
lol genwunner

Feb 25th, 2014
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  1. 10:34 AM - hxcjedders: 1st gen is best gen
  2. 10:34 AM - Shiny Charizard: 1st is worst
  3. 10:34 AM - Shiny Charizard: this is WITH nostalgia goggles
  4. 10:34 AM - Shiny Charizard: 1st gen is worst gen
  5. 10:34 AM - Shiny Charizard:
  6. 10:34 AM - Shiny Charizard: psychic types were op as fuck
  7. 10:34 AM - Shiny Charizard: nidoking could roll the game 10 levels below any opponent
  8. 10:34 AM - Shiny Charizard: fly glitch
  9. 10:34 AM - Shiny Charizard: 99% of the pokemon's sprites were abysmal
  10. 10:35 AM - Shiny Charizard: the only good sprite was haunter
  11. 10:35 AM - hxcjedders: All.of those points are invalid
  12. 10:35 AM - Shiny Charizard: lolno
  13. 10:35 AM - Shiny Charizard: check the imgur
  14. 10:35 AM - hxcjedders: Its called a challenge
  15. 10:35 AM - Shiny Charizard: bad coding -/- challenge
  16. 10:35 AM - Shiny Charizard: fucking SWIFT could miss
  17. 10:35 AM - Shiny Charizard: you know the one that's coded in to always hit?
  18. 10:35 AM - Shiny Charizard: in gen 1 it has a 1/256 chance of missing
  19. 10:36 AM - hxcjedders: You must realize
  20. 10:36 AM - hxcjedders: The original gameboy had hex limitationa
  21. 10:36 AM - Shiny Charizard: check the imgur
  22. 10:36 AM - hxcjedders: Limitations
  23. 10:36 AM - hxcjedders: For biased points?
  24. 10:36 AM - Shiny Charizard: these points arent biased
  25. 10:36 AM - Shiny Charizard: its just a list of horrible coding blunders in gen 1
  26. 10:36 AM - hxcjedders: Yes they are
  27. 10:37 AM - Shiny Charizard: yes, they ARE coding blunders
  28. 10:37 AM - Shiny Charizard: and a LOT of them at that
  29. 10:37 AM - hxcjedders: They have the advantage of hindsight
  30. 10:37 AM - Shiny Charizard:
  31. 10:41 AM - hxcjedders: So where in that imgur does it absolve the gameboy of its limitations?
  32. 10:42 AM - Shiny Charizard: big rigs is just misunderstood. There was hardware limitations of the PC at the time
  33. 10:44 AM - hxcjedders: You do realize that the 1/256 chance to miss was pretty much unfeasable to fix
  34. 10:44 AM - Shiny Charizard: selfdestruct killing opponent = you live?
  35. 10:44 AM - Shiny Charizard: thats easily fixed
  36. 10:44 AM - Shiny Charizard: waking up from sleep taking up an entire turn?
  37. 10:45 AM - Shiny Charizard: ghosts being IMMUNE TO STRUGGLE?
  38. 10:45 AM - Shiny Charizard: koing someone with hyper beam meaning you can go again immediately?
  39. 10:45 AM - hxcjedders: Oh boy
  40. 10:45 AM - hxcjedders: so a ghost is immune to struggle
  41. 10:45 AM - Shiny Charizard: its typeless in gen 2 on
  42. 10:45 AM - hxcjedders: Big whoop
  43. 10:45 AM - hxcjedders: There are tons of other moves
  44. 10:46 AM - Shiny Charizard: if your pc box was full, it didnt automatically change it to the nexto ne
  45. 10:46 AM - Shiny Charizard: about to catch that mewtwo but didnt hcange box? i damn well hope you saved before hand, we're not gonna let you catch him
  46. 10:46 AM - hxcjedders: They used hex coding to decide everything
  47. 10:47 AM - Shiny Charizard: if hardware spec limitations is a catch all
  48. 10:47 AM - Shiny Charizard: then i can use that bullshit excuse to counter every single argumetn for every single bad game ever
  49. 10:47 AM - Shiny Charizard: ET Atari 2600 is a masterpiece, they just had hardware limitations to work with
  50. 10:47 AM - Shiny Charizard: same with pac man atari
  51. 10:48 AM - hxcjedders: You dont realize
  52. 10:48 AM - hxcjedders: There was shit
  53. 10:48 AM - hxcjedders: That since hex coding is the way it is
  54. 10:48 AM - Shiny Charizard: im just using your shitty arguments
  56. 10:48 AM - Shiny Charizard: then do the work instead of releasing a buggy mess
  57. 10:49 AM - hxcjedders: Lol
  58. 10:49 AM - hxcjedders: Dude
  59. 10:49 AM - hxcjedders: Its called a budget
  60. 10:49 AM - Shiny Charizard: Judging by your arguments they did, on a NON PATCHABLE PRODUCT, the shit modern developers do nowadays releasing a non finished product and MAYBE fixing it later with patches
  61. 10:49 AM - Shiny Charizard: they had an extra 2 years to release it overseas, they fixed maybe 2 bugs in this time.
