

Feb 25th, 2019
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  13. <Br><Br><br><br>last weekend, my older sister got married. <i>oldest</i> sister, arieta. growing up, we weren't always the closest and didn't always get on well. ari is five years older than me, so being the annoying little bro was my main title for many, many years. it was different, growing up with two older sisters. (timēna is three years older than me.) being the youngest, i got away with a lot. probably too much. but one thing i remember the most throughout the years, was that ari always had my back no matter what. she wasn't much to hurt anyone or get into any fights, that was more timēna, but instead, ari had a way with her words. when i finally realized how important i was as a younger brother, our relationship grew. for a few years now, ari has been my go-to (aside from my father) for a lot of things happening in my life. at first, i didn't know how to handle things, whether it was in my personal relationships or in my career. granted, she had no idea what to say half the time. but somehow, she always <i>knew</i> what to say. it was surreal, seeing ari in her wedding gown, the happiest i'd ever seen her in all 21-years i'd known her.
  15. in new zealand wedding tradition, a haka is performed before the bride and groom. a haka is a traditional war cry and chant originally used to intimidate tribal opponents and enemies with loud shouts, chest thumps and exaggerated facial features and movements. however, while it can be performed by anyone, it is especially important to the māori culture. while it was originally originated by the māori culture as a war cry to scare the opponents, it was also performed for our own morale, believing to be calling upon the god of war to help win the battle. there are different types of hakas, some performed for personal reasons, some for intimidating reasons, some by men and women, and some just for women. but as far as it being performed at weddings, it is given as a sign of respect.
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  20. <td align="justify" style="border-top: 2px solid #FF8C00; padding-top:3px;"><small>☑</small> do you have any siblings? how's your relationship like with them?
  21. <small>☑</small>️ do you have any family traditions that you still do to this day?
  22. <small>☑</small> what's your favourite halloween costume you had as a kid?
  23. <small>☑</small>️ <i>have you been watching riverdale? did you see the hate u give yet?</i>
  24. <small>☑</small> what are you currently watching on netflix/hulu/anything?<div align="right"><a href="" title="i call my dad out within 60 seconds">learn some new zealand slang with me and vanity fair</a></table>
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