
kek 3

Aug 26th, 2016
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  1. <DarnellJermaine> just like you know a lot of this lore and other gms don;t
  2. <DarnellJermaine> if even staff have trouble following there's no way players can
  3. <BobaFettuccine> Yeah, I agree. GM's need to get on the same page about a few things.
  4. <Kioku> I have no idea about Kali because I was awake at night instead of day at the time.
  5. <Kioku> Most characters only get looked at by two GMs, you know?
  6. <DarnellJermaine> right, but then if the other gms were on the same page lorewise as you
  7. <BobaFettuccine> Like, even mechanics wise I have been told exact opposite things by you and Silvy on a rule before Kio.
  8. <DarnellJermaine> they woulda let CZ know "hey you can't have a /real/ god"
  9. <DarnellJermaine> even though he /did/
  10. <Kioku> Although large-scale lore contradictions like anything involving gods would have, yeah... should have been mentioned
  11. <DarnellJermaine> and it's not like cray where he was just crazy, he had some sorta weird semi-gm powers
  12. * SpookyBee isn't really a fan of the 'no godly beings' thing
  13. <BobaFettuccine> He says you can do Anomalous generation multiple times, you say only once. I have still not gotten a clarigication on that.
  14. <Kioku> You can do it multiple times, just not for more than 4 xp's worth per tier.
  15. <DarnellJermaine> I wouldn't mind no godly beings if we didn't have weird stuff like eldritch peeps, demons, angels, etc
  16. <BobaFettuccine> He has literally told me as many times per tier as you want.
  17. <DarnellJermaine> cuz then it just makes things more confuing since irl those things are associated with gods or powerful beings as well
  18. <BobaFettuccine> He has said this multiple times.
  19. <DarnellJermaine> and silvors is the next most active GM to you
  20. <BobaFettuccine> Once while you were on and actively talking.
  21. <DarnellJermaine> in fact, usually the only 2 people I can get to approve sheets are you and him
  22. <DarnellJermaine> since you guys are the most active
  23. <Uracilo> I... really don't see why you'd limit anomalous generation when there's a choice of it not counting towards tier
  24. <Kioku> Okay, I legit don't see what demons have to do with godly beings, when it comes to real world lore even.
  25. * EndPhone mutters about his not being able to approve sheets
  26. <DarnellJermaine> demons in most lore represent evil
  27. <DarnellJermaine> the duality to good
  28. <Kioku> Angels... yeah, I think it's kinda weird, sure.
  29. <DarnellJermaine> in most spiritual traditions and religions
  30. <DarnellJermaine> good and evil exist because you can differentiate
  31. <EndPhone> Kio, because demons/Devils are intermixed in our major religions
  32. <DarnellJermaine> and you can differentiate because of higher powers
  33. <Kioku> But in the end it's just another species living in their own place
  34. <DarnellJermaine> I don't know how you don't see demons and gods cooperating in real life, cuz that's a thing most the time
  35. <Kioku> I don't see one as necessary for the other
  36. <DarnellJermaine> that's how like a majority or religions or spiritual beliefs involving demons work
  37. <Kioku> And I see plenty of stuff about demons show up /without/ having something to do with a religion.
  38. <Uracilo> I mean, the point is that the name has connotations that you're... selectively hearing? I don't know where you're coming from Kio
  39. <DarnellJermaine> gods is also vague
  40. <DarnellJermaine> like you say there are no gods
  41. <DarnellJermaine> but even not counting kali, plenty of chars like Ura said earlier have godlike powers
  42. <BobaFettuccine> Kio. Can you please talk with Silvy about that thing I mentioned, because it has yet to be clarified. It is an actual mechanic that I have had two opposite responses about from two GM's.
  43. <DarnellJermaine> is your definition of god simply the person who created the universe?
  44. <DarnellJermaine> because even things like greek mythology have gods that are strictly involved only with earth and a certain element
  45. <Kioku> I'll poke at Silvy when they're next online
  46. <EndPhone> like said, the term "god" has no meaning, and is pretty much self-appointed
  47. <DarnellJermaine> god certainly has meaning
  48. <BobaFettuccine> DJ I do think you're getting a bit too caught up over the word god.
