
Language Barrier Chapter Two [New]

Jun 12th, 2012
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  1. ---------------------------
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  6. >You're getting pushed around by a light green unicorn and her purple-maned friend, as they give you a tour of their town.
  7. >Said town is in a world you slipped into while having a transdimensional slumber... or something like that, fuck if you know how you got here.
  8. >’Having a strange day’ would be the understatement of the century.
  9. >You’ve already been shown a strange pink and purple building with what looked like a carousel on top of it.
  10. >It confused you greatly.
  11. >Why would these ponies have a carousel?
  12. >Would the carousel have fake plastic humans for the ponies to ride on?
  13. >Your puzzled thoughts were interrupted by the mint green guide.
  14. >She was tugging and pointing at your shirt while spouting nonsense.
  15. >Eventually, she let go of your clothes and started walking further into town.
  16. >Now, Minty HarpButt is taking you through a plaza and to some tall construction with a bunch of flags on its roof.
  17. >She’s probably giving you information about what it is, but you're too busy not speaking equine to understand.
  18. >While she's focused on her explanations, you turn around to face Sweety McCandyFlank.
  19. >You point at HarpButt with your thumb, touch your ear and then shrug.
  20. >She gives an annoyed sigh and walk to the gesticulating unicorn, who was now making crashing sound effects and ramming her forelegs together.
  21. >You have no idea on how those explosions are related to what looks like the town hall.
  22. >The confection-themed pony tap your exuberant guide on the shoulder.
  23. >The two of them trade a few words.
  24. >Afterwards, the green spazz turns back towards you.
  25. >"Oh..."
  26. >A sound of dumbfounded realization if you ever heard one.
  28. >Next stop, a gingerbread house.
  29. >Awesome.
  30. >There’s also a few stalls randomly spread around, but the candy construction really caught your attention.
  31. >You see Minty take a deep breath, sure to resume her endless flow of words.
  32. >However she quickly slams a hoof against her mouth, preventing words from leaving it.
  33. >Instead of her incoherent babble, she trots over to the sugary building and beckons you to get closer.
  34. >Why not?
  35. >Once near the unicorn, you follow her pointing hoof to a window.
  36. >Cakes!
  37. >Lots of them!
  38. >So, a bakery that really IS a gingerbread house?
  39. >You love this place so much.
  41. >After having your your drool-stained body pulled away from the pastry-making pastry house, you are presented with a tree.
  42. >Woohoo.
  43. >Sarcasm aside, the tree is still pretty interesting.
  44. >Therefs a bunch of windows and balconies jutting out from it.
  45. >A sign that pictures an open book is also planted next to the front door.
  46. >From the looks of it, it's either a library or a bookstore.
  47. >You wonder what kind of literature there is in this world.
  48. >It could be interesting to read about the history of this place.
  49. >You receive a mental slap, courtesy of your brain.
  50. >Right. Language barrier.
  51. >Speaking of language, you hardly notice the conversation going on behind you.
  52. >You turn to face the discussion.
  53. >It involves a lot of pointing at you and the library alternatively.
  54. >Their dialogue is interrupted by a loud yawn.
  55. >How can you be so tired? You just slept through the entire afternoon!
  56. >Travelling between your world and theirs may have drained you of your energy or something.
  57. >Science fiction isn't really your forte.
  58. >Apparently you’re oscitation is contagious, as your two tour guides both let out an adorable yawn.
  59. >They exchange a few more words and start to lead the way to another part of town.
  61. >You are now in what you would describe as the residential district.
  62. >The fancy and colorful shops give way to a bunch of thatched roof houses.
  63. >Candyflank opens the door to one of them.
  64. >You guess Minty’s going to help you find a place to sleep alone.
  65. >Wait... Nope, looks like these two are roommates.
  66. >You’ll have to figure out something yourself.
  67. >You wave goodbye at the light green unicorn as she enters her domicile.
  68. >She turns around and raise an eyebrow, she motions you to get inside.
  69. >Don’t mind if I do.
  70. >After bending down to pass the entrance, you immediately notice the interior looks way bigger than expected.
  71. >Fortunately, you can stand without hitting your head on the ceiling. Barely.
