
Chaosweaver Darkon Solo

Jul 2nd, 2022 (edited)
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  1. Stats:
  2. 200 INT/200 END/45 CHA
  4. Dragon:
  5. 200 Protection/200 Fighting/200 Assistance
  7. Primary Gear:
  8. - Exalted Apotheosis
  9. - Blade of Awe (Special)
  10. - Wings of the Unraveler III
  11. - Defender's Dragon Ring XXXII
  12. - Ancient DragonLord Helm III
  13. - Defender's Dragon Necklace XXXV
  14. - Defender's Dragon Belt XXIII
  15. - The Corrupted Seven
  16. - Legion Bracer
  18. Swap Gear:
  19. - Verraad III
  20. - Lucky Hammer (Special)
  21. - Blade of Destiny (Special)
  22. - Wings of the Thousand Infernos
  23. - The Hidebehind VIII
  24. - Chaosweaver's Cloak III
  25. - Elpis
  26. - Magi Sentinel/Guard Helm III
  27. - Chaosweaver's Hood III
  28. - Drop Bear Hat IX
  29. - Dreamglass Ring IX
  30. - Soulforged Ring (Blue)
  31. - Slimy Necklace
  32. - Mage's Challenger Belt V
  33. - Inlaid Trithril Belt
  35. Strategy:
  36. Phase 1:
  37. Soulthreads off
  38. Dragon Scales turn 2
  39. Loop Aggression, Soul Slice, Obliterate, Hexing Wheel, Attack
  40. Loop Dragon Lash, Attack
  41. Swap Elpis + Slimy and dragon Heal when you're at ~2700 (on Attack 3)
  42. Can use Vengeance and EUD/C7 to fish for BoA procs on off turns
  43. Swap Wings of the Thousand Infernos the turn before phase change
  45. Phase 2:
  46. Swap Magi Sentinel/Guard Helm III
  47. Loop Aggression, Soul Slice, Obliterate, Hexing Wheel, Attack
  48. Siphon once before turn 23
  49. Dragon Outrage, loop Lash, Attack
  50. Swap Wings of the Thousand Infernos and Ancient DragonLord Helm III the turn before phase change
  52. Phase 3:
  53. Loop Soul Slice, Aggression, Vengeance, Hexing Wheel, Attack
  54. Save Obliterate for when his All res drops to ~80
  55. Loop Lash, Beam, Attack
  56. Swap Elpis + Slimy Necklace, health pot after Health res goes away
  57. Dragon Heal
  58. Repeat until his All res is at about 50
  59. Swap The Hidebehind VIII, Drop Bear Hat IX, Slimy Necklace, Inlaid Trithtril Belt before Attack 10, Aggression
  60. Dragon Scales
  61. Soul Slice
  62. Swap Verraad III, Lucky Hammer (Special), Chaosweaver's Cloak III, Chaosweaver's Hood III, Mage's Challenger Belt V
  63. Empowered Gambit, Empowered Aegis
  64. Dragon Boost
  65. Rebuke
  66. Unravel
  68. Additional notes:
  69. Can fish for BoD procs on attack turns
  70. Suboptimal offense gear should still work
  71. Can swap to higher crit offensive gear such as Soulforged Ring (Blue) for Rebuke, then to max Int for Unravel
  72. This is definitely not optimal, but consistent
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