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Jul 20th, 2017
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  1. Pardon me, but it's time I pull out my gloves and slap someone while I still have the chance. And I'll gladly take a warning for this first part.
  2. Quote:
  3. Originally Posted by Fat jrrrrrrr View Post
  4. I've been offering to help for months but I've been turned away every time, and I'm sure I'm not the only one who would apply if we re-opened admissions for the QC/GP teams. I hate to be the one to say it, but there's nobody to blame anymore for the backlog other than the people overseeing C&C making the unnecessarily strict policies and turning away people that have the time, skill and patience to help.
  5. Here everyone, let me explain what j7r is trying to say out loud. This idiot had the balls to bug me for mods not only once, not twice, but almost 5 times. Not to mention he asked to be added to the Quality Control team when the people in charge of Quality Control team organize that; not the C&C Mods / Leaders. I have given you, what, 3 months to go prove yourself that you can re-handle the reigns again by at least staying off the moderation system and just contributing with things such as Grammar checks or suggestions to analyses. The last post I saw within C&C was Haxorus (within the 50) and 0 topics. You even had the gall to say that at one point C&C did nothing within the month of December when you can clearly go look at the news page and notice that there are... oh look, UU Analyses. Quite a few of them in fact. And even some that were uploaded in January. Gee, who would've thought that we were just doing nothing?
  7. So please, we already explained why we don't want you on the team, and I'm telling it publicly just so that maybe, just maybe, you get the clear picture here and understand why we didn't allow you. You pretty much did a barge-in wanting mods, QC, and GP without showing much proof thereof. After asking a bajillion times, Philip sent you the PM explaining why we felt you were not "qualified" for the moderator position.
  8. Quote:
  9. There's no reason why it should take so long for an edit to be put up on site, it currently takes about 5 full checks by different dedicated staff members to do ANYTHING. In addition to that, BMB makes a great point when he says that the grammar/content checks from non-staff members are useless...and I would go even a step further and say that our current system actually discourages people from helping.
  10. So what you're saying is we should do something similar to what you did? Glance at it, call it a day, upload it, then have one of the SS people yell at me for the # of grammar / spelling errors going on within it. We already tried that system back when I was a mod and I can even say it sucked.
  12. There's a reason for the system here. It may not be the most efficient system, but it has proven that it works. The QC is there to take out sets that are nigh ineffective and making sure that top quality sets go on-site as well as the rough skeleton of the analysis containing what it needs to contain. The GP checks are there to make sure that the analysis is spot-free of errors, and there's a reason why we look for the best of the best. Let's be blunt; not everyone is well versed in the English language as others are. I advocated many times that other people's GP checks should still be taken seriously, but to look and make sure that some of the suggestions make sense. I have taken GP checks from non GP-team members such as firecape many times and would've been more than happy if there was only 1 GP check. But, firecape only checked the Overview for Dialga for example (at first) then moved onto the rest of the analysis. Then when Flora checked it she noticed more errors. I don't have an issue having the "other GPers" count as half a checkmark or something, but now we have to play the game of if we can even go so far as trusting what they've given us (on some of them). Either way you play a guessing game the entire time.
  13. Quote:
  14. I've expressed similar concerns to those of BMB in the no-so-distant past but that thread only trimmed off a tiny bit of the overall bureaucracy that has been slowing C&C down. I've been advocating this for months, but I think it's time we made an overhaul of the system, it's becoming more and more obvious that the subforum is collapsing under its own weight. Except when I brought it up last time everyone told me that I needed to shut up because I shouldn't expect people to change when I had just come back to the site.
  15. Yes, let's hire the one person that has done nothing but cause trouble within the forums even after the Cathy leave. The solutions just keep getting better and better by the minute.
  17. The bureaucracy I can admit makes the site feel more intimidating. I can admit that it's something that needs to be addressed to a point. I'm trying to remember very far back in my C&C days (and remember I have to dig as far as '06) and from what I remember, I can at least admit that the old system is not entirely terrible. From certain standpoints. Even I remember that some things took time to get uploaded and I was unsure of when I knew I was "ready" to even upload something. The old way was certainly not horrible, but maybe because I wasn't exactly a full-fledged contributor and what not, I found the system awkward to work with. Still had to wait for Grammar checks from time to time, and I didn't know if I could officially trust someone's grammar checks that don't do it normally (so a newcomer) since I can confess that I'm far from an expert of grammar. The only thing I can say is that I did perhaps learn more from the old system, grammar-wise, than I did with the new (though maybe it also stems to that I yearned to learn and I was more interested in Pokemon back in the day). I do think that the new system is good, but I can bend my knee and say that it is inefficient.
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