  49. <DarnellJermaine> I am because it seems arbitrary that there are no gods but there are gods character wise
  50. <DarnellJermaine> so I'm confused
  51. <Kioku> DJ, more of there's nothing that could be considered a god with the connotations that the world generally brings up.
  52. <Kioku> *the word
  53. <DarnellJermaine> ok that makes sense to me
  54. <Kioku> Like, "nothing is worthy of the term"
  55. <EndPhone> there is no confirmed Devine creator, and anything calling itself a God is doing so because they want to
  56. <EndPhone> is that a good summary?
  57. <DarnellJermaine> the only thing that conflicts with that still is kali, but I won't bring that up since like you said you're not sure on it
  58. <DarnellJermaine> because being able to devour the universe and that being your goal seems god-esque
  59. <DarnellJermaine> since the universe (unless there's more lore I'm missing) seems to be the end all be all
  60. <Kioku> Some of the greek gods might have been particularly powerful anomalies posing as divine figures
  61. <Kioku> ... But most of them were probably just made up for stories
  62. <DarnellJermaine> ok now that that's explained it makes more sense (again besides kali)
  63. <DarnellJermaine> I can live with that because that doesn't break 99.99% of char canons
  64. <Uracilo> But is that canon, or just your opinion?
  65. <SavanahHolland> greek gods didn't create the universe, I know that's slightly off topic, but intresting
  66. <Uracilo> Because I mean, echidna is canon through a character
  67. <Kioku> There's also the implication that 'gods' have something do do with (or at least some knowledge of) an afterlife of some sort
  68. <Uracilo> And I could go ahead and write a cahracter that's the son of the grey sisters tomorrow
  69. <EndPhone> There is nothing stated in canon about the Greek "gods" existence as of yet
  70. <Kioku> And the RP's position is Enforced Agnosticism
  71. <Kioku> (Not the setting's necessarily, but the RP's)
  72. <Uracilo> Like, what I'm asking is for a standard
  73. <SavanahHolland> at some point I wanna do a character somehow related to Bacchus
  74. <Uracilo> Will the canon bend for a character I or any other player writes?
  75. <SavanahHolland> but das just me
  76. <DarnellJermaine> I think sav that neon did that
  77. <DarnellJermaine> with thea
  78. <Kioku> What happens after death is unknown, unknowable, and /must remain unknown and unknowable/ is one of the main rules
  79. <DarnellJermaine> but Dionysus
  80. <DarnellJermaine> which is the greek flavor of bacchus
  81. <Kioku> Right alongside "time travel is impossible"
  82. <SavanahHolland> True XD
  83. <DarnellJermaine> but how is it unknowable
  84. <DarnellJermaine> if there are chars that can bring people back
  85. <Kioku> And "You can't know the future for sure"
  86. <DarnellJermaine> wouldn't they know?
  87. <Uracilo> If that was true why did you approve Ilario?
  88. <SavanahHolland> I could maybe pull it off by making it different, who knows
  89. <Kioku> They wouldn't know
  90. <DarnellJermaine> also future- isn't there a fortune teller char, that belongs to a gm too?
  91. <DarnellJermaine> LT has a tarot card thing that canonically is accurate, yes?>
  92. <Kioku> There's a difference between knowing and predicting.
  93. <DarnellJermaine> fair enough
  94. <Uracilo> Maybe make note of that, then?
  95. <Kioku> It is noted actually.
  96. <DarnellJermaine> I would make a link to this lore page in char creation and the home page
  97. <DarnellJermaine> instead of just on the side
  98. <Kioku> "One can make excellent predictions, but choice is always a factor that can't be known for certain"
  99. <SavanahHolland> I remember one character who could see the future
  100. <Kioku> ... Okay yeah, that'd probably be for the best. Right now it's just linked from Setting Information.
  101. <Kioku> I remember Lucius
  102. <SavanahHolland> said that Wendy was going to offer him to play cards, didnt even ask me
  103. <Kioku> WHo could see possible futures
  104. <SavanahHolland> Wendy wouldn't ask that ever
  105. <Kioku> ... And who also made stuff up apparently
  106. <Kioku> lol
  107. <Kioku> But I think he only lasted like 2 days anyway...
  108. <SavanahHolland> yeaaah, good character, annoying power
  109. <Uracilo> My questions still stand
  110. <Kioku> -> Also yeah, the canon can bend, add new things to accomidate characters, but it can't break.
