
That time Felix had a big mouth and got his ass kicked

Nov 7th, 2017
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  1. Covet has joined the chat
  2. Tsaaq has joined the chat
  3. Tsaaq: He went to pull off his dorky school hoodie and rested it on the rack of weights. "I don't want to wear a shirt." He said. "Trust me. A cigarette after a workout is fucking glorious." Remy told Felix. // "I'm good. Since you've done your cardio already we can get started on some core training." Ozzie suggested as he went to step in front of the two of them.
  4. Covet: "I bet, it already sounds good." Felix said then looked at the weight machine, then went to sit down at one of the machines, "Sounds great to me, Ozzie. Get a good core make sure none of those opposing shmucks can shove us around on the court right?" He said to Remy.
  5. Tsaaq: "Yeah that sounds like quite the suggestion. I can beat ass on the court." Remy said, honestly trying to keep his mind off shit. "So what we doing first Oz?" He asked. // Ozzie cleared his throat and got down on the floor. "I'm sure y'all are familiar with sit ups. Right now we'll start with V ups. Fifty. No exceptions. Whether you do ten at a time or straight through I want fifty!" Ozzie laid straight on his back before lifting his arms and legs and forming a V with his body. "One! Two! Three! Four! Five! Six!"
  6. Covet: Felix moved to lay down on the floor and followed suit with Ozzie, getting through twenty before he took a short rest for a couple of breaths before he started the second set of twenty, breathing out everytime he came back down, "Aw, yeah... feel that burn."
  7. Tsaaq: Remy did his v ups straight through, or he tried to. He was sluggish through the last twenty. "Yeah, as Oz would say 'We're getting fuckin' ripped'" He laughed. "What's next Ozzie?" // "Stay on your back, get ready to do eighty flutter kicks. The name is basically what the move is. You lay on your back, lift your legs as if you were about to do leg lifts then lift and raise each leg quickly!" He called out while doing his own flutter kicks.
  8. Alexithymiaa: -Ash and his fucking GOONS pulled up in front of the gym after casing Felix for the last week. Filing out of the van, his five goons hung back by the side of the building while Ash stepped into the gym, sliding his hands into his pockets casually as he glanced around. Hearing the sounds of voices off to his left, he turned and strolled into the room, stopping in the doorway when he saw Remy, Felix, and Ozzie.-
  9. Covet: "Eighty? Jesus Dude. Go hard or go home huh?" He said with a laugh and started doing the kicks trying to keep pace with Ozzie. He didn't notice the Goon Squad at the doorway, since he was busy working out, and counting out the kicks.
  10. Alexithymiaa: (Goon squad is outside, Ash is the only one that walked into the gym)
  11. Covet: [OH okay sorry. lol]
  12. Covet: *didn't see King Goon in the doorway.
  13. Alexithymiaa: (HAHAHAHAHA)
  14. Tsaaq: "Fuck yeah go hard or go home. Fuck that baby shit.' Remy said to Felix. He laughed then started his flutter kicks. Remy loked over to Ash in the doorway and furrowed his eyebrows. "This guy looks like Ash." // Ozzie was also too caught up in his work out. "Eight! Let's do ninety! Push yourself!"
  15. Alexithymiaa: (stfu Ozzie no one wants to do ninety)
  16. Alexithymiaa: -Ash waited a moment before stepping forward, walking over to stand next to Felix. "Ey. Can we talk a minute?" He asked, pulling the folded up envelope that had Felix's asshole letter and check inside, waving it in the air a bit before jerking his thumb toward the door behind him.-
  17. Tsaaq: ((LMaooo.))
  18. Covet: "Ninety?! Okay okay, I'll stop complaining." Felix said as he laughed as he picked up his pace. When Remy mentioned Ash's name he looked up then noticed him in the door way, instantly giving him a sneer. When he saw the letter in his hand, and he asked if they could talk he sat up, and looked at the guys, "Dude, I'm kind of busy here, maybe another time, Princess?"
  19. disappoint has joined the chat
  20. disappoint has left the chat
  21. Covet: [Well that was a disapointment....]
  22. Tsaaq: "What is even going on right now/" Remy asked breathlessly as he just sat up and looked over to Ash. His eyes went a little wide, waving his hand at Ozzie. "Maybe we should take a water break?" // Ozzie finally noticed the distraction and he frowned. "You know! You guys can't get out of flutter kicks!" He scoffed. "I know this trick."
  23. Alexithymiaa: -Ash let out a sigh, rubbing his fingers against his forehead. "Can you be less annoying and give me five fucking minutes? It's important. You can go back to sweating on each other in a minute. I won't keep you from your grab assing too long."-
  24. Covet: "Just this guy feeling jealous because he can't get any attention."He told Remy, then looked between the guys, "I'm not getting out of them, but I'll be right back." He said as he jumped up to his feet and walked past Ash, resisting the urge to shoulder check him as he walked past. "Make it quick, like I said, I'm busy."
  25. Tsaaq: Remy gave Ash a skeptical glance then turned to Felix. "Okay well... We'll be here incase some bullshit happens." He said, watching intently. // Ozzie, completely oblivious went intot he next move. "Alright, burpees. A hundred." He called out. He looked to Ash as well. "Didn't he used to go to NWSU?"
