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  1. [7/24/2015 11:01:50 PM | Edited 11:02:32 PM] 豊姫: There was a groan from the living space, and slightly agonised whimpering greeted Kumiko's ears as she awoke the next day. Her sleep had been incredibly peaceful and satisfying, and she felt delightfully refresh upon waking to that sound. It seemed as though Himiko had awoken as well, though how long she had been up for, Kumiko couldn't be sure. It was a Saturday, which meant that she didn't have any obligations, and could spend as long as she pleased doing whatever she wished.
  2. [7/24/2015 11:14:42 PM] 天龍: As soon as she heard that sound, Kumiko instantly got out of bed, a wide and excited smile on her face. Like an expectant child on Christmas day, she didn't even bother changing out of her soft pink pyjamas, just pulling back the covers and trotting barefoot into the main room where she'd covered Himiko with heavy blankets and left her on the couch for the night. This was an awakening she couldn't miss.
  3. [7/24/2015 11:16:49 PM] 豊姫: "Uueeehhh..." She groaned in pain, staring at nothing in particular, her eyes vacant. She looked like she was in quite a lot of pain, though the blanket masked her bloody bandages. Her face was still quite pale as well, most likely she hadn't recovered from the blood loss.
  4. [7/24/2015 11:20:38 PM] 天龍: "Akashi-senpaaai..." came Kumiko's soft, sweet voice, and she appeared over the back of the couch, smiling widely and reaching down a hand to caress the President's pale face. "Are you awake now? You've been sleeping for quite some time..."
  5. [7/24/2015 11:21:42 PM] 豊姫: "H-hhh!" Her eyes focused on Kumiko, her body trembling slightly as she grimaced. "Wh-where... Huh?" She was terribly confused, and frightened like a pale soft rabbit.
  6. [7/24/2015 11:25:42 PM] 天龍: Kumiko's warm smile widened even further, her hand moving up to pet and rub Himiko's head.
  7. "Hahaha, sleepyhead... You're right at home, where you belong. Do you want me to make you some breakfast? You must be starving."
  8. [7/24/2015 11:27:04 PM] 豊姫: "It hurts... What are you talking about? Y-you were sawing off my leg!" She wriggled a bit, whimpering and wincing in pain once more. "H-hhffff. Why can't I move..." It still hadn't quite dawned on her what exactly Kumiko had done.
  9. [7/24/2015 11:29:55 PM] 天龍: "Ha ha ha ha ha... You don't need to move, silly." Without even changing much, her happy expression suddenly seemed much, much worse. Slowly, ecstatically, she began gradually peeling off the heavy blankets, rolling them down at a snail's pace and savoring every second.
  10. "I'll take good care of you... I think you'll be very happy here."
  11. [7/24/2015 11:31:52 PM] 豊姫: "H-h-h-haaaaaaaaAAAAAIiIIIIIIIIII?!!!" Her gasp of confusion quickly turned into a shriek as she realised what had happened. So that's why her limbs felt so sore, and why her body was in so much pain, and why she felt so weak... "Wh-what are you going to do to me? T-t-torture?"
  12. [7/24/2015 11:38:38 PM] 天龍: "Hahahahaha! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Her innocent giggling soon gave way to bellowing, triumphant laughter, and she loudly, violently banged on a nearby table, her other hand on her cheek as laughter shook her petite frame.
  14. Then she stopped.
  16. "Of course not, Akashi-senpai!" In an instant, she was all smiles again, a light rosy blush upon her cheeks as she slowly circled around the couch, leaning over the helpless former President, so close that she could smell her sweet sakura perfume.
  17. "I would never be so cruel. After all, you're completely helpless now... For the rest of your life, you'll never be able to do anything for yourself again. So it's only normal that I'd want to take goooood care of you, right? As a friend. It's not as though your limbs are ever coming back." She savored each and every word, tenderly rubbing Himiko's shoulder just above where fresh bandages had been applied recently.
