
To Bomb a Clock Town, Session 1

Jan 19th, 2016
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  1. <DM> -=QUEST STARTO!=-
  2. * DM kicks SandorClegane and Wolfgang into Subrosia
  3. <DM> *You find yourselves in Subrosia Village. It's a desolate town that's partially frozen over. Any Subrosians that would be out are inside their cozy homes, and the lava baths have turned to rock.*
  4. <DM> *The sky, inside of being a deep red color, is frozen over in ice. Seeing as you're in the equivalent of the Hyrule Underworld, it's not like the planet's sky is frozen over.*
  5. <DM> *The only place still open within the village is Subrosia Mart, run by a Subrosian by the name of Smithy. His face is hidden, but he has a long, gray Gandalf-sized beard. Given his short stature of about 4 feet, the beard nearly droops to the ground.*
  6. <DM> *Smithy stands outside of the shop, which is actually his house and forge. You can see fires blazing out of the windows from outside.*
  7. <DM> *The gray-bearded Subrosian waves to you two.*
  8. <Smithy> Heeey! You two! Over here!
  9. * Smithy is seen jumping up and down, nearly tripping on his long, Subrosian robes.
  10. <SandorClegane> hey dhoo i think the old man wants chill with us
  11. <Wolfgang> What's up old man?
  12. <Smithy> I've got a little task for ya. Ye've noooticed the frooozen sky, ya?
  13. <DM> *Indeed. It's even begun to lightly snow.*
  14. <Wolfgang> Sure.
  15. <Smithy> Well, Ah can't leave me shop, else someone cooomes in an' stels it all, ya?
  16. <Smithy> So, ah'll need ya to... err.. blow up a wolcano.
  17. <SandorClegane> what is a wolcano?
  18. <Smithy> It's a wol... wol......
  19. <DM> *Volcano.*
  20. <Smithy> Ya, what that foooorth woll said! .. wait wot.
  21. * Smithy looks around in confusion.
  22. * DM looks around in confusion for no reason at all.
  23. <SandorClegane> explosions+volcano= hell yeah
  24. <Wolfgang> Sounds good.
  25. <DM> *Wow, you guys don't even need a reward. You just wanna blow it up. Sweet.*
  26. <Smithy> Oookay, me's got a plan, ya?
  27. <Wolfgang> What is yous plan?
  28. <Smithy> Ya need te get to that wolcaaano o'er there...
  29. <SandorClegane> *i would take his robe but that seemed overplayed*
  30. <Wolfgang> a little bit yeah
  31. * Smithy points to the Northwest. There's a tall.. Volcano. It looks like Mount Doom with snow and ice, but without a glowing security tower next to it.
  32. <Smithy> Noow, there's a wee entrance at the baaase o' the mooontain, ya? Enter there, an' hed through yon cawes... cawes...
  33. <DM> *Caves.
  34. <Wolfgang> is this scottish or scandanavian?
  35. <Wolfgang> pick an accent and stick with it
  36. <Smithy> That.. an' at the end o' the toonnel! Is... I forgot.... BUT YE'LL FIGURE IT ALLL OUT, YA?
  37. <SandorClegane> give me explosives please
  38. <Smithy> Hmm... al'ight...
  39. <Smithy> Jus' gimme a moooment.
  40. <SandorClegane> unless its heavy then give it to wolfgang
  41. * Smithy heads into his shop. You hear crashing sounds from within, along with various cursing.
  42. <Smithy> Ahh'ahh!
  43. * Smithy comes out carrying a large barrel half his size. On the side of the barrel is a picture of a skull covered in flames.
  44. <Smithy> This'll blow stoof up!
  45. <Wolfgang> Let's go then.
  46. <DM> here's the Power Keg -
  47. <DM> tis just one Power Keg
  48. <Smithy> Now... jes make sure noot te bloow yerselves up erly!
  49. * Wolfgang grabs it.
  50. * Wolfgang juggles it.
  51. <DM> *The Power Keg threatens to explode you, but for the sake of plot, I'll wait till you're outside of the village before it really does explode in your face.*
  52. <SandorClegane> Engage and Rollout!
  53. * DM high-fives SandorClegane.
