
Mekton: Episode 3: Rengabatoru, Suramudanku

Nov 3rd, 2013
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  1. (Title otherwise translates to Brick Battle, Slam Dunk. Sounds way better in Japanese.)
  3. Never tell your password to anyone.
  4. Saturday, November 02, 2013
  5. 6:57 PM - Brick XI: Bricking the Law entered chat.
  6. 6:58 PM - Smas entered chat.
  7. 7:00 PM - Smas left chat.
  8. 7:03 PM - Spookling entered chat.
  9. 7:21 PM - Smas entered chat.
  10. 9:06 PM - Smas has changed their name to Bishop Hemway.
  11. 9:08 PM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge has changed their name to Entropy / Perseus.
  12. 9:09 PM - Entropy / Perseus: this isn't going to end well
  13. 9:11 PM - Spookling has changed their name to Cedric.
  14. 9:12 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: Our heros last left off leaving the port of Azhari, with new enemies, friends, and a goal, to head north. During the day long voyage, they find a small stash of parts in the mecha bay and preform repairs, and before long they reach the dock of Timman, you begin to discuss your plans for the journey
  15. 9:12 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: ((Thats your cue shit brains))
  16. 9:13 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "Onwards! We shall liberate our people from the tyrranical Cathedral yet."
  17. 9:13 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Yeah, I suppose you're right."
  18. 9:13 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: ((Remember by the way that the A: T: and S: are for Armen Tyrhus and Skyren))
  19. 9:14 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: A: "Friends, I hate to say it, but I shall not be joining you at this time"
  20. 9:14 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "Is there an issue, Armen?"
  21. 9:14 PM - Cedric: "We could really use your help, are you sure?"
  22. 9:15 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: A: "No, but the citizens of Azhari must be relocated and resettled, I will not abandoned my people. Fear not, once this is done I will be waiting here for your return"
  23. 9:15 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "Have you any locations in mind for the relocation? Away from the Cathedral?"
  24. 9:16 PM - Bishop Hemway: "I understand your decision, but if there is anything you need help with, just give one of us a holler. We owe you that much."
  25. 9:18 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: A: "Yes, to the far south are the infinite plains, and I shall not forget you friends, I wish you the best of luck, and now I must prepare for the voyage, unload and take your two friends with, Skyren has been locked up in the mecha bay for the last few hours, fish him out if you could"
  26. 9:18 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "I shall fetch him, then."
  27. 9:18 PM - Entropy / Perseus: I make my way to his locational locale of located locations
  28. 9:18 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Before you go, I'd like to ask you about the Arch-Bishop."
  29. 9:19 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: ((I'm going to handle Bishop's question first))
  30. 9:19 PM - Entropy / Perseus: kkk
  31. 9:19 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: A: "Ask away, just dont expect much of an answer, I know little of the man"
  32. 9:20 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Namely, how does he figure into this? I don't expect you to know him personally, but he seems to be a man of some importance, as he was the head of command here from what I understand."
  33. 9:21 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: A: "He blesses friends of the cathedral, and 'curses' those that they do not approve of, a bunch of made up junk to me, but several people take it seriously in some parts of the world, they'll put your head on a stick and claim you a devil"
  34. 9:22 PM - Bishop Hemway: "... A bit harsh, but not unheard of from the plains of Earf."
  35. 9:23 PM - Bishop Hemway: "He sounds like a cruel man. Don't worry Armen, I'll take care of him."
  36. 9:23 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: A: "Though out here, its not as fanatical, most religious men are those of old harvest gods, or celestial beings, they will give you no harm, merely just pray for their korn"
  37. 9:23 PM - Cedric: "Are there many arch bishops then?"
  38. 9:25 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: A: "I only know Kornev for he blessed a few ships in the docks of Azhari, there could be one, there could be a hundred, I do not know"
  39. 9:25 PM - Cedric: "The name makes it sound special and exclusive, but when you describe his duties it seems to almost be regional
  40. 9:25 PM - Cedric: "
  41. 9:26 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: A: "That would make sense, but I guess the best way to find out would to ask someone more religious than I"
  42. 9:28 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: Now then, Perseus
  43. 9:28 PM - Entropy / Perseus: si
  44. 9:28 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "Skyren. The people of Azhari, as well as Armen, know of a place they will be relocating to. We are going to continue our crusade against the Cathedral. Will you be joining us?"
  45. 9:28 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: You make your way down to the Mecha bay to find the door closed, but not locked, you can hear the sounds of things being moved around
  46. 9:29 PM - Entropy / Perseus: aw shit my well prepared speech goes to waste on a door
  47. 9:29 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: ((I am imagining Perseus practicing the speech on said door))
  48. 9:29 PM - Entropy / Perseus: I knock on the door
  49. 9:29 PM - Bishop Hemway: **From down the walkway: "Hey Perseus, who you talkin to?"
  50. 9:30 PM - Entropy / Perseus: oi if I wasn't facing the guy pretend he didn't say anything
  51. 9:30 PM - Entropy / Perseus: how was I supposed to know the door was closed and he was fuckin his mecha or something
  52. 9:30 PM - Entropy / Perseus: that'd explain the banging
  53. 9:30 PM - Entropy / Perseus: anyway I add to the banging and knock on the door
  54. 9:30 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "Skyren? Do you require assistance?"
  55. 9:31 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: The door lifts up, revealing a sleep deprived Skyren, and for a second, what appears to be the Black Death. Upon closer inspection it is bigger, heavily armored, and painted a brilliant emerald green with yellow details. "My job here issss complete"
  56. 9:31 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "And an impressive job it is."
  57. 9:32 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: S: "It needssss a name though"
  58. 9:32 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "The name of your mecha is something that must be discovered, not created. I can not help in this matter, I'm afraid."
  59. 9:33 PM - Bishop Hemway: ***Bishop pops into the room behind Persues.
  60. 9:33 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Ah, there you are. Woah, nice paint job."
  61. 9:33 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "A mecha and a proper pilot become one. The machine becomes an extension of one's own body."
  62. 9:34 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: S: "But there is one feature I believe you sssshall enjoy. The Black Death lacked ssssoul, and this machine, it may not have any yet, but it may eassssily gain it"
  63. 9:34 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: ((Is that a modified Star Wars quote?))
  64. 9:34 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "Soul, you say? I find it difficult to believe that a soul can be created so easily, though you seem well on your way to developing one of your own."
  65. 9:35 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: S: "Who ssssays it creates soul"
  66. 9:35 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "You say it can gain soul. Please, explain this process. I'm curious."
  67. 9:36 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: He grinned, before climbing into the cockpit "You ssshall see in coming days, be prepared Perseus, for I sssshall provide an asssstonding example"
  68. 9:37 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "I look forward to it."
  69. 9:37 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "In any case, Skyren, the people of Azhari, as well as Armen, know of a place they will be relocating to. We are going to continue our crusade against the Cathedral. Will you be joining us?"
  70. 9:38 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: S: "I ssshall be, Tyrhus is the one that I am unsure about"
  71. 9:38 PM - Bishop Hemway: ***Nudges Perseus: I don't know about you, but he seems to be a bit... off. I think it's best that he joins us for now, but I don't like what he's saying. It's making me... nervous.
  72. 9:39 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "Relax, Bishop. Being skeptical is not how you develop kinship with traveling companions."
  73. 9:40 PM - Bishop Hemway: "I suppose you are right. I'm just a bit... cautious when it comes to people."
  74. 9:40 PM - Cedric: "Its how you keep your back free of daggers though"
  75. 9:41 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "He had redeemed himself thus far, and even so, I believe the show me and Ken Kare put him through during our introduction has suitably convined him that fighting would lead nowhere."
  76. 9:41 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: S: "I will be preparing to embark on the carrier deck, I believe Tyrhus wishessss to speak to you before departing"
  77. 9:42 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "To me? Interesting. Do you know where he is?"
  78. 9:43 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: S: "The chapel, only one on board to visssit that room, he's bothered by ssssomething"
  79. 9:43 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Well, I guess that's our que. Come Perseus, Cedric, time's a-wasting."
  80. 9:43 PM - Bishop Hemway: ***Bishop makes a bee-line towards the door.
  81. 9:44 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: Skyren turns his mecha on and takes the cargo elevator to the deck, leaving the group, in the bay.
  82. 9:44 PM - Entropy / Perseus: I go to ye chapel
  83. 9:44 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Uugh. That guy creeps me out."
  84. 9:44 PM - Cedric: *follows slowly*
  85. 9:45 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: You walk down the halls to the chapel, opening the door you find Tyrhus, silent, upon his knees
  86. 9:45 PM - Entropy / Perseus: I stand politely some distance away from him, waiting to see if he finishes his prayer or whatever
  87. 9:46 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: Before long he gets up and turns, looking surprised. "Am I needed some where?
  88. 9:46 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: "
  89. 9:46 PM - Bishop Hemway: ***Bishop opens his mouth to say something, but follows Perseus' example.
  90. 9:46 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "That depends on where your heart says you're needed."
  91. 9:47 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: T: "I wish to go on the voyage with Armen, I know I had no control at the time, but I feel the guilt of leaving these people without a community to call home."
  92. 9:48 PM - Bishop Hemway: "I understand your concern. We were wishing for you to join us, but you always have the choice to say no."
  93. 9:48 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "Then you may do so. Otherwise, know that. at least on my part, an offer to join Bishop, Cedric, Skyren and I on a crusade against those who imprisoned you remains open."
  94. 9:49 PM - Cedric: "Any help would be appreciated but what you want to do makes sense"
  95. 9:49 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: T: "At another time, I would say yes, but now I have to atone for my sins by helping these men and women, only then will it be appropriate to join the fight."
  96. 9:49 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "Bishop and Cedric speak the truth. You may come with us, go with them, or whatever else you feel."
  97. 9:50 PM - Bishop Hemway: "I've already talked to Armen about contacting us when he's ready. If you'd like, you can join us then as well."
