
The Exploding Rink #madcap_ic 2/28/2019

Feb 28th, 2019
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DiscoDude: ---BEGIN SESSION---
DiscoDude: Session logging commenced
Reality Glitch: <@Ryusui>? <@&547919574188687363>?
Ryusui: It's late evening at the Googleheimer Mansion (same name, different place, for those keeping score at home) and the party is in full swing. The city's most elite, pretentious, and obscenely flush with cash are all present, mixing and mingling all around you.
Ryusui: As for the three of you? You got your invites by mistake. Nearsighted postman shenanigans. All the same, nobody turned you away at the door, and there's free food!
Ryusui: If you can stand the overwhelming sensation of being pushed in on all sides by sheer gratuitous influence, this stands to be an enjoyable and probably quite delicious night that will end in all of you going home with pockets full of canapes! (If only, right?) Until the night inevitably takes a turn, what are you all doing?
Reality Glitch: Angus is hastily munching away at one of the horderves tables. “Ay! Dae grub’s g’eat! Whe’s it’ll come from, y’ suppose?”
Ryusui: ( <@!Alitzia>? <@!Brina>? )
Reality Glitch: ((Angus is the size of a normal scorbun, so only a foot or two tall.))
Brina: ( I'm here, just had to do something first :p )
Ryusui: A snooty flamingo in a tuxedo replenishes the hors d'oeuvres as quickly as you eat them. He moves so fast you can't quite tell where he's getting them from. All the same, despite his stiff (and gargantuan) upper lip, he seems to be starting to take umbrage at having to make so many trips on your account.
Reality Glitch: ((Angus meant the foods’ place of origin, but this is fine.))
Alitzia: Alitzia is also stuffing her cheeks with food "No idea, Don't care! This is far better than nuts anyways!" However, she makes a quick connecting. "Wait me a moment, I actually do care! We can go eat at the source instead of waiting for it to be replenished!"
Brina: Brina is, of course primarily attracted to the food, and she isn't paying all that much attention to the other people there who don't seem that much her type anyway, "It's really nice though! Not like a buffet."
Reality Glitch: “G’eat idea mate!”
Ryusui: There are crowds of people around, and while this place isn't as bad as the other Googleheimer Mansion, it doesn't seem to have been quite laid out in any logical fashion. Following the flamingo butler to the kitchen (or whatever eldritch dimension the food is actually coming from) will be...dicey. :3
Reality Glitch: “Let’s get arsel dae food maka.”
Alitzia: "No idea what you said, but sure, yeah, you coming with us?" She asks Brina, pointing at the flamingo butler.
Brina: Brina giggles and nods, looking over to Alitzia, "Er, sure I suppose! I admit I'm curious to see how they do it at the very least"
Ryusui: Okay, so, <@!Brina>, <@!Alitzia>, <@Reality Glitch>! Somebody gimme a move! How are you gonna try to figure out where the flamingo butler is coming from-slash-going to?
Ryusui: (Hello?)
Ryusui: (you each have five moves plus a unique move, just a reminder)
Reality Glitch: Cool -1
Ryusui: (okay, so what exactly are you gonna do?)
Ryusui: (like how exactly are you going to try and track down the butler, or otherwise get him to lead you to the kitchen or wherever?)
Reality Glitch: ((Sorry; attention split with filling out the character sheet.))
Reality Glitch: Angus’s fleet feet could quickly bring them to the butler, but they opt for dashing behind various objects along the path when they aren’t looking.
Ryusui: (gimme a roll, then!)
Ryusui: (2d6-1)
Ryusui: ( <@!Brina>, <@!Alitzia>, you're welcome to offer your own inputs)
Ryusui: (...or is this a bad night to be running this)
Ryusui: (everyone seems pretty disengaged ^_^; )
Reality Glitch: !r 2d6-1
DiscoDude: <@Reality Glitch> rolled 2d6-1 for 11 [2d6 = 6, 6]
Ryusui: (HOLY SHIT)
Reality Glitch: ((Well then.))
Alitzia: (A)
Brina: (just wasn't sure if I should wait for a resolution of the previous action first so I was waiting for that)
Reality Glitch: ((First time getting a decent roll for once.))
