
piku biz

Jul 20th, 2013
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  7. mitchmat518:
  8. fisher:mitch
  9. Kattums:what even is
  10. fisher:munna did tho
  11. username:
  12. Piku-Chan:No amount of any pill will kill you in any combination, it's enough to hurt you, permeanantly damage you and put you in comas, but never enough to kill
  13. username:
  14. Kattums:dat flak
  15. mitchmat518:whats her name?
  16. fisher:munna
  17. mitchmat518:w-what
  18. fisher:she doesnt like to come here
  19. joshc:da gays
  20. username:.yes piku chan i read rules of attraction
  21. DoubleHue:dont ask dont tell
  22. DoctorCox:>rainbow
  23. Kandy:
  24. Kandy:
  25. fisher:no shit piku
  26. DoctorCox:kandy look you will like this
  27. mitchmat518:
  28. Piku-Chan:Kandy likes anything
  29. mitchmat518:GOSH DAMN
  30. Piku-Chan:He'll try everything once.
  31. DoctorCox:kandy likes nigger dick in his anus
  32. username:kandy is like 8 diffrent people
  33. username:and they all fucking suck
  34. fisher:i planned on doing that to make it so i could self inflict the pain that would be my fdeath
  35. Phanto:
  36. username:and should kill themselvs
  37. Krewtin:mtich you should bump some Stepdad
  38. Kandy:
  39. BogzBonny:Bogz4Remod2013 - Underage Bans and Bans for Spam - Bogz4Remod2013
  40. DoctorCox:ITS HAPPENING
  41. Evangulion017:everytime i enter here someone is talking about killing themselves
  42. Piku-Chan:Kandy is the man that America deserves.
  43. mitchmat518:Should I?
  44. Kattums:Who the fuck does firework during daylight?
  45. Krewtin:yeah
  46. Krewtin:
  47. Piku-Chan:Kandy is an inspiration to little boys like me everywhere.
  48. DoctorCox:i know evan, half the people here are sulking emo faggots that over use the feel emote
  49. BogzBonny:^
  50. BigAssTitties:just go away
  51. mitchmat518:ill get right on that
  52. Kattums:
  53. Illusory:^^^^Cox
  54. DoubleHue:muh KVs
  55. username:i never use the feel emote\
  56. fisher:
  57. username:
  58. fisher:tfw thats me
  59. DoubleHue:Muh t-34s
  60. DoctorCox:like fisher
  61. mitchmat518:
  62. Piku-Chan:
  63. DoctorCox:poor fisher
  64. mitchmat518:SO CUTE
  65. username:
  66. username:
  67. Avishar:KATYUSHA
  68. BogzBonny:I have an idea, but it involves banning piku and fishy for 24 hours
  69. fisher:u too cox
  70. username:
  71. mitchmat518:WHY ARE ANIMU GIRLS SO CUTE
  72. Kandy:
  73. Piku-Chan:skip fast
  74. GuyWithFace:
  75. Piku-Chan:
  76. DoctorCox:
  77. mitchmat518:LOOK AT HER FUCKING FANG
  78. Piku-Chan:skip fast
  79. fisher:ur a cool guy
  80. mitchmat518:SO CUTE
  81. Piku-Chan:
  82. BogzBonny:>Skipping
  83. DoctorCox:
  84. DoctorCox:
  85. BogzBonny:
  86. GuyWithFace:
  87. BogzBonny:Piku please go
  88. fisher:o/
  89. Illusory:Fishy you used to be cool before you started that shit
  90. Kandy:
  91. BogzBonny:you're absolutely shit viewer
  92. mitchmat518:
  93. Kandy:
  94. Avishar:Vykhodila na bereg Katyusha,
  95. fisher:wat shit?
  96. nippon:HEIL HITLER
  97. DoubleHue:
  98. Avishar:Na vysokij bereg na krutoj.
  99. username:anime is dumb
  100. DoctorCox:i didnt even skip. i like this catchy gook tune
  101. DoubleHue:muh russia
  102. truebigjay:
  103. Illusory:The negativity
  104. username:BLYAT
  105. username:BLYAT
  106. Avishar:Vykhodila, pesniu zavodila
  107. Piku-Chan:You know what Illusory, you're really lucky. The moment I direct a comment to you I get banned by Kandy
  108. BogzBonny:fishy was never cool, he just didn't go full faggot until cuntface and gaylor made him part of their little circlejerk
  109. Avishar:
  110. DoctorCox:why does gook tunes have fangs
  111. GuyWithFace:
  112. fisher:silly bogz
  113. truebigjay:cuz they kawaii
  114. DoctorCox:bogs
  115. GuyWithFace:
  116. mitchmat518:WHAT ANIME?
