

Jul 11th, 2021 (edited)
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  4. <title>.::Hacked By GUMH::.</title>
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  162. <h2 class="text">we-are-gray-hackers-</h2>
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  164. <center>
  165. <img class="logo" src="" alt="gumh_logo">
  166. <h1><font color="white">HAC</font><font color="green">KED BY</font> <font color="yellow">GUMH</font></h1><br>
  167. <h2>NO SYSTEM IS SAFE!!</h2><br>
  168. <p class="p1"><font color="red">|| Z34oNiGh5 || </font><font color="blue">D3V!l_XIII || </font><font color="yellow">Yhk4un9l4y || </font><font color="green">Mr.C45P3R ||</font></p>
  169. </center>
  170. <br>
  171. <div class="marq">
  172. <marquee><p class="p2">Greetz to::all underground hackers in world!@!</p></marquee>
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  185. <!--<audio src="DAN DAN Kokoro Hikareteku Dragon Ball GT OP -- Cover by V0RA_256k.mp3" autoplay="true" loop="true"></audio>-->
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  187. </html>
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