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Jul 23rd, 2019
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text 20.17 KB | None | 0 0
  1. readpe server.exe
  2. DOS Header
  3. Magic number: 0x5a4d (MZ)
  4. Bytes in last page: 80
  5. Pages in file: 2
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  7. Size of header in paragraphs: 4
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  9. Maximum extra paragraphs: 65535
  10. Initial (relative) SS value: 0
  11. Initial SP value: 0xb8
  12. Initial IP value: 0
  13. Initial (relative) CS value: 0
  14. Address of relocation table: 0x40
  15. Overlay number: 0x1a
  16. OEM identifier: 0
  17. OEM information: 0
  18. PE header offset: 0x100
  19. COFF/File header
  20. Machine: 0x14c IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386
  21. Number of sections: 8
  22. Date/time stamp: 708992537 (Fri, 19 Jun 1992 22:22:17 UTC)
  23. Symbol Table offset: 0
  24. Number of symbols: 0
  25. Size of optional header: 0xe0
  26. Characteristics: 0x818f
  27. Characteristics names
  35. Optional/Image header
  36. Magic number: 0x10b (PE32)
  37. Linker major version: 2
  38. Linker minor version: 25
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  40. Size of .data section: 0x3800
  41. Size of .bss section: 0
  42. Entrypoint: 0x1f560
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  49. Minor version of required OS: 0
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  51. Minor version of image: 0
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  53. Minor version of subsystem: 0
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  57. Subsystem required: 0x2 (IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_WINDOWS_GUI)
  58. DLL characteristics: 0
  59. DLL characteristics names
  60. Size of stack to reserve: 0x100000
  61. Size of stack to commit: 0x4000
  62. Size of heap space to reserve: 0x100000
  63. Size of heap space to commit: 0x1000
  64. Data directories
  65. Directory
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  67. Directory
  68. IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_RESOURCE: 0x27000 (1536 bytes)
  69. Directory
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  71. Imported functions
  72. Library
  73. Name: KERNEL32.DLL
  74. Functions
  75. Function
  76. Name: GetCurrentThreadId
  77. Function
  78. Name: DeleteCriticalSection
  79. Function
  80. Name: LeaveCriticalSection
  81. Function
  82. Name: EnterCriticalSection
  83. Function
  84. Name: InitializeCriticalSection
  85. Function
  86. Name: VirtualFree
  87. Function
  88. Name: VirtualAlloc
  89. Function
  90. Name: LocalFree
  91. Function
  92. Name: LocalAlloc
  93. Function
  94. Name: VirtualQuery
  95. Function
  96. Name: SetCurrentDirectoryA
  97. Function
  98. Name: lstrlenA
  99. Function
  100. Name: lstrcpynA
  101. Function
  102. Name: lstrcpyA
  103. Function
  104. Name: LoadLibraryExA
  105. Function
  106. Name: GetThreadLocale
  107. Function
  108. Name: GetStartupInfoA
  109. Function
  110. Name: GetProcAddress
  111. Function
  112. Name: GetModuleHandleA
  113. Function
  114. Name: GetModuleFileNameA
  115. Function
  116. Name: GetLocaleInfoA
  117. Function
  118. Name: GetLastError
  119. Function
  120. Name: GetCurrentDirectoryA
  121. Function
  122. Name: GetCommandLineA
  123. Function
  124. Name: FreeLibrary
  125. Function
  126. Name: FindFirstFileA
  127. Function
  128. Name: FindClose
  129. Function
  130. Name: CreateDirectoryA
  131. Function
  132. Name: ExitProcess
  133. Function
  134. Name: WriteFile
  135. Function
  136. Name: UnhandledExceptionFilter
  137. Function
  138. Name: SetFilePointer
  139. Function
  140. Name: SetEndOfFile
  141. Function
  142. Name: RtlUnwind
  143. Function
  144. Name: ReadFile
  145. Function
  146. Name: RaiseException
  147. Function
  148. Name: GetStdHandle
  149. Function
  150. Name: GetFileSize
  151. Function
  152. Name: GetSystemTime
  153. Function
  154. Name: GetFileType
  155. Function
  156. Name: CreateFileA
  157. Function
  158. Name: CloseHandle
  159. Library
  160. Name: KERNEL32.DLL
  161. Functions
  162. Function
  163. Name: TlsSetValue
  164. Function
  165. Name: TlsGetValue
  166. Function
  167. Name: LocalAlloc
  168. Function
  169. Name: GetModuleHandleA
  170. Function
  171. Name: GetModuleFileNameA
  172. Library
  173. Name: KERNEL32.DLL
  174. Functions
  175. Function
  176. Name: WriteFile
  177. Function
  178. Name: WaitForSingleObject
  179. Function
  180. Name: VirtualAlloc
  181. Function
  182. Name: Sleep
  183. Function
  184. Name: SetLocalTime
  185. Function
  186. Name: SetFilePointer
  187. Function
  188. Name: SetEndOfFile
  189. Function
  190. Name: SetConsoleCtrlHandler
  191. Function
  192. Name: RemoveDirectoryA
  193. Function
  194. Name: ReadFile