Reality Glitch: ((Very Good (+3) at the sneaky-sneaky.))
Ryusui: Zoop! Zoop! You're pretty sure that butler must be violating the laws of physics as he zoop!s from point A to point B. But you do manage to make your way through the crowd without jostling anyone too badly, and the butler is none the wiser.
Ryusui: Soon, you come across two (technically three) things:
Ryusui: 1. A cat and a wolf nonchalantly leaning back against a wall (that's your cue, <@Cecil (And Laz)>! )
Ryusui: 2. Right nearby them, a portal into the Kitchen Dimension.
Cecil (And Laz): The cat and wolf looks over, and the cat speaks out in a bored, almost tired tone, "Sup?"
Brina: Brina watches Angus, impressed by the movement and she follows after as best as she can, curious where they were all going
Alitzia: Ali sticks right at the side of Brina, she has her eyes on that kitchen dimension portal and the untold savory treats waiting in there...
Ryusui: (anyone gonna react to <@Cecil (And Laz)>'s characters appearing? :3)
Brina: Brina gives the pair a friendly wave, "Would you like to come with us?"
Cecil (And Laz): She gives a small smile, "I thought nobody would ever ask, yea, I would like to come with you guys."
Reality Glitch: “Oi! We dun need mo’e gits follin’ us ‘round.”
Ryusui: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9FHw2aItRlw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gKb1p0E88uc
Ryusui: (listen to these two as close together as you can for the intended effect)
Brina: Brina turns her head at that sound, tail standing straight in alertness, "What was that?"
Reality Glitch: Angus rolls their eyes.
Cecil (And Laz): The wolf at the cat's side hides behind them as she just looks coldly in the direction of the crashing. "Dunno."
Alitzia: She looks like its no big deal "Huh, Poor fellow, must have forgotten safety measure!"
Ryusui: Whatever it was, there seems to be quite a ruckus from another room adjacent to the one you were in just a little while ago!
Reality Glitch: “Aye say we checker out.”
Cecil (And Laz): The towering cat seems to move down and try to take a peak at what happened, "Already ahead of you, hotbuns."
Brina: Brina seems concerned, "I agree!"
Ryusui: There's a crowd of wealthy rubberneckers forming a circle around where a piano has dropped from the ceiling! A rather large possum in an expensive suit and monocle stands nearby, surveying the wreckage!
Alitzia: "B-but, what about the food?!" She tries to champion for the original cause, but in the end ended up following them.
Ryusui: "Ladies and gentlemen," he declares, "there has been...a murder."
Ryusui: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZHeLUVDYLIg
Ryusui: A ferret-lady in an expensive-looking dress screams and faints. No one moves to catch her.
Reality Glitch: “Bloody ‘ell. Din’t tink tis be one o’ tose nigh’s.”
Alitzia: "...Oh my." She is again, stuffing her cheeks on some more snacks as she looks at the Piano, that was a fine piano. "Why not just blow this all up? Would have left no witnesses."
Reality Glitch: “Mos’ don’ have yer mind.”
Ryusui: Voices all around in response to this shocking revelation. A very fat walrus mutters, "what are the taxes I'm dodging paying for, then?"
Brina: "Not everyone uses explosions to solve everything, you goof!"
Reality Glitch: “Tat’s wha’ aye said.”
Cecil (And Laz): "I don't know, maybe they're dodging you." The cat responds to the Walrus.
Alitzia: "Hah, this guy knows nothing about committing crimes, I bet we can discover who the murderer is before the party ends!"
Alitzia: Did. She. Just. Say. That. Out. Loud?
Reality Glitch: “OI! OI! OI! Don’ be draggin’ me in befer we foundin’ the food.”
Cecil (And Laz): The cat looks over at Ali and gives them a weird look, "I ain't for mystery ganging up this night." Then the wolf behind them replies, "I am." She sighs and looks down, "I know you are, Laz."
Ryusui: "You four there!" the possum in the monocle says, pointing a finger at you. "You don't look like you belong here. Shabby clothes...utter lack of decorum...my word, might you be...detectives?!?"
