
Theo cheers up Elspeth

Jun 9th, 2016
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  1. <SavanahHolland> Elspeth looked awful, and it did make sense after all that had happened. Her hair looked more messy than usual, in a low ponytail, the dress she wore also wasn't quite as fancy, a simple short black dress that hugged her waist and thighs, paired with black maryjanes, white stockings and a white under shirt. She sits alone in the commonroom, yet again it's a but later in the evening,
  2. <SavanahHolland> the televison turned down to just buzz with whatever shadow of a show someone had been watching earlier. Laying on the couch, curling up into a ball, just alone with her thoughts.
  3. <DarnellJermaine> Theodore walks into the scene- actually looking much happier and cheery than he has the past few days- almost as if a weight has been lifted. That is, until he sees poor Elspeth lying on the couch. Immediately he runs over, "Oi, you ok there love?" he offers a little smile and goes to sit with her.
  4. <SavanahHolland> Elspeth is a balled up.. ball of sadness, german ball of sadness maybe. Her eyes still puffy and red, that wasn't going to go away anytime soon.. "No." Elspeth says, I mean, no use in lying right?
  5. <DarnellJermaine> He gently runs his hand along her back to try and sooth her. No romantic connotations- more like how an older brother would comfort a younger sibling- or a father his child. "Come on then, tell me what's wrong love" he said, a worried expression adorned on his face.
  6. * Rosy-chan is now known as Away-chan
  7. <SavanahHolland> "A loht of stuff.. Zita hates me.. everything is gohing vrong.." she says quietly, burying herself more into the couch and calming down more as he speaks softly and rubs her back, she just, wanted this, a person, who's a friend, actually treating her like a friend. Not with hidden motives, or a past crush, but just this. A friend.
  8. <DarnellJermaine> He just offers a small smile, "Zita huh?" he knew her. They met once- when he first came here. She seemed... quirky. Did she hurt poor Elspeth? "Tell you what love- why don't I get some tea running and you tell me all about it, hmm?" he said, getting up, but making sure to slip off his jacket and put it on her first as he went to the kitchen to set everything
  9. <DarnellJermaine> up.
  10. <SavanahHolland> Elspeth looks panicked for a brief moment as he tries to leave, before he can trying to grab his arm before he can, shaking her head "P-please dohn't go.."
  11. * Riann is now known as Daien
  12. <DarnellJermaine> He turns around and immediately sits back down, holding her hand for a bit with one hand and continuing to pat her back. "Shhh shh shh.... it's ok. Don't worry" he smiled once more. He had a little brother back home- one that happened to get bullied a lot. He understood these kinds of situations. "Elspeth you're a sweet girl- so I'm gonna give you two options
  13. <DarnellJermaine> : If you want, you can tell me what happened- or you don't have to. We can just sit here and I can be here while you need me. No pressure" he offers a warm sincere smile.
  14. * SolongStarbird has quit (Quit: *Rides off into the sunset* *Is engulfed by sun*)
  15. <SavanahHolland> Elspeth clings to his arm, taking a deep breath and closing her eyes before opening them back up and staring at him "I need toh tell someone vhat happened.. someone that vasn't involved.." everything was too fucked as it is "I.. have youh ever met Sebastion? Church he goes by?"
  16. <DarnellJermaine> Theo seemed to physically look angry for a moment- "Did he do something to you?" he asked, quickly calming himself down and keeping up the warm smile. Elspeth was too important to lose his temper now.
  17. <SavanahHolland> "Noh I.." Elspeth shakes her head, no, this was happening again, why did everyone get so angry, why, why? "I.. am.. vith him, in a partnership." it sounds weird to say couple, it doesn't feel like that yet, it was a weird relationshop between them, something that didn't have a word to describe "Ahnd.. Zita thought he vas hurting me.."
  18. <DarnellJermaine> Theo let's out a sigh of relief. "It's ok... It's ok. I'm not really a fan of his... but if you trust him then I can trust him" he says with a smile that could warm a person through the winter. What she needed was comfort- not judgement or anger. "So Zita is the one causing you trouble then, huh? Do you wanna talk about it?"
  19. <SavanahHolland> Elspeth nods, wanting to talk more and glad he wasn't mad, or wasn't assuming the worst of him, she didn't know what Theo and Church had talked about, though probably something unpleasant, Church didn't seem to agree with anyone, except her.. and even then.. "I.. she made me tell her.. and she vanted me to leave him.. and I couldn't.. zat's not something I have a choice in even if I
  20. <SavanahHolland> vanted to leave him, vhich I dohn't."
  21. <DarnellJermaine> "Leave him?" he seemed a bit confused. He didn't know much about Church other than he was an Incubus who could regenerate. He didn't know all the details, "Are you guys dating? Does Zita not approve of this relationship?"