  98. 9:50 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: T: "We will see when the time comes, I wish you luck"
  99. 9:50 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "And I you."
  100. 9:51 PM - Bishop Hemway: "... Just make sure you make the right choice."
  101. 9:53 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: He nodded, before walking off towards the living quarters, an anouncement from Armen came on over the innercomm "We will be departing in about thirty minutes, we wish our heros luck, and save travels"
  102. 9:54 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "Ha. 'Hero' is not really a title that suits me."
  103. 9:55 PM - Bishop Hemway: ***Bishop turns back toward the hanger: "You said it. Alright, let's suit up. Be ready in 20."
  104. 9:55 PM - Entropy / Perseus: I head to Ken Kare as well
  105. 9:55 PM - Bishop Hemway: ***Bishop walks down the hallway a bit, and stop: "That means you, Shortstack!"
  106. 9:56 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: You suit up and meet soon enough on the carrier deck, Skyren's mecha curled up and waiting.
  107. 9:57 PM - Bishop Hemway: ***I radio Cedric: "Man, I don't want to say it..."
  108. 9:57 PM - Cedric: *sighs and then heads over to his mech giving bishop the evil eye"
  109. 9:57 PM - Cedric: *
  110. 9:58 PM - Bishop Hemway: "But I think that's the first time I've seen a mecha that I can call cute."
  111. 9:58 PM - Bishop Hemway: "It almost reminds me of the Garter Snakes in my backyard."
  112. 9:58 PM - Entropy / Perseus: I throw some practice punches with Ken Kare's two new arms
  113. 9:59 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Woah, nice upgrades. Got any new toys under there, or is it just some extra limbs?"
  114. 9:59 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "Well balanced, heavier armor, but still not a hinderance to my punches,"
  115. 9:59 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "Oh yes, there are some new toys alright. Rocket-propelled fists."
  116. 10:00 PM - Entropy / Perseus: c:
  117. 10:00 PM - Entropy / Perseus: shit wrong chat
  118. 10:00 PM - Entropy / Perseus: oh well it still applies
  119. 10:00 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Well, it's good to see that someone's happy on this cruiseship of misery." Bishop smirks.
  120. 10:00 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: Skyren begins to stir and comes on over the radio "Will we be going now?
  121. 10:00 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: "
  122. 10:01 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "Once we reach land, yes."
  123. 10:01 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: (You're docked)
  124. 10:01 PM - Entropy / Perseus: well fuck tehn
  125. 10:01 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: (They're leaving in 30 minutes, not docking)
  126. 10:01 PM - Entropy / Perseus: o
  127. 10:02 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Well, as soon as we have the green we're all set."
  128. 10:03 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "I'm quite ready to depart. But, where shall we be heading? The obvious solution is the crash, if there are no objections."
  129. 10:03 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Cedric, how's the tank handling today?"
  130. 10:03 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: "Didnt the captain mention something about going North?"
  131. 10:03 PM - Cedric: "Heavier and more boom"
  132. 10:04 PM - Cedric: "I like it"
  133. 10:04 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Good to hear it."
  134. 10:04 PM - Bishop Hemway: "But to answer your question/statement Perseus, I have no objections."
  135. 10:05 PM - Bishop Hemway: Bishop mutters under his breath, "It's probably best we stick to that anyways."
  136. 10:06 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: "Lead the way then, I have no idea where this crassssh site is"
  137. 10:06 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "Which reminds me... Skyren, if you would guve us of Earth a minute of private chat?"
  138. 10:07 PM - Entropy / Perseus: I turn the comms to send to only my fellow Earthlings
  139. 10:07 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: "Of courssssse"
  140. 10:07 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "Gentlemen, I feel we should come clear with our origins. Being offworlders."
  141. 10:07 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "The mention of a crash must have already set off some alarms in their minds, and our lying will get us no friends."
  142. 10:08 PM - Bishop Hemway: "It's gonna come out at some point, so I guess now's a good time as any."
  143. 10:08 PM - Bishop Hemway: "And honestly, dropping the act will probably net us a bit more information."
  144. 10:09 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "And you, Cedric? What say you?"
  145. 10:09 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: ((Going to get a drink, brb))
  146. 10:09 PM - Bishop Hemway: "I mean, obviously these people are either descendents of Earth, or there's some sort of crazy conspiracy so large that it makes my brain hurt."
  147. 10:10 PM - Bishop Hemway: "...Wait."
  148. 10:10 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Perseus."
  149. 10:10 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "I couldn't agree more. I'd say they're from an old colony ship that was lost."
  150. 10:10 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "Yes, Bishop?"
  151. 10:11 PM - Bishop Hemway: "How long were we in Cryo?"
  152. 10:11 PM - Cedric: "I spose it won't hurt to tell them the truth"
  153. 10:11 PM - Bishop Hemway: "This better not be no planet of the apes."
  154. 10:11 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "if the ship's internal clocks were not incorrect, upwards of 36 Earth-years, if I'm not mistaken."
  155. 10:12 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Is there any way those clocks could have looped around? That some malfunction took place?"
  156. 10:13 PM - Bishop Hemway: "I guess this is what I meant the other day, when we were talking to Armen."
  157. 10:13 PM - Bishop Hemway: "I wanted to know how far their history goes back, because that piece of information might be what we need to figure out this mystery."
  158. 10:13 PM - Entropy / Perseus: so are Armen and the others already departing the ship?
  159. 10:14 PM - Entropy / Perseus: I imagine Armen in his mecha, overseeing supplies and shit being hauled off
  160. 10:14 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: ((I love seeing you guys guess the plot, wont confirm deny anything))
  161. 10:15 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: Anyways, yes, Armen is overseeing those who are leaving as the ship prepares to embark
  162. 10:15 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Ok, vote on breaking our silence, yes?"
  163. 10:15 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "Agreed."
  164. 10:16 PM - Entropy / Perseus: I disablet eh private comms and head to the top deck shore place
  165. 10:16 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Cedric, you're in this too, you want in?"
  166. 10:17 PM - Bishop Hemway: "I'll take your silence as agreement."
  167. 10:17 PM - Entropy / Perseus: he's playing fuckin civ
  168. 10:18 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: Should have gotten his attention
  169. 10:18 PM - Cedric: "I already said i'm in. Lieing has never been my strong point"
  170. 10:19 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "Thank you for your patience, Skyren. Let us leave. We must talk to Armen, but you'll want to listen to our covnersation as well."
  171. 10:19 PM - Bishop Hemway: "It will be... of interest for you for you to listen."
  172. 10:19 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: S: "Alright, make it quick though, they are leaving sssssoon, and we do not want to cause delay"
  173. 10:20 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Trust me, it's important."
  174. 10:20 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "Understandable. But as Bishop says, it is fairly important."
  175. 10:20 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: Over hearing his name mentioned, Armen budded in over comms "Friends! Do you need something before you go?"
  176. 10:21 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "A word, if you're not busy."
  177. 10:21 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Look Armen, we need to be straight."
  178. 10:22 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: A: "For you, I am always free, and we have time, bit of a problem with the navigation system, one of the monkeys on the bridge spilled koffee on it"
  179. 10:23 PM - Cedric: "Its concerning us"
  180. 10:23 PM - Bishop Hemway: "You've told us that you weren't a religous man. However, there is something that we wish to make clear."
  181. 10:23 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: A: "And what is that?"
  182. 10:23 PM - Bishop Hemway: "You ever look up at the star Armen?"
  183. 10:23 PM - Bishop Hemway: stars*
  184. 10:23 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: A:
  185. 10:23 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: A: "Of course, not much else to do some nights"
  186. 10:23 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Sometimes the stars look back."
  187. 10:24 PM - Bishop Hemway: "We are one of those stars Armen."
  188. 10:24 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: Inside of his cockpit he blinked "I am confused friends, what do you mean you are the stars?"
  189. 10:24 PM - Bishop Hemway: "You know what the people of the church came to town for?"
  190. 10:24 PM - Bishop Hemway: "It was us."
  191. 10:25 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "Allow me to elaborate on my companion's eloquently worded explaination."
  192. 10:25 PM - Bishop Hemway: "We are part of an interplanetary crew, a caravan in space."
  193. 10:25 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "We are not from the 'plains' of Earth, but the planet."
  194. 10:25 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: A: "One at a time please, I am being confused here"
  195. 10:26 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "Bishop, you started this little explaination. Would you care to finish it as well?"
  196. 10:26 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Perseus, I'll let you handle it from here. Sometimes I get a bit... preachy."
  197. 10:26 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "If you insist, then."
  198. 10:27 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: A: "So, from the top please, what is all of this about stars"
  199. 10:27 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "Armen, Skyren, and any others listening in. We - that is Bishop, Cedric and I, are not of this planet."
  200. 10:28 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: A: "I see..." He merely listened in, taking in the information, Skyren is oddly quiet
  201. 10:29 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "We, along with a number of others, were members of an interplanetary expidition aboard a ship, much like this, but which travels the stars instead of water."
  202. 10:29 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: A: "A, A star bound vessel?
  203. 10:29 PM - Cedric: "Yes"
  204. 10:30 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: A: "Are there trade routes among the stars?"
  205. 10:30 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "Indeed. We were told that this previously-unknown planet had intelligent life on its surface, and we of Earth, the homeworld of our species, were sent to investigate."
  206. 10:30 PM - Bishop Hemway: "I guess I'll interject here."
  207. 10:31 PM - Bishop Hemway: "I just wanted to say that since we've arrived, we've seen some things that... don't quite sit right with us."
  208. 10:31 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: A: "I see"
  209. 10:32 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "Mostly those of the Cathedral."
  210. 10:32 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Usually, when a new planet is discovered to have life, it's usually something like a giant insect race or something."
  211. 10:32 PM - Bishop Hemway: "However."
  212. 10:32 PM - Bishop Hemway: "You guys living here, are just us."
  213. 10:32 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Humans."
  214. 10:32 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Same technology."