  54. <DM> *You head away from Subrosia Village. There's a path that takes you to the place Smithy was talking about. It seems fairly clear of... rocks or other obstacles.. maybe a bit slippery from the ice, but nothing more.*
  55. <SandorClegane> well technically if we blow up the town it wont be covered in ice anymore
  56. <Wolfgang> That's true.
  57. <DM> *There is also a path that leads straight to the place, however it seems to be heading into a deep valley that descends into darkness.*
  58. <Wolfgang> And it's a lot easier than lugging this thing up the path and through that valley.
  59. <SandorClegane> i think we are on to someithing here
  60. <SandorClegane> im sure smithy's house has more explosives too
  61. <Wolfgang> What if we blew up his house then!
  62. <DM> *The path seems a little long and windy is the only issue.*
  63. <DM> *Uhh, I'm warning you now, Smithy is same as Monroe's level, so around Level 35.*
  64. <SandorClegane> it would cascade and fix the village!
  65. <Wolfgang> but what level is his shop?
  66. <DM> *... it's made of stone and brick.*
  67. <DM> *Your newly found bomb might leave a dent in it.*
  68. <DM> *Or blow it up.*
  69. <DM> *Who knows.*
  70. <Wolfgang> i dont think a dent would do much
  71. <Wolfgang> hmmm
  72. <SandorClegane> if our bomb can jump start a volcano i think it can get a village
  73. <DM> *It can also get you in theory.*
  74. <SandorClegane> we will just revive at the completion of the quest
  75. * DM face-palms.
  76. <Wolfgang> wait wait wait
  77. <Wolfgang> we're looking at this wrong
  78. <Wolfgang> totally wrong
  79. <Wolfgang> what we should do
  80. <Wolfgang> is use this big arse bomb to hold something hostage
  81. <Wolfgang> for money
  82. <Wolfgang> like the royal palace
  83. <SandorClegane> GENIUS!
  84. <SandorClegane> or a school
  85. <Wolfgang> or kariko village
  86. <DM> (god dangit, why am I allowing you to even try this)
  88. <SandorClegane> WIN!
  89. * DM just commits seppuku.
  90. <Wolfgang> its like the friggin center of the shiekahs dumb arse cult group thing.
  91. <Wolfgang> we could totally make some easy cash
  92. <SandorClegane> lets do this
  93. <DM> (I hate you all, by the way)
  94. <Wolfgang> TO KARIKO
  95. * DM psyducks.
  96. <DM> (I am back, and you two deserve to be murdered)
  97. <Wolfgang> HOLD ON
  98. <Wolfgang> hold on
  99. <Wolfgang> I just had a BETTER idea!
  101. <Wolfgang> Blow open the vault and take the cash!
  102. <SandorClegane> TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE!
  103. <Wolfgang> Hostage situations are dumb and don't pay well anyway.
  104. <Wolfgang> Let's go bank robbing.
  105. <DM> *Despite "leaving" Subrosia Village, your enthusiasm for these plans echoes throughout the desolate village.*
  106. <SandorClegane> yea hostage situations tend to be drawn out it will so much fastrer to rob a bank
  108. <DM> *The Gandalf-bearded Subrosian is seen waltzing up to your location.*
  109. <Wolfgang> TO CLOCKTOWN!
  110. <SandorClegane> FACETIME WITH CLOCKTOWN!
  111. <DM> *To get to Clocktown, you'll have to head through the Temple of Seasons, gets you to the Temple of Temple, and then Clock Town from the warp portal from there.*
  112. * Wolfgang does all that shit no problem.
  113. <DM> *Also, I still hate you all, and yon bearded Subrosian has now reached your position.*
  114. <Smithy> Ahh, greetings once again!
  115. <SandorClegane> sup smithy?
  116. <Smithy> I uhh.. thooght ye were gooin' te blooow up ye wolcano, ya?
  117. <Wolfgang> We liked your plan. It was a good plan. BUT we have a BETTER plan.
  118. <Smithy> Hoooh? Lemme hear, ya?
  119. <SandorClegane> MUCH BETTER!
  120. <Wolfgang> First, we rob a bank. Then we pay off a bunch of gorons to restart the volcano!
  121. <Wolfgang> Gorons are totally the best choice for this.
  122. <Smithy> ....
  123. <Wolfgang> Strong, heat resistant and they make good bombs.