Cecil (And Laz): "Nope, no way in hell I am a detective." She places a hand on the wolf's mouth before he says something stupid. "Totally not detectives."
Reality Glitch: “Don’!”
Alitzia: She looks at the possum, slowly realizing she is bargaining for more than she came for (that is, food.) "I. Uh, Demolitions Expert?"
Reality Glitch: “Mo’e like a crackpot wit a fuse.”
Brina: Brina gives a shrug, "Realistically we'll probably be roped into being detectives, I'm sure"
Alitzia: "Shush, you! Don't jinx it!"
Ryusui: "I like your attitude, Ms. Skunk! Here!" And he pins an "Honorary Detective" badge on your chest. "Give these to the others when they come around," he adds, handing you three more. "If you lot can solve this case, I can promise you free run of the kitchen for the remainder of the night!"
Ryusui: This declaration gets a cacophony of angry murmurs in response. A badger mutters, "ought to just call the proper authorities."
Cecil (And Laz): "That's true." Cecil says to the Badger.
Alitzia: "...I am the Sidekick Detective!" She blurts out, she might as well go full in and take a badge too!
Alitzia: "Who is ready to get that sweet kitch- Criminal captured, eh? Eh?!"
Brina: Brina thumbs up upon being badge'd, "Called it. We can be the improper authorities"
Cecil (And Laz): "Aye, I guess." Cecil says, raising their hand halfway.
Reality Glitch: Angus immediately stiffens straight up at mention of the reward, before relaxing while a wide smile on their face. “On second tought, it migh no’ be so bad.”
Ryusui: "Very good, then! I'll leave you all to it!"
Brina: Brina is, of course, hoarding all four of the badges to herself and wearing them all, instead of bothering to carry them
Ryusui: (take a laugh, Brina)
Reality Glitch: “OI! Gimme ‘ere one dem free food bu’ons.”
Cecil (And Laz): "Oh, I think I forgot to introduce myself to y'all." She looks over at the group, "I'm Cecil, and this wolf here is Laz, don't encourage him." She pats the wolf on the head.
Brina: Brina hands one to Angus, "I suppose I can go from Quadruple Detective to Triple Detective. I enrolled in the detective school thrice, you see. My name is Brina"
Reality Glitch: ((Is “free food button” worth a laugh?))
Ryusui: (yes)
Alitzia: "Tsk, I'm still Designated Sidekick Detective!" She grunts, as she gets closer to the piano incident to search for any clues.
Reality Glitch: And with that, there is now a scorbun, in a kilt, with a detective’s badge on their chest fur-as-faux-clothes style.
Ryusui: <@!Alitzia>: A curious thing. There doesn't seem to be anybody actually under the piano.
Reality Glitch: ((Forgot that means Angus takes a lump instead.))
Ryusui: ((hmm? what do you mean?))
Reality Glitch: ((I guess they prick themselves while trying to pin the badge on.))
Reality Glitch: ((Punching Bag.))
Brina: ( just that you can't have more laughs than lumps )
Alitzia: "...Uh, Alright then...Where is the body?"
Ryusui: (oh, OH)
Ryusui: The possum looks at you irritably, <@!Alitzia>: "Right there! The piano is the murder victim!" He sniffs: "It was an expensive piano!"
Alitzia: "...Aha, I knew that!" She tries to check the rope, or whatever was hanging such an expensive piano in such a dangerous, risky manner!
Ryusui: There's no sign of rope or anything. Not even a hook or a comically oversized magnet or a strip of velcro the piano could've hung from.
Brina: Brina tilts her head, "Wonder what even happened to it"
Reality Glitch: Angus’s brows furrows; “Bloody git tinks a bloody piano is wort a WHOLE BLOODY INVESTIGATION?”
Brina: "I mean if I saw a piano that was literally full of blood I would investigate that pronto"
Brina: "Call your piano doctor immediately"
Alitzia: "You mean a Piano artisan, right?"
Reality Glitch: “Rocket Surgeon.”
Alitzia: "Anyways, where did it even fall from?" She looks up, maybe something was holding it from up above.