  215. 10:32 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Same food."
  216. 10:32 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: A: "You mean, there is another planet like this?"
  217. 10:32 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Same customs."
  218. 10:33 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Yes. And it is Earth."
  219. 10:33 PM - Cedric: "When we were hired and sent here to explore and set up camp, more humans was the last thing we expected since this is supposed to be uncharted"
  220. 10:34 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: A: "Well friends, that is all I need to hear" Armen raised the arm of his mecha to the stars "Your home is up there, and I will make sure you return, with my life in Azhari gone, I may even join you.
  221. 10:34 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Are you sure Armen? What I didn't mention about our Earth..."
  222. 10:34 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Is that it's a terrible place to be."
  223. 10:35 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: A: "You forget, I have nothing here now"
  224. 10:35 PM - Bishop Hemway: "... I suppose you are right. However, you do have SOMETHING of here that we need."
  225. 10:36 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: A: "And that is?"
  226. 10:36 PM - Bishop Hemway: "If you are educated enough in field, do you know much about your society's history?"
  227. 10:36 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "Our comrades."
  228. 10:36 PM - Entropy / Perseus: shit ignore that
  229. 10:37 PM - Bishop Hemway: "I suppse Perseus is right too though. When we touched down, our caravan was destroyed. Hundreds of lives are in danger."
  230. 10:37 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: A: "I trace my lineage back a good thousand years, to the days before steam walkers, so yes, I do have knowledge in the field"
  231. 10:38 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "Then the species of humanity has been on this planet for many years as well."
  232. 10:38 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: A: "That is only how far I have managed to trace back, the Cathedral destroyed a vast amount of ancient documents when it took power"
  233. 10:39 PM - Bishop Hemway: "I'll bet you Armen that those texts were not destroyed."
  234. 10:39 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: A: "Perhaps, but I do not have the skills, or the testosterone required to storm the Cathedral's vaults
  235. 10:39 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: "
  236. 10:39 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "We will need to search them for ourselves, at some point."
  237. 10:40 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Honestly, that's probably the only way we'll make it off this rock."
  238. 10:40 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: A: "God speed, but for now, we must be going if we are to reach the southern planes before the Cathedral catches wind of our plans"
  239. 10:41 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "May the winds of fate blow forever in your benefit."
  240. 10:41 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: A: "For now, I bid you farewell, get going you bastards, I will see you again soon enough" And with a hearty laugh, Armen took the cargo elevator into the Mecha bay.
  241. 10:41 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: S: "Humans on other planets huh, interessssting, but for now, perhaps we should get going"
  242. 10:42 PM - Bishop Hemway: Bishop sighs, "... Look Armen. I just want to say that I'm sorry. For everything."
  243. 10:42 PM - Bishop Hemway: "I know what it's like to have a family torn apart."
  244. 10:43 PM - Bishop Hemway: "By men you don't know, or really care to know."
  245. 10:43 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: A: "It is nothing friends, I will always miss them, but this tragic event might be enough to trigger the fall of the Cathedral, and that will do enough good to more than enough make up for it"
  246. 10:44 PM - Bishop Hemway: "...I'll make that Bishop pay."
  247. 10:44 PM - Cedric: "Its certainly looking like a good catalyst for change"
  248. 10:44 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: With that, Armen shut his comm device off, and you could hear the ship's engines start up, perhaps you should disembark before its too late.
  249. 10:45 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Look ladies, we are on the clock. Everyone disembark, or else I'll have to carry you off."
  250. 10:46 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: With that, Skyren managed to slide off the ship and onto the dock below, waiting for the group. "Come on, we have a crassssh to find"
  251. 10:46 PM - Entropy / Perseus: Perseus smiles at Skyren's willingness, and hops off the ship as well
  252. 10:47 PM - Bishop Hemway: Bishop turns and jumps off, dampening the impact with jumpjets.
  253. 10:47 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: Cedric?
  254. 10:47 PM - Cedric: *casually rolls off the edge*
  255. 10:47 PM - Merchant entered chat.
  256. 10:47 PM - Entropy / Perseus: why are you here
  257. 10:47 PM - Entropy / Perseus: get out of here stalker
  258. 10:48 PM - Entropy / Perseus: how'd you even know we were here
  259. 10:48 PM - Merchant: no
  260. 10:48 PM - Merchant: i just looked at my groups
  261. 10:48 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: Is that wing?
  262. 10:48 PM - Entropy / Perseus: we're playing giant anime robots
  263. 10:48 PM - Entropy / Perseus: go home
  264. 10:48 PM - Merchant: and dwarffys group had like 5 in the chat
  265. 10:48 PM - Merchant: no
  266. 10:48 PM - Merchant: u go home
  267. 10:48 PM - Merchant: ur drunk
  268. 10:48 PM - Merchant left chat.
  269. 10:48 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: :V
  270. 10:49 PM - Entropy / Perseus: well
  271. 10:49 PM - Bishop Hemway: "...What a disorderly merchant."
  272. 10:49 PM - Entropy / Perseus: that was interesting
  273. 10:49 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: Anyways, upon reaching the docks, you look around at the 'town' not much besides a closed repair shop and a few small houses.
  274. 10:50 PM - Entropy / Perseus: so are we at another friendly town now? Or is the town in progress of the others or wot
  275. 10:50 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: The town is just a small port for sending recieving cargo it seems
  276. 10:51 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Hmm, what a boring little place. Hopefully our ship didn't drag in too much unwanted attention."
  277. 10:52 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "It is a port city, Ships coming and going are hardly unusual."
  278. 10:52 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: "The quesssstion is, where is this crash you were talking about?"
  279. 10:52 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "Northward, if I'm not mistaken."
  280. 10:53 PM - Entropy / Perseus: I roll ye navigation to determine ye northward
  281. 10:53 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules:
  282. 10:53 PM - Entropy / Perseus: I'm already there m8
  283. 10:53 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: Roll 1d10 + Navigation + Int
  284. 10:54 PM - Entropy / Perseus: but for the record, if my rolls don't show up, it's because they're appearing in the CP room :V
  285. 10:54 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: Also, room is GiantRobits
  286. 10:54 PM - Entropy / Perseus: you can tell that's happening because of all the rolls already in teh rool
  287. 10:54 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: :V
  288. 10:54 PM - Entropy / Perseus: the room
  289. 10:54 PM - Entropy / Perseus: anyway, rolling
  290. 10:54 PM - Entropy / Perseus: fuck your shit dice
  291. 10:55 PM - Entropy / Perseus: 10
  292. 10:55 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: Crit fail
  293. 10:55 PM - Entropy / Perseus: aka rolled a 1
  294. 10:55 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: Roll 1d10
  295. 10:55 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: Subtract it from that roll
  296. 10:55 PM - Entropy / Perseus: :|
  297. 10:55 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: 1 is your total
  298. 10:55 PM - Entropy / Perseus: amazing
  299. 10:55 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: In a moment of sheer stupidity, you accidentally delete the data on the rough location of the crash, you are now traveling blind
  300. 10:55 PM - Entropy / Perseus: I determine my elbow from my ass cheek
  301. 10:55 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: :V
  302. 10:55 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: You needed a map and a flashlight to do so
  303. 10:56 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "I... well. Damn. That wasn't the right button at all."
  304. 10:56 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: "What, what did you do?"
  305. 10:57 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "I miiight have accidentally deleted the data we had on the rough direction of the crash in the process of determining its heading."
  306. 10:57 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Uhm, Perseus? Did you do what I THINK you just did?"
  307. 10:58 PM - Bishop Hemway: "That's it. We're fucked."
  308. 10:58 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: "What the hell do we do now? Just go in the general direction of north?"
  309. 10:58 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "Ask the locals, of course."
  310. 10:58 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Ugh. Always the locals."
  311. 10:59 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: "What locals? This town looks dead? Why would they even know in the firssst place?"
  312. 10:59 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "Perhaps people of the Cathedral have been around, looking for information?"
  313. 10:59 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: "I have an idea though, this thing has seismic scaners and radar, I can find it by tunneling through the desert and scanning."
  314. 11:00 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "You would be a savior once again, Skyren. If you would be so kind?"
  315. 11:00 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Are you sure you want to do that? It's not exactly the stealthiest approach."
  316. 11:00 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "We have already shown just how well we can handle any trouble."
  317. 11:01 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: "It is practically our only choice, though, I cannot transmit signals far underground, you will need to follow closely"
  318. 11:01 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "So long as you do not outrun us, it shouldn't be an issue."
  319. 11:01 PM - Bishop Hemway: "I suppose you are right. Hold on though, I feel like there's something off about this town."
  320. 11:01 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Perhaps we should do a bit of an investigation before we head off?"
  321. 11:02 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: "If you wisssh"
  322. 11:02 PM - Bishop Hemway: "I mean, if this place is deserted, we might as well help ourselves to any supplies that's left here. If it's not, well..."
  323. 11:03 PM - Bishop Hemway: Bishop tightens his sword belt.
  324. 11:03 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "You are adamant about searching the place. Very well, I can conceed."
  325. 11:04 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: Someone roll for Awareness + Int + 1d10
  326. 11:05 PM - Entropy / Perseus: 17
  327. 11:05 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: You begin to look around, and in the distance in the dunes you spot at first what appears to be a shadow
  328. 11:06 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: Upon closer inspection it is the largest tread mark youve ever seen
  329. 11:06 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: It leads into the desert
  330. 11:06 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: North-ward
  331. 11:06 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "We may not need you to check for us yet, Skyren. Look at this."
  332. 11:06 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: "I sssssssee"
  333. 11:06 PM - Bishop Hemway: 16, if that matters.
  334. 11:07 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: His mecha dives into the sand and he answers at once. "Whatever it is, its big and not that far away, beyond the dunesssss, a few miles north."
  335. 11:08 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "Large, treadmarks, northward. I think we have a destination."
  336. 11:09 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "Perhaps it is a relative to your guntank, Cedric?"
