
SotD Mafia Theme Code

Dec 3rd, 2013
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  1. {"name": "SotD",
  2. "nolynch": true,
  3. "ticks": {
  4. "standby": 1
  5. },
  6. "altname": "Seal of the Dragons",
  7. "author": [
  8. "Cobalt",
  9. "Dagger",
  10. "Espeon"
  11. ],
  12. "minplayers": 4,
  13. "summary": "Seal of the Dragons! This is set in 1550AD. In a distant land long ago, dragons used to rule the lands! There was only one way to stop them: sealing them! Be a sealer and seal the dragons or be a dragon and eliminate all the sealers! The objective of the game is to seal, then kill the dragons. PM Cobalt, Dagger, or Espeon with bugs, opinions, and criticism! 4-12 Players.",
  14. "sides": [
  15. {
  16. "side": "village",
  17. "translation": "Sealers",
  18. "winmsg": "The Sealers, ~Players~, have successfully sealed all the dragons and saved the world from endless destruction!"
  19. },
  20. {
  21. "side": "mafia",
  22. "translation": "Dragons",
  23. "winmsg": "The Dragons, ~Players~, have killed all the Sealers and triumph over the world with pride and fire. A lot of fire..."
  24. }
  25. ],
  26. "roles": [
  27. {
  28. "role": "sealer",
  29. "translation": "Sealer",
  30. "side": "village",
  31. "help": "You are a sealer, a normal citizen of the world, but you have joined the fight to slay the dragons. Use /seal to seal a dragon and convert them into a Sealed Dragon. Once they're sealed, you can use your /kill to kill them! But be careful, because unsealed dragons evade your nightkills! However, you can only /kill OR /seal once per night.",
  32. "info": "Can /seal one person per night to convert a dragon to a sealed dragon for one night. Can also /kill once per night. Can only use 1 of the 2 commands each night. Can't be nightkilled by other Sealers. Sided with the Sealers.",
  33. "actions": {
  34. "kill": {
  35. "mode": {
  36. "ignore": ["sealer"]
  37. }
  38. },
  39. "night": {
  40. "kill": {
  41. "target": "AnyButSelf",
  42. "common": "Self",
  43. "priority": 2,
  44. "restrict": [
  45. "seal"
  46. ]
  47. },
  48. "seal": {
  49. "command": [
  50. "convert"
  51. ],
  52. "target": "AnyButSelf",
  53. "common": "Self",
  54. "priority": 3,
  55. "restrict": [
  56. "kill"
  57. ],
  58. "newRole": {
  59. "sdragon": ["dragon"]
  60. },
  61. "canConvert": [
  62. "dragon"
  63. ],
  64. "convertmsg": "Zap! ~Old~ has been chained with strong magic, making them a ~New~!"
  65. }
  66. }
  67. }
  68. },
  69. {
  70. "role": "dragon",
  71. "translation": "Dragon",
  72. "side": "mafia",
  73. "help": "You are a mighty dragon! People fear you, and can't get close to you because of your deadly /fireball that can kill in an instant! Due to this, you are immune to nightkills; however, you can still be sealed, so watch out!",
  74. "info": "Can kill one person during the night (/fireball). Can't be nightkilled. Sided with the Dragons.",
  75. "actions": {
  76. "startup": "team-reveal-with-roles",
  77. "teamTalk": true,
  78. "night": {
  79. "fireball": {
  80. "command": "kill",
  81. "target": "AnyButTeam",
  82. "common": "Team",
  83. "broadcast": "team",
  84. "broadcastmsg": "Your teammate has decided to ~Action~ ~Target~!",
  85. "priority": 1
  86. }
  87. },
  88. "kill": {
  89. "mode": "ignore"
  90. }
  91. }
  92. },
  93. {
  94. "role": "sdragon",
  95. "translation": "Sealed Dragon",
  96. "side": "mafia",
  97. "help": "You have been chained and your powers have been weakened! However, you will not go down! You can /smash with your tail; however it is very weak so it fails 70% of the time. The magic binding you will wear off after the next night and you will be unsealed then! Be careful though, as you are no longer immune to nightkills!",
  98. "info": "Can kill one person during the night (/tail, has a 70% fail chance). Sided with the Dragons.",
  99. "actions": {
  100. "startup": "team-reveal-with-roles",
  101. "teamTalk": true,
  102. "initialCondition": {
  103. "curse": {
  104. "curseCount": 2,
  105. "cursedRole": "dragon",
  106. "curseConvertMessage": "The Dragon is no longer sealed!"
  107. }
  108. },
  109. "night": {
  110. "smash": {
  111. "command": "kill",
  112. "failChance": 0.7,
  113. "target": "AnyButTeam",
  114. "common": "Role",
  115. "broadcast": "team",
  116. "broadcastmsg": "Your teammate has decided to ~Action~ ~Target~!",
  117. "priority": 4
  118. }
  119. }
  120. }
  121. }
  122. ],
  123. "roles1": [
  124. "sealer",
  125. "sealer",
  126. "sealer",
  127. "dragon",
  128. "sealer",
  129. "dragon",
  130. "sealer",
  131. "dragon",
  132. "sealer",
  133. "sealer",
  134. "dragon",
  135. "sealer"
  136. ],
  137. "villageCantLoseRoles": [
  138. "sealer"
  139. ],
  140. "killmsg": "~Player~ (~Role~) sacrificed themselves for the sake of this malicious war!",
  141. "killusermsg": "You were outmatched and killed.",
  142. "votemsg": "~Player~ votes to kill ~Target~!",
  143. "lynchmsg": "~Player~ was chained and tortured to death, and turned out to be a ~Role~!",
  144. "border": "(O'~'O)=====================================================================(O'~'O)",
  145. "changelog": [ ]
  146. }
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