  117. fisher:i was there before gaylor
  118. DoctorCox:so true
  119. asdfasdf:
  120. username:circle jerk had too many people i cant squeeze my dick in
  121. joshc:>man voice
  122. joshc:>girl clothes
  123. username:make room
  124. dirtyrice:girls und panzer mitch
  125. BogzBonny:This is cooking with dog, just wait.
  126. GuyWithFace:PUWASATEEK
  127. Wat:I love when all these badmins add these shitty ass weeaboo videos, and all bogz wants to do is get his mod back so he can do the same thing
  128. GuyWithFace:PAKEEJEENG
  129. CaptainFalco:the voice is supposed to be the cat
  130. fisher:even thse scisors are kawaii
  131. DoubleHue:its a WOT anime thing
  132. Phanto:autism candy
  133. Piku-Chan:Is this Kandy?
  134. mitchmat518:THANKS DIRTY
  135. dirtyrice:^ @ hue
  136. BogzBonny:>Not liking random japanese videos once in a while
  137. fisher:good one piku
  138. DoctorCox:>actually using the word kawaii seriously
  139. Illusory:This videos are bretty cool doe
  140. BigAssTitties:is this on PC?
  141. DoctorCox:shiggydiggydoodooroodypoo
  142. Wat:>Once in a while
  143. Piku-Chan:We're all so kawai
  144. Wat:>Last hour has been weeaboo
  145. Kandy:where is hughmanga
  146. Piku-Chan:Genke Des Ka~
  147. BogzBonny:>24 hours in a day
  148. Wat:>Weeaboo and sumo
  149. fisher:fucking galor
  150. BogzBonny:>1/24th of the day has been weeaboo
  151. username:so did the japanese candy people get called gook so much they decided to make english instructions?
  152. joshc:brue
  153. DoctorCox:yellow red and what
  154. DoctorCox:lel
  155. Kandy:>sitting on v4c for 24 hours
  156. DoubleHue:>not sitting here for 24 hours
  157. Piku-Chan:>Banning me for no reason
  158. DoubleHue:>pleb
  159. GuyWithFace:>not being a neet who can sit on v4c 24/7
  160. Wat:>tfw bogz will never be a mod again
  161. Wat:
  162. username:>saturday i dont have to do shit nigga
  163. fisher:>no reason
  164. Krewtin:Based mitch
  165. Krewtin:
  166. BigAssTitties:>greentext
  167. username:
  168. joshc:popre
  169. asdfasdf:paplure
  170. fisher:gommi
  171. joshc:>green
  172. username:gooky powerder
  173. username:
  174. CaptainFalco:green is not a creative color
  175. BigAssTitties:shut up
  176. BogzBonny:Piku I would ban you for being underage, having shit opinions, trying to chastise people against illusory (100x the viewer you'll ever be) and being a general underage CP posting faggot
  177. Wat:Buuut you cant
  178. DoctorCox:this is too tedious
  179. Wat:Boo hoo
  180. Illusory:Piku, there aren't 5 people that want you here. Why do you even come?
  181. lmthelnternet:pikuchu
  182. BigAssTitties:nobody cars
  183. BigAssTitties:cares
  184. DoubleHue:i wana make my own gummys ;_;
  185. GuyWithFace:
  186. lmthelnternet:Illusory, i thought you died
  187. dirtyrice:
  188. Illusory:Naw son
  189. Piku-Chan:And if you could prove any of what you just said you'd have my permission to do it.
  190. Piku-Chan:Until you do, fuck off.
  191. Kandy:I miss Ragnarok ;_;
  192. Piku-Chan:In your dreams.
  193. GuyWithFace:
  194. joshc:I miss tammy
  195. username:piku is 40 years old fat balding and a virgin hes on suicide watch please dont make fun of him and hurt his feelings its a federal crime
  196. BogzBonny:Prove it? You're doing it to yourself every day, why do you come to v4c?
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