  337. 11:09 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Well, so much for searching the town. You sure you want to leave so soon? That repair shop seems like the perfect place to pick up some junk."
  338. 11:09 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "It'll be difficult to search the town in these, though. So yes, let's look around then."
  339. 11:10 PM - Bishop Hemway: "You wanna keep an eye to the sky Skyren? Figuratively speaking of course."
  340. 11:10 PM - Cedric: "If its a relative its big, which means bigger guns"
  341. 11:11 PM - Bishop Hemway: Bishop shudders at the thought.
  342. 11:11 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: You search the shop, finding it empty, and as you pass the houses on the way you, you notice the same thing
  343. 11:12 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: These are merely the shells of buildings, the town is long dead
  344. 11:12 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "It seems there was nothing here after all, Bishop. Your fears are ill-met."
  345. 11:13 PM - Bishop Hemway: "This shouldn't be any worse of a spot than that other port town."
  346. 11:13 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Why is it abandoned?"
  347. 11:13 PM - Bishop Hemway: "And more so."
  348. 11:13 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Everything's been scrapped out, cleaned."
  349. 11:14 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Like someone came back through with a cleaning crew."
  350. 11:14 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "If someone is moving out, why leave anything behind but footprints?"
  351. 11:14 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: Skyren called out over the comms "We might want to get going, I'm lossing the seismeic signal, and I dont know if the tracks will last long with this sort of wind."
  352. 11:15 PM - Bishop Hemway: "But... everyone?"
  353. 11:15 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "I'd have to agree. Bishop, let's go. There's nothing for us here."
  354. 11:15 PM - Bishop Hemway: "...Fine. I don't like it, but there's no time to waste."
  355. 11:16 PM - Bishop Hemway: ***Bishop turns to return to the Mecha.
  356. 11:16 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: With that, you start to head out, Skyren keeping the signal for a while before speaking up again. "We've caught up, be careful, whatever we're tracking will be beyond this massive dune, and its not alone, I'm picking up small signals as well."
  357. 11:17 PM - Bishop Hemway: "The cynic in me says that they are either bandits, or members of the Cathedral."
  358. 11:18 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Cedric, Perseus, thoughts?"
  359. 11:18 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: "Im going to try and get under them, you guys might want to move in now, before they pick you up on radar, and we lose the surprise."
  360. 11:18 PM - Bishop Hemway: "I'm on board. Skyren, you take the ground."
  361. 11:18 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "Good plan, then. Let's do this."
  362. 11:19 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Normally, this is the time where I'd fly up and make myself a large target."
  363. 11:19 PM - Bishop Hemway: "However, that mention of a massive missile barrel pointing at my face isn't exactly comforting."
  364. 11:20 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "So the plan, in layman's terms, is to run in and punch it?"
  365. 11:20 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "I can do that."
  366. 11:20 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Perhaps."
  367. 11:20 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "On three, we go?"
  368. 11:20 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Wait."
  369. 11:21 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Cedric should stay back and provide support, in case me and you just walk in and get blasted."
  370. 11:21 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Other than that, I'm in for an all out assault on whoever it is."
  371. 11:22 PM - Cedric: "I can stay back if you prefer"
  372. 11:22 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "Right then. Three, two..."
  373. 11:22 PM - Entropy / Perseus: I charge over the dune and use it as a springboard to jump and punch the nearest target
  374. 11:22 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: You crest the hill, and catch sight of said target
  375. 11:22 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: The largest tank you've ever seen, approaching the crash site
  376. 11:22 PM - Bishop Hemway: Bishop uses the jump jets to take off right behind Perseus.
  377. 11:23 PM - Entropy / Perseus: I target said tank
  378. 11:23 PM - Entropy / Perseus: with my fist
  379. 11:23 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: It is too far to punch, but over the comms you hear a hearty voice with the thickest Russian accent you've ever heard
  380. 11:23 PM - Entropy / Perseus: oh hey do my rocket fists come back to me
  381. 11:23 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: Yes
  382. 11:23 PM - Cedric: "Althought if i were closer it would be easier to blow up"
  383. 11:23 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: "Comrades, have you come in search of this scrap yourself?"
  384. 11:24 PM - Entropy / Perseus: I stop mid airpunch of cool, land on the other side of the dune, and slide to a standstill
  385. 11:24 PM - Bishop Hemway: "We are not in search of scrap."
  386. 11:24 PM - Entropy / Perseus: I stand for a moment, confused, before saying "Scrap?"
  387. 11:24 PM - Cedric: "We could always use some scrap though..."
  388. 11:25 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Shush now Cedric, now's not the time to smart mouth."
  389. 11:25 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: "This metal thing, biggest hunk of scrap we've ever seen!"
  390. 11:25 PM - Entropy / Perseus: is the metal thing our ship
  391. 11:25 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: "And by we, I mean me and my crew, we have the rights to take apart and sell this thing, so leave, now"
  392. 11:25 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: Yes
  393. 11:25 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: I already said so
  394. 11:26 PM - Entropy / Perseus: o
  395. 11:26 PM - Bishop Hemway: "You are welcome to it, if you want. We were the previous owners of that hunk of junk."
  396. 11:26 PM - Bishop Hemway: "All we seek is information."
  397. 11:26 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "There is an issue with that. Our people are aboard it."
  398. 11:26 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "Presumably, at any rate."
  399. 11:26 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "I'd prefer to evacuate them before you tear into it."
  400. 11:27 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: "Too much time, and time is money, just leave and let the boys take the laser cutters out"
  401. 11:27 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "Then you leave me no choice."
  402. 11:27 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Hold on Perseus."
  403. 11:28 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Who sold you the rights to that ship?"
  404. 11:28 PM - Entropy / Perseus: I sprint forwards. "You can not reason with this one! I can tell from his voice, he is solid as a brick!"
  405. 11:29 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: Right then, roll iniative
  406. 11:29 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: 1d10 + ref
  407. 11:29 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: 13 for Brick
  408. 11:29 PM - Entropy / Perseus: 16
  409. 11:30 PM - Bishop Hemway: 12
  410. 11:31 PM - Entropy / Perseus: so
  411. 11:31 PM - Cedric: (waht was the room name again)
  412. 11:31 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: Dan goes first
  413. 11:31 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: GiantRobits
  414. 11:32 PM - Entropy / Perseus: how far is Brick from me?
  415. 11:32 PM - Entropy / Perseus: and does he have any particularly targetable bits on him
  416. 11:32 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: 4 hexes after you running up to him
  417. 11:32 PM - Entropy / Perseus: describe his tank to me
  418. 11:32 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: Just the hull and 5 turrets
  419. 11:32 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: The Chimera
  420. 11:32 PM - Cedric: (hurray i critfailed)
  421. 11:32 PM - Entropy / Perseus: hm
  422. 11:32 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: It stretches on for almost a hundred meters, and has five massive turrets
  423. 11:33 PM - Entropy / Perseus: alrighty then, I run the remaining distance and punch the nearest turret
  424. 11:33 PM - Entropy / Perseus: does he not have a noticable cockpit?
  425. 11:34 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: One houses a rack of missiles, another is packing two guns held together by duct tape and random scrap, one houses a giant beam, another has a massive barrel, and then there is a gatling beam
  426. 11:34 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: You cannot tell where it is in the tank, it is covered in vast amounts of armor
  427. 11:34 PM - Entropy / Perseus: please don't tell me that gatling beam is what I think it is
  428. 11:34 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: Maybe
  429. 11:35 PM - Entropy / Perseus: well I think I'm going to punch it
  430. 11:35 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: That turret?
  431. 11:35 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: You spend one action getting there, and the other punching twice
  432. 11:35 PM - Entropy / Perseus: can I punch through the universe and hit him in the face
  433. 11:35 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: No
  434. 11:35 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: Not yet
  435. 11:35 PM - Entropy / Perseus: yet
  436. 11:35 PM - Entropy / Perseus: I like this game
  437. 11:35 PM - Entropy / Perseus: now for mecha fighting roll
  438. 11:36 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: This is super robot anime
  439. 11:36 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: Shit like that happens
  440. 11:36 PM - Entropy / Perseus: epeat 2 1D10+10+6 => 18 ; 22
  441. 11:36 PM - Entropy / Perseus: damage now?
  442. 11:36 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: You slam both fists into the turret
  443. 11:36 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: Also yes
  444. 11:36 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: Oh, and forgot Skyren's Iniative
  445. 11:37 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: 18
  446. 11:37 PM - Entropy / Perseus: 16 and 17
  447. 11:37 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: The armor takes most of the damage, you manage to melt off minor chunks
  448. 11:37 PM - Entropy / Perseus: Entropy darts forwards in Ken Kare, and with a running leap, latches onto the most dangerous looking turret with Ken Kare's two lower arms, punching with his upper two
  449. 11:38 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "Your tank is large, and your soul moreso! I can feel your spirit, and it begs for battle!"
  450. 11:39 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: "It is true comrade! Perhaps you shall finally be a worthy opponent, if you win, I grant you rights to this hunk of junk!"
  451. 11:39 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "We accept these terms!"
  452. 11:39 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Very well. I wished for peace but we are well versed in war."
  453. 11:40 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: Now then, Skyren's turn
  454. 11:40 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Go, Skyren!"
  455. 11:40 PM - Cedric: "Speak for yourself!"
  456. 11:40 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: With a rumble, you feel the ground below you shake, before he leaps out of the sand, blowing a hole throw the body of the tank. But as the thing continutes to turn it turrets and prepare, you can tell the cock pit is untouched.
  457. 11:41 PM - Cedric: "The only thing im well versed in that helps here is explosions"
  458. 11:42 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: S: "I'm liking thisssss thing, and I think Perseus, I have a name for it."
  459. 11:42 PM - Bishop Hemway: "But Cedric, that's exactly what we need!"
  460. 11:42 PM - Entropy / Perseus: "A name, you say? I told you they are discovered! What is it?"