  18. [7/24/2015 11:41:02 PM] 豊姫: She winced again, tears forming in her eyes. "Y-y-you might as well have killed me! Why? Why did you leave me alive? I-I... I didn't want to die but... How long do I even have l-left?!" She choked back her sobs, each one causing more winces of pain from her still fresh wounds.
  19. [7/24/2015 11:45:06 PM] 天龍: "Akashi-senpai... I told you that I wouldn't kill you, didn't I?" She knelt down and smiled kindly, moving a hand over to soothingly rub Himiko's stomach through the soft white gym shirt that served as her only necessary clothing.
  20. "I decided on that day that I wouldn't. I've made up my mind, Akashi-senpai." She tilted her head, closing her eyes and smiling warmly.
  21. "I'll never let you die."
  22. [7/24/2015 11:49:25 PM] 豊姫: "H-hh-hhhhhhhhiiIIiiaaaa....." She let out a sobbing scream, wiggling and curling up slightly. "Y-y-you're insane, you're a psychopath, I'll die, I'm going to die! I-I-I just h-h-have to bite my tongue and..." She stuck her tongue out, still sobbing, though when she bit down it was a pitiful bite, she had no conviction. She couldn't kill herself. So instead she continued to whimper and sob pitifully, turning her face away from Kumiko.
  23. [7/24/2015 11:52:45 PM] 天龍: "Ihihihihahahaha..." Kumiko snickered and laughed, pulling Akashi up into a gentle hug and soothingly petting her back. "The sooner you can get used to this, the happier you'll be...~ I can't wait for the day when you're eagerly awaiting for me to come home from school and keep you company. All you have to do is change your mindset, Akashi-senpai."
  24. She didn't even have to be forceful anymore. She knew there was nothing left that Himiko could do. This feeling of complete power... It made her shudder with wicked delight.
  25. [7/24/2015 11:54:06 PM] 豊姫: Himiko whimpered pitifully, unable to do anything but accept the embrace, sniffling as her stomach grumbled. The sound caused her to go wide eyed, though she didn't dare say anything nor even look at Kumiko.
  26. [7/24/2015 11:57:32 PM] 天龍: "Awww, you are hungry! Poor little thing..." Kumiko tenderly laid her helpless companion back down on the couch, her cheeks happily flushed as she patted Himiko on the head. "Just stay right there, I'll make some nice breakfast for you, okay? Though I guess it's not as though you're going anywhere... Ahahaha~"
  27. With that, she got up and padded over to the kitchen, turning on some gentle jazz to accompany her as she went about preparing a proper Japanese breakfast.
  28. [7/25/2015 12:00:58 AM] 豊姫: "..." Himiko didn't say anything, though her mind was slowly filling up with horrible grisly scenario after scenario. What if Kumiko forced her to eat her own limbs? What if she was going to put razorblades in? What if...
  30. "H-hey... Wh-what are you making? For breakfast..." She had to speak, there wasn't anything else she could do, and the worst that would happen is her fears were confirmed...
  31. [7/25/2015 12:07:23 AM] 天龍: "Hmmm? Just what anyone would make!" came her cheerful voice from the kitchen, and she turned the radio down a little to facilitate conversation. "White rice, miso, natto, nori, tamagoyaki, some broiled mackerel, and my own homemade pickles~! I think you'll be the first person to try them, I can't wait to see your reaction."
  32. [7/25/2015 12:09:16 AM] 豊姫: "P-p-pickles? That's... Very austere of you. There's nothing strange about them, right?" Her worry and concern were palpable in her tone, all her confidence separated along with her limbs. She tried to wiggle herself up to look over the couch, though she still could barely manage to move without letting out a yelp of pain.
  33. [7/25/2015 12:12:16 AM] 天龍: "Well, I sure hope not! Ehehehe." Somehow, her bubbly cheerfulness seemed completely genuine. It was as though that horrible demon was some kind of fading nightmare. "I'll be done soon, 'kay? The music isn't bothering you, is it?"