  72. >Minty guides you to a bedroom, probably the guest room.
  73. >She motions to the smallish bed and says a few words.
  74. >You give her a large smile, happy to receive such hospitality. It is returned.
  75. >She turn around and move further in the house.
  76. >You enter your designated room and close the door.
  77. >Tired as hell you remove your shirt and throw it on the ground.
  78. >You don’t bother with blankets and other trivialities, choosing to fall face first on the pillow instead.
  79. >For the third and final time of this day, you fall asleep.
  81. ---------------------------
  82. PART TWO
  83. ---------------------------
  85. >You wake up, still sprawled out on your stomach.
  86. >However, something feels different than last night.
  87. >It could be the large furry thing laying on your back. Maybe.
  88. >Those equines better not be raising giant spiders or you’re taking the first trip to Heart Attack-ville.
  89. >You open your eyes and slowly turn your head to see what’s resting on your spine.
  90. >What a relief.
  91. >It’s Minty, she’s curled up in a ball and lightly snoring.
  92. >...
  93. >A heart attack is still possible.
  95. >How are you going to get out of bed?
  96. >Waking her would be a crime against adorableness.
  97. >Maybe you can just...
  98. >You slowly slide your hands under her and lift her an inch above your back.
  99. >Quickly, you slip your lower body out of bed.
  100. >You gently lay the sleeping unicorn back on the bed.
  101. >Success!
  102. >Now to leave the roo-
  103. >Hardwood paneling.
  104. >If they’re as reliable to stay silent as they are back on Earth, you’re fucked.
  105. >You softly make your way to the door, picking up your shirt on your way there.
  106. >The door opens without any creak.
  107. >You give a last look at Minty.
  108. >Still sleeping.
  109. >Perfect.
  111. >Satisfied with your the silent operation, you leave the room.
  112. >And slam your head into the doorway with a loud thud.
  113. >Clutching to your face, you fall to the ground.
  114. >Fuckfuckfuck.
  115. >You twist your body around and get on your knees.
  116. >Still sleeping.
  117. >Guess she’s a pretty heavy sleeper.
  118. >As you get back up on your feet, the floorboards let out a soft squeak.
  119. >”Rrrnn...”
  120. >Damn you floor! I thought we were cool, we could have been friends!
  121. >But noooo, you had to be a dick.
  122. >Well fuck you too, hardwood.
  123. >You freeze in place, trying not to make any more noise..
  124. >Her ear does the most adorable twitch you ever witnessed and she goes back to her snoring.
  125. >Daaaawwwwww.
  127. >Looking around, you notice something strange.
  128. >Now that the room is well-lit with sunlight, you can see that it’s way too...
  129. >...Dishevelled, to be a guest room.
  130. >A few books scattered here and there.
  131. >The closet is wide open, revealing a dress of some sort.
  132. >Is that... sheet music?
  133. >And a lyre?
  134. >Wait, didn’t Minty have a lyre on her flan-
  135. >Oooooohhh!
  136. >When she showed you the room yesterday, she probably only showing you around the house.
  137. >And you just went in and crashed on her bed like an asshole.
  138. >You wonder why she didn’t wake you up though?
  139. >Well, she did manage to get comfortable on your back without waking you, so you guess you’re an even more heavy sleeper than her.
  141. >You exit the room, putting your shirt back on and watching your head as you pass the doorway.
  142. >As you slip your head past the collar of your garment and you meet with the other occupant of the house.
  143. >Bon Bon is looking at you, her left eyebrow higher than it has any rights to be.
  144. >Does she thinks that you and...
  145. >You roll your eyes.
  146. >It’s not like you slept with her.
  147. >Well you kind of did, but you didn’t sleep ‘sleep’ with her.
  148. >It’s just a fuzzy pastel pony that slept on your back, what does she think you did?
  149. >Augh...
  150. >When will this morning end?
  151. >She shrugs.
  152. >With a quick movement of her head, she motions you to follow her.
  153. >You hope she’s leading you to breakfast, you’re starving.
  155. >Nope, you’re back to the tree-library-bookstore thing you saw yesterday.
  156. >Candyflank knocks on the door a few times.
