

Nov 29th, 2016
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  1. "Alright. Me and Capri-Su I mean Capricorn have the front. Squads 2 and 3, you take the back. Squad 4, you're on lookout duty. We're not letting this fat bastard slip us up again."
  3. With a strong kick, Lydia broke down the door of the cottage. Strange creatures, only a couple feet tall, with pointed heads, bulbous white eyes, and long claws were sitting around tables. Without a moment's hesitation, Lydia drew her pistol and fired a few rounds, each of the strange creatures dissolving into sizzling goo. The rest leapt from their spots, but she knocked them away with her staff as Capricorn proceeded to blast the remainder away with her arm cannon. "Room clear" Lydia said into her walkie talkie.
  5. She proceeded to make her way through the workshop, where more of the creatures, apparently mindless beings, were building toys. Lydia and Capricorn cleared this room out too, just as a slightly worse-for-wear Squad 3 entered from the other room. "Looking good" Lydia said. "Yeah well," the commander of Squad 3 responded "these Elf bastards have been giving us a hard time."
  7. Lydia and Capricorn leaned up on either side of the final door, after recieving the "all clear" on every other room in the mansion. "Alright, we're going in."
  9. She broke down the door, and on the other side was a large, fat, hairy creature wearing a red suit, surrounded by numerous glistening eggs. It turned towards Lydia in surprise, before getting up off its chair. "Santa Clause" Lydia said, "You are under arrest by the United States Government, for, uh..." "342" Capricorn added. "Right. 342 counts of child kidnapping, and..." "12,784" "12,784 counts of breaking and entering. You have the right to remain silent."
  11. "Santa Claus" let out a bellowing roar before lumbering towards Lydia. She put away her gun, and pulled out her staff, swinging and knocking back the beast with a blast of holy energy. "We finally got the monster."
  15. "So, Santa Claus is real?" asked Amvira, after Lydia recounted the story.
  17. "Yeah. Turns out all the stories are real, albeit a little bit... innaccurate. As is the case with most legends. In this case, turns out Santa Claus was an immortal Demiurge, alive since the beginning of time. He usually delivers presents to good boys and girls, yeah, but he's also been kidnapping some of the naughty ones."
  19. "Damn. So what did you do with him?"
  21. "Well, we've got him behind bars, and he's going to stay there for a very long time."
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