Bernie, and they announced it during the December debate. That would be absolutely massive! It would blow the roof off the place and it would give us a clear path to victory.
  13. Together we can all win! \#SandersGabbardYang
  15. • • • • • • •
  17. If you'd like to copy this post, [here is a pastebin link :)](
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