  157. >A female voice can be heard from inside the tree and the sound of footsteps is getting closer.
  158. >The door swings open with a purple flash.
  159. >Weird.
  160. >A purple unicorn is standing inside the hollow tree.
  161. >Her mane is a darker shade of purple with a pink streak in it.
  162. >There’s also a star on her flank, seriously what’s up with all the ass tattoo in this world?
  163. >She’s staring at you with an incredulous look.
  164. >The cream pony at your side steps forward and start to converse with what you assume is the town librarian.
  165. >The conversation is short and they soon wave each other goodbye.
  166. >You turn around to follow CandyFlank, but something is holding you by the neck of your shirt.
  167. >You hear PurpleStar say something behind your back while you are slowly dragged inside.
  168. >By the sound of it, you could tell she said something along the lines of ‘Oh no, you dont!’.
  170. >As you are pulled further into the tree, the door closes with yet another purplish-pink glow.
  171. >The force that hauled you indoor let go of your shirt.
  172. >You stand up and look around.
  173. >Damn, that’s a lot of books.
  174. >There are books surrounding you in bookshelves.
  175. >Books on the ground all around you in large piles.
  176. >Books on every surface you can see.
  177. >Books.
  178. >Books everywhere.
  179. >Pretty disorderly for a library.
  181. >The purple librarian is rummaging through a large pile of books, obviously looking for something in particular.
  182. >”Ah-ha!”
  183. >She jumps down from the mountain of literature and a book emerges from it, glowing with a familiar purple hue.
  184. >And now, PurpleStar’s horn is glowing too.
  185. >Coincidence? I think not.
  186. >You are clearly in the presence of a pony-wizard.
  187. >This world is AWESOME!
  190. >Pony-wizards are boring.
  191. >You’ve been sitting still for half an hour, watching the purple unicorn flip through what appears to be an animal encyclopedia.
  192. >You did try to make her understand you’re probably not in the book.
  193. >Every attempt made was answered with magic making you sit back down on this wooden stool.
  194. >The book is starting to run out of pages for her to read and you can see she’s getting irritated about not figuring out what you are.
  195. >She flips the last page and then throws the book back in its pile of brethren.
  196. >”AUGH!!!”
  197. >The sorcerous equine starts to massage her temples with her eyes closed.
  198. >You shift awkwardly on your stool, hunger making you squirm.
  199. >If only you could go back to that gingerbread house.
  201. >Your food related daydreaming is interrupted when PurpleStar slams her han- err, hooves on the desk she was sitting at.
  202. >She turns her head towards you, her face bearing a ominous grin and a certain spark in her eyes.
  203. >You see her blink out of existence and reappear a few feet away, near a bookshelf.
  204. >Teleportation? Pony-wizards are back to awesome.
  205. >After making a few books fly off the shelf, she settles on a large grimoire.
  206. >She rapidly riffle through the book and stops about halfway into it.
  207. >Her grin widens.
  208. >She slowly starts to close the gap separating you and her, her horn glowing with progressive intensity.
  209. >You don’t like the look she’s got on her face.
  210. >You stand up an-HOLYSHIT!
  212. >You shield your face with your arms.
  213. >A ray of light pass through your arms and forehead.
  214. >...
  215. >That’s it?
  216. >Either her magic sucks or she wasn’t attacking you.
  217. >You’re going to go with the latter.
  218. >You lower your guard and look quizzically at her.
  219. >She says something, but her lips are not moving.
  220. >Your expression changes to a surprised one when you realise the words are echoing through your head.
  221. >You still can’t understand a single one of them though.
  224. >PurpleStar smiles at your change of facial expression.
  225. >She unleash torrent of words in your head.
  226. >You don’t know what she thinks happened, but she seems to be tooting her own horn pretty hard.
  227. >Heh, puns.
  228. >It gets pretty annoying.
  229. >Her head seems pretty far up her own flank to think whatever she did worked.
  230. >Heh. Flankface.
  231. >She suddenly stops talking, a surprised look on her face.
  232. >It quickly changes to a deadpan expression.
  233. >Hey! You see a picture form in your mind.
  234. >Is that your hea-
  235. >Why did your head just explode?
