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May 19th, 2022
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  1. Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.19044.1706]
  2. (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
  4. C:\Users\aaa>cd C:\Users\aaa\Desktop\gimxcapture
  6. C:\Users\aaa\Desktop\gimxcapture>ffb_3.exe
  7. Available haptic devices:
  8. 0 MOZA R9 Base
  9. Enter the haptic device number: 0
  10. Found axis with actuator: Y
  11. Found axis with actuator: X
  12. Supported effects:
  13. constant force
  14. types: constant force, custom force, attack, fade, hardware, periodic, start delay,
  15. params:
  16. static: all params, axes, direction, duration, enveloppe, gain, start delay, trigger button, trigger repeat interval, type specific params,
  17. dynamic: all params, axes, direction, duration, enveloppe, gain, start delay, trigger button, trigger repeat interval, type specific params,
  18. ramp force
  19. types: attack, fade, hardware, periodic, ramp force, start delay,
  20. params:
  21. static: all params, axes, direction, duration, enveloppe, gain, start delay, trigger button, trigger repeat interval, type specific params,
  22. dynamic: all params, axes, direction, duration, enveloppe, gain, start delay, trigger button, trigger repeat interval, type specific params,
  23. square
  24. types: constant force, custom force, attack, fade, hardware, periodic, ramp force, start delay,
  25. params:
  26. static: all params, axes, direction, duration, enveloppe, gain, start delay, trigger button, trigger repeat interval, type specific params,
  27. dynamic: all params, axes, direction, duration, enveloppe, gain, start delay, trigger button, trigger repeat interval, type specific params,
  28. sine
  29. types: constant force, custom force, attack, fade, hardware, periodic, ramp force, start delay,
  30. params:
  31. static: all params, axes, direction, duration, enveloppe, gain, start delay, trigger button, trigger repeat interval, type specific params,
  32. dynamic: all params, axes, direction, duration, enveloppe, gain, start delay, trigger button, trigger repeat interval, type specific params,
  33. triangle
  34. types: constant force, custom force, attack, fade, hardware, periodic, ramp force, start delay,
  35. params:
  36. static: all params, axes, direction, duration, enveloppe, gain, start delay, trigger button, trigger repeat interval, type specific params,
  37. dynamic: all params, axes, direction, duration, enveloppe, gain, start delay, trigger button, trigger repeat interval, type specific params,
  38. sawtoothup
  39. types: constant force, custom force, attack, fade, hardware, periodic, ramp force, start delay,
  40. params:
  41. static: all params, axes, direction, duration, enveloppe, gain, start delay, trigger button, trigger repeat interval, type specific params,
  42. dynamic: all params, axes, direction, duration, enveloppe, gain, start delay, trigger button, trigger repeat interval, type specific params,
  43. sawtoothdown
  44. types: constant force, custom force, attack, fade, hardware, periodic, ramp force, start delay,
  45. params:
  46. static: all params, axes, direction, duration, enveloppe, gain, start delay, trigger button, trigger repeat interval, type specific params,
  47. dynamic: all params, axes, direction, duration, enveloppe, gain, start delay, trigger button, trigger repeat interval, type specific params,
  48. spring
  49. types: condition, custom force, deadband, hardware, saturation, start delay,
  50. params:
  51. static: all params, axes, direction, duration, gain, start delay, type specific params,
  52. dynamic: all params, axes, direction, duration, gain, start delay, type specific params,
  53. damper
  54. types: condition, custom force, deadband, hardware, saturation, start delay,
  55. params:
  56. static: all params, axes, direction, duration, gain, start delay, type specific params,
  57. dynamic: all params, axes, direction, duration, gain, start delay, type specific params,
  58. inertia
  59. types: condition, custom force, deadband, hardware, saturation, start delay,
  60. params:
  61. static: all params, axes, direction, duration, gain, start delay, type specific params,
  62. dynamic: all params, axes, direction, duration, gain, start delay, type specific params,
  63. friction
  64. types: condition, custom force, deadband, hardware, saturation, start delay,
  65. params:
  66. static: all params, axes, direction, duration, gain, start delay, type specific params,
  67. dynamic: all params, axes, direction, duration, gain, start delay, type specific params,
  68. Playing left spring effect
  69. Playing right spring effect
  70. Playing left damper effect
  71. Playing right damper effect
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