Ryusui: (already said: there's no sign of anything the piano could've actually been hanging from, or been dropped from)
Cecil (And Laz): "Did some brute just smash this?" Cecil asked, looking at the piano.
Ryusui: "It dropped from the ceiling!" a histrionic peacock screeches. "We all saw it!"
Alitzia: "...Hmm, Now that is a mystery..."
Reality Glitch: “All o’ y’, eh? Likely story.”
Cecil (And Laz): "So some brute may have just launched it." She turns back, "People are stupid strong."
Reality Glitch: “Triple Detective Brina, why don’ we aks dae nice folk ‘ere a lil mo’e ‘bout wha dey reaaaaly saw.”
Brina: Brina nods and giggles at having her silliness acknowledged, "Seriously who does something in front of a whole room of witnesses?" and she turns to the peacock who just talked, "Can you elaborate more on what you saw?"
Ryusui: The peacock has little more to tell you than what she already has! Everyone's story aligns perfectly on this front!
Ryusui: That said...
Ryusui: "I think it was Mervin Sinister, arch-mastermind! Only he could've pulled off such a nefarious deed!"
Ryusui: "Heloise Sassypuss had to have done it! Can't you tell she looks suspicious?"
Ryusui: "We all have to acknowledge the elephant in the room. Hubert Kumquats is the man you're looking for."
Ryusui: "It was the PHANTOM OF THE ATTIC, I tell ya! The PHANTOM OF THE ATTIC!!!"
Reality Glitch: ((Hurbert is an actual elephant, right? 😉 ))
Ryusui: (of course)
Ryusui: This last accusation comes from Old Man Nonsense, a glassy-eyed naked mole rat in overalls who was, in fact, never invited to this party or any other party, but nonetheless seems to show up at random where he's least wanted. No one is ever sure what he wants, and no one can ever get him to leave.
Reality Glitch: “An wha migh dis ‘Phantom’ o’ yos entail?” Angus inquires.
Ryusui: "Don't listen to him," the possum mutters angrily. "This mansion hasn't had an attic in 50 years!" Old Man Nonsense proceeds anyway: "The Phantom is a GHOOOOOST! A GHOOOOOST who haunts the very rafters of this here mansion! He waits fer...fer big gatherin's such as this, and then he drops furniture out of the air!"
Reality Glitch: “Uuuuh huh. Triple Detective Brina, what duh y’ dink o’ dis?”
Brina: Brina thinks and sways her tail, looking around, "Well, I can't believe I'm saying this but that actually somehow feels like the most credible thing to check up on. To the rafters?"
Reality Glitch: “Righ in fron o’ y’.” Angus says, speeding along.
Cecil (And Laz): Cecil (and Laz) follow suit.
Alitzia: Mighty Sidekick Detective Alitzia goes along triple detective Brina.
Ryusui: "You'll have a devil of a time getting up there!" the possum huffs. "There's no attic! There's nothing above the rafters except roof!"
Ryusui: It looks like a careful examination of your options is called for here!
Ryusui: (or as careful as is warranted in cartoon land! XD)
Reality Glitch: “Migh be worth a wee peek.”
Brina: "The important thing is it gives us an actual place to look, rather than just a name"
Alitzia: "And in the worst case...We can just make our way with some of my bombs, right, Triple detective Brina?"
Reality Glitch: “Oi! Don’ blow dis fo’ us.”
Reality Glitch: ((Pun very much intended; <@Ryusui>.))
Brina: Brina smiles, "Well, if you've got any that aren't particularly destructive I could potentially see blasting us up to where we need to get"
Ryusui: Well, don't forget you have an assortment of suspects. Perhaps one might be helpful? Or you could figure out another way up (or under) the roof. :3
Cecil (And Laz): Cecil looks over at the group and waves, "I'll meet with the suspects." She turns towards her first one to talk to, Mervin Sinister.
Ryusui: "Hee hee hee ha ha ha!" Mervin says. He's a weasel in a greasy suit and top hat, sporting a truly enormous mustache which he is always, always twirling. It's hard to imagine anyone willingly inviting him. Maybe he's a generous donor to some worthy cause?