  236. >The unicorn smirks at your disconcerted face.
  237. >Okay, let’s see if you got this straight.
  238. >Flankface over here tried some telepathic spell or something on you.
  239. >You don’t know if it was supposed to make you understand each other, but now you can apparently share pictures with your mind.
  240. >That’s sorta cool.
  241. >You could have done the same with a pen and some paper, but now you don’t have to actually draw stuff.
  243. >Looks like she had the same epiphany, you see her sit back down at her desk.
  244. >A scroll and a quill magically float to said desk.
  245. >Well, if she prefer to draw you can- Oh. Wait. Mental picture coming in.
  246. >It’s you and her, standing side by side.
  247. >A bunch of strange symbols appear under her.
  248. >The unicorn is pointing at herself.
  249. >”‹Twilight Sparkle›.”
  250. >Must be her name, it sounds like a bunch of random syllables put together. You repeat after her.
  251. “Twilit Sprkel.”
  252. >God damn, that sounded like a badger trying to claw its way up your throat.
  253. >Something is forming beneath the image of your person.
  254. >Are those question marks?
  255. >This is going to make things so much easier.
  256. >You remove the question marks and add your name.
  257. “Anonymous.”
  260. ---------------------------
  262. ---------------------------
  265. >The unicorn repeats your name without any flaws.
  266. >”Anonymous.”
  267. >...Showoff.
  268. >While on the subject of names, you should ask Twilight Sparkle...
  269. >Wow, it still sounds weird, even when you simply think about pronouncing the name.
  270. >Anyway, you should ask... her, the real names of Minty & Sweety.
  271. >You replace the pictures of the unicorn and yourself with HarpButt and CandyFlank, putting question marks underneath them.
  272. >Twilight seems to understand as symbols supersede the interrogative punctuation and Minty’s image grows bigger.
  273. >”‹Lyra Heartstring›.”
  274. “‹Lyra Artsryn›.”
  275. >You’re getting better at this equine language.
  276. >Min- Lyra’s mental representation shrink back down and it’s Sweety’s turn to get larger.
  277. >”‹Bon Bon›.”
  278. “‹Bon Bon›.”
  279. >That sounded about right.
  280. >Maybe you could eventually try to learn to speak this language.
  282. >You notice Twilight's been giving quick glances at your neck for a few minutes now.
  283. >Is there something on your throat?
  284. >Nope, only your headphones.
  285. >...
  286. >Oh right! Technology!
  287. >You chuckle as you remove the headphones from around your neck.
  288. >This is going to blow her little pony-wizard mind.
  289. >You don the earpiece to show her how to wear it.
  290. >The unicorn signature purple glow envelop the headgear as you hand it over to her.
  291. >She awkwardly puts your headphones on, probably worried about wearing something an alien gave her.
  292. >You pull out your mp3 player and play a random song.
  293. >
  294. >She looks like she would enjoy some good ol’ classic.
  295. >’Surprised’ isn’t even close to describe the expression on her face when the music begins.
  296. >You let the song runs for a while and then retrieve your headphones from the purple unicorn's head.
  300. >You really need to ask her about something that's been puzzling since you first met ponies.
  301. >What's with all the ass tattoo?
  302. >A sideview picture of Twilight forms on the mental sketchpad you two share and you add a circle around her flank.
  303. >The unicorn looks at her flank.
  304. >She turns back to you with a flustered face and a light blush.
  305. >The mind version of Twilight’s rump enlarge and a large question mark is added next to it.
  306. >What the- Damn self-conscious pony-wizard.
  307. >You give the unicorn a deadpan look.
  308. >You don’t care if she thinks she has large haunches, you just want to know more about the mark on them!
  309. >You circle the purple star on her mind-flank a few times and add some arrows pointing at it for good measure.
  310. >Her eyes expand lightly as she seem to understand what you meant.
  311. >She smiles then walks to one of the bookshelves that are carved in the walls.
  312. >A small book comes floating to your hand.
  313. >’Nryei Zlusk : Ofly lui yfit?’
  314. >Interesting title.
  315. >The cover represent a little foal looking at his own flank, a sad expression upon him.