  461. 11:43 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: Grinning inside his cockpit, Skyren yelled out as he sent his mecha leaped through the air, crashing back into the chassis, and down through the sand. "I have named this beast the Kingu Kobura!"
  462. 11:44 PM - Cedric: "Well if thats what we need thats what i can do"
  463. 11:45 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: What was everyone's iniative again?
  464. 11:45 PM - Bishop Hemway: 12
  465. 11:45 PM - Entropy / Perseus: 15
  466. 11:45 PM - Entropy / Perseus: I think
  467. 11:45 PM - Bishop Hemway: I think cedric critfailed
  468. 11:45 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: Trogdor
  469. 11:45 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: Roll 1d10 and subtract it from your Initative
  470. 11:45 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: If it gets below zero, you skip first turn and have iniative of 1
  471. 11:46 PM - Cedric: (no skipping but its a 1)
  472. 11:46 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: You have iniative of 1
  473. 11:46 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: Yup
  474. 11:46 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: Now then
  475. 11:46 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: BRICK
  476. 11:47 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: With a mad laugh, he turns the turret with the massive beam to aim at Perseus and fires
  477. 11:48 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: The beam hits every bit of the Ken Kare at once, doing massive damage, blowing off most of the armor
  478. 11:49 PM - Entropy / Perseus: so wait
  479. 11:49 PM - Entropy / Perseus: he shot me
  480. 11:49 PM - Entropy / Perseus: with the gun
  481. 11:49 PM - Entropy / Perseus: I was latched onto
  482. 11:49 PM - Entropy / Perseus: ???
  483. 11:49 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: Nope
  484. 11:49 PM - Entropy / Perseus: ph
  485. 11:49 PM - Entropy / Perseus: oh
  486. 11:49 PM - Entropy / Perseus: ok then
  487. 11:49 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: That's the Gatling laser
  488. 11:49 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: You got hit by the Mega-MESON beam
  489. 11:49 PM - Entropy / Perseus: yep
  490. 11:49 PM - Entropy / Perseus: fuck you
  491. 11:50 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: Still one more action
  492. 11:50 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: Another turret turns to face you and fires 4 shots in rapid sucession, eaching leaving the barrel with a loud "DAKKA DAKKA"
  493. 11:51 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: Oh shit nigga crit
  494. 11:51 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: 9
  495. 11:51 PM - Entropy / Perseus: balls
  496. 11:51 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: If that was a double crit
  497. 11:51 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: You'd be ended
  498. 11:51 PM - Cedric: wow
  499. 11:51 PM - Entropy / Perseus: rude
  500. 11:52 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Perseus, are you going to be alright?"
  501. 11:52 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: The rounds slam into the arms of the Ken Kare, 3 of them take heavy damage, though the armor dampens the blows
  502. 11:52 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: The fourth arm is blown off at once
  503. 11:52 PM - Entropy / Perseus: I use Anime Spirit to revive my mecha and fight even better than before even though it should be nonfunctional
  504. 11:52 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: :V
  505. 11:52 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: One arm is blown off, still functional
  506. 11:52 PM - Entropy / Perseus: how does it get blown off but still word
  507. 11:53 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: I mean the mecha is
  508. 11:53 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: Not the arm
  509. 11:53 PM - Entropy / Perseus: o
  510. 11:53 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: Now then, Bishop
  511. 11:53 PM - Bishop Hemway: so, current status of tank?
  512. 11:54 PM - Entropy / Perseus: It has a giant hole in its middle, doesn't it?
  513. 11:54 PM - Entropy / Perseus: As well as a minorly punched gun
  514. 11:54 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: There are two holes through the chassis, and one of the turrets is slightly being held in place (And jammed) by Dan
  515. 11:54 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: The holes only hit pods, so no major damage
  516. 11:54 PM - Bishop Hemway: I activate the Target Analyzer, to find the cockpit.
  517. 11:54 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: Thats one action
  518. 11:54 PM - Bishop Hemway: I know.
  519. 11:55 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: The analyzer scans the mecha, revealing that the cockpit is in the far back, while the rest of the tank is made of armored pods, being decoys
  520. 11:55 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Everyone, target the back! If you can't, take out the turrets!"
  521. 11:56 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: One action left
  522. 11:56 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: Take off? Or perhaps try out those new missiles
  523. 11:56 PM - Bishop Hemway: I fire 4 missiles from my right missile pod, aiming for the back.
  524. 11:56 PM - Entropy / Perseus: do try to avoid hitting the mortally wounded Ken Kare still latched onto a turret
  525. 11:56 PM - Bishop Hemway: roll?
  526. 11:57 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: Lemme chec for aiming at parts
  527. 11:57 PM - Entropy / Perseus: brb piss
  528. 11:58 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: Right, so 1d10+ref+missiles skill -3 for aiming at a servo
  529. 11:59 PM - Bishop Hemway: k
  530. 11:59 PM - Bishop Hemway: do I roll 4?
  531. 11:59 PM - Bishop Hemway: times?
  532. 11:59 PM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: Yes
  533. 11:59 PM - Bishop Hemway: how do I make it repeat?
  534. Sunday, November 03, 2013
  535. 12:00 AM - Entropy / Perseus: bak
  536. 12:00 AM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: repeat 4 then your roll
  537. 12:00 AM - Bishop Hemway: 12+4, 8, 9, 12+4
  538. 12:01 AM - Bishop Hemway: those fours coming out of my luck.
  539. 12:01 AM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: Two of the missiles hit, doing minimal damage to the heavily armored cockpit
  540. 12:02 AM - Bishop Hemway: "Hmmph, not as useful as I thought."
  541. 12:02 AM - Bishop Hemway: I try and raise the Russian: "Do you give yet?"
  542. 12:02 AM - Bishop Hemway: "We will show force with force."
  543. 12:02 AM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: "I give when I eject comrade, and that shall not happen!"
  544. 12:04 AM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: Cedric! Your turn
  545. 12:04 AM - Bishop Hemway: should I give damage rolls???
  546. 12:04 AM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: You only roll damage on some melee weapons
  547. 12:04 AM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: The rest have set damage
  548. 12:05 AM - Bishop Hemway: k
  549. 12:05 AM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: Dont ask me, it doesnt make sense
  550. 12:05 AM - Cedric: (so what would i need to roll to hit the cockpit with a grenade)
  551. 12:05 AM - Bishop Hemway: at least 16 or so.
  552. 12:05 AM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: You arent going to fire the missiles?
  553. 12:05 AM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: 0n0
  554. 12:05 AM - Cedric: (i only have 50 unless they like recharge every session)
  555. 12:06 AM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: (You will usually have ammo/missiles restocked for in story reasons)
  556. 12:06 AM - Cedric: (okie)
  557. 12:06 AM - Cedric: (does shooting missles at all take both actions?)
  558. 12:06 AM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: Nope
  559. 12:06 AM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: On action
  560. 12:06 AM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: And you can fire as many as you want
  561. 12:06 AM - Cedric: (so i can shoot some missles and then a grenade)
  562. 12:07 AM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: Yes
  563. 12:07 AM - Entropy / Perseus: soooo
  564. 12:07 AM - Cedric: (i will do this)
  565. 12:08 AM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: How many will you fire?
  566. 12:08 AM - Entropy / Perseus: I'm not purging greenskins, you shouldn't be running a civilization
  567. 12:08 AM - Cedric: (so 1d10+gunnery+ref for grenade launcher whats the math for the missles)
  568. 12:08 AM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: 1d10 + Missiles + Ref
  569. 12:08 AM - Cedric: (im not even playing right now)
  570. 12:08 AM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: Aiming for anything?
  571. 12:08 AM - Cedric: (cockpit i guess)
  572. 12:09 AM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: -3 then
  573. 12:09 AM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: So, fire how many?
  574. 12:09 AM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: 1-50
  575. 12:09 AM - Cedric: (the more i fire the less accurate right?)
  576. 12:09 AM - Entropy / Perseus: so what would I need to roll and how much would I need to roll in order to stand under the turret and tear it off, then throw it at another turret
  577. 12:09 AM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: Everyone wants to hear 50
  578. 12:10 AM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: -1 if you fire all at once
  579. 12:10 AM - Bishop Hemway: not bad
  580. 12:10 AM - Bishop Hemway: at all
  581. 12:10 AM - Cedric: (thats it?????!!?!?!?!)
  582. 12:10 AM - Bishop Hemway: you could
  583. 12:10 AM - Bishop Hemway: like
  584. 12:10 AM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: Yup
  585. 12:10 AM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: Well, in normal rules, its nothing
  586. 12:10 AM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: But I decided to nerf it slightly
  587. 12:10 AM - Cedric: ( awwwww :(((( )
  588. 12:10 AM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: So I might be rebalancing that a bit more/ess
  589. 12:10 AM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: Anyways
  590. 12:11 AM - Cedric: (30)
  591. 12:11 AM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: repeat 30 then your roll
  592. 12:11 AM - Cedric: okay
  593. 12:12 AM - Cedric: (wait so i roll 1d10+ mech missle skill? + ref)
  594. 12:12 AM - Bishop Hemway: yeah
  595. 12:12 AM - Bishop Hemway: basically
  596. 12:12 AM - Bishop Hemway: it's
  597. 12:12 AM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: Yup
  598. 12:12 AM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: Then -3
  599. 12:12 AM - Cedric: (it stops at 10
  600. 12:12 AM - Cedric: (also forgot the -3 but okay)
  601. 12:13 AM - Bishop Hemway: just redo em then
  602. 12:13 AM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: Redo it with the -3
  603. 12:13 AM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: And do it three times
  604. 12:13 AM - Cedric: (done)
  605. 12:14 AM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: Jesus 6 crits
  606. 12:14 AM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: Also, three in a row in the first ten
  607. 12:14 AM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: Alright, so roll 1d10
  608. 12:14 AM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: 6 times
  609. 12:14 AM - Cedric: (boom)
  610. 12:15 AM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: 13 hits
  611. 12:15 AM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: 6 crits
  612. 12:16 AM - Entropy / Perseus: now I won't get to work with Skyren since Brick is probably toast
  613. 12:16 AM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: You blow most of the armor clean off the cockpit, and after destroying what seems to be most of it, you realize something
  614. 12:16 AM - Entropy / Perseus: :c
  615. 12:16 AM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: There is a second, deeper level of armor, that appears to be at least 4 times as thick
  616. 12:16 AM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: You barely scratch that armor
  617. 12:16 AM - Cedric: "Alright so how do i do thi-"
  618. 12:17 AM - Entropy / Perseus: "That is some thick armor. I give you props for even getting a machine this dense to even move."