  22. <SavanahHolland> "Vell.. it's noht exactly dating.. it's a contract ve both agreed toh.. it's like dating.. buht noht quite.." Elspeth sighs "She didn't because she thought her hurt me.. I kept telling her he didn't and she didn't believe me.. He did hurt me, buht not in the vay youh think, ve vere both hurt.." Elspeth trails off, should she tell Theo everything? Even the worst of it?
  23. <DarnellJermaine> He seems a bit concerned at the hurting part- but she said it was mutual. This he needed to understand, "So this hurt... was mutual? You didn' anything drastic did you? It wasn't..." he didn't want to say the words, hoping that wasn't how far down Elspeth was. "You promise it was harmless? Could you please explain it to me so I understand?"
  24. <SavanahHolland> "Contract, I know how they vork, I've vorked with them all mhy life, I vas born in a contract, I made one vith him, I have nothing to lose, and I vanted it, so I chose it." Elspeth sighs deeply "Ve vere both branded as a result.. I knew, he told me it vould happen, and I accepted it, ja it hurt, but ve both had to take the pain."
  25. <DarnellJermaine> "Contract?" he seemed a bit confused. "Pardon my asking love, but what is a contract?" slowly he puts the pieces together, remembering the Ram. "Is it...some kind of demon thing?"
  26. <SavanahHolland> "Devil" she corrects, there was a difference.. "Ja, I've alvays delt vith them and I know vhat they involve, I became part of one with Sebastion."
  27. <DarnellJermaine> Theo is a bit sad to hear this- but he doesn't let it show. "I understand. Like I said... I don't like him. But if he isn't hurting you and it means a lot to you... I support it. I just don't want you to be afraid to ask me for help when you need it-ok?"
  28. <SavanahHolland> "I can take care of myself.." she says with a small smile "Buht ja.. if I need help, I'll come toh youh.. Zita.. didn't react as kindly as youh do.." she says, her smile falling, she maybe regretted not chasing after her.. she'd have to contact one of the girls, Eponnie maybe? Try to make sure she's safe...
  29. <DarnellJermaine> "Zita huh? I don't really know her too well myself. Do you want to talk about it? You don't have to, of course" he says, continuing to stroke her back, this time moving up to her head and lightly petting her hair. He was here to listen- to help. He had no ulterior motives or anger- he had a sibling back home who used to come crying home every day. He knew how
  30. <DarnellJermaine> to respond to his friend in need here and now.
  31. <SavanahHolland> Elspeth liked it, comforting, something she needed. She moves to bury herself into his side she's small so it might as well equate to her hiding into Theo. "She said if I couldn't remove the brand.. she vould kill Sebastion.. and I.. the next day I vent to his room, and told him vhat happened.. he told me to get Zita to come over.. and she did.. she.. controlled me.."
  32. <DarnellJermaine> This enraged Theo. He couldn't help but let out a physical twitch before quickly resuming the calm mein. "That's not ok. Maybe I should talk to her..." he said. He didn't like Sebastian, but at least he was just an asshole. People are of their own- they are the way they are. Nobody should try to change or control that- especially not by force. "What she did
  33. <DarnellJermaine> was wrong. Nobody has the right to do that to you. I'm sorry I wasn't there"
  34. <SavanahHolland> "I.. She's already gone.. talking to her might jast keep the pain going.. I.. she lied abouht it after.. she made me tell Church that I vanted the brand gone and I didn't.. he knew buht.. she said it was jast him tricking me.. buht she did it.. I know she did.."
  35. <DarnellJermaine> Theo nodded his head, listening carefully. "So this brand... is important to you, no? May I see it?" he still wasn't quite sure what she was talking about- maybe seeing it would give him a better idea.
  36. <SavanahHolland> Elspeth blushes a bit, she's shown Zita, and Church with no shame, but now it felt a little different. She nods, trying to unbutton the top of her dress, making sure not to show anything besides the middle of her chest, everything that might be considered not rated pg staying in her dress. Just a little under her chest is scarring of a crest, red and looking somewhat recent. "It is
  37. <SavanahHolland> important toh me, ja."
  38. <DarnellJermaine> Theo seems to nod- not really worrying about the motion, though he did have a mini panic when she first started unbuttoning her dress. "I see... so it's like a physical brand then. Hot metal must've been painful..." he seemed relieved- he was glad it wasn't self harm or anything dangerous. "Ok, if it's important to you then I'll respect it- because you're
  39. <DarnellJermaine> important to me" he says with a friendly smile. "Although I must ask- what does it /do/ exactly? Or is it a symbolic thing?" he asked, trying to better understand her.