  195. Function
  196. Name: MoveFileA
  197. Function
  198. Name: LoadLibraryA
  199. Function
  200. Name: LeaveCriticalSection
  201. Function
  202. Name: IsBadWritePtr
  203. Function
  204. Name: InitializeCriticalSection
  205. Function
  206. Name: GetWindowsDirectoryA
  207. Function
  208. Name: GetVersionExA
  209. Function
  210. Name: GetVersion
  211. Function
  212. Name: GetTickCount
  213. Function
  214. Name: GetSystemDirectoryA
  215. Function
  216. Name: GetProcAddress
  217. Function
  218. Name: GetModuleHandleA
  219. Function
  220. Name: GetLogicalDrives
  221. Function
  222. Name: GetLocalTime
  223. Function
  224. Name: GetLastError
  225. Function
  226. Name: GetDriveTypeA
  227. Function
  228. Name: GetCurrentProcessId
  229. Function
  230. Name: GetComputerNameA
  231. Function
  232. Name: FreeLibrary
  233. Function
  234. Name: FindNextFileA
  235. Function
  236. Name: FindFirstFileA
  237. Function
  238. Name: FindClose
  239. Function
  240. Name: FileTimeToLocalFileTime
  241. Function
  242. Name: FileTimeToDosDateTime
  243. Function
  244. Name: EnterCriticalSection
  245. Function
  246. Name: DeleteFileA
  247. Function
  248. Name: DeleteCriticalSection
  249. Function
  250. Name: CreateProcessA
  251. Function
  252. Name: CreateMutexA
  253. Function
  254. Name: CreateFileA
  255. Function
  256. Name: CopyFileA
  257. Function
  258. Name: CloseHandle
  259. Library
  260. Name: advapi32.dll
  261. Functions
  262. Function
  263. Name: RegQueryValueExA
  264. Function
  265. Name: RegOpenKeyExA
  266. Function
  267. Name: RegCloseKey
  268. Library
  269. Name: advapi32.dll
  270. Functions
  271. Function
  272. Name: RegSetValueExA
  273. Function
  274. Name: RegQueryValueExA
  275. Function
  276. Name: RegOpenKeyExA
  277. Function
  278. Name: RegDeleteValueA
  279. Function
  280. Name: RegDeleteKeyA
  281. Function
  282. Name: RegCreateKeyExA
  283. Function
  284. Name: RegCloseKey
  285. Function
  286. Name: GetUserNameA
  287. Library
  288. Name: oleaut32.dll
  289. Functions
  290. Function
  291. Name: VariantClear
  292. Function
  293. Name: SysFreeString
  294. Library
  295. Name: shell32.dll
  296. Functions
  297. Function
  298. Name: ShellExecuteA
  299. Library
  300. Name: user32.dll
  301. Functions
  302. Function
  303. Name: TranslateMessage
  304. Function
  305. Name: SystemParametersInfoA
  306. Function
  307. Name: ShowWindow
  308. Function
  309. Name: SetWindowLongA
  310. Function
  311. Name: SetTimer
  312. Function
  313. Name: SetForegroundWindow
  314. Function
  315. Name: SendMessageA
  316. Function
  317. Name: RegisterClassA
  318. Function
  319. Name: PostMessageA
  320. Function
  321. Name: PeekMessageA
  322. Function
  323. Name: MessageBoxA
  324. Function
  325. Name: KillTimer
  326. Function
  327. Name: IsWindowVisible
  328. Function
  329. Name: IsWindowEnabled
  330. Function
  331. Name: GetWindowTextA
  332. Function
  333. Name: GetWindowLongA
  334. Function
  335. Name: GetSystemMenu
  336. Function
  337. Name: GetWindow
  338. Function
  339. Name: GetMessageA
  340. Function
  341. Name: GetDesktopWindow
  342. Function
  343. Name: GetClassInfoA
  344. Function
  345. Name: EnableWindow
  346. Function
  347. Name: DispatchMessageA
  348. Function
  349. Name: DestroyWindow
  350. Function
  351. Name: DeleteMenu
  352. Function
  353. Name: DefWindowProcA
  354. Function
  355. Name: CreateWindowExA
  356. Library
  357. Name: user32.dll
  358. Functions
  359. Function
  360. Name: GetKeyboardType
  361. Function
  362. Name: MessageBoxA
  363. Function
  364. Name: CharNextA
  365. Library
  366. Name: WININET.DLL
  367. Functions
  368. Function
  369. Name: InternetGetConnectedState
  370. Library
  371. Name: winmm.dll
  372. Functions
  373. Function
  374. Name: sndPlaySoundA
  375. Library
  376. Name: wsock32.dll
  377. Functions
  378. Function
  379. Name: htons
  380. export directory not found
  381. Sections
  382. Section
  383. Name: CODE
  384. Virtual Address: 0x1000
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  390. Characteristic Names
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  414. Characteristic Names
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  425. Characteristic Names
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  437. Characteristic Names
  440. Section
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  448. Characteristic Names
  452. Section
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  458. Relocations: 0
  459. Characteristics: 0x50000040
  460. Characteristic Names
  464. Section
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  469. Pointer To Data: 0x21c00
  470. Relocations: 0
  471. Characteristics: 0x50000040
  472. Characteristic Names
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