  111. <Uracilo> 1- Will canon bend on the wake of new characters
  112. <Uracilo> 2- If the afterlife is unknowable, why did you approve Ilario
  113. <Kioku> Or at least, stuff shouldn't break.
  114. <Kioku> And... what does Ilario have to do with afterlife?
  115. <Uracilo> I specifically mentioned several things in his backstory
  116. <Uracilo> That I have since edited to make him more compatible with Nadia's canon
  117. <Kioku> I'm looking at Revision 1
  118. <Kioku> And...
  119. <Uracilo> For example that he was sent to gather souls, and that he had a past life that's divorced in time from him so he could still hear it speak
  120. <Kioku> It looks like just angelstuff
  121. <Kioku> Nothing to do with any acutal afterlifestuff
  122. <Uracilo> Maybe I wasn't clear enough then
  123. <Uracilo> Ilario did and still does have a lot of stuff to do with the afterlife
  124. <Kioku> The whole past life thingy with Nadia-Angels bouncing between 'hosts'
  125. <Uracilo> Which is apparently not something he can have anything to do with
  126. <Uracilo> So when I started making an angel, I would've liked the warning
  127. <Kioku> Though it wasn't really clear that it was an angel back during approval either...
  128. <Kioku> I hadn't a clue they were supposed to be an angel until WAY later, actually
  129. <Kioku> So at the time, I guess I probably thought the past life stuff was supposed to be just delusion
  130. <SavanahHolland> Nadia is the best parasite
  131. <DarnellJermaine> if theres no afterlife
  132. <DarnellJermaine> how does dragonwielder's character have the memories of all past lives
  133. <DarnellJermaine> wouldn't those memories be dead and gone along with the bodies of said ancestors?
  134. <DarnellJermaine> where would he draw them from?
  135. <Kioku> It was the genetic memory character or something, right?
  136. <DarnellJermaine> how does memory become genetic
  137. <DarnellJermaine> and wouldn't his previous ancestors then have had the same power?
  138. <Uracilo> I mean, he remembers dying as each of them so
  139. <DarnellJermaine> There are dormant genes but they don't work where thousands of years pass since mankind starts and only 1 person gets them
  140. <Uracilo> It's not like he got the memories from when they conceived the next one
  141. <Kioku> Unnoticed memory-sharing-only hive mind?
  142. <Kioku> Iunno.
  143. <Kioku> That would still have to account for only one family line's memories
  144. <Kioku> No branching out so much from there.
  145. <EndPhone> I mean, reading the past is possible, right Kio
  146. <EndPhone> ?
  147. <Kioku> True
  148. <Kioku> The past is observable by some powers
  149. <DarnellJermaine> but then why specifically every memory of that person
  150. <DarnellJermaine> rather than past events objectively
  151. <DarnellJermaine> those are different concepts
  152. <DarnellJermaine> that's more like past-mind reading
  153. <Kioku> And the past has happened, it's not still happening, so past mind reading wouldn't work...
  154. <Kioku> Hrmmm...
  155. <EndPhone> Iunno, that's something the player should be able to come up with?
  156. <Kioku> Could just be a limitation of it. Can observe the past from certain perspectives, rather than of certain places
  157. <Kioku> But yeah, not sure.
  158. <Kioku> Whatever the case, there're other ways to explain it.
  159. <Kioku> Regardless of how it /actually/ works.
  160. <Uracilo> As far as I'm concerned, the setting has an afterlife. Sorry Kio, but like
  161. <Uracilo> Everything has a soul
  162. <Uracilo> There are beings that can pluck them out
  163. <Uracilo> There are literal reapers in the setting that go looking for illegal immortals
  164. <Kioku> Ah yes, death's enforcers.
  165. <Uracilo> There are angels and devils running around claiming people are doomed to hell
  166. <Uracilo> It's about as ambiguous as an anvil to the face
  167. <Kioku> (Okay, angels are confirmed as generally either indoctrinated, crazy or both, and... okay, I've got nothing on devils.
  168. <Kioku> Fearmongering maybe
  169. <Uracilo> There could easily be a being of tremendous power just plucking every soul the moment someone dies and dumping them in a washing machine
  170. <SavanahHolland> indoctrinated, Nadia was kinda an isolated thing
  171. <Kioku> (I don't know about Ilario, but I've seen 3 indoctrinated angels, one of which was also crazy.