Reality Glitch: ((Yes; “worthy”.))
Cecil (And Laz): Cecil looks blankly at Mervin, and sighs, "So, what's your story? You seem toxicly obnoxious."
Brina: "With the obligatory moustache and all"
Alitzia: "I think I have tamer bombs, mostly rejects, nobody likes when their bombs blows a circular hole in a support instead of reducing it to Smithers!" She shows a particularly malformed black explosive she pulls from her tail's bomb-space. "Would rather not use rejects, though." and she pulls it back.
Reality Glitch: Angus, with a look of concern on their face, replies, “Remind me ne’er t’ ignite yer tall.”
Ryusui: Mervin's smirk perks up - defensively? - as he examines your badges. "Is there a proooooblem, officers?" he croons.
Reality Glitch: ((I can’t stop imagining them with a Waluigi mustache.))
Cecil (And Laz): Cecil can visibly cringe as he said that, "Alright, you're gonna be made a donut if you make anymore remarks like that level of cringe." She seems visibly frustrated already. "Do you know anything about the piano incident?"
Alitzia: "Oh please, you can't light my tail up!" She just shakes it up a little, she is not gonna actually try to light it up!
Brina: "I mean I don't expect anyone to just, go ahead and fess up if they're the one who actually did it"
Reality Glitch: “Which is why aye say we ligh a fire unda’em.”
Ryusui: "Oh I don't know what you could possibly be talking about-aaaaaaah!" Out of nowhere, an orange-furred hand grabs Mervin by the mustache.
Reality Glitch: ((Puns are worth laughs, right <@Ryusui>?))
Cecil (And Laz): He looks at the orange furred hand and tries to see who it belongs to, "Hello?"
Ryusui: (look I'm just gonna give a laugh to each and every one of you who just now intimated you wanted to beat this doofus up XD)
Reality Glitch: Angus breaths a small lick of flame at their own words.
Ryusui: (so Angus and Cecil, I think)
Ryusui: It's Heloise, and she looks about as skeeved by Mervin's routine as the rest of you are.
Ryusui: "Bon soir, daaahlings. You looked clueless as usual, so I thought I would intervene, yes?"
Reality Glitch: ((That ooc sentence had some awkward syntax; you mean the fact that Angus’s line was a threat is worth a laugh?))
Brina: "It's detective Heloise, good day to you ma'am!"
Ryusui: (yes, angus and cecil both get a laugh)
Ryusui: (so the way i count it right now Angus is at two, Brina and Cecil are at one)
Reality Glitch: ((Angus is at one lump and one laugh from their gimmick.))
Cecil (And Laz): (( I put it on my sheet ))
Ryusui: (ah, righto, mb)
Ryusui: Heloise laughs, hand still on Mervin's mustache. He looks more and more pained by the second. "How adorable, you pretending to be a detective. So...you're interested in investigating the rooftop, are you?"
Cecil (And Laz): "Yeaaa? I guesss?" Cecil says, looking at Heloise. "Sooo...Do you know anything about the Piano orrr?"
Brina: "Pretending?? Who's the one with three badges here?" and she looks down and actually bothers to read one of them, "Oh, 'honorary'"
Reality Glitch: ((I thought Angus and Brina already left for the attic?))
Ryusui: Heloise shrugs. "I saw what everyone else did. A piano fell out of nowhere. Happens all the time. Nothing to get upset about. Since you seem to be intent on making a big deal of it, however, I believe we can work out an arrangement." She smirks haughtily: "I can get you to the rooftop easily. But you will have to make it worth my while."
Brina: ( I don't think we bothered to actually leave haha )
Cecil (And Laz): Cecil says under her breath, "Yea I'm kinda hungry." She looks at Heloise, "So, what do we have to do to make it worth your while?"
Reality Glitch: “Aye’ll make it worth yo while, lass.” Angus barks with an similarly smarmy grin and a fire in their right paw.
Ryusui: (Let's say it'll be Dicey to convince her. :3)
Alitzia: "I can show you first-hand experience on my Bombs, if you want!" She totally doesn't remember shoving one on her face last time.