  34. [7/25/2015 12:13:24 AM] 豊姫: "Not really..." She flopped back against her pillow, turning her head sideways to stare at the blank tv screen. "I'm sorry, Touma-sama... I failed you."
  35. [7/25/2015 12:18:41 AM] 天龍: "What was that?"
  36. Suddenly, Kumiko was looming right over her. The gentle sunlight silhouetted her face, obscuring her features, her eyes cheerfully narrowed an an innocently inquisitive expression...
  37. [7/25/2015 12:19:56 AM] 豊姫: Himiko shivered in surprise, mumbling and whimpering and shaking her head. If she could even muster up the words again, she certainly didn't seem keen on repeating them.
  38. [7/25/2015 12:22:45 AM] 天龍: "Awww, are you cold? Poor thing." Concern creased her warm features, and she gently pulled the heavy blankets up over Himiko's shoulders again, softly patting them and tucking her in before setting a tray of delicious-smelling food on the table beside her. "What would you like to drink?"
  39. [7/25/2015 12:24:03 AM] 豊姫: "W-w-water is fine... B-bottled, please..." She was still terrified of Kumiko, she wouldn't let the sweet innocent shell cover up her mental image of the beast's true form. She couldn't be sure just how concealed the other side of her even was...
  40. [7/25/2015 12:26:21 AM] 天龍: "Haaai." Surprisingly, she didn't object at all, and she soon returned, pulling up a chair next to the couch and lifting Himiko without even asking, propping the little bundle of her limbless body up against the back of the couch.
  41. "Itadakimaasu~!" With that, she lifted up a piece of fish, cupping her hand beneath it and bringing it toward Himiko's mouth. "Say aaaaah~"
  42. [7/25/2015 12:27:29 AM] 豊姫: The former secretary grimaced, a slight blush on her cheeks from the babying gesture. Though she wasn't in any position to eat on her own, so she silently complied, opening her mouth and averting her gaze.
  43. [7/25/2015 12:31:36 AM | Removed 12:31:48 AM] 天龍: This message has been removed.
  44. [7/25/2015 12:34:55 AM] 天龍: "Theeere you go." Kumiko blushed happily as she carefully placed the fish on Himiko's tongue. It was really quite good, well-seasoned with just the right amount of salt, and her hungry gut compelled her to chew and swallow even with the compromising situation.
  45. "See? This isn't so bad, is it?" Kimiko cooed, softly rubbing Himiko's hair. "I've been so lonely..."
  46. [7/25/2015 12:36:44 AM] 豊姫: She chewed quietly, swallowing and looking up at her depraved captor. "Wh-why me though... I was going to kill..." She froze, her eyes widening as she looked down at the ground and around. It should've still been nearby... Even if she couldn't hold it properly anymore...
  47. [7/25/2015 12:42:51 AM] 天龍: The gun was nowhere to be found. It certainly wasn't on the floor where it had clattered, meaning that Kumiko had certainly picked it up. Which meant that Himiko had effectively given her a loaded gun...
  48. "Hmmm... I just thought, maybe you deserve a second chance!" She reached out to gently rub Himiko's stomach through the blanket again, picking up a bit of rice and holding it out. "After all, Youko-sama seems quite fond of you..." She opened her eyes a little for the first time this morning, locking her gentle gaze with Himiko's own, smiling softly.
  50. Her dark grey eyes were completely dull and lifeless.
  51. [7/25/2015 12:48:13 AM] 豊姫: ". . ." She couldn't speak, but she couldn't look away either, she didn't even find any enjoyment or mirth from the affectionate gesture, nor the 'kindness' Kumiko had given her. She was torn. She could probably take her own life by agitating the lunatic again, but she also didn't want to die. It was a pitiful, miserable existence, but she didn't have enough of a spine to take her own life. Especially not at the mercy of Kumiko's methods!
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