
SJ Trial- Swishers all around

Dec 2nd, 2020
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  1. Yakosei says: also its just ko intent on Dawguchi
  2. Koharu has activated a technique: Hyouton: Hyouro no Jutsu!
  3. Enryu says: I''m a genius after all.
  4. Dawaguchi (Scott) asks: whatthis nigga just rule?
  5. Dawaguchi (Scott) says: i jus came back
  6. The spiky ponytail shinobi says: Hairline pushed back an extra centimeter. Rp acordingly
  7. Dawaguchi (Scott) says: your hairline doing the electric eel
  8. Dawaguchi (Scott) yells: fuck outta here!
  9. Enryu asks: Dad, why are they talking about each other's hairlines?
  10. Dawaguchi (Scott) watches as the ice braces the attack - it would seem that the entirety of the attack could not be wholly whittled down. Some of the first splash struck first, lighting his left arm on fire. He reeled and immediately had to disengage from any further attacks. A full defensive measure that has him clamping down on his teeth, loathing that his body work done on the Nara would go without a clean finish.
  12. He fled into the Samehada's chakra eating ambience for now, as so, focusing on putting out his fires.
  14. [no action. Took a light]
  15. Yakosei asks: endurance?
  16. Dawaguchi (Scott)'s endurance: (C)
  17. Yakosei says: don't you subtract 4 steps or nah
  18. The spiky ponytail shinobi whispers faintly.
  19. Hoshigaki, Shiroisame displays the description of his Samehada (Akirasame).
  20. Uchiha, Yakosei displays the description of his Kunai.
  21. Uchiha, Yakosei displays the description of his Kunai.
  22. Ihara, Enryu displays the description of his Scroll.
  23. Abumarushi whispers: can't beleive we're about to be smoking on a Koharu pack!
  24. Abumarushi whispers: believe
  25. Enryu looks over to his dad, "So what's happening now?"
  26. *Enryu has rolled a 50 on a D100!*
  27. Enryu does a sick ass kickflip, landing and falling on his ass.
  28. *Abumarushi has rolled a 20 on a D100!*
  29. Abumarushi attempts a manual, losing his balance half way through. He flails his arms, unable to maintain his footing, and tumbling forward while he board spits off in the opposite direction!
  30. Utsuda has activated a technique: Katon: Kitsunebi!
  31. You have entered the game world.
  32. Current date: The 9th of Gogatsu, 133
  33. The spiky ponytail shinobi sneered his lip, his flairing nostrils exuding steam in bull-esque fashion. Up until now the man had been swearing upon the Nara's famed rat handsign, and still he persisted with his technique. The black ribbons of terror sway about the floor and then stretch like tarantula legs before two tendrils shoot after each Kirigakure team member apiece, scaling across the floor in wicked, jagged-like lines before they lift off the floor to pierce all of the Kirigakure team members' legs simultaneously, most especially the kunoichi soaring across the sky amidst her shunshin jump.
  35. [A- speed, A- damage on Dawaguchi, Shiroisame, Koharu][Kage Nui on Koharu is lethal intent since they are mid-shunshin][8-14 tile range]
  36. The spiky ponytail shinobi has activated a technique: Kage Nui no Jutsu!
  37. The spiky ponytail shinobi has activated a perk: Kagemane Master!
  38. The spiky ponytail shinobi performs 1 seals at S speed.
  39. The spiky ponytail shinobi reduces their chakra by a cost of C.
  40. Yakosei continued observing the fray with keen eyes as his flames came to an end. A smirk now drew across the Uchiha's lips upon hearing the words of Dawguchi.
  42. "The last person who spoke down on my fathers name is dead..I'm not keen on the disrespect, but I also was birthed with a purpose. To continue his legacy, and avenge those who have wrong him."
  44. He paused for a minute noticing Shikatobi utilizing his shadows to his advantage, a smile now drawing across his lips as he kept his distance for the time being.
  46. "Every death will be in memories of Sarutobi, Ren, and Kirigakure will pay for the sins of Koga. The countless blood shed, pain, and suffering our village had to experience, but no more.. You reap what you sow."
  48. The Uchiha uttered offering a smile towards the Yuki who would more then likely be sekwered to their demise, and inveitable death.