  124. <Smithy> Ah'm sooorry, but uhh...
  125. <SandorClegane> GORONS EAT ROCKS!
  126. <Wolfgang> Whereas me and Sandor. We're not so heat resistant.
  127. <Wolfgang> AND we make lousy bombs.
  128. * Smithy reaches up to place one of his mole-like fingers to his face, as if to clean out his ear... if he has one. Dunno, Subrosians... you just see this darkness when looking at them, save for their glowy eyes.
  129. <SandorClegane> Also terrifeid of fire
  130. <Smithy> What'd ye say yer doooin'?
  131. <Wolfgang> We're going rob Peter to pay Paul so to speak.
  132. <SandorClegane> saving the town with expendalbe gorons
  133. <Wolfgang> Except instead of paying Paul we're paying Gorons to fix the volcano.
  134. <Smithy> ... ah'm gooonna have te stooop ye, if'n ye all try it, ye knoow, ya?
  135. <Wolfgang> Why?
  136. <Wolfgang> We'd be saving your town.
  137. <Smithy> Err... wha?
  138. <Wolfgang> And it's less effort all around.
  139. <Wolfgang> For everyone
  140. <Wolfgang> Your town wins, we win and the gorons win.
  141. <SandorClegane> plus with clocktowns economy taking a hit
  142. <DM> *Darte, did the author Darths & Droids hijack these two people and replace them with Jim's mind?*
  143. <CrouchingZoraHiddenDeku> (an excellent question, DM)
  144. <SandorClegane> it will force people to come here and buy from your store smithy
  145. <SandorClegane> more wealth for your town as a collective
  146. <Smithy> ....
  147. <Wolfgang> Encouraging trade between the two towns!
  148. <Smithy> .... ye ha'e ah good poooint, ya...
  149. <Wolfgang> Resulting in an overall economic growth for both people.
  150. <Wolfgang> Plus as everyone knows, Clocktown is the economic hub for Termina.
  151. <Wolfgang> So really its a win - win - win - win situation.
  152. <Wolfgang> Nobody loses!
  153. <SandorClegane> *well last time we hijacked a boat so its more of the 2 of us
  154. <SandorClegane> EXACTLY!
  155. <SandorClegane> think of the children
  156. <DM> *For the record, I have my hand over my face. I am permanently face-palming to this.*
  157. <Wolfgang> Just 2 of us is fine. We just need to try EXTRA hard.
  158. <DM> *Okay...
  159. <Wolfgang> Alright.
  160. <Wolfgang> Let's do this.
  161. <Wolfgang> Get your game face on.
  162. <DM> *ON THE PURE BASIS that you two created a LOGICAL argument and that this is completely nuts...
  163. <Wolfgang> Smithy you wanna come help?
  164. <Smithy> Ye ha'e yerselves a deal, lads! Them Gooorons are laaazy, ye knoooow, ya?
  165. <Wolfgang> Yeah but like I said.
  166. <Wolfgang> They make some of the best explosives.
  167. <Smithy> Err, me can't. Moight be some dolts troiyin' ter steal from me shop....... yer on ye own. Goo' loock!
  168. <Wolfgang> WOO! TO CLOCKTOWN!
  169. * Smithy just heads on back to his shop. You may want to leave before he changes his time.
  170. <Smithy> *changes his mind
  171. * Wolfgang has already left.
  172. * Wolfgang has also taken the keg with him.
  173. <SandorClegane> *Sandor Runs after hime
  174. <DM> *You leave for the Temple of Seasons. When you arrive, there's a Lizalfos carrying a sword and shield blocking the way into the temple.*
  175. <DM> (it is not Dex)
  176. <Wolfgang> of course its not dex wouldnt use a shield
  177. <Wolfgang> also dex is shorter
  178. <Wolfgang> and more handsome
  179. <DM> *Both its sword and shield have serrated edges. It sees you and growls angrily.*
  180. <DM> (I dunno, do Lizalfos growl?
  181. <Wolfgang> i guess?
  182. * Wolfgang growls back.
  183. <Wolfgang> Dude, growl at him it's how you show you're friendly.