  40. <SavanahHolland> "It vasn't hot metal, it just.. appeared.. it hurt like hot metal though.." she laughs a bit, trying to get light hearted again "I-I'hm glad.. you're important to me to!" she nods, then thinking for a moment "Mostly symbolic, he's an Incubus.. likely jast to show who belongs toh who.. so I can't be marked by another Incubus perhaps?"
  41. <DarnellJermaine> Theo smiled a bit, and then chuckled to himself when the thought appeared, "So I guess he's right alongside there with the Ram then, huh?" he laughs a bit more, "Although I bet the Ram still gives better rides"
  42. <SavanahHolland> Elspeth smiled even more at his little joke, realizing that might have been a dirty joke... Nooo, not Theo, Theo is too 'innocent' to mean that. "Vell ja!" she says, giggling even more.
  43. <DarnellJermaine> "Speaking of which..." he gets out $5 and laughs a bit, "I have some business to conduct with you later" he slips the money in his back pocket and goes back to patting her back a bit, "You feeling better, love?"
  44. <SavanahHolland> Elspeth's mouth opens wide, first customer! A well paying one too! Aaaaa! She nods, it was nice to talk to someone understanding, someone that wasn't involved and understood "Ja.. thank youh.. It means a lot that youh talked vith me and calmed me downh.."
  45. <DarnellJermaine> "You know... speaking of rides" he gets down on the ground, squatting low, "How about a piggy back ride, huh love? Those seem to have a healing affect from my understanding" he smiles- he hadn't done something like this since his little brother was being bullied. Perhaps she might appreciate the gesture as well
  46. <SavanahHolland> Elspeth was a fifteen year old with dignity and r- Yeah fuck that, fucking piggy back ride god damn it. Elspeth had her weird moments, ranging from a Sullivan Mistress.. to a little girl.. which she actually was both of really. "...vill it cost me five dollars?" she says jokingly before nodding excitedly.
  47. <DarnellJermaine> He shook his head, looking back at her smiling, "Free of charge for cute girls who ask nicely" he said, waiting for her to hop up on his shoulder before standing up.
  48. <SavanahHolland> Elspeth grinned from ear to ear, this, this made her forget about all the stuff going on, just someone she was friends with that didn't need her for anything besides her friendship. She jumps on quickly, awfully light, but that's to be expected from someone so short. "Onvard!" she says, as if she were a general at the front lines of battle.
  49. <DarnellJermaine> "Ok then, love! Hold on tight!" he says, charging out of the dorms at full speed- which is rather fast. He dashed all along the campus, keeping up the speed without breaking too much of a sweat. He was happy to be able to cheer her up
  50. <SavanahHolland> ONWARD MY STEED, FASTER INTO THE HEAVENS! Elspeth didn't say it, but she sure as hell thought it, oi everyone's gotta hold on to their childhood, she wasn't done being a little kid just yet. Holding on tight with a bit of a eep at how fast it was going, her hair blowing behind her, one of her shoes almost fell off, but she wasn't havin none of that! Giggling like a absolute moron at
  51. <SavanahHolland> this point.
  52. * Away-chan is now known as Info-chan
  53. <DarnellJermaine> "Roooooooaaaar!" Theo jokingly shouts, laughing heartily afterwards. "Where to, Elspeth? I am at your command! I am Ram 2.0! Roooooaaaar!"
  54. <SavanahHolland> "The Ram doesn't roar." she laughs, shaking her head "Toh the gazebo! Onvard!" Elspeth says, holding on tighter. "I bet the Ram can goh much faster than you anyvays~" she teases.
  55. <DarnellJermaine> "Oh yeah? We'll see about that!" he says, offering a big toothy grin before turning his head forward and going full speed-ok now he was starting to break a sweat- but he was so fast! He dashed his way over to the gazebo in under a minute, stopping to catch his breath. "How was that?"
  56. <SavanahHolland> "Vell, youh vere close!" she says, giggling and hugging him from her position "So perfect!" nod nod. She then pulls out a little cloth napkin from her dress, WHERE DOES SHE KEEP THIS SHIT ANYWAYS?? moving to wipe his forehead "Youh getting tired?"
  57. <DarnellJermaine> "Nah- I could do this all day love!" he says laughing. He was sweating a bit- but this man was built to endure. "Come on- give me my next destination! Gotta practice if I'm gonna square up to Ram, huh?"
  58. <SavanahHolland> "Ja, youh certainly vould, bones don't sweat pretty boy!" she laughs, thinking of the next place "Uhmmmmm, dorm kitchen! Ruhn! Ruhn!" she says, gripping on tight to prepare for the speed.
