

Mar 20th, 2014
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  1. Name: Sir Jacob, Knight of Lemuria, Ordinary Human(?), Not an Octopus
  3. High Concept: Octopus Knight
  4. Jacob started life as the average Giant Pacific Octopus, raised in a tank in a museum's aquarium. His life was pretty simple and easygoing, as octopi go - swim around, eat, change color to impress the punters. One day, however, a mysterious hooded man dropped a strange, shining trinket into the tank in which he lived. Curious, Jacob swam over to inspect it and suddenly received a vision from Lemuria, the Goddess of the Oceans, who pleaded him to take up arms against a shadowy threat from beyond the stars. Gifted with human intelligence and a fierce desire to uphold justice, Jacob slithered out of his tank, slipped into a suit of medieval armor and set off to fulfill his Goddess' wish.
  6. Trouble: Does Somebody Suspect Something?
  7. The trouble with being an octopus is twofold. Firstly, it's very difficult to fight the forces of darkness when you have no bones, so the well-meaning Jacob is clumsy and accident prone. Secondly, most people tend to scream and run away at the sight of you. Jacob desperately wants to be accepted as the hero he's trying to be, but his slimy skin, beady eyes and many arms are not exactly endearing qualities. For someone who sticks out as much as Jacob does, finding acceptance is a tricky task.
  9. Background: Devoting Full Time to Floating
  10. Jacob spent most of his life in the Great Earth Museum of Sirius IV Beta, a moon orbiting the planet of Sirius IV in the Canis galaxy. His mother came from a future Earth which had been abandoned to recover from the effects of deforestation, pollution and many other of man's evils. The Museum itself was a combination archive, library, theme park and hotel, funded by the United Earth Constellations in order to educate people about life on their former home planet. Think Alton Towers or Six Flags if they suddenly got taken over by a bunch of scholars and librarians.
  12. Civilization: Sirius IV Beta
  13. As stated before, Sirius IV Beta is a temporary home for a small section of humanity that left the Earth behind to restore itself. Whilst living on this wild and weird moon full of dust storms and seas of liquid jade, the people got into some very esoteric trends indeed, such as custom skin colors and patterns, glow-in-the-dark underwear and helium-fueled raves. As completely crazy and sometimes law-breaking as these people are, Jacob cares for them very much and would rather not the prophesied doom kill them all, thanks.
  15. Patron: Lemuria, Goddess of the Ocean
  16. Very little is known about Lemuria, named for the ancient civilization thought to have sunk beneath the waves long ago. Her role in history swings back and forth like a drunk on the motorway, from romantic fertility deity to ravenous harbinger of tides and war. However, what is known is that she survived the destruction of her former civilization and also has a knack for sensing evil wherever it rises. It is for this reason that she has chosen Jacob to be her knight, although some would question this decision as short-sighted and... well, let's be honest, completely effing stupid.
  18. Skills
  19. +4 Athletics
  20. +3 Rapport, Fight
  21. +2 Empathy, Will, Physique
  22. +1 Stealth, Investigate, Drive, Lore
  24. Stunts
  25. Octomatrix: Get +2 to Athletics Defend actions when you use your boneless body to dodge something you otherwise wouldn't be able to.
  26. Not An Octopus: When you succeed on using Rapport to create an advantage on somebody, you always get a Boost called "Nobody Suspects A Thing." You may invoke this once to avoid or defuse a situation that would reveal your octopus nature to people.
  27. Tentacle of Justice: When you succeed with style on a Fight Attack action against an agent of the Prophesied Doom, you can choose to inflict a 2-shift hit rather than take a boost.
  29. Vitals
  30. Refresh: 3
  31. Physical: 4 (3 + 1 from Physique at +2)
  32. Mental: 4 (3 + 1 from Will at +2)
  33. Consequences: 3
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