  184. <DM> *The Lizalfos charges at the two of you! Nice growling, bro!*
  185. <DM> *Roll initiatives!*
  186. <Wolfgang> $1d11
  187. <Tatl> Wolfgang: You rolled 1 Die with 11 Sides. Result: 7. Total: 7.
  188. <EdgeclawLizalfos> $init 1d10
  189. <Tatl> EdgeclawLizalfos: Your initiative roll has been entered. You rolled: 8.
  190. <SandorClegane> $1d11
  191. <Tatl> SandorClegane: You rolled 1 Die with 11 Sides. Result: 10. Total: 10.
  192. <Wolfgang> I TOLD YOU TO GROWL
  193. <Wolfgang> $init 1d11
  194. <Tatl> Wolfgang: Your initiative roll has been entered. You rolled: 9.
  195. <Wolfgang> WOO
  196. <SandorClegane> im sorry im slow in the head
  197. <SandorClegane> *by that i mean i type slow
  198. <DM> well... roll $init 1d11, cause otherwise you're excluded from the battle
  199. <SandorClegane> $init 1d11
  200. <Tatl> SandorClegane: Your initiative roll has been entered. You rolled: 3.
  201. <DM> $init s
  202. <Tatl> The battle has begun!
  203. <Tatl> ROUND 1: Wolfgang (9), EdgeclawLizalfos (8) and SandorClegane (3).
  204. <Wolfgang> hmmm
  205. <Wolfgang> gunna attack with my axe
  206. <Wolfgang> roll power
  207. <Wolfgang> $15d10
  208. <Tatl> Wolfgang: You rolled 15 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 5, 4, 1, 4, 9, 3, 10, 8, 2, 3, 10, 8, 5, 5 and 5. Total: 82. Successes: 11.
  209. <EdgeclawLizalfos> $11d10
  210. <Tatl> EdgeclawLizalfos: You rolled 11 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 10, 9, 5, 3, 1, 10, 1, 5, 5, 10 and 8. Total: 67. Successes: 11.
  211. <DM> ROLLOFF
  212. <Wolfgang> $15d10
  213. <Tatl> Wolfgang: You rolled 15 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 5, 8, 3, 6, 6, 10, 9, 2, 4, 5, 8, 5, 10, 9 and 7. Total: 97. Successes: 14.
  214. <EdgeclawLizalfos> $11d10
  215. <Tatl> EdgeclawLizalfos: You rolled 11 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 3, 2, 10, 4, 2, 6, 1, 8, 6, 7 and 8. Total: 57. Successes: 7.
  216. <DM> $1d10
  217. <Tatl> DM: You rolled 1 Die with 10 Sides. Result: 8. Total: 8. Successes: 1.
  218. <Wolfgang> 14 - 8 + 2 = 8
  219. * EdgeclawLizalfos has no defense....... and has 8 hearts...
  220. <Wolfgang> one shot woo
  221. * EdgeclawLizalfos is effortlessly cleaved in half by Wolfgang's axe, ending the battle in the first time. The Lizalfos' head falls to the ground, still growling in shock before being drained of blood.
  222. <Tatl> EdgeclawLizalfos has removed theirself from battle.
  223. <Tatl> ROUND 1: Wolfgang (9) and SandorClegane (3).
  224. <DM> $init r
  225. <Tatl> DM: The bot has been reset.
  226. <DM> +8 EXP
  227. <DM> +8 Ore Chunks
  228. <SandorClegane> how did he keep growling despite being cleaved in half?
  229. <DM> *That was partially me just going ".... glass cannons."*
  230. <DM> *A Clawblade and an Edge Shield drop to the ground.*
  231. <DM> (you can find them in the Lizalfos' profile)
  232. <Wolfgang> taking the shield
  233. <SandorClegane> ok...
  234. <SandorClegane> i take the clawblade i guess
  235. <SandorClegane> is it 8 ore chunk for each of us then?
  236. <DM> *The path to the Temple of Seasons is clear... for now. However, you hear screeching and other sounds echoing around from outside the Temple of Seasons.*
  237. <DM> (yes, for each)
  238. <Wolfgang> Run for it!
  239. <DM> *Both of you roll Courage vs. 8 successes.*
  240. <Wolfgang> $5d10
  241. <Tatl> Wolfgang: You rolled 5 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 3, 7, 1, 3 and 2. Total: 16. Successes: 1.
