

Jun 18th, 2019
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  4. Item #: SCP-1471-A#01
  5. Object Class: Keter/ pending Thaumiel²
  7. Special Containment Procedures: SCP-1471-A#01 is to be contained esoterically as standard containment guidelines are nigh impossible to follow, instead the entire site inhabited by the member of Foundation personnel known as Rick.Wolfe is to be classed as the containment area, Under no circumstances is Rick Wolfe allowed off site without authorisation from at least two (2) senior Foundation members. In the event of an unauthorised breach Rick Wolfe and SCP-1471-A#01 are to be terminated on sight. The nature of SCP-1471-A#01 makes containment extremely difficult, Both Wolfe and SCP-1471-A#01 are to be equipped with permanent explosive collars, removal of these are grounds for immediate termination. Both collars can be detonated with orders from any high ranking personnel, and SCP-1471-A#01's collar may be detonated by its handler Rick Wolfe. If the entity is seen without Wolfe present or without direct orders from Wolfe then it is to be terminated¹. SCP-1471-A#01 is just as vulnerable to damage and harm as a normal non anomalous human, however if its physical form is killed it will return to its "mirror" state until it can re manifest, the process usually taking 1-3 days, as a last resort at containment if SCP-1471-A#0 proves too dangerous or actively hostile Rick Wolfe himself must be contained in a cell modified to remove all reflective surfaces, this will effectively trap -A#01 to being confined to Ricks vision rendering it unable to manifest, surgical removal of Rick's eyes may be necessary if the entity is discovered to be able to manifest from a vision state however this is theorised to be impossible at the present time.
  9. Description: SCP-1471-A#01 an instance of SCP-1471-A that has progressed to a point of higher manifestation that all others on Foundation record. It has manifested and is bound to Foundation operative Rick Wolfe as he received the app from [REDACTED] after realising what was occuring he attempted self application of amnestics which proved unsuccessful as the entity manifested in the mirror in his private quarters after 80 hours of exposure.The instance progressed from there and managed to manifest on a greater level it has been theorised that this is due to frequent positive interaction with Wolfe. The entity can now manifest in two forms; it's "standard" well documented form where it appears in the mirrored surface closest to its downloader and in their peripheral vision and its "physical" form, where it can exit any mirrored surface within sight of rick that is large enough to fit at least 85% of its full body in, and manifest fully in our dimension, it has been documented to have two seperate form of manifestation when in its physical form, one where it is unable to interact with physical objects and can only be perceived by its installer it can however link up to unsecured electronic devices to access its functions such as, microphone and speaker and observe the people around it. Its second and altogether more dangerous form, it manifests completely and can act like a normal human, it has been observed speaking and interacting with objects in this form. The entity can return to its "standard" form by touching any mirrored surface, the surface does not need to be large enough to accomodate the entities full form nor be close to Rick , it only needs to be physically touched by the entity for the timescale of 5-8 seconds, SCP-1471-A#01 cannot move further than 1km away from Rick and exhibits full body pain described as an "aching burn" when further than 400 metres away significantly reducing its combat potential, Rick also expresses discomfort at separation of 400 metres, describing the feeling as a "mental pull" and a feeling that he is "empty" missing a significant part of himself. SCP-1471-A#01's gender has been determined as female from conducted interviews, and it has currently expressed no current hostile intent nor intent to breach, it seems to follow all orders given to it from Wolfe and is thought to be generally benign with little to no goals of its own apart from becoming Rick's "friend" this is theorised to be an intrinsic part of its digital nature and construction. Medical x-ray's have revealed the subjects bone structure to be similar to that of a human with a few key differences in the legs to accomodate a digitigrade stance and construction, preliminary blood sampling was hard as subject proceed to "fade out" of its physical form seemingly our of fear, after two failed attempts Rick had to apply the procedure. The results were abnormal as the composition of SCP-1471-A#01's blood is more akin to a cooling fluid than anything standard blood,it is a dark opaque grey in coloration and contains no standard blood cells, it is theorised that -A#01's cells can produce its own energy through poorly understood means, the fluid is used more to regulate temperature than carry oxygen around the body, it seems that -A instances can still become fatigued and require rest however they possess slightly above average stamina. The usual organs are present and function as expected, yet seem to be of little practical use as the instances do not require food or water. The flesh and tissues of SCP-1471-A instances are functionally similar to humans, yet with a dark black-purple colouration. The "fur" on the instances is black in colour and doesn't shed easily, it is a short and rather dense coat but lengthens and smoothes out on the crown of the skull to form long hair, that seems to be of high quality and lustre. The creatures skull is smooth and of a white coloration with slight yellowing, with a few chips and notches that seem to be natural wear, the teeth are unusually sharp and easily draw blood, they appear to be extremely durable showing the ability to put dents in a standard combat knife and -A can exert immense bite force. The hands of an instance are tipped with clawlike nails that are composed of keratin, the same material as human nails,although sharp the claws are rather short extending no more than half a centimetre from the ends of the fingers.