  316. >God these guys are cute.
  317. >Twilight motions you to go on.
  318. >You flip through the first couple of pages.
  319. >So far, the pictures makes no sense since you can’t read the text associated with them.
  320. >Here we go, a three panel comic without any words.
  321. >Panel one : A small unicorn with a trumpet floating next to her.
  322. >Panel two : The same unicorn, playing the instrument.
  323. >Panel three : A trumpet appears in a bright flash on her flank.
  324. >So... they get magic tattoo by finding out what they’re good at?
  325. >That’s completely insane.
  326. >But, you’re currently playing Pictionary with a purple unicorn using your mind.
  327. >Sanity isn’t really your domain of expertise right now.
  330. >Twilight wipes the pictures in your minds and shapes start to form in their place.
  331. >Your stomach interrupts with a loud groan.
  332. >The unicorn giggles and erases the small draft she started before making your head appear again.
  333. >Hopefully it won’t blow up this time.
  334. >A question mark shows up next to your face, along with an arrow pointing to your mouth.
  335. >You fail to resist the urge to mess with her.
  336. >You flash an evil grin as you draw a bunch of ponies in your mind.
  337. >Twilight’s eyes grow as wide as dinner plates and her pupils shrink to pin pricks.
  338. >You stand up and start to close the gap between the two of you, licking your canines as you do.
  339. >Your ‘prey’ squeaks and trips as she tries to get away from you.
  340. >Unable to keep it in, you let out a hearty guffaw.
  341. >The look on her face! Priceless!
  342. >She’s now looking at you, dumbstruck.
  343. >You lean in and pat Twilight’s head reassuringly.
  344. >She glares at you and says a single word.
  345. >Your instinct tells you it was probably along the lines of ‘Jerk.’
  347. >You cross the ponies in your mind with a large ‘X’.
  348. >Now, what would you want to eat?
  349. >The gingerbread bakery from yesterday immediately springs in your head.
  350. >Yeah, that will do nicely.
  351. >You picture the sugary shop in your thoughts as well as your memory allows it.
  352. >About halfway through the drawing, your thoughts starts to blur a little and focusing on the picture becomes harder.
  353. >The spell must be beginning to strain your mind.
  354. >Twilight smiles brightly as she recognizes the cake-baking building.
  355. >She stands up and you follow her to the door.
  356. >"Oh!" she exclaims as she stops dead in her track.
  357. >Her horn starts to glow and a book comes floating your way.
  358. >Another child book apparently.
  359. >The cover is a very young pony reading a book.
  360. >You hastily leaf through it.
  361. >Most of the pages follow a similar pattern.
  362. >A single word and a single picture on each of them.
  363. >You chuckle and ruffle her mane, while keeping a smile on your face.
  364. >Pocketing the small book, you two leave the tree-library.
  368. >The fuzzy feeling in your mind is growing into a fierce headache.
  369. >The gingerbread house is in sight and you can’t wait to sit down and relax.
  370. >You are suddenly propelled to the ground by something you'd describe as a small rainbow freight train.
  371. >Once the cloud of dust settle down you manage to see what made your ass feels like a crash dummy.
  372. >It's a cyan pegasus with a rainbow colored mane.
  373. >You look at each other in an awkward silence while she sits on your stomach.
  374. >Slowly, she extends a hoof towards you.
  375. >You stare at it in disbelief.
  376. >Could it be?
  377. >You punch it.
  378. >As your fist hits her hoof, a wave of bro-itude fills your very being.
  379. >And with that, she leaves like she came. Flying at ridiculously high speed.
  380. >What in the name of Broseph Stalin just happened?
  382. >You stand up and dust yourself off.
  383. >Instantly, you notice you feel alone in your mind again and the headache is gone.
  384. >Did that pegasus just knock the spell outta you?
  385. >What a bro.
  386. >You point at the rapidly moving rainbow trail and give Twilight an intrigued look.
  387. >She lets out a giggle.
  388. >”‹Rainbow Dash.›”
  389. “‹Rainbro Dash.›”
  390. >The unicorn resume her walk to the bakery, still giggling.
  391. >You quickly follow her, avid for pastry.
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