  62. 10:49 AM - hxcjedders: Lol
  63. 10:49 AM - hxcjedders: Youre young
  64. 10:50 AM - hxcjedders: I dont expect you to understand
  65. 10:50 AM - hxcjedders: That early coding was a mess
  66. 10:50 AM - Shiny Charizard: japan version was slightly buggier
  67. 10:50 AM - Shiny Charizard: they had 2 years to fix it
  68. 10:50 AM - Shiny Charizard: they patched maybe ONE major bug
  69. 10:50 AM - Shiny Charizard: and almost 0 minor
  70. 10:51 AM - hxcjedders: Here
  71. 10:51 AM - hxcjedders: Try to program something in binary or hex
  72. 10:51 AM - hxcjedders: And let me know how easy that is for you
  73. 10:51 AM - Shiny Charizard: "if you can't make it yourself you have no rights to argue that its shit"
  74. 10:51 AM - Shiny Charizard: 0/10 argument, never use again.
  75. 10:54 AM - Shiny Charizard: only nostalgiagoggled fucks say gen 1 is the best
  76. 10:54 AM - Shiny Charizard: hell most nostalgiagoggled fucks say gen 2 is the best, and hell theres fine arguments where that's true if you don't include the heart gold/soul silver remakes
  77. 10:55 AM - hxcjedders: It circles back to moneeeyyyyyyyyyyy
  78. 10:55 AM - hxcjedders: They have to pay the coders
  79. 10:55 AM - Shiny Charizard: they got plenty of money from the japan release of gen 1 and had 2 years to fix it for the USA release
  80. 10:55 AM - hxcjedders: Believe it or not
  81. 10:56 AM - Shiny Charizard: two years is a lot of time for game development
  82. 10:56 AM - hxcjedders: Business decision
  83. 10:56 AM - Shiny Charizard: bad business decision is a cover all excuse on how gen 1 is the best now?
  84. 10:56 AM - hxcjedders: Why fix the old
  85. 10:56 AM - hxcjedders: The current one sells just fine
  86. 10:57 AM - hxcjedders: It was made for kids you tard
  87. 10:57 AM - hxcjedders: Kids at the time werent scrutinizing fucking coding errors
  88. 10:57 AM - hxcjedders: You were lucky enough to know what coding actually was back then
  89. 10:57 AM - Shiny Charizard: thats not explaining how gen 1 was the best generation
  90. 10:57 AM - hxcjedders: For anyone
  91. 10:57 AM - Shiny Charizard: if anything you're making an argument on why it was one of the worst
  92. 10:58 AM - hxcjedders: Lol
  93. 10:58 AM - hxcjedders: Your logic
  94. 10:58 AM - Shiny Charizard: You gave 0 points on why gen 1 was the best
  95. 10:58 AM - hxcjedders: Why am i arguing with a child again
  96. 10:59 AM - Shiny Charizard: Typical "I'm losing the argument so I will call the other person a child" excuse
  97. 10:59 AM - Shiny Charizard: :)
  98. 11:03 AM - hxcjedders: But you are one
  99. 11:03 AM - hxcjedders: Are you not
  100. 11:04 AM - Shiny Charizard: 23
  101. 11:04 AM - Shiny Charizard: You're resorting to calling the other person a child because they brang up better points than you did
  102. 11:04 AM - Shiny Charizard: You can't realize that blunders due to hardware limitations DO NOT MAKE IT A BETTER GAME
  103. 11:04 AM - Shiny Charizard: some games suffer due to not holding up as well as they should/could
  104. 11:04 AM - Shiny Charizard: gen 1 pokemon is one of them
  105. 11:05 AM - Shiny Charizard: this is coming from someone who has stuck with pokemon for...lets see USA 1998 release? 15-16 years?
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