  619. 12:17 AM - Cedric: *missles shoot outward in a large volley*
  620. 12:18 AM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: "I stole the engines from a fleet of battleships, it was not easy, but it was fun!"
  621. 12:18 AM - Entropy / Perseus: "Battleships? Either you stole from the Cathedral's Navy, or you are not of this world either!"
  622. 12:19 AM - Cedric: (how much luck do i need to use to make a 7 hit? o;)
  623. 12:19 AM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: (3)
  624. 12:19 AM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: (10 to hit, since its so god damn big)
  625. 12:19 AM - Cedric: (i do dat)
  626. 12:19 AM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: The grenade hits the armor and explodes
  627. 12:19 AM - Cedric: "I don't know whats better, that explosion or the fact that there is still something left!"
  628. 12:20 AM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: The armor absorbs almost all of the damage
  629. 12:20 AM - Entropy / Perseus: whose turn now?
  630. 12:20 AM - Bishop Hemway: "I give you props for that volley though."
  631. 12:20 AM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: Skyren
  632. 12:20 AM - Entropy / Perseus: oh oh
  633. 12:20 AM - Entropy / Perseus: we gon do the thing?
  634. 12:20 AM - Entropy / Perseus: we should do the thing
  635. 12:20 AM - Entropy / Perseus: can we do the thing
  636. 12:20 AM - Entropy / Perseus: Ryan let's do the thing
  637. 12:21 AM - Entropy / Perseus: say yes and I'll start my speech
  638. 12:21 AM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: Yes
  639. 12:22 AM - Entropy / Perseus: "Skyren! You say you lack in soul? So I shall share with you mine! Let us join our mechas!"
  640. 12:23 AM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: The Kingu Kobura launches out of the sand and imaples the Ken Kare in the chest. "It is what I intended all along, but such a ssssssoulful machine, needs a name!" As he spoke the two began to combine ontop of the Chimera, the Kingu Kobura integrating into the Ken Kare
  641. 12:23 AM - Entropy / Perseus: "WE SHALL CALL IT..."
  642. 12:23 AM - Entropy / Perseus: "KINGU KOBURA NO KOBUSHI!"
  643. 12:26 AM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: "AN AGREEABLE NAME!"
  644. 12:26 AM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: Skyrem's turn
  645. 12:27 AM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: The fists of the Ken Kare still gripping the turret, with new found strength he tries to rip the turret off
  646. 12:27 AM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: Really
  647. 12:27 AM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: Crit fail
  648. 12:27 AM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: Then Crit
  649. 12:27 AM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: So 12
  650. 12:27 AM - Entropy / Perseus: amazing
  651. 12:27 AM - Bishop Hemway: nice
  652. 12:28 AM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: With the power of four fists he strains, managing to just barely rip the turret off of the chassis, holding it high above the Kingu Kobura no Kobushi
  653. 12:28 AM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: He throws it into the cockpit
  654. 12:28 AM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: It explodes, blowing some chunks of armor off
  655. 12:29 AM - Entropy / Perseus: three fists*
  656. 12:29 AM - Entropy / Perseus: unless combining repaired Ken Kare, if only temporairly :v
  657. 12:29 AM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: Well, when you combine, through the power of will, you repair
  658. 12:29 AM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: So yes
  659. 12:29 AM - Entropy / Perseus: fighting spirit did fix Gurren Lagann, after all
  660. 12:29 AM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: :V
  661. 12:29 AM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: Thats typically how combinations work in Super Robot
  662. 12:29 AM - Entropy / Perseus: noice
  663. 12:30 AM - Entropy / Perseus: so, Skyren done now?
  664. 12:30 AM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: One more action
  665. 12:30 AM - Entropy / Perseus: oh yeah, combinations get 3 actions
  666. 12:30 AM - Entropy / Perseus: sweeeeet
  667. 12:30 AM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: Aiming the tail of the Kingu Kobura no Kobushi into the cockpit of the Chimera, he fires the Heavy Venom Cannon
  668. 12:30 AM - Bishop Hemway: dont' you share the same turn though, or no?
  669. 12:31 AM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: Nope
  670. 12:31 AM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: OH SHIT
  671. 12:31 AM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: CRIT
  672. 12:31 AM - Entropy / Perseus: nope, each pilot gets their own turn
  673. 12:31 AM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: (Once again, may be rebalanced)
  674. 12:31 AM - Entropy / Perseus: pls no
  675. 12:31 AM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: The cannon manages to burn straight through several layers of armor, though a strange thing happens
  676. 12:32 AM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules: A fraction of the beam's energy is absorbed, and the Chimera's engines roar loudly.
  677. 12:32 AM - Brick XII: Brick the Rules has changed their name to Spooky Scary Orphaner.
  678. 12:32 AM - Entropy / Perseus: what
  679. 12:32 AM - Entropy / Perseus: don't tell me
  680. 12:32 AM - Entropy / Perseus: do NOT TELL ME YOU'RE JOINING THE CP GAME
  681. 12:33 AM - Spooky Scary Orphaner: YES
  682. 12:33 AM - Spooky Scary Orphaner: YOU ARE NOW FIGHTING ME
  683. 12:33 AM - Bishop Hemway: cp game?
  684. 12:33 AM - Spooky Scary Orphaner: IN TWO CAMPAIGNS AT ONCE
  685. 12:33 AM - Bishop Hemway: oh
  686. 12:33 AM - Spooky Scary Orphaner: CYBERPUNK
  687. 12:33 AM - Bishop Hemway: oh my
  688. 12:33 AM - Bishop Hemway: good luck Dan
  689. 12:34 AM - Entropy / Perseus: I'm fighting the Cyberpunk version of Brick
  690. 12:34 AM - Entropy / Perseus: and Brick
  691. 12:34 AM - Entropy / Perseus: in two games
  692. 12:34 AM - Entropy / Perseus: at the same time
  693. 12:34 AM - Entropy / Perseus: only the dice gods can save me now
  694. 12:34 AM - Bishop Hemway: All he needs to do now is execute his legendary skill; Extended Drink Break!
  695. 12:35 AM - Bishop Hemway: and then both our party, and CP will be over
  696. 12:35 AM - Spooky Scary Orphaner: :V
  697. 12:35 AM - Entropy / Perseus: anyway, Skyren just venom beamed the cockpit
  698. 12:35 AM - Entropy / Perseus: my turn now?
  699. 12:35 AM - Spooky Scary Orphaner: Yes
  700. 12:35 AM - Entropy / Perseus: sweet
  701. 12:36 AM - Entropy / Perseus: are my rocket fists just like, extended punches?
  702. 12:36 AM - Entropy / Perseus: same damage?
  703. 12:36 AM - Bishop Hemway: "Perseus, be careful. I won't be able to analyze what that energy absorption does specifically, but it can't be good!"
  704. 12:36 AM - Entropy / Perseus: "YOU CAN'T ABSORB THE ENERGY OF THE FIST!"
  705. 12:37 AM - Entropy / Perseus: so wait, is the cockpit in the firing line of the MESON beat?
  706. 12:37 AM - Entropy / Perseus: beam
  707. 12:38 AM - Spooky Scary Orphaner: Yes, why?
  708. 12:39 AM - Entropy / Perseus: I was gonna start punching the cockpit, but if the damnable MESON can still get me I ain't risking it
  709. 12:39 AM - Entropy / Perseus: besides, Cedric might hit the cockpit with another volley of 50, so it's best to keep away from it
  710. 12:39 AM - Spooky Scary Orphaner: :V
  711. 12:39 AM - Bishop Hemway: He only fired 30 I thought
  712. 12:39 AM - Spooky Scary Orphaner: He only has 20 left
  713. 12:40 AM - Cedric: (es true, i didn't want to fire them all at once for missles later)
  714. 12:40 AM - Bishop Hemway: a wise plan
  715. 12:40 AM - Entropy / Perseus: I think I'll just jab the MESON beam 6 times
  716. 12:40 AM - Spooky Scary Orphaner: Roll 6 times then
  717. 12:41 AM - Entropy / Perseus: for the record, Jabbing has a -5 hit penalty but does +2 kills of damage
  718. 12:41 AM - Entropy / Perseus: if I'm reading correctly
  719. 12:41 AM - Bishop Hemway: don't you get
  720. 12:41 AM - Bishop Hemway: like
  721. 12:41 AM - Bishop Hemway: 3 turns too?
  722. 12:41 AM - Bishop Hemway: or did you need a turn to move
  723. 12:41 AM - Entropy / Perseus: yes, 3 turns, 2 turns a punch
  724. 12:42 AM - Entropy / Perseus: repeat 6 6+10+ 1D10-5 => 16 ; 13 ; 20 ; 20 ; 14 ; 13
  725. 12:42 AM - Spooky Scary Orphaner: You can use two luck to make those two crits
  726. 12:42 AM - Spooky Scary Orphaner: Two luck total that is
  727. 12:42 AM - Entropy / Perseus: doing it, then
  728. 12:42 AM - Spooky Scary Orphaner: All hit
  729. 12:43 AM - Spooky Scary Orphaner: Roll for damage on every single one
  730. 12:43 AM - Entropy / Perseus: roll 1d10 for the crits first, or damage?