  242. <Wolfgang> nooope
  243. <SandorClegane> $17d10
  244. <Tatl> SandorClegane: You rolled 17 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 9, 5, 9, 5, 3, 6, 3, 4, 9, 3, 1, 3, 2, 3, 10, 3 and 1. Total: 79. Successes: 8.
  245. <DM> ROLLOFF for Sandor
  246. <SandorClegane> $17d10
  247. <Tatl> SandorClegane: You rolled 17 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 4, 3, 7, 2, 5, 4, 3, 1, 1, 4, 1, 7, 1, 3, 5, 3 and 10. Total: 64. Successes: 6.
  248. <DM> ... wow
  249. <SandorClegane> well i suck
  250. <Wolfgang> i got a 1
  251. <SandorClegane> yea but you didnt 17 courage
  252. <SandorClegane> have*
  253. <DM> *The two of you attempt to run, but Wolfgang trips on a rock, and Sandor, your normal speed drops to halt as you fail to get inside temple itself. A Lizalfos accompanied by a Winter Wolfos leaps in.*
  254. <Wolfgang> WOLFOS!
  256. <DM> (yes, the answer is yes..... I am stalling because you completely derailed existence, so I will only be able to get so far in this....... new....... quest.... before I have to halt it due to "there's nothing to DM until next session")
  257. <DM> Orithan, welcome to derailed quests 101!
  258. * WinterWolfos simply growls back at Wolfgang.
  259. * WinterWolfos bares its pointy teeth, ready to bite.
  260. * Wolfgang bares his teeth back.
  261. <DM> whelp
  262. <DM> - stats....
  263. <SandorClegane> ok
  264. <DM> (I admit that I am partially blocking you, but if you get through this battle.... then you are free to do as you please you nutcases)
  265. <DM> *Roll initiatives!*
  266. <Wolfgang> $init 1d11
  267. <EdgeclawLizalfos> $init 1d10
  268. <Tatl> Wolfgang: Your initiative roll has been entered. You rolled: 2.
  269. <Tatl> EdgeclawLizalfos: Your initiative roll has been entered. You rolled: 4.
  270. <WinterWolfos> $init 1d10
  271. <Tatl> WinterWolfos: Your initiative roll has been entered. You rolled: 9.
  272. <SandorClegane> $init 1d10
  273. <Tatl> SandorClegane: Your initiative roll has been entered. You rolled: 10.
  274. <DM> $init s
  275. <Tatl> The battle has begun!
  276. <Tatl> ROUND 1: SandorClegane (10), WinterWolfos (9), EdgeclawLizalfos (4) and Wolfgang (2).
  277. <Tatl> Bonus Turns: SandorClegane (10).
  278. <SandorClegane> *Sandor hefts Claymore and rushes toward the winter wolfos
  279. <DM> *Sandor, keep in mind, your Courage is reduced by 3, and your dice when attacking are reduced by 1.*
  280. <DM> *due to Shadowosken aura from the Winter Wolfos*
  281. <SandorClegane> *that why it mst die first
  282. <DM> hah
  283. <SandorClegane> $13d10
  284. <Tatl> SandorClegane: You rolled 13 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 7, 5, 1, 4, 8, 7, 8, 10, 5, 3, 5, 10 and 4. Total: 77. Successes: 11.
  285. <WinterWolfos> $10d10
  286. <Tatl> WinterWolfos: You rolled 10 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 6, 9, 2, 7, 9, 9, 6, 5, 4 and 2. Total: 59. Successes: 7.
  287. <DM> *It's a hit!*
  288. <DM> 11 - 7 = 4 + 3 = 7 damage - defense
  289. * WinterWolfos takes a large gash from the Claymore, dropping from 8 Hearts to 1 Heart.
  290. * WinterWolfos howls out in pain and growls in anger at SandorClegane.
  291. <WinterWolfos> 1h, ?m
  292. <SandorClegane> $ENDTURN
  293. <Tatl> SandorClegane has ended their turn.
  294. <Tatl> ROUND 1: SandorClegane (10), WinterWolfos (9), EdgeclawLizalfos (4) and Wolfgang (2).
  295. <Tatl> Bonus Turns Over! Round 1 Begins Now!