Reality Glitch: ((Using Spunk.))
Reality Glitch: !r 2d6+1
DiscoDude: <@Reality Glitch> rolled 2d6+1 for 6 [2d6 = 1, 4]
Ryusui: You accidentally and implausibly singe your own paw, Angus.
Ryusui: (marking that as a lump)
Cecil (And Laz): (( I'll roll tough to try and convince her, if that's okay :3c ))
Cecil (And Laz): !r 2d6+2
DiscoDude: <@Cecil (And Laz)> rolled 2d6+2 for 6 [2d6 = 1, 3]
Cecil (And Laz): ( weh )
Ryusui: Heloise is unimpressed by your show of toughness, <@!Cecil (And Laz)>!
Ryusui: <@!Brina>, <@!Alitzia>?
Cecil (And Laz): She folds her arms and pouts for a moment.
Alitzia: (hmm, How about rolling sly to convince her to take some of my bombs, then?)
Ryusui: (i like this; give it a whirl)
Alitzia: !r 2d6+1
DiscoDude: <@Alitzia> rolled 2d6+1 for 5 [2d6 = 3, 1]
Ryusui: The bomb you offer just sort of goes off in your hand. XD
Ryusui: ( <@!Brina>, do you wanna take a turn at trying to convince Heloise?)
Brina: ( suppose I could give it a shot )
Alitzia: "So, Consider this, I give you some of my good bombs, the ones that let you deal with problems, doesn't that sound bomb- " And now she looks jet black, it takes a few blinks before she can see where she is.
Ryusui: ( <@!Brina>, gimme an action! )
Brina: I try and appeal to her ego, which I guess is rolling for Sly which I have a -1 on but it's better than nothing. "I'm sure if you helped us out you'd be praised for helping solve the mystery!"
Ryusui: (roll it! 2d6-1! )
Brina: !r 2d6-1
DiscoDude: <@Brina> rolled 2d6-1 for 2 [2d6 = 2, 1]
Brina: oh
Ryusui: (that's...maybe the worst roll we've had this game period ^_^; )
Brina: (the worst roll was attempted to roll a die with too many sides)
Ryusui: Heloise rolls her eyes. "Um. Hello?" A shy voice rings out from behind you all, and an enormous shadow is cast on top of you.
Brina: Brina cautiously and slowly turns around to see whoever it is, "What's up?"
Reality Glitch: “Oi vey; yo bloody HYUUUUGE!”
Alitzia: "Uh oh, Who might you be?"
Ryusui: "Uh. Hi. I'm Hubert Kumquats, and-" "Back off, Hubert, I'm trying to make a deal with these reprobates," Heloise hisses. Hubert flinches, but continues: "I thought you mentioned you needed help getting to the rooftop?"
Brina: Brina gives a friendly smiles and wave, "Oh, can you lift us? That sounds like a very nice and non-destructive solution"
Reality Glitch: “Aye lad; dat be true.”
Ryusui: "W-well...it's a little high, even for me, but...I had something close in mind..."
Ryusui: Cut to outside.
Alitzia: She rolls hers eyes at Brina. "Destructive works....most of the time!"
Ryusui: Five loud yelps as each of you are flung roofward by a giant elephant.
Ryusui: Five loud thumps as each of you land.
Reality Glitch: “OI! Don’ trow meeEEAAWW!!”
Brina: "Eeeeeeep!"
Alitzia: Alitzia actually uses her tail as a soft surface to land on, still better than a landing on both her feet. "WOOO HOOO!"
Ryusui: So. You're on the rooftop. There's ominous pipe organ music coming from the other side of the roof's peak.
Reality Glitch: “Bloody ‘ell; I could’ve jumped up ‘ere y’ tw-“ Angus is cut off when as the slip on the wet roof. “Aye hate dae rain.”
Ryusui: (it's not raining XD)
Ryusui: (the thunderclap from before was just for effect)
Reality Glitch: ((It’s a murder mystery; those are always during thunderstorms.))
Brina: ( maybe there's just a sole raincloud raining on Angus exclusively )
Ryusui: (fair enough)
Reality Glitch: ((Plus, fire-weak-to-water joke.))