  731. 12:43 AM - Spooky Scary Orphaner: Crits
  732. 12:43 AM - Entropy / Perseus: lame crits
  733. 12:43 AM - Entropy / Perseus: 1 and 2
  734. 12:44 AM - Entropy / Perseus: now for damage
  735. 12:44 AM - Bishop Hemway: wait, how does luck factor into rolls?
  736. 12:44 AM - Spooky Scary Orphaner: Add it on
  737. 12:44 AM - Bishop Hemway: like, I thought it was just a number you added on
  738. 12:44 AM - Bishop Hemway: but
  739. 12:44 AM - Entropy / Perseus: repeat 6 3D6+2 => 11 ; 15 ; 9 ; 9 ; 11 ; 12
  740. 12:44 AM - Bishop Hemway: does it affect the number you rolled previously?
  741. 12:44 AM - Bishop Hemway: like
  742. 12:44 AM - Entropy / Perseus: those are the shittiest rolls ever
  743. 12:44 AM - Bishop Hemway: if I were to roll a d10
  744. 12:44 AM - Bishop Hemway: and got 6
  745. 12:45 AM - Bishop Hemway: adding 4 luck would make that a 10
  746. 12:45 AM - Spooky Scary Orphaner: Yes
  747. 12:45 AM - Bishop Hemway: and therefor a crit?
  748. 12:45 AM - Bishop Hemway: k
  749. 12:45 AM - Bishop Hemway: can I go above a d10 then?
  750. 12:45 AM - Spooky Scary Orphaner: You add it to the dice roll
  751. 12:45 AM - Spooky Scary Orphaner: Its not a bonus
  752. 12:45 AM - Spooky Scary Orphaner: Yup
  753. 12:45 AM - Bishop Hemway: k
  754. 12:46 AM - Bishop Hemway: I shoulda crited twice then previously on my last turn
  755. 12:46 AM - Bishop Hemway: but that is hindsight
  756. 12:46 AM - Spooky Scary Orphaner: Whoop, sorry
  757. 12:46 AM - Entropy / Perseus: so how fucked is the turret after 6 jabs, 2 of which are crits?
  758. 12:47 AM - Spooky Scary Orphaner: Perseus, in some sort of fit of rage, rips the turret to shreds, at one point, one of the hits some sort of energy supply, blowing several fuses in the chassis and starting fires
  760. 12:52 AM - Spooky Scary Orphaner: "Heh, youre just punching guns, I'm not done yet."
  761. 12:52 AM - Spooky Scary Orphaner: Brick's turn
  762. 12:52 AM - Spooky Scary Orphaner: One of the turrets turns to face you
  763. 12:52 AM - Spooky Scary Orphaner: It is the largest missile pod you've ever seen
  764. 12:52 AM - Cedric: "Ooooooh"
  765. 12:52 AM - Entropy / Perseus: waaait
  766. 12:52 AM - Entropy / Perseus: I want to roll my reflex or evade or something
  767. 12:52 AM - Entropy / Perseus: to fire a rocket fist at one of the rockets
  768. 12:52 AM - Entropy / Perseus: so they meet and explode before they hit me
  769. 12:52 AM - Entropy / Perseus: and they all explode in sequence
  770. 12:53 AM - Spooky Scary Orphaner: Well, have to roll to hit first
  771. 12:53 AM - Spooky Scary Orphaner: Only 3 crits
  772. 12:54 AM - Spooky Scary Orphaner: But every
  773. 12:54 AM - Spooky Scary Orphaner: Single
  774. 12:54 AM - Spooky Scary Orphaner: One
  775. 12:54 AM - Spooky Scary Orphaner: Hits
  776. 12:54 AM - Spooky Scary Orphaner: 7 crit fails
  777. 12:54 AM - Spooky Scary Orphaner: 1 crit 2 double crit fails
  778. 12:54 AM - Spooky Scary Orphaner: 1 Triple crit fail
  779. 12:55 AM - Spooky Scary Orphaner: Jesus fuck
  780. 12:55 AM - Spooky Scary Orphaner: All missiles but one launch at the Kingu Kobura no Kobushi, and it barely survives
  781. 12:55 AM - Spooky Scary Orphaner: You cant even dodge, its literally a cloud of missiles
  782. 12:55 AM - Spooky Scary Orphaner: If you dodged one missiled youd just
  783. 12:55 AM - Spooky Scary Orphaner: Dodge into another one
  784. 12:56 AM - Entropy / Perseus: nothing about me shooting a rocket fist to meet the missiles halfway
  785. 12:56 AM - Entropy / Perseus: but now the missile pod is out of missiles
  786. 12:56 AM - Entropy / Perseus: leaving him with the dakka gun and the boomstick gun
  787. 12:57 AM - Spooky Scary Orphaner: The Kingu Kobura barely survives, and Skyren's comm has gone silent
  788. 12:57 AM - Bishop Hemway: "Yo, Perseus, Skyren, shake it off! If you don't think you can survive, I'd make your leave now before things get worse!"
  789. 12:58 AM - Entropy / Perseus: so with 7 crit fails, a double critfail, then a trible critfail, only 1 missile didn't shoot
  790. 12:58 AM - Entropy / Perseus: but everything else hit perfectly normally
  791. 12:58 AM - Spooky Scary Orphaner: They needed tens to hit
  792. 12:58 AM - Spooky Scary Orphaner: They could only miss if they crit failed, and rolled a second crit and a nine
  793. 12:59 AM - Entropy / Perseus: welp
  794. 12:59 AM - Entropy / Perseus: still means he only has the dakkagun and boomstick left
  795. 1:00 AM - Entropy / Perseus: also, I'd like to point out
  796. 1:00 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: The largest turret turns to aim at your mecha
  797. 1:00 AM - Entropy / Perseus: we're standing on top of him
  798. 1:00 AM - Entropy / Perseus: those missiles should have damaged him too
  799. 1:01 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: They dont have blast
  800. 1:01 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: They're armor piercing anti-mecha
  801. 1:01 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Meaning
  802. 1:01 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: They enter into your mecha
  803. 1:01 AM - Entropy / Perseus: 0/10
  804. 1:01 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Before blowing up
  805. 1:01 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Cedric has the same type, or you'd have been hit by the blasts
  806. 1:01 AM - Entropy / Perseus: shhh
  807. 1:01 AM - Entropy / Perseus: don't question my complaints
  808. 1:01 AM - Entropy / Perseus: I miss nerfing people
  809. 1:01 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: :V
  810. 1:02 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: The Boomstick aims at the legs of the Kingu Kobura no Kobushi and fires what appears to be the chassis of another Mecha
  811. 1:02 AM - Entropy / Perseus: roll 2 catch
  812. 1:02 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Really
  813. 1:02 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Alright
  814. 1:02 AM - Entropy / Perseus: yes
  815. 1:02 AM - Entropy / Perseus: O
  816. 1:02 AM - Entropy / Perseus: I am Perseus Carpedim
  817. 1:02 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: 10+Ref+Piloting
  818. 1:03 AM - Entropy / Perseus: 25
  819. 1:03 AM - Entropy / Perseus: 1 away from a lousy crit
  820. 1:03 AM - Entropy / Perseus: Skyren should put his luck to it
  821. 1:03 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: You have any luck left?
  822. 1:03 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: He cant, its your roll
  823. 1:03 AM - Entropy / Perseus: nope, spent my 2 luck on the punches
  824. 1:03 AM - Bishop Hemway: (He might or might not be dead too)
  825. 1:04 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Well, 25 is still enough
  826. 1:04 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: You catch the balled up mecha corpse, and your arms take some damage from the impact, but you hold it high above your barely functioning Mecha
  827. 1:05 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Bishop
  828. 1:05 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: All yours
  829. 1:05 AM - Entropy / Perseus: "I shant... be beaten... so easily!" Perseus grunts in strain
  830. 1:05 AM - Bishop Hemway: Hmm
  831. 1:06 AM - Bishop Hemway: "I won't let another man's family be torn apart by another mad man!"
  832. 1:07 AM - Bishop Hemway: I aim to take out the Dakka gun with my Dakka gun.
  833. 1:07 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Repeat 8 1d10+Gunnery+Ref
  834. 1:08 AM - Bishop Hemway: wow really
  835. 1:09 AM - Bishop Hemway: nope, not crit failing today
  836. 1:09 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Two crit fails
  837. 1:09 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: :V
  838. 1:09 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Roll 1d10 twice
  839. 1:09 AM - Bishop Hemway: 9 ; 16 ; 13 ; 10 ; 17 ; 9 ; 18 ; 13
  840. 1:09 AM - Bishop Hemway: can I add my luck to remove said bad rolls?
  841. 1:09 AM - Bishop Hemway: or do I have to roll with it?
  842. 1:09 AM - Bishop Hemway: also I critted as well
  843. 1:10 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: You can use luck
  844. 1:10 AM - Bishop Hemway: alright
  845. 1:11 AM - Bishop Hemway: 9+1, 16, 13, 10, 17+1, 9, 18, 13 are my final outcomes
  846. 1:11 AM - Bishop Hemway: so one crit fail
  847. 1:11 AM - Bishop Hemway: 2 crits
  848. 1:11 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Nice
  849. 1:11 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Roll 2d10 for crits first
  850. 1:11 AM - Bishop Hemway: repeating d10s?
  851. 1:12 AM - Bishop Hemway: 1 ; 9
  852. 1:12 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: 1 isnt a crit fail
  853. 1:12 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Not for a crit
  854. 1:12 AM - Bishop Hemway: yeah, I know
  855. 1:12 AM - Bishop Hemway: just a shitty crit
  856. 1:12 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: The shots slam into the turret containing the boomstick, stripping bits of armor
  857. 1:14 AM - El Aguila Madoka has been invited to chat.
  858. 1:14 AM - El Aguila Madoka entered chat.
