
Undertale Soul Getter

Oct 7th, 2022 (edited)
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  1. Copy This command into a command block to get all the souls without having to find them...
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  3. V V V
  4. setblock ~ ~ ~ chest{Items: [{Slot: 2b, id: "minecraft:warped_fungus_on_a_stick", Count: 1b, tag: {UTSoul: 3b, CustomModelData: 15111, Damage: 0, display: {Lore: ['{"text":"R-Click to Use","color": "dark_gray","italic": false}'], Name: '{"text":"Integrity Soul","color": "blue","italic":false}'}}}, {Slot: 6b, id: "minecraft:warped_fungus_on_a_stick", Count: 1b, tag: {UTSoul: 6b, CustomModelData: 15114, Damage: 0, display: {Lore: ['{"text":"R-Click to Use","color": "dark_gray","italic": false}'], Name: '{"text":"Justice Soul","color": "yellow","italic":false}'}}}, {Slot: 10b, id: "minecraft:warped_fungus_on_a_stick", Count: 1b, tag: {UTSoul: 2b, CustomModelData: 15110, Damage: 0, display: {Lore: ['{"text":"L-Click to Use","color": "dark_gray","italic": false}'], Name: '{"text":"Bravery Soul","color": "#FFA200","italic":false}'}}}, {Slot: 13b, id: "minecraft:warped_fungus_on_a_stick", Count: 1b, tag: {UTSoul: 7b, CustomModelData: 15115, Damage: 0, display: {Lore: ['{"text":"R-Click to Use","color": "dark_gray","italic": false}'], Name: '{"text":"Determination Soul","color": "#FF0000","italic":false}'}}}, {Slot: 16b, id: "minecraft:shield", Count: 1b, tag: {UTSoul: 5b, Unbreakable: 1b, CustomModelData: 15113, HideFlags: 127, display: {Lore: ['{"text":"R-Click to Use","color": "dark_gray","italic": false}'], Name: '{"text":"Kindness Soul","color": "dark_green","italic":false}'}, Damage: 0}}, {Slot: 20b, id: "minecraft:warped_fungus_on_a_stick", Count: 1b, tag: {UTSoul: 1b, CustomModelData: 15109, Damage: 0, display: {Lore: ['{"text":"Hold Item to use","color": "dark_gray","italic": false}'], Name: '{"text":"Patience Soul","color": "aqua","italic":false}'}}}, {Slot: 24b, id: "minecraft:bow", Count: 1b, tag: {UTSoul: 4b, VerticalSlc: 1b, Unbreakable: 1b, CustomModelData: 15112, HideFlags: 127, display: {Lore: ['{"text":"Hold R-Click to Charge","color": "dark_gray","italic": false}', '{"text":"Press F to switch modes","color": "dark_purple","italic": false}'], Name: '{"text":"Perseverance Soul","color": "light_purple","italic":false}'}, Damage: 0}}]}
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