
SnekFilly Part 2

May 1st, 2016
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  1. >Be Fluttershy
  2. >Be on the outskirts of the forest of your cottage
  3. >Checking on those poor snakes
  4. >You're not sure why Twilight needed all that blood and you hated to do that, but Twilight insisted that she needed it and you knew she wouldn't ask for it unless it was absolutely necessary
  5. >Not that you had any clue WHY exactly she needed 2 gallons of it the first place
  6. >And if you refused, Twilight would have to get the blood herself, you were the only pony even willing to go near the only known snake den
  7. >You had always thought snakes were kinda cute in their own way, but most ponies are terrified of them
  8. >THUD
  9. >Shaken out of your train of thought by the sudden noise you hide in the nearest bush
  10. >After you deem that the sky is not falling and/or some other monster decided to attack Ponyville again you carefully remove yourself from the bush
  11. >What was that?
  12. >Maybe some pegasus crashed?
  13. >Probably Rainbow Dash, she was probably your best friend and she was a great flier, but she had a tendency to get too intimate with the ground for your liking
  14. >You head deeper into the forest, the sound didn't seem to come from too far away
  15. >You eventually reach where you thought the noise originated from
  16. “Oh no!”
  17. >A green coated filly seemed to be trapped underneath a
  18. >Oddity aside this poor filly clearly needed help, her breath was shallow and she looks to have passed out
  19. >You quickly removed the place-mat off the filly
  21. >No, that's not quite right, it was just a filly with the body of a snake
  22. >Well okay then
  23. >Weird, but you've honestly dealt with odder creatures and this one clearly need your help
  24. >After checking that there she was at least safe to move you place her on your back
  25. >She's longer than you are, and you don't want to try to coil her up like you see your snake friends do because you don't want to open any of the cuts on her
  26. >After some careful positioning her on your back using your wings, you carry her back using your wings outstretched too support her
  27. >You trot as fast as you safely can towards your cottage
  28. >You arrive without incident and you quickly clear off your kitchen table and place her on it
  29. >After a quick examination it's clear that it wasn't nearly as bad as you had feared and that yes, she was in fact a SHE like you expected, although it was hard to tell with snakes sometimes and you had to mind your pronouns[spoiler]shitlord[/spoiler]
  30. >Some cuts from a quick fall through the treeline and some nasty looking, but non-life threatening bruises from where she seems to have hit the ground
  31. >After bandaging her cuts and wrapping the larger bruises to prevent swelling you carefully open her mouth, you have to admit you're kind of curious of what her diet consists of and you don't want to offer her something she simply can't eat when she wakes up
  32. >That would be rude
  33. >As far as you could tell she was an omnivore, she had a few sets of molars in the back and some incisors in the front
  34. >she still had fangs, and they looked poisonous too. But they were little, and probably wouldn't be too visible unless she meant for them to be shown
  35. >Examination complete, you carefully place her on your couch and place a blanket over her
  36. >You have never seen anything like her
  37. >You check your books on animals and find nothing
  38. >Not even your book on obscure creatures and monsters yields any knowledge
  39. >Poor thing, maybe she's the last of her kind?
  40. >Ponies would either run away or try to hurt her due to her..... snakelike nature
  41. >She had to be kept safe
  42. >Something or somepony had clearly dropped her or thrown her a great distance and you doubt a lone snakefilly would have done this to herself... hopefully
  43. >You had to keep her safe either way
  44. >You had always secretly wanted a foal of your own
  45. >But you never met the right stallion for that kinda thing and you can't adopt as a single parent in Equestria
  46. >But now you had your own filly!....thing!
  47. >You should knit her a sweater to show how much you're gonna care for her!
  48. >It'll be especially easy seeing as she doesn't have any fore-hooves to make sleeves for
  49. >She took quite the fall, so she'll probably be out for awhile
  50. >You leave to your super secret knitting room to knit her the cutest sweater ever
  51. >You're gonna be the best mommy ever!
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