  296. <SandorClegane> *sandor goes in for the final blow on the wolfos
  297. <SandorClegane> $13d10
  298. <Tatl> SandorClegane: You rolled 13 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 5, 1, 5, 4, 5, 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 2, 8 and 6. Total: 56. Successes: 7.
  299. <WinterWolfos> $10d10
  300. <Tatl> WinterWolfos: You rolled 10 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 10, 10, 7, 2, 3, 10, 7, 2, 9 and 2. Total: 62. Successes: 9.
  301. * WinterWolfos manages to dodge Sandor's attack the second time.
  302. <SandorClegane> well crap
  303. <SandorClegane> $endturn
  304. <Tatl> SandorClegane has ended their turn.
  305. <Tatl> ROUND 1: SandorClegane (10), WinterWolfos (9), EdgeclawLizalfos (4) and Wolfgang (2).
  306. * WinterWolfos wants some darn revenge now.
  307. <Wolfgang> is he grabbing his knitting needles?
  308. * WinterWolfos casts Death Leech as an Extra Support Spell on SandorClegane.
  309. <WinterWolfos> 1h, 0m | Death Leech on SandorClegane
  310. * WinterWolfos goes to Leap at SandorClegane! (Roll Power)
  311. <WinterWolfos> $12d10
  312. <Tatl> WinterWolfos: You rolled 12 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 10, 6, 8, 6, 4, 6, 6, 7, 7, 6, 2 and 10. Total: 78. Successes: 12.
  313. <DM> (yep, a fight of glass cannons = high damage for everyone)
  314. <SandorClegane> $2d10
  315. <Tatl> SandorClegane: You rolled 2 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 1 and 7. Total: 8. Successes: 1.
  316. <DM> (anyone wanna throw a reroll point at WinterWolfos?)
  317. <SandorClegane> *yea otherwise i die
  318. <Wolfgang> go for it sport
  319. <DM> so are you throwing it or is Wolfgang throwing it?
  320. <Wolfgang> he is
  321. <Wolfgang> werd up to your mama
  322. <WinterWolfos> $12d10
  323. <Tatl> WinterWolfos: You rolled 12 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 2, 5, 2, 10, 8, 8, 4, 9, 10, 7, 8 and 1. Total: 74. Successes: 10.
  324. * WinterWolfos deals 10 - 1 = 9 + 1 = 10 damage - defense
  325. <SandorClegane> well.... ARGHH
  326. <SandorClegane> 10-3=7?
  327. * WinterWolfos ends up dealing 8 damage to SandorClegane as well as taking 1 burn damage from the Flaming Armor and burning itself to a crisp upon contact with Sandor's epic flaming armor.
  328. <SandorClegane> woo science!
  329. <Tatl> WinterWolfos has removed theirself from battle.
  330. <Tatl> ROUND 1: SandorClegane (10), EdgeclawLizalfos (4) and Wolfgang (2).
  331. <DM> *Shadowosken and Freezing Aura are now inactive!*
  332. * Wolfgang flexes.
  333. * EdgeclawLizalfos looks back and forth at SandorClegane and Wolfgang.
  334. <EdgeclawLizalfos> $1d2
  335. <Tatl> EdgeclawLizalfos: You flipped 1 coin. Values: Heads (1). Results: 1 Head (1) - 0 Tails (2).
  336. * EdgeclawLizalfos tries to attack Wolfgang with its shield! (Roll Power)
  337. <Wolfgang> $16d10
  338. <Tatl> Wolfgang: You rolled 16 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 4, 8, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 7, 5, 8, 9, 9, 8, 10, 9 and 10. Total: 93. Successes: 12.
  339. * EdgeclawLizalfos has +3 successes due to Ready to Pounce.
  340. <EdgeclawLizalfos> $14d10
  341. <Tatl> EdgeclawLizalfos: You rolled 14 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 2, 6, 10, 4, 7, 10, 10, 2, 2, 5, 9, 10, 5 and 4. Total: 86. Successes: 13.
  342. <EdgeclawLizalfos> +3 successes
  343. * EdgeclawLizalfos bashes Wolfgang with 3 flat damage from the shield's Quick Bash.
  344. <Wolfgang> 9h 7m
  345. * EdgeclawLizalfos is able to immediately follow up with another attack on Wolfgang! Wolfgang, your dice when defending for this attack are reduced by 3.