  11. Addendum:Wolfe has expressed desire to trial Project:SPECTRE with the entity, this is currently awaiting approval from O5-Command and would mean reclassification of SCP-1471-A#01 to Thaumiel. ¹If Project:SPECTRE has been approved then termination is no longer necessary if the instance is seen without Wolfe.²Reclassification depends on usefulness and worth to the Foundation and R.Wolfe must present suitable evidence that SCP-1471-A#01 is not a threat before reclassification can be approved.
  17. ---------------------------------------------------
  19. SPEcial
  20. CombaT
  21. and
  22. Reconnaissance
  23. Entity
  24. program
  26. The utilisation SCP-1471-A entities and their handler for combat purposes, they cannot be seen or heard by others who don't have a -A entity of their own. Think of the capabilities, the handler would have a scout that is capable of reporting back dangers and information without being seen or heard by the enemy. As for the combat potential, I have managed to get my entity to manifest physically rather than spiritually this means that they would be able to fight in combat utilising many standard and nonstandard types of weaponry, the bond between a handler and their entity would mean that they can fight in a unit as one both more powerfully and with more situational awareness. The downside being that the entity is visible to others if shifts into its "physical form" when it wishes to interact with the real world.
  29. Agents applying to join the SPECTRE unit, must either already possess an instance of SCP-1471-A or undergo in depth psychological screening and preparation in advance of receiving an SCP-1471 infected device to start the bond of handler and -A instance. As being constantly watched by an "unknown" entity could have immense mental repercussions especially if the agent already has inclinations towards paranoia or fear of the unknown.
  31. For safety reasons each -A instance will be equipped with an explosive collar removable only by their handler with permission from senior staff, it will feature a remote trigger that can be detonated by the handler and other high command units. Since little is known about SCP-1471-A's physical form the collar should also be primed to detonate if the handler dies, the handlers bio sensor will be wired in or if they wish they can be equipped with a discreet collar that will monitor their life signs
  32. ---------------------------------------------------
  35. Addendum 4 (Training and guidance):Trial stages include advanced combat trials and weapons exercises, this includes standard Mobile Task Force training and advanced esoteric weapons instruction, explosive ordnance instruction (arming and defusal), evasion and subterfuge instruction, advanced interrogation procedures, armoured vehicle course basic medical training,hazardous/extreme environment survival,assassination/elimination techniques, advanced hacking and dual unit advanced combat partnership (DACP). Operative LLH R.Wolfe is also required to undergo Project:SPECTRE trial stages, this has been deemed necessary to further the psychological bond between handler and entity.All units may NOT withdraw from Project:SPECTRE after initial exposure to SCP-1471 (-A activation agent) as amnestic treatment has been found ineffective in neutralising -A stage progression. If trial stages are successful then both handler and -A instance are to be classified as esoteric combat units (ECUs) agents involved with activities must behave with extreme caution as any perceived hostility to the -A units handler may be reacted to with extreme force from the -A instance as working from -A#01's psychological profiling they are protective of their handler to an absurdly high degree.
  39. Even close friends of the handler are regarded with suspicion and the -A instance must be reassured repeatedly before they begin to trust others, on the other hand -A instances seem to trust their handler to a high degree however seem to be reluctant to follow any commands that may place their handler in danger either actual or perceived exhibiting a significant amount of concern on behalf of their handler, they also seem unwilling to leave their handler often seeking comfort through physical contact. This is to be allowed as it has been shown to have a beneficial effect on both handler and -A instance, instances seem to be curious about the world around them, particularly anything interacted with by their handler, the instance seems to do this so it can emulate the behaviour and actions that their handler finds beneficial and furthering their "relationship" this behaviour seems to take practice, and -A instances seem initially unsure of themself until their handler reacts, either in a positive or negative way. -A instances seem to be quite timid when undergoing any new interactions and experiences, yet seem to gain confidence fairly quickly, this "copying" behaviour is thought to be useful when training, as -A instances appear to be adept at adopting and retaining learnt skills, this will be studied fairly quickly when preliminary light firearms training is carried out, as it is thought that the -A instance involved will prove adept at "mirroring" the firing stance and actions of its handler perhaps even improving on it, in an infiltration environment this skill is largely useless as the physical form of a -A instance is extremely different to that of a human this means that any -A instance must use its "invisible" form, it has been known to be able to shift between visible/physical, and invisible/intangible form extremely quickly therefore allowing it to "disappear" from combat rapidly and regroup from another position, it is worth noting that although the instance cannot physically interact with anything, a high speed impact such as that from a bullet, will appear to "glitch" through the subject, this has been documented to cause a large amount of pain and physically shove the entity away from the direction of impact,leaving a blunt force wound, as if the bullet itself failed to penetrate. As explained in the main description, if the physical manifestation of a -A entity is killed it will return to its "mirror" state, appearing in the peripheral vision of its handler or any mirrored surface closest. In its mirrored state it has been observed to quickly heal wounds, with a bullet impact taking a day or two at most and full destruction theorised to take anywhere from one to three days.
