
Updated Fruits and Veggies bonus word in Bookworm Adventures

Dec 8th, 2019
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  1. Accessory
  2. Acerola
  3. Akee
  4. Alfalfa
  5. Almond
  6. Almonds
  7. Amaranth
  8. Apple
  9. Apples
  10. Apricot
  11. Apricots
  12. Arhat
  13. Artichoke
  14. Artichokes
  15. Arugula
  16. Asparagus
  17. Atemoya
  18. Avocado
  19. Avocados
  20. Bamboo
  21. Banana
  22. Bananas
  23. Barberries
  24. Barberry
  25. Bean
  26. Beans
  27. Bearberries
  28. Bearberry
  29. Beechnut
  30. Beechnuts
  31. Beet
  32. Beetroot
  33. Beets
  34. Berries
  35. Berry
  36. Bilberry
  37. Billberries
  38. Blackberries
  39. Blackberry
  40. Blueberries
  41. Blueberry
  42. Brazil
  43. Breadfruit
  44. Broccoli
  45. Cabbage
  46. Calabash
  47. Calamondin
  48. Canna
  49. Cantaloup
  50. Cantaloupe
  51. Capsule
  52. Carambola
  53. Cardoon
  54. Carrot
  55. Carrots
  56. Cashew
  57. Cashews
  58. Cassava
  59. Cauliflower
  60. Celeriac
  61. Celery
  62. Cereal
  63. Chayote
  64. Cherimoya
  65. Cherries
  66. Cherry
  67. Chestnut
  68. Chestnuts
  69. chickpea
  70. Chickpeas
  71. Chicory
  72. Chile
  73. Chili
  74. Chilies
  75. Chilli
  76. Chillies
  77. Chokecherries
  78. Chokecherry
  79. Chrysanthemum
  80. Cloudberries
  81. Cloudberry
  82. Coconut
  83. Compote
  84. Corn
  85. Corns
  86. Courgette
  87. Cowpea
  88. Cowpeas
  89. Cress
  90. Crowberries
  91. Crowberry
  92. Cucumber
  93. Cucumbers
  94. Cucurbit
  95. Cumin
  96. Cumquat
  97. Currant
  98. Currants
  99. Daikon
  100. Date
  101. Dates
  102. Drumstick
  103. Dulse
  104. Durian
  105. Eggplant
  106. Eggplants
  107. Elderberries
  108. Elderberry
  109. Endive
  110. Endocarp
  111. Epazote
  112. Exocarp
  113. Feijoa
  114. Fiddlehead
  115. Fig
  116. Figs
  117. Flower
  118. Flowers
  119. Flowery
  120. Fruit
  121. Fruits
  122. Fruity
  123. Garlic
  124. Genip
  125. Gherkin
  126. Ginger
  127. Gobo
  128. Gooseberries
  129. Gooseberry
  130. Gourd
  131. Gourds
  132. Grain
  133. Grains
  134. Grape
  135. Grapefruit
  136. Grapes
  137. Green
  138. Greens
  139. Groceries
  140. Grocery
  141. Groundnut
  142. Guar
  143. Guava
  144. Hackberries
  145. Hackberry
  146. Hawthorn
  147. Hazelnut
  148. Hazelnuts
  149. Healthy
  150. Honeydew
  151. Huckleberries
  152. Huckleberry
  153. Jackfruit
  154. Jam
  155. Jams
  156. Jellies
  157. Jelly
  158. Jicama
  159. Jujube
  160. Kale
  161. Kiwi
  162. Kiwifruit
  163. Kiwis
  164. Kohlrabi
  165. Kumquat
  166. Leaf
  167. Leafy
  168. Leaves
  169. Leek
  170. Legume
  171. Legumes
  172. Lemon
  173. Lemons
  174. Lentil
  175. Lettuce
  176. Lima
  177. Lime
  178. Limes
  179. Lingonberries
  180. Lingonberry
  181. Loganberries
  182. Loganberry
  183. Longan
  184. Loquat
  185. Loquats
  186. Mamey
  187. Mango
  188. Mangoes
  189. Mangos
  190. Marmalade
  191. Marmalades
  192. Marrow
  193. Mayapple
  194. Mayapples
  195. Medlar
  196. Medlars
  197. Melon
  198. Melons
  199. Mesocarp
  200. Miracle
  201. Monstera
  202. Mulberries
  203. Mulberry
  204. Muskmelon
  205. Muskmelons
  206. Mustard
  207. Nori
  208. Nut
  209. Nutrient
  210. Nutritious
  211. Nuts
  212. Oca
  213. Okra
  214. Olive
  215. Olives
  216. Onion
  217. Onions
  218. Orache
  219. Orange
  220. Oranges
  221. Ovaries
  222. Ovary
  223. Papaya
  224. Parsley
  225. Parsnip
  226. Passion
  227. Pawpaw
  228. Pea
  229. Peach
  230. Peaches
  231. Peachy
  232. Peanut
  233. Peanuts
  234. Pears
  235. Peas
  236. Pecan
  237. Pecans
  238. Pepper
  239. Peppers
  240. Pericarp
  241. Persimmon
  242. Pignut
  243. Pineapple
  244. Pineapples
  245. Pistachio
  246. Pistachios
  247. Plantain
  248. Plantains
  249. Plum
  250. Pod
  251. Pomegranate
  252. Pomegranates
  253. Pomelo
  254. Potato
  255. Potatoes
  256. Prune
  257. Prunes
  258. Pumpkin
  259. Pumpkins
  260. Quince
  261. Quinces
  262. Radish
  263. Radishes
  264. Raisin
  265. Raisins
  266. Rambutan
  267. Rapini
  268. Raspberries
  269. Raspberry
  270. Rhubarb
  271. Rice
  272. Romaine
  273. Root
  274. Rowan
  275. Rutabaga
  276. Saguaro
  277. Saguaros
  278. Salmonberries
  279. Salmonberry
  280. Salsa
  281. Salsas
  282. Samphire
  283. Santol
  284. Sapote
  285. Saskatoon
  286. Saskatoons
  287. Seaweed
  288. Seed
  289. Seeds
  290. Shallow
  291. Shallows
  292. Skirret
  293. Sorb
  294. Sorrel
  295. Souari
  296. Soursop
  297. Soy
  298. Soybean
  299. Soybeans
  300. Spinach
  301. Sprout
  302. Sprouts
  303. Squash
  304. Squashes
  305. Starfruit
  306. Strawberries
  307. Strawberry
  308. Tamarillo
  309. Tamarillos
  310. Tamarind
  311. Tangerine
  312. Tangerines
  313. Taro
  314. Thimbleberries
  315. Thimbleberry
  316. Tomato
  317. Tomatoes
  318. Turnip
  319. Turnips
  320. Vegetable
  321. Vegetables
  322. Veggies
  323. Walnut
  324. Walnuts
  325. Wasabi
  326. Watercress
  327. Waterleaf
  328. Watermelon
  329. Watermelons
  330. Wheat
  331. Wheats
  332. Wolfberries
  333. Wolfberry
  334. Yam
  335. Yams
  336. Zucchini
  337. Zucchinis
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