  172. <Uracilo> There's no reason why there wouldn't be
  173. <SavanahHolland> since Jude was placed in a disturbed body
  174. <Uracilo> Correction
  175. <SavanahHolland> with literal brain damage and trauma
  176. <Uracilo> There is a reason, but it's as arbitrary as reasons get
  177. * Balthazaar ( has joined
  178. * QtPie ( has joined
  179. * QtPie does a move
  180. <Kioku> I will note that if you see someone resurrect a dead person, and you have someone who can see souls, you won't see the soul 'come back' to the body. You'll see it reboot.
  181. <Kioku> But
  182. <Kioku> That could also just mean it's put back in the right place from the start
  183. <Kioku> So it means not much either way
  184. <Uracilo> I disagree that that's true
  185. <Uracilo> I don't think that's how the soul manipulators would describe it
  186. <Uracilo> You're making an arbitrary judgement based on arbitrary rules
  187. * QtPie has quit (Client Quit)
  188. <DarnellJermaine> if that's true kio
  189. <DarnellJermaine> what purpose does a soul serve
  190. <DarnellJermaine> it seems like a vestigial thing if it can be manipulated and attacked and serves no bodily function
  191. <DarnellJermaine> and you can't say it animates life because bodies work just fine without them
  192. <DarnellJermaine> and you can make artificial life
  193. <Kioku> It's essentially analougous to the mind
  194. <Uracilo> None. It's just a "general representation of the person's psyche, emotional makeup and general personality", which is just arbitrary
  195. <Uracilo> And isn't even interesting
  196. <Kioku> Or -
  197. <Kioku> Sure, that's a way to put it.
  198. <DarnellJermaine> again vestigial
  199. <DarnellJermaine> it seems to serve no purpose
  200. <DarnellJermaine> and only has weak points
  201. <Uracilo> It's just a way to route the attempts of people of making souls a thing
  202. <Balthazaar> Hallo
  203. <DarnellJermaine> hiya!
  204. <Kioku> It /is/ something that should try to be made clear to any character who can observe souls, actually. If you see someone die, you see the soul wink out, not move. If you see someone return to life, you see it blink on again, not 'return.'
  205. <Kioku> Ura: Honestly, maybe it is exactly that
  206. <Kioku> Because souls weren't /supposed/ to be a thing
  207. <Uracilo> Yeah, okay, but now they are
  208. <Kioku> But then someone started referencing them and messing with them before that could be made clear
  209. <Uracilo> They clearly are
  210. <Kioku> So it had to be adapted to
  211. <Uracilo> Bend the canon
  212. <Uracilo> Stop breaking the characters
  213. <Kioku> But the way Jan was messing with them /was/ what we bent the canon to work with.
  214. <Kioku> Being a representation of self, mind, and personality
  215. <Uracilo> Okay, so now there can't be two different power interactions with something named the 'soul'
  216. <Uracilo> That could be two different things
  217. <Kioku> Well
  218. <Uracilo> Considering Jan's power was to dive into people's dreams, he could've easily just believed somethign that wasn't true
  219. <Kioku> There's apparently "aura energy" that Val messes wtih
  220. <Kioku> And I think he sometimes calls or thinks of it as the 'energy of the soul'
  221. <Kioku> even though the soul we've got over there wouldn't put out that sort of thing at all
  222. <Kioku> So yeah
  223. <Kioku> There you go
  224. <Kioku> Two types of souls, basically
  225. <Uracilo> Or, you know
  226. <Uracilo> Maybe he's right
  227. <Uracilo> And the setting has no business ruling otherwise
  228. <Uracilo> Because every character should have the chance to be right
  229. <BobaFettuccine> But what about Leah?
  230. <BobaFettuccine> Doesn't she do stuff with soul energy?
  231. <Uracilo> Maybe they're all simultaneously right
  232. <Kioku> I've looked at Leah... and Leah does some weird stuff with spirit energy /and/ some other types of energy, and honestly I don't know how to keep her straight.
  233. <Kioku> I don't even know if soul was one of them.
  234. <Uracilo> It certainly seems to all work how they expect it would, regardless of your rulings a posteriori
  235. <EndPhone> nobody does
  236. <EndPhone> That's why I put on Eponnie's page "no soul, aura, life force, etc."
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