
Gonrax with the wind- A vod review.

Mar 30th, 2018
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  1. Speed boop here, the biggest booper in town. Gonrax, which is what I plan to call you, I've seen both vods and both are interesting. Your gameplay has a fair amount of ups and downs, big mistakes and really good habits. A lot of other people, including yourself, have commented on your wall riding abilities. When doing these reviews, I usually ignore it unless it is either really good or greatly hindering their gameplay. Honestly, you do much better than most lucios. You actually use the ability, while not tapping into it's many complexities, that is still great. On to the review!
  3. One of my first major issues with how you are playing is the absolute absence of communication. Since I can't hear your voice, I have no idea what your callouts skill is. Once you start getting higher in the competitive ladder, which I think you will eventually start to do, you need to have the ability to communicate. Lucio becomes twice as powerful when he can relay his intentions, ability uses, and enemy positions. This is the only time I will bring this up, although it is a major issue. If the reasoning behind it is "financial" then I have somewhat of an understanding. Still, Headphones with mics aren't the most expensive, and aren't that hard to find. I'm not going to recommend any, as that is completely up to you.
  5. At the beginning of the round, your team is looking like the soviet union after the cold war, because it is divided as fuck. Your is way too far up, with no one behind her, your rein is swinging his hammer and is stuck fighting a winston, and none of your team (excluding you) is backing him up. At the very least, use the group up emote to say something. While your play style is extremely heal focused (which is another point I will get to later), you seem to be trying to do as much peel as possible. This is a great habit, something that is extremely important when you enter higher ranks. At 0:40, I legitimately had a smile on my face. While it isn't much, you made sure to check your teams positioning and status. It might not seem like much, but this kind of awareness is key when playing in comp. One of the things I commonly tell people is to look for your teammates before you look for enemies, so bravo. From then on, the gameplay, while not flawless, is extremely good and admirable, as you run around trying to protect your team and help them when they have problematic positioning. One of the smaller issues I'm seeing is your focus on who to attack. While your main targets for peel is usually tanks, your dps should usually be more focused on the squishies and supports, especially when they have a mercy and fairly incompetent lucio. Your death around 1:30 is a small part of a much bigger issue. You seem to get stuck on certain auras, especially healing. As a hyper aggressive Lucio, this irritates me, but I can put up with it. But the biggest mistake you make is staying on healing in combat. If no one needs it, you don't need to use it. At that time, you should have been using speed to make yourself a much harder target while peeking the widow, or maybe doing some rapid swapping to make that even harder.
  7. One of the other problems, while extremely common, is still an issue that needs to be addressed. You forget to wall ride when you are in the midst of combat. I don't blame you for it, as this is something that can require a lot of time to make a habit. Honestly, judging by the rollout you did when taxiing, you aren't incompetent with the ability, but seem unwilling to use it. The purpose of wall riding is to make the enemy team hate you and to make you much more mobile. Combat is often where this can shine, but you lack it. At 2:14, you use your ultimate and it does nothing. There are two scenarios when you drop the beat- To make an enemy ult less powerful, or to make your team harder to kill in a push. Stalling is probably another use, but that's besides the point. My main point is that you neglected that you didn't have a team to use it for. No matter the use, it is not a tool to use only on yourself. That is pointless. After that dunk into the trash bin, you and your team lose the point.
  9. On the second point, I start to see a pattern emerge. Once you get with your team, you swap to heals. While it is harder to utilize in lower tiers, you seem almost scared to use the other aura to help your team. The major time I see you use speed boost is when you are trying to get to a teammate, and then immediately swap back to healing. You should be trying to use more speed boost, especially when your team is diving a target, like with the lucio around 3:00 minutes. At the same time, you try and play way farther back than you should, and your positioning seems to mimic that of a mercy. Lucio should be playing either in the frontline( or even in front of it sometimes) or right behind them. In that positioning, you would get the most out of your auras and have the most availability of escapes and opportunities to use your abilities. Even when you try and play like a dps, this passive attitude to your auras hinders you. You aren't able to play a dps if your movement doesn't back it up. I think that you start to get hyper focused, and forget to swap auras. I can do this sometimes, only its with speed and not heals. Again, this takes time to build muscle memory for, but once you do, it might be a lot easier to climb, both literally and figuratively. Around 3:55, my point seems to get even more reinforced, as you push way to far without trying to use the right aura or movement style. You know they have a widow, and tried to get in dps, even though your rein was in a good position to allow you to do that. To be a little more positive (and a lot less nit picky, am I right?) I appreciate you taxiing your team. That is another really good habit. Although, you stay at spawn a bit too long and lose another team member due to you not checking. I know that you can do it, yet you seem to forget to do some body checks when it might be most important. Overall, for most of the round, your gameplay is consistently inconsistent, and there are only a few major points of contention. Chasing after the lucio while abandoning your team was idiotic. Again, do not play like a dps if your movement does not fit that playstyle. Even though nothing happens, and the Lucio dies, doing stuff like that could easily cause your team to lose an important fight, especially when it's during the last minute or two of a round. While there are flaws in the gameplay, nothing is worth pointing out. The round ends, with your team having a great advantage in pushing the cart.
  11. As you could guess, The discussion of your play on offense will be much less in depth. I don't like repetition, and hopefully got my points through the first time. The major improvement I see is in the aura usage. While it should be common sense (and probably isn't), speed boost is much stronger on offense than it is on defense. While not on you, your team is way to split to do a successful push, which leads to the swift annihilation of your dps who were pushing the right high ground. After the disastrous push, I don't mind you keeping your position near the statue. Holding the ground you had gained actually helped your team retake that area. But yet again, around 9:10, you go back way too far and hurt your team. Even though you play passively, you can't keep slinking into the backline even though no one is there. Judging by the frequency of this issues occurrence, it's probably a built-in habit. At 9:35, you actually use speed boost to do a push for once. You need to do this more, and definitely more on offense. Everything that occurs after that from then until the point is captured is how you should be playing lucio in most cases. The positioning, ult usage, and everything else is extremely good and is what you should strive for a lot of your gameplay to look like.
  13. Your take of the point is fairly good, but you end up having some difficulty in the cart stage. And while most of this isn't on you, certain things like ult usage and aura utilization holds your team back in certain parts. At certain points, you get so focused on a single thing that you ignore the rest of your team and the enemy team. The best example of this is when you are attacking the bongo around 11:40 into the video. And after that death, you attempt to communicate. While it is in chat, it's a start. For the rest of the game, the same good and bad habits continue as you attempt to move the payload through a brick wall of human and metal enemies. Although you do win, there were so many things that held you back from doing much better in the game.
  15. There are several things you should be taking away from this review, but if anything, you need to stop playing and positioning like a mercy. This isn't a good way to play Lucio at all, and your fear of using speed boost seems to fit that ideal. Honestly, while it's just a guess, I'm going to assume that you play Mercy along with Lucio. The under use of wall riding is also problematic, but what really gets me is that you clearly have the knowledge and understanding to use wall riding, yet don't. You need to make wall riding part of your muscle memory, and get habits like running really far into the backline out of it. I can see the potential, and there's a great amount of growth that you could do. The only thing that holding you back is probably yourself. Speed boop out.
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