  26. Alexithymiaa: -Without saying a word, Ash turned and followed behind him, wanting to punch him in the back of the head, but since they were still in the gym, and no scene, bro. "Yeah, yeah." As they neared the front door and started to step outside, he shoved him hard in the back, signaling a couple of the goons to start over toward him aat the ready. "Who the fuck do you think you are sending me a letter like this? And I sure as fuck don't want your money." He spat, pulling the envelope from his pocket again and tearing it up, flicking the pieces at Felix's face.-
  27. Covet: Felix felt himself be shoved forward by Ash, as he stumbled across the cement, seeing a couple of his friends start for him. Hearing Ash he chuckled, "Aww, you didn't like my little love note?" Felix asked him as he watched him shread the letter and the check up, "Well, to be fair, it was Steph's money, it just came from me, but if you want to be petty like that...because you still need something from her, even though she's not your's... I guess I can just give it back and she can give it to you." He said in a very cocky tone.
  28. Tsaaq: Remy looked over to Ozzie and shook his head at him. "He's taking a while... he's making me worried." // Ozzie waved his hand. "Everything is probably fine!
  29. Alexithymiaa: "Let's get one thing straight, I don't need anything from her. You're getting in the way, and it's annoying." The two goons that stepped forward eached grabbed at Felix's arms, forcibly yanking him backward against the brick wall to hold him there. "You know..." Ash started, reaching into his jacket pocket and pulling out a set of brass knuckles, sliding them onto his right hand. "I'm getting really tired of your attitude. Like you have something over me. Because you don't. You're essentially a flea, and the sooner you figure that out..." He stepped forward, swinging hard at Felix's face. "... the better off everyone will be." He shook out his hand, taking another swing at Felix's face.-
  30. Covet: Felix laughed again, then tried to pull out of the goon's grasp, giving a groan as his bare back slid against the brick wall, "Could have fooled me, But thank you, annoying is what I do best." He said then watched him slip the brass knuckles on to his hand, and winced trying to turn his head as Ash threw a punch at his face, to help it from hurting as much. It didn't exactly work and he could taste the blood in his mouth as he felt another hit. "Funny, because here I thought you were the flea. The pest that just won't go away. I was just trying to play the vet." He said then spit blood in Ash's face. He could feel his face starting to swell up.
  31. Tsaaq: Remy's eyes widened as he stared at the doorway. "Ozzie, OZZIE! He's still out there." Remy said as he got up to his feet. "Get the hell up. We're not gonna just sit here and wait." He demanded. // Ozzie groaned as he stood up. "We're supposed to just be exercising you know!" He complained.
  32. Alexithymiaa: -Ash scowled at Felix, throwing another swing at his face. "You don't know when to shut the fuck up, do you? You think you're so perfect and you're just going to swoop in and play the role of knight in shining armor, huh?" He slammed his knuckles into Felix's ribs, narrowing his eyes. "Still think it's funny?" He asked as he raised his voice, pulling the gun out of the back of his pants, pointing it in Felix's direction. "Go ahead, laugh it up. It's not like I need an excuse to obliterate you."-
  33. Covet: Felix took the hit again, then shook his head, "Well I mean if that's how you see it... Who am I to arg- he was gut off as he was hit in the ribs, causing him to cough and exhale hard. When he looked up he saw the gun pointed at him, he stopped with the joking, then stared him down. "What is it that you want? You had your money, why couldn't you just take it? Isn't that why you came over that night?" He asked more seriously between wheezing breaths,.
  34. Alexithymiaa: "I want you out of my way." He spoke sternly, keeping the gun fixed on Felix in front of him. "You don't belong here. And you certainly don't belong in my house. If you weren't in the way, she'd have forgiven me by now. There's no room for you." He swung the butt of the gun at Felix's face hard, nodding to the two goons holding him up. "Drop him." The second they let go, he instantly kicked his foot at Felix's stomach, continuously repeating the motion.-
  35. Covet: Felix didn't have a chance to respond this time as Ash cracked him across the face again, then felt himself drop to the ground. He curled up feeling each kick as he coughed blood out of his mouth and groaned, and wheezed. He didn't want to risk being shot so he just stayed quiet, and didn't move hoping, like a cat he'd get bored and leave the mouse alone.
  36. Alexithymiaa: -When it kind of seemed like Felix was out, Ash stopped fucking attacking the poor kid, sticking his gun back into his pants and looking around. "We need to get out of here. Just leave him." The goon squad turned and collectively walked to the van they'd come out of, filing back in and pulling the door shut, speeding backwards out of the gym parking lot with tires squeeling on their way out.-
  37. Covet: Once they'd pulled off Felix slowly got himself up and limped back inside, past the guys, not wanting to talk about it, covered in bruises, swelling, and his own blood, as he headed for the locker room, to send Steph a message to come get him, because he could barely see out of one eye with the swelling going on.
  38. Donnino has joined the chat
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  40. Tsaaq has left the chat
  41. Alexithymiaa: -Steph pulled her car up hastily, flying out and darting inside the gym to look around for Felix frantically. Ignroing all signs posted, she ran through the bathroom first, following through into the locker room to see the state he was in, immediately rushing to him in a panic. "Holy shit. What the fuck happened? We need to get you to the hospital right now." She grabbed a towel from the rack, pressing it to the side of his bloody face before helping him up to his feet so she could help him out to her car and drive like a crazy woman to the hospital. I just wanted a fussing post. Im done now.-
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