
Original Mplayer script before changes

Sep 4th, 2011
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  1. Laughmaster Says:
  2. June 17th, 2011 at 4:07 am edit
  4. I’ll just leave this here because /irc.
  6. I just did a fresh install of Ubuntu, and used the script you provided for mplayer (Thanks~). However, there are a few other dependencies that need to be installed before the script will work, and a couple other changes you should probably consider.
  8. To start, the first line (aside from #!/bin/sh) needs to be changed to:
  9. sudo apt-get install git-core autoconf libtool yasm
  11. After that, you might want to consider cloning the git repo into a hidden folder (just because most linux noobs will probably be doing this in their home folder):
  12. git clone git:// .mplayer-build
  13. cd .mplayer-build
  15. And finally, a shallow initialization because there’s no reason to waste space:
  16. ./init –shallow
  18. … And also, unless you think people are going to run mplayer without a GUI, you really don’t need to make install. When you install smplayer (assuming you don’t build that yourself), it will install mplayer from the repo and overwrite your installation anyway. All you have to do is specify your mplayer executable in the smplayer settings to be ~/.mplayer-build/mplayer/mplayer and it’ll work without installing.
  20. Anyway, thanks again for giving instructions for Linux/Mac users. Much faster to get it from here than to test your luck trying google searches :)
  24. Blaze's Original
  26. #!/bin/sh
  27. sudo apt-get install git-core #Going to need git, this script assumes a Debian-based distro such as Ubuntu
  28. sudo apt-get build-dep mplayer #Get the basic dependencies of mplayer + a few extra libraries for more co$
  29. git clone git:// mplayer-build #Gits the most recent build scripts
  30. cd mplayer-build
  31. while true; do
  32. read -p "Do you want to use ffmpeg-mt?" yn
  33. case $yn in
  34. [Yy]* ) ./enable-mt; break;;
  35. [Nn]* ) exit;;
  36. * ) echo "Please answer yes or no.";;
  37. esac
  38. done
  39. ./init #Gits the most recent revisions of mplayer, ffmpeg(-mt), and libass
  40. #finds the number of cores in your system
  41. cores=`cat /proc/cpuinfo |grep processor |wc -l`
  42. cores=`expr $cores + 1`
  43. make -j$cores #builds mplayer
  44. sudo make install #To install it
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