Brina: "Let's go investigate that organ music!"
Alitzia: "Yeah! let's go." Ali dashes forward, wanting to know first hand what is going on with that awful sound.
Reality Glitch: “EY! Wait fer me!” Angus shouts as he spring up and vaults towards the others.
Ryusui: What's on the other side is...well, huge. But not entirely unexpected, if you've been paying attention.
Ryusui: It is an entire ghostly attic, playing its own equally ghostly stashed-away pipe organ.
Ryusui: It is, somehow, wearing a domino mask.
Reality Glitch: ((Question: the slip-and-fall censorship is worth a laugh/lump, right?))
Ryusui: (sure why not XD)
Reality Glitch: “EY! Phantom! Y’ think y’ can jus get yer sick kicks from droppin’ random pianos eve’ywhe’e, doncha?”
Brina: "I knew that sounded oddly credible!"
Alitzia: "...huh, the old man was actually right." She approaches the attic and knocks on the wall? is there an entrance point? She knocks on that.
Ryusui: "Random? Random?" the literal Phantom of the Attic screeches. "My revenge has been in the planning for five decades! They thought they could renovate me away, but just watch me! I'll have the last laugh! MUWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"
Reality Glitch: “We be seein’ about that.”
Angus McScott used Will-o’-Wisp.
Ryusui: <@!Alitzia>: He is, somehow, the entire guts that would fit between roof and ceiling. Architecturally speaking, he's like a bunch of disembodied house-organs floating slightly above the rooftop, full of ghostly put-away bric-a-brac.
Ryusui: (Yes, I do believe it's Grudge Mood time!)
Ryusui: (Unless someone has a less violent strategy in mind for dispensing of an entire ghostly attic? XD)
Alitzia: "Oh. Permission to blow it up, Triple Honorary Detective Brina?" she nonchalantly asks to the Triple Honorary Detective Brina.
Reality Glitch: ((Angus beat you to the “punch”.))
Ryusui: (Roll me that Grudge Move, <@Reality Glitch>! Remember, you'll be rolling +sharp!)
Reality Glitch: !r 2d6+2
DiscoDude: <@Reality Glitch> rolled 2d6+2 for 11 [2d6 = 3, 6]
Reality Glitch: ((Another 11; nice.))
Ryusui: Spectral flame meets spectral wood! His floorboards begin to smolder! "Ow, ow, ow! How are you even doing that?!?"
Ryusui: (Who else wants to take a swing? XD)
Reality Glitch: “Tha be a ghost-type move; y’ git.”
Alitzia: (OHOHOH, Can i use my Grudge move, Frantic?)
Brina: ( me after that then :p )
Ryusui: (of course!)
Alitzia: (to be clear, i have no laughs, right?)
Ryusui: (right)
Ryusui: (so it's a straight 2d6 roll)
Alitzia: !r 2d6
DiscoDude: <@Alitzia> rolled 2d6 for 11 [2d6 = 6, 5]
Ryusui: (oh nice describe your move and i'll describe the aftereffect)
Ryusui: (also <@!Cecil (And Laz)> you still awake? )
Alitzia: She starts pulling bomb after bomb from her tail's bomb-space, lacing the attic in a nice layer of C4 before pulling the trigger.) "This one? it's a Freebie!* "
Cecil (And Laz): (( yea ))
Cecil (And Laz): (( I was looking the other way in other servers... oops ))
Cecil (And Laz): Cecil cracks her knuckles, "Welp, there goes my temper. I'm gonna clobber you."
Ryusui: "Ow ow ow ow OW! These are antique floorboards, you heartless vandal!"
Ryusui: ( <@!Brina>, <@!Cecil (And Laz)>, gimme your Grudge moves ❤ )
Cecil (And Laz): !r 2d6+1 (( Knock'em Down ))
DiscoDude: <@Cecil (And Laz)> rolled 2d6+1 for 9 [2d6 = 2, 6] (( Knock'em Down ))
Cecil (And Laz): (( I dish out damage qwq ))
Cecil (And Laz): (( oh wait, I don't have lumps ))
Cecil (And Laz): (( oh well, it would still have been 8 :x ))
Brina: I use Meta to summon up a plate full of food from the party I shouldn't even have all the way up there and toss it at the phantom, or perhaps several plates of food! "Foood fiiiiigiht"
Ryusui: (Brina, roll XD)
Cecil (And Laz): Cecil arm grows pop eye style and she twachs the Ghost with her massive fist, "And here's a healthy helping of pain."