  49. Utsuda has activated a technique: Katon: Hibashiri!
  50. The wine-haired, pupiless woman hops to avoid the range of the samehada, and it also sips part of her chakra reserves, but she didn't notice just yet.
  52. Also, she wasn't expecting it, not at all. A Kirigakure ninja saving his life for his comrades? She is going to remenber that.
  54. However..
  56. No time has to be wasted. The man is wide open for her to attack, so she is going to take advantage of that. Take? No, but abuse it! Not holding back a single drop.
  58. The wine-haired, pupiless woman reaching his close-quarters, her stance shifted for an unusual form. Both arms form a diagonal line as her knees are bent and feet are adjacent to eachother. In her mind? She is staying on the center of a ying-yang, timgram circle ranges surrounding it. In the first circle, the Hoshigaki is in.
  60. "Juuken-ho... Hakke ...Rokujuyon Sho!"
  62. The ritual begin.
  64. Two finger strikes directly at his torso
  65. "Two palms!"
  66. Four finger strikes directly at his torso
  67. "Four palms!"
  68. Eight finger strikes directly at his torso
  69. "Eight palms!"
  70. Sixteen finger strikes directly at his torso
  71. "Sixteen palms!"
  72. Thirty-two finger strikes directly at his torso
  73. "Thirty-two palms!"
  74. Sixty-four finger strikes directly at his torso
  75. "Sixty-four palms!"
  77. The Hyuuga would finally shut down his chakra acess. With a final touch, a palm heel strike would collide right on his chest. A true demonstration of a grandmaster of the gentle fist
  79. [Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms: A offensive agility, C dmg]
  80. The wine-haired, pupiless woman has activated a technique: Juuken: Hakke Rokujuyon Sho!
  81. The wine-haired, pupiless woman has activated a perk: Jyuken Grandmaster!
  82. Utsuda rumbled past back to her spot, knocking one of the pillars out of her way in mild annoyance after the latest intrusion. Ice scattered across the ground in a multitude of shattered blocks, crushing another underneath her heel as she stepped back into oplace to observe.
  83. The wine-haired, pupiless woman reduces their chakra by a cost of D.
  84. Himari observes with a look of disgust.
  85. Abumarushi whispers: This is gruesome.
  86. Dawaguchi (Scott) decides they're in a tight situation. Shikatobi being their key, their pivoting point. He always admired Konohagakure's synchronicity, their teamwork. The unison in which they acted. But he was not determined to lose here, not now, not ever, and with one of his own on the line, he does something entirely uncharacteristic of a cold and calculating shinobi - much less, a marauder from the Mist.
  88. He defends his teammates, stabbing both of his blades together and with the clangor of steel, summoning forth lightning that'd streak towards the shadows - the halogen light so intense it rips through everything with it's static, eliminating the breeding grounds for the technique as it clashes. It'd afford some breathing room. Not much, but enough to save the lives of his allies.
  89. Dawaguchi (Scott) has activated a technique: Raiton: Raikyu!
  90. Dawaguchi (Scott) has activated a perk: Static Discharge!
  91. Dawaguchi (Scott) has activated a perk: Raiton Master!
  92. Dawaguchi (Scott) reduces their chakra by a cost of D.
  93. The spiky ponytail shinobi yells: Thank you!!!
  94. The spiky ponytail shinobi has activated a perk: Incandescent Flash!
  95. IC mistake
  96. (The spiky ponytail shinobi)
  97. Takashi whispers: Damn that Nara kinda spazzed.
  98. Abumarushi whispers: Truly. He is what the the Kumogakure-nin refer to as being: assed-out.
  99. Utsuda watched the fight.
  100. Takashi(Husband?) whispers: Oh hey, my perk progressed, let's get it.
  101. Abumarushi whispers: nice
  102. Himari whispers: cashmoney
  103. The spiky ponytail shinobi has activated a technique: Kage Nui no Jutsu!
  104. The spiky ponytail shinobi has activated a technique: Kagemane no Jutsu!
  105. The spiky ponytail shinobi has activated a perk: Shadow Sewing!
  106. If a character is being engaged in close quarters combat, they may only attack the person(s) engaging them unless they are able to disengage. The only exceptions to this are characters able to perfect defend, or simply willing to take the attacker's damage in order to attack a non-immediate threat. @Dawaguchi
  107. (The spiky ponytail shinobi)
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