  59. <DarnellJermaine> "Righto!" he says, taking a leaping start this time and rushing back into the dorm room full speed- just barely not crashing into the wall, and turns on his heel to the kitchen. "What was my time? I there yet?" he laughs out again. This was a lot of fun!
  60. <SavanahHolland> Elspeth eeps "Uh uh, I vasn't counting! I didn't know I vas supposed to count.. vell this obviously means ve have toh try again! Back to the Gazebo!" Elspeth was going to be the death of Theo probably.
  61. <DarnellJermaine> Theo's starting to feel a bit tired from all the high speed running- but he wasn't about to stop just yet! He was having a good time- and more importantly Elspeth seemed happy. So, he rushed back out the door and to the Gazebo- making it in even less time than the first go around! He was though, breathing much more heavily. " was that?" he panted
  62. <DarnellJermaine> out, still smiling.
  63. <SavanahHolland> "Good on time, youh're getting better, ja, ja" she nod nods again, he was going to do it "Alright, back to the commonroom forh youh to rest!" Elspeth didn't want to break him ;~;
  64. <DarnellJermaine> Theo once more goes to charge to the dorms but- well his heart isn't in the best of shape from 3 years back- and he was overexerting himself cardio wise. After a little bit, he began to slow and just stand there, breathing heavily for a long time. He wasn't able to speak for a whole minute or two until- "M-maybe.. b-break..."
  65. <SavanahHolland> "J-ja.. doh youh think youh can make it to the commonroom.. I can geht the Ram toh make us some tea vhile you rest?" she offers with a small smile, feeling a little bad for making him that tired.
  66. <DarnellJermaine> He clutches his chest with his left hand- oh boy. "N-no i-it's fine... I just..." he begins slowly walking forwards, not going fast at all, "just gotta take it easy is all." he looks up at her and weakly smiles, "Sorry for cutting the fun short, love"
  67. <SavanahHolland> Elspeth shakes her head, hugging him again "Dohn't vorry! Youh were goohd, I had fun, so youh deserve a break."
  68. <DarnellJermaine> He seems genuinely pleased to hear this- glad to see her mood take a 180. Eventually they make it back to the common room and he gently sets her on the couch- by the time they get there he already looks a bit better. "I'll get the tea going, love. You just sit tight" he said, moving into the kitchen to get everything set up.
  69. <SavanahHolland> Elspeth nods "A-alright, be careful!" she didn't want to hear him having spilt boiling water on himself or something.. she looks around for the remote, changing the channels till she stops a show called Law and order, special victims unit? She seems intrested, listening in, seems like this little girl was pushed down the stairs.. or something?
  70. <DarnellJermaine> Theo got the kettle all ready and waited til it began to steam- pulling it off the stove and pouring a glass for her and himself. He brings the cups over, sitting next to her on the couch and gently gives her the cup, "Careful love, it's still hot" he says, smiling at her before looking at the TV. "Whatcha got on right now?"
  71. <SavanahHolland> "Law and Order, special victims unit" she says, trying to copy how they had just said it in the show, nodding and taking her cup of tea, lightly blowing on it and adding some sugar "I think the nanny pushed ze little girl dovn the stairs.. buht I'm noht sure.." she shrugs.
  72. <DarnellJermaine> Theo questions if this is really the best show for her to be watching... but she seemed to be enjoying it. Plus, she literally lives with devils and demons and the like. Surely some gory crime show wouldn't phase her, "Righto then- looks pretty good! Why's that guy running?" he says, pointing to Ice T running down some hallway.
  73. <SavanahHolland> "I think.. her older brother.. took hostage of a little kid.. h-her brother pushed her down the stairs" it comes to Elspeth like she just solved the meaning of life, staring at Theo intently and taking a sip of her tea "I am on ze edge of my seat."
  74. <DarnellJermaine> "Guess you figured it out then! Look at you little miss detective" he chuckles and takes another sip of his tea. Times like this were nice too- and it warmed his heart to see Elspeth out of her funk now.
  75. * DarnellJermaine is now known as GoofBallBoy42069
  76. * GoofBallBoy42069 is now known as DarnellJermaine
  77. * DarnellJermaine is now known as whatseverldaysoldhellisthis
  78. <SavanahHolland> Elspeth nods deeply, yes, it was the little brother, a thirteen year old boy.. who also seemed to have drowned his neighbor's dog snowball. Elspeth looks both horrified and excited, taking another drink of her tea "Zis is good, the tea I mean, did youh use the one in the cabnets? Vith ze red label?"
  79. * whatseverldaysoldhellisthis is now known as DarnellJermaine
  80. <DarnellJermaine> He nods his head, "Yup yup, good stuff that is" he takes another sip, watching the show along with her- it seemed entertaining enough.
  81. <DarnellJermaine> -scene Ice T'd-
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