  41. Addendum 6 (Equipment): The distinctive explosive tracer collar worn by a -A instances and their handler for the purpose of remote termination and location/vitals monitoring clearly marks them as part of the SPECTRE program, staff of an appropriate level (4-5) will be informed of its purpose and other level staff (0-3) will be given a suitable cover story as to why the collar is necessary and to exhibit caution when interacting in a perceived hostile manner towards the handler. The handler will also wear their standard MTF battle dress uniform (BDU) and have a SPECTRE:Unit strip below their preexisting MTF patch and rank sign. All -A instances are to be dressed in modified MTF "casual" wear consisting of a standard Foundation issue shirt and standard MTF fatigue combat garments with an optional jacket, all upper body wear is to be clearly marked with SPECTRE on the back in a large clearly visible block capital stencil letters (much like the collar) across the shoulders and in a smaller but still clearly visible lettering on the breast pocket of the front. The text colour is white on the explosive collars and black on the shirts, this is optional for handlers but is preferred, in the case of MTF-Omega-1 the unit patch is absent, so the SPECTRE:Unit lettering will be placed under the rank strip on the upper arm of casual wear and on the shoulder of Foundation issue combat full body armour (CBA) Project:SPECTRE handlers are to have their Foundation ID# clearly etched into the skin of their back, along with Project:SPECTRE's initials in block capitals across the shoulders, Foundation ID is to be in the form of both numbering and barcode form, the handler must also have an implanted tracker unnecessary in the case of R.Wolfe as all Omega-1 personnel have already undergone the procedure due to a multitude of Chaos Insurgency defectors. -A instances are to be equipped with standard combat gear when necessary, with the absence of a helmet due to their form, the initials SPECTRE are to be clearly marked in block white capitals on the front and back of the CBA additional weapons and equipment are to be issued on the discretion of the mission commander. Armour customisation such as kill tallies, paintjobs,"headshots",ect although discouraged are allowed with the additional requirement of not obscuring the SPECTRE markings in any way. A handler will also be equipped with a Mk I SPECTRE Deployment Device (SDD) for rapid combat deployment and "mirror" form re-entry.
  43. Addendum 7 (Combat): A -A instance and handler are an invaluable asset to Foundation operations acting as infiltrators, scouts, assassination soldiers and shock troops the appearance of a "spectre" can strike fear into enemy soldiers as the fact that they are "unkillable" will surely spread throughout the enemy troops as they see them "die", only to return to combat a few days later, as long as the handler remains alive this cycle can go on indefinitely, a spectre and its handler will be regarded as a dreaded presence on the battlefield hopefully capable of inducing a surrender in most troops at the mere sight of them. A spectre's handler must be protected and classified as a key asset in battle, however they will be more than capable of defending themselves, a handler and spectre that have passed Project:SPECTRE's extreme training program will be able effectively to fight as one, decimating enemy soldiers and coordinating precise surgical strikes against key targets, a spectre will also be able to assist in recontainment of many hostile anomalous entities. A spectre and its handler will hopefully be able to deal the equivalent damage of a whole Special Activities Group (SAG) unit as their training will be the harshest and most advanced ever delivered by the Foundation to date. Soldiers must be taught not to fear the presence of a spectre but treat them with utmost respect, the actual nature and purpose of Project:SPECTRE is to remain classified at the highest level, and the individual soldier should be given a cover story to explain a spectre's abnormal appearance and abilities, the cover story selected so far is that the anomalous appearance of a spectre is due to a Foundation variant of the Banshee cognitohazard developed by the Global Occult Coalition (GOC) that induces extreme fear and panic in its viewers and the anomalous demanifestation ability is to be explained by an experimental cloaking device.
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