  346. * EdgeclawLizalfos uses his Clawblade to Stab Wolfgang! (Roll Courage)
  347. <Wolfgang> $3d10
  348. <Tatl> Wolfgang: You rolled 3 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 6, 2 and 5. Total: 13. Successes: 2.
  349. <EdgeclawLizalfos> $13d10
  350. <Tatl> EdgeclawLizalfos: You rolled 13 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 6, 4, 7, 7, 3, 10, 7, 8, 4, 6, 2, 8 and 9. Total: 81. Successes: 10.
  351. <EdgeclawLizalfos> +3 successes
  352. * EdgeclawLizalfos impales Wolfgang with the sword, dealing 13 - 2 = 11 + 2 = 13 damage - defense
  353. <Wolfgang> thats me down
  354. <Tatl> Wolfgang has removed theirself from battle.
  355. <Tatl> ROUND 1: SandorClegane (10) and EdgeclawLizalfos (4).
  356. * Orithan is now known as Harvey
  357. * EdgeclawLizalfos guts the Werewolfos on his sword. He pulls the sword out of Wolfgang's corpse and proceeds with a chesire grin towards SandorClegane.
  358. <EdgeclawLizalfos> 8h, 5m
  359. <EdgeclawLizalfos> $endturn
  360. <Tatl> EdgeclawLizalfos has ended their turn.
  361. <Tatl> ROUND 2: SandorClegane (10) and EdgeclawLizalfos (4).
  362. * EdgeclawLizalfos has... +4 successes now.
  363. <SandorClegane> VENGEANCE SHALL BE MINE!!!!!!
  364. <SandorClegane> *Sandor charges the lizard in a complete cliche fashion
  365. <DM> *Anime Steve approves!*
  366. <SandorClegane> $17d10
  367. <Tatl> SandorClegane: You rolled 17 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 4, 1, 1, 6, 9, 2, 1, 7, 3, 2, 1, 5, 5, 10, 1, 7 and 2. Total: 67. Successes: 8.
  368. <EdgeclawLizalfos> $16d10
  369. <Tatl> EdgeclawLizalfos: You rolled 16 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 3, 6, 4, 10, 5, 10, 5, 10, 9, 6, 2, 10, 5, 1, 7 and 1. Total: 94. Successes: 15.
  370. <EdgeclawLizalfos> +4 successes
  371. * EdgeclawLizalfos loses the success bonus now that the attack is over.
  372. * EdgeclawLizalfos gets a COUNTERATTACK!
  373. * EdgeclawLizalfos tries to slice SandorClegane open with its sword! (Roll Courage)
  374. <SandorClegane> $17d10
  375. <Tatl> SandorClegane: You rolled 17 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 5, 2, 3, 8, 5, 9, 7, 7, 5, 6, 10, 2, 1, 2, 7, 7 and 7. Total: 93. Successes: 13.
  376. <EdgeclawLizalfos> $18d10
  377. <Tatl> EdgeclawLizalfos: You rolled 18 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 8, 2, 4, 10, 1, 8, 2, 5, 5, 4, 5, 7, 2, 4, 7, 10, 3 and 8. Total: 95. Successes: 12.
  378. * EdgeclawLizalfos misses!
  379. <DM> $turns
  380. <Tatl> ROUND 2: SandorClegane (10) and EdgeclawLizalfos (4).
  381. <SandorClegane> *is this lizalfos on crack?
  382. <DM> +4 Courage on its normal swing, +1 dice when attacking
  383. <DM> I'd say it's just bein' normal
  384. <SandorClegane> $endturn
  385. <Tatl> SandorClegane has ended their turn.
  386. <Tatl> ROUND 2: SandorClegane (10) and EdgeclawLizalfos (4).
  387. <SandorClegane> *its a crackhead
  388. <EdgeclawLizalfos> Hee hee hee hee hee...
  389. * EdgeclawLizalfos casts Double Veil of Flames on SandorClegane... which, because Sandor has Nature affinity, the Double Veil of Flames automatically deals 2 burn damage to him.
  390. <DM> *What the Lizalfos doesn't realize si that Sandor has a fairy still.*
  391. <SandorClegane> so full health?