  859. 1:14 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Is everyone just barging in here today
  860. 1:14 AM - Entropy / Perseus: yrd
  861. 1:14 AM - Entropy / Perseus: yes
  862. 1:14 AM - El Aguila Madoka: (im just here to watch bb)
  863. 1:14 AM - Entropy / Perseus: wow that was awful
  864. 1:14 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: :V
  865. 1:15 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Anyways
  866. 1:15 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Do anything else Bishop?
  867. 1:15 AM - Bishop Hemway: Oh, I thought I was aiming at his Dakka gun
  868. 1:15 AM - Bishop Hemway: but I guess the Mecha Launcher isn't too far off
  869. 1:15 AM - Bishop Hemway: :P
  870. 1:15 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Whoop, sorry
  871. 1:15 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Anyways
  872. 1:15 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: End turn y/n?
  873. 1:15 AM - Bishop Hemway: nope
  874. 1:16 AM - Bishop Hemway: I have another action, don't I?
  875. 1:16 AM - Bishop Hemway: If so, I might as well blast the Mecha Launcher again.
  876. 1:16 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Alright
  877. 1:16 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: repeat 8 1d10 + ref + mecha gunnery
  878. 1:17 AM - Bishop Hemway: another crit
  879. 1:17 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: 1d10
  880. 1:17 AM - Bishop Hemway: 12 ; 10 ; 15 ; 16 ; 18 ; 16 ; 14 ; 14
  881. 1:17 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: I saw
  882. 1:17 AM - Bishop Hemway: just for everyone else
  883. 1:18 AM - Bishop Hemway: 3
  884. 1:18 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: You shoot off the rest of the armor and put a few shots through the turret, though the gun is still working
  885. 1:18 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Now then
  886. 1:18 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Since Trogdor is off fapping or something, Perseus is up
  887. 1:19 AM - Bishop Hemway: woah not cool man :P
  888. 1:19 AM - Entropy / Perseus: righty then
  889. 1:19 AM - Bishop Hemway: perhaps he ISN'T fapping
  890. 1:19 AM - Cedric: (what)
  891. 1:19 AM - Entropy / Perseus: I'm holding a crumpled mecha ball
  892. 1:19 AM - Bishop Hemway: he's like
  893. 1:19 AM - Entropy / Perseus: or Cedric can go
  894. 1:19 AM - Bishop Hemway: right there
  895. 1:19 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Whoop, he's back
  896. 1:19 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Right then, never mind
  897. 1:19 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Hey Cedric, your turn buddy
  898. 1:20 AM - Cedric: (cool)
  899. 1:20 AM - Bishop Hemway: You better not have been fapping
  900. 1:20 AM - Bishop Hemway: ;T
  901. 1:20 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: I have never seen ;T used before
  902. 1:20 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Conflicting emotions
  903. 1:20 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Anyways
  904. 1:20 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Cedric, you are up
  905. 1:20 AM - Cedric: *rapidly shoots 2 grenades from his launcher towards the cockpit*
  906. 1:21 AM - Cedric: (3 points on that 7 to make it hit then i will end)
  907. 1:22 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: You manage to blow off bits of armor, leaving a thin layer on the cockpit now
  908. 1:22 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Dan
  909. 1:22 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Take it away
  910. 1:22 AM - Entropy / Perseus: with the crumpled up mecha ball
  911. 1:22 AM - Entropy / Perseus: I
  912. 1:22 AM - Entropy / Perseus: slam dunk
  913. 1:22 AM - Cedric: "This is the most resisitant thing"
  914. 1:22 AM - Entropy / Perseus: the cockpit
  915. 1:22 AM - Cedric: "I've ever tried to blow up"
  916. 1:22 AM - Entropy / Perseus: will I just roll throwing for slam dunking?
  917. 1:22 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Yes
  918. 1:23 AM - Entropy / Perseus: and how much damage does a crumpled up mecha deal
  919. 1:23 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: But +5 for being the amazing man you
  920. 1:23 AM - Entropy / Perseus: better be a lot
  921. 1:23 AM - El Aguila Madoka: (by your powers combined, i am CYBER BARKLEY)
  922. 1:23 AM - Entropy / Perseus: it's a giant ball of metal
  923. 1:23 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Actually yes
  924. 1:23 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Exactly
  925. 1:23 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: How about, 25k
  926. 1:23 AM - El Aguila Madoka: (its not the bball on the outside, appy. its the bball on the inside)
  927. 1:23 AM - Entropy / Perseus: I can live with that
  928. 1:23 AM - Entropy / Perseus: ok dice, here we go
  929. 1:23 AM - Entropy / Perseus: If I crit, there is a god
  930. 1:24 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: There is a god
  931. 1:24 AM - Entropy / Perseus: there is a god
  932. 1:24 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Checkmate atheists
  933. 1:24 AM - OP Luchadore: (sweet lord was it a crit)
  934. 1:24 AM - Bishop Hemway: Barkley would be proud.
  935. 1:24 AM - OP Luchadore: (appy you've done me proud.)
  936. 1:24 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: With the force of a small atomic bomb you slam the metal ball through the cockpit, creating a massive shockwave
  937. 1:24 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: But
  938. 1:24 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: It stops in midair, or at least it seems so
  939. 1:25 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Crawling out of the cockpit is a massive mecha, holding the ball
  940. 1:25 AM - OP Luchadore: (wat is ths sht m8)
  941. 1:25 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: The burly Russian came back over the comm device
  942. 1:25 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: "I have ejected, yield."
  943. 1:26 AM - Bishop Hemway: "Perseus, disengage! Skyren isn't responding."
  944. 1:26 AM - Entropy / Perseus: Panting, Perseus relaxes
  945. 1:27 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: The combination disengages, Kingu Kobura falling to the ground limp
  946. 1:27 AM - Entropy / Perseus: "You... are a worthy adversary."
  947. 1:27 AM - Entropy / Perseus: Ken Kare falls to its knees
  948. 1:28 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: "I could say the same to you, I have never been defeated in combat"
  949. 1:28 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: The mecha held out its hand to the Ken Kare.
  950. 1:28 AM - Entropy / Perseus: Perseus raises one of Ken Kare's more intact hands, and takes it
  951. 1:29 AM - Bishop Hemway: "I don't mean to break formalities, but while you two have been playing war someone is obviously wounded."
  952. 1:29 AM - Bishop Hemway: "Cedric, do you have any medical skills?"
  953. 1:29 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: He helped the Ken Kare to his feet. "My bio scanners are reading that he's alive and stable, probably just hit his head. Then again I'm not a doctor, legally no longer allowed to act as one"
  954. 1:30 AM - Bishop Hemway: "Ah... so he's fine."
  955. 1:30 AM - Bishop Hemway: "Enough, anyways."
  956. 1:30 AM - Bishop Hemway: ***Bishop relaxes, but goes to aid Skyren.
  957. 1:31 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: You find that, as Brick says, he is fine, merely banged up from the missile hits
  958. 1:31 AM - Bishop Hemway: "Come on man, don't go scaring me like that."
  959. 1:32 AM - Bishop Hemway: "Get up, shake it off."
  960. 1:32 AM - Entropy / Perseus: "I was not worried. I was combined with him, and would know if he had passed."
  961. 1:32 AM - Entropy / Perseus has changed their name to Perseus.
  962. 1:33 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Grogily, Skyren opened his eyes and moaned, leaning over to spit out what looked like a tooth
  963. 1:33 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: On closer inspection, it seemed to be more of a fang.
  964. 1:34 AM - Bishop Hemway: "....we can fix that."
  965. 1:34 AM - Bishop Hemway: "I think."
  966. 1:35 AM - Perseus: did Brick say his name?
  967. 1:35 AM - Bishop Hemway: "Look man, we did good. We've won."
  968. 1:35 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: S:"Ugh, I think I just need ssssome of that, koffee"
  969. 1:35 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: S:"Did we win?"
  970. 1:36 AM - Perseus: "You can have all the koffee you can drink. Yes, we did. Our combination went flawlessly."
  971. 1:37 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: S:"I believe that dessssserves a, 'yay'"
  972. 1:37 AM - Perseus: "Could not say it any better. Skyren, this is... what is your name?" I face Brick
  973. 1:38 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: B:"Brick, not a nickname, that is my name. No last, no middle just, Brick"
  974. 1:38 AM - Bishop Hemway: "How... concise."
  975. 1:38 AM - Perseus: "And a fitting name it is for a man of your likes."
  976. 1:39 AM - Bishop Hemway: "Well, onto more pressing matters."
  977. 1:39 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: B:"As I promised, the rights to this scrap, take what you like"
  978. 1:39 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: ((Can we pause here? Bit of a headache and I need some sleep))
  979. 1:39 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: ((Game tomorrow btw))
  980. 1:39 AM - Bishop Hemway: Sure
  981. 1:39 AM - Perseus: "I am Perseus Carpedim. The scrap you wanted to tear apart holds quite possibly the last of our fellow crew members from our exploration ship. Our people could still be inside, which is why we could not let you simply scrap it."
  982. 1:39 AM - Perseus: and yeah, surte
  983. 1:40 AM - Perseus: I can live with ending on the note that there is, in fact, a god
  984. 1:40 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: :V
  985. 1:40 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Someone save the log
  986. 1:40 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas: Im out
  987. 1:40 AM - Brick XIII: Merry Brickmas disconnected.
  988. 1:40 AM - Bishop Hemway: Dan, you want the honors?
  989. 1:40 AM - Perseus: as if there would ever be any other way
  990. 1:40 AM - Perseus: :v
  991. 1:40 AM - Perseus: yeah, I got this
  992. 1:40 AM - Bishop Hemway: k sounds good
  993. 1:41 AM - Bishop Hemway: lookin forward to the highlights reel
  994. 1:41 AM - Bishop Hemway: aieght, see ya l8r
  995. 1:41 AM - Bishop Hemway: peace
  996. 1:41 AM - Bishop Hemway: and whatnot
  997. 1:41 AM - Perseus: aye
  998. 1:41 AM - Bishop Hemway left chat.
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