Brina: !r 2d6+2
DiscoDude: <@Brina> rolled 2d6+2 for 8 [2d6 = 4, 2]
Ryusui: (not enough to actually deal damage, Brina, but I'll work you into the smackdown regardless)
Ryusui: "What on Earth are you...ooh! Is that an amuse-bouche? Why, I haven't had one in..." The Phantom of the Attic loudly starts smacking on the food you're throwing, Brina, which leaves him completely distracted as Cecil winds up...and smacks down.
Ryusui: Well. Smacks up is more like it.
Ryusui: The Phantom of the Attic is sent flying into the distance.
Reality Glitch: ((Piece by piece.))
Ryusui: "Well, I can see I'm not wanted here!" he huffs as if getting sent packing was totally his idea. "I'll remember you lot! One of these days I'll get my revenge on you as well! Just you watch-"
Ryusui: -GULP-
Ryusui: He lands right in the mouth of a ghostly T-rex standing about half a mile away.
Ryusui: It gives you all a thumbs-up with its tiny, tiny ghost arm, then walks off into the distance.
Reality Glitch: Angus gives an emphatic thumbs up and a wink, with their other hand on their hip.
Alitzia: "Victory for team Detectives! Hurrah!" Alitzia hurrahs as she raises her fist. "Now we gotta get down and back in. Want me to make a hole?"
Ryusui: ( <@!Brina>, <@!Cecil (And Laz)>, either of you wanna respond to this development before we move on to the session's epilogue?)
Reality Glitch: “Noooo way; lass. Last thing aye need is a concussion.”
Cecil (And Laz): "Well, he's now chow for some big dino...see ya."
Brina: "Think they'll actually believe us if we go in there saying there actually -was -a phantom?"
Reality Glitch: “Not in dae slightes.”
Ryusui: All the same, the four of you soon find yourself in the Kitchen Dimension, just as promised. You're not sure where the ingredients come from or what species the chefs are, but they're remarkably talented - everything comes out fast and delicious. It's also literally all hors d'oeuvres, so while there may not be any roast chickens or sirloin steaks to be had, you will, in fact, probably be walking out of this party with your pockets full of goodies!
Ryusui: Mervin and Heloise stand disconsolately with their backs to you, stuck washing a literally endless pile of dishes. Mervin is missing half his mustache.
Reality Glitch: “OhohoHO! Dis is gonna be GREAT!” Angus shouts while rubbing their paws together.
Reality Glitch: Before long, Angus is off to consume the endless plates of “reward”.
Alitzia: "Ahhhh~, This is still better than acorn pie~!" At this point one can tell her cheeks are bloated with food, is she planning on bringing leftovers home?!
Reality Glitch: Angus is just dangling from the edge of one of the counter tops with their mouth open as some of the chefs begrudgingly slide plates into their gaping maw of an open mouth.
Reality Glitch: ((I’m sure that’d be a laugh if it wasn’t the end of the episode.))
Ryusui: (yes)
Cecil (And Laz): Laz and Cecil chow down like the animals they are.
Ryusui: (i'm sorry but someone once edited Scorbunny's official art to look like Max from Sam & Max and this is an image my brain keeps going to thinking of your character)
Reality Glitch: ((Don’t for get the kilt.))
Ryusui: (ah yeah)
Ryusui: (still!)
Ryusui: (so, <@&547919574188687363>, last lines?)
Reality Glitch: ((The endless slide of food was meant to be a last line.))
Alitzia: ((^^^))
Ryusui: (anyone else?)
Brina: ( don't really have anything to add )
Cecil (And Laz): ( nothing else from me >w> )
Ryusui: Then let us...
Ryusui: !end

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