  392. <DM> *Revived to 3 hearts, actually
  393. <SandorClegane> i can work with it
  394. * EdgeclawLizalfos watches Sandor burn to a crisp... only to come back alive, covered in blood but also covered in rage.
  395. * EdgeclawLizalfos is in awe and shock.
  396. <EdgeclawLizalfos> 8h, 2m
  397. <EdgeclawLizalfos> $endturn
  398. <Tatl> EdgeclawLizalfos has ended their turn.
  399. <Tatl> ROUND 3: SandorClegane (10) and EdgeclawLizalfos (4).
  400. <DM> *Sandor, your rage mode gives you +2 successes when attacking!*
  401. <SandorClegane> *sandor slashes with all the fury and rage of a charging EMU
  402. <SandorClegane> $17d10
  403. <Tatl> SandorClegane: You rolled 17 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 8, 7, 9, 9, 3, 5, 7, 10, 4, 4, 10, 3, 4, 4, 5, 2 and 10. Total: 104. Successes: 13.
  404. <EdgeclawLizalfos> $13d10
  405. <Tatl> EdgeclawLizalfos: You rolled 13 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 5, 5, 8, 1, 3, 10, 3, 7, 2, 5, 1, 3 and 5. Total: 58. Successes: 8.
  406. * EdgeclawLizalfos is hit!
  407. <DM> 13 + 2 = 15 - 8 = 7 + 3 = 10 damage
  408. * EdgeclawLizalfos is sliced in a fit of raging fury by SandorClegane's epic blade, driving through the Lizalfos' skin and body with ease as Sandor creates a bloodstorm from its corpse. The raining blood revives Wolfgang to 1 Heart.
  409. <Tatl> EdgeclawLizalfos has removed theirself from battle.
  410. <Tatl> The battle has ended due to one remaining name in initiative. Resetting the bot.
  411. <DM> +17 EXP
  412. <DM> +17 Ore Chunks to each of you
  413. <DM> rolling for WinterWolfos' items...
  414. <DM> $1d8
  415. <Tatl> DM: You rolled 1 Die with 8 Sides. Result: 6. Total: 6.
  416. <DM> *A common ring drops. You can grab it off here -
  417. <DM> *Well, with the defeat of the Lizalfos, any other would-be attackers are now scared off at the amazing power of your epic blade skills, Sandor.*
  418. <Wolfgang> ding
  419. <DM> *The way forwards is clear now.*
  420. <SandorClegane> ill take the ring
  421. <Wolfgang> go for it
  422. <DM> *For the record, it's not like you two are known terrorists (yet), so.. you could probably hit up an inn at Hyrule Village on the way over to heal up.*
  423. <Wolfgang> sounds good
  424. <Wolfgang> im hurtin mighty bad
  425. <Wolfgang_Dummy> 1h
  426. <Wolfgang_Dummy> Derp
  427. <SandorClegane> same here quite exhausted from all the raging
  428. <Wolfgang> carry me
  429. <SandorClegane> i think your bigger than me
  430. <Wolfgang> come on gimme a piggy back ride
  431. <SandorClegane> fine
  432. <SandorClegane> *Attempts to give wolfgang a piggy back ride
  433. <DM> *Your crappy power stat fails to piggyback Wolfgang.*
  434. <DM> *You manage to get through the portal after a long and hard battle. Do you head towards the nearest inn upon reaching the Temple of Time? That'd be the Guard Barracks' Inn, fyi.*
  435. <SandorClegane> whats the next closet in perferable a part of town with no questions
  436. <DM> *South Inn.*
  437. <SandorClegane> to the south inn
  438. <Wolfgang> Yeah!
  439. <DM> *You stumble through to the south inn, lookin' all bloodied. After some time of getting some startled looks and oddly enough, no guards asking what's wrong with you... you reach the south inn.*
  440. <Wolfgang> huzzah
  441. <SandorClegane> must sleep
  442. <DM> *The fee here for staying would be 20 Rupees, but the owner of the inn, seeing you in a near death state, allows you to sleep for free for the night.*
  443. <DM> *You stumble up to your beds and pass the heck out for the night. A loading screen enters your field of vision. ... IN YOUR DREAMS-
  444. <DM> -=QUEST PAUSE=-
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