
Canni Helps Anon

Aug 6th, 2014
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  1. You stumbled through the street, dazed and confused. You can't remember exactly what happened. All you could recall was going to the vendor and getting a tonic for your headache. Your headache didn't go away, and you had a whole new problem altogether. You were an inch tall.
  3. Your first thought was to get help, though you weren't sure how to go about doing that. Busy ponies typically didn't look down, and if you tried to get somepony's attention, they could step on you. You gulped and stuck to the side of the road to avoid getting squashed. There had to be somepony who could help you...
  5. The ground shook as a titanic mare rounded the corner. Canni! She knew you from her regular visits to Sugarcube Corner, surely she'd recognize you and help you. You took a deep breath and ran out to get her attention.
  7. "Canni!" you called, waving your arms frantically. "Down here! Canni, help!"
  9. She didn't stop, and she didn't see you. You tried to run back and try somepony else, but it was too late. Her hoof sailed over you and came down with a deafening thud. The pressure was intense, and you squirmed and struggled to find breath. After a while, the hoof lifted, and to your horror, you were stuck to the bottom of it. It crashed down again, knocking the breath out of you, and you coughed violently. "C-Canni, stop, your hoof, ch-check your hoof..."
  11. Of course, she couldn't hear you. Up the hoof came, and down it went again. You felt flat as a pancake. Without the strength to move, you resigned yourself to eventually being crushed under her hoof.
  13. She climbed up on a porch, inside a house, and wiped her hooves on the mat, forcing you to come unstuck. You shook your head and tried to regain your breath and your composure. Off Canni walked, her giant flank swaying with each step as she went into what you assumed was the kitchen.
  15. When you finally regained your strength, you followed her, keeping to the sides once again. She appeared to be making something to eat, and was opening the oven. You hoped that, with the tile floor, she'd be able to see you more easily.
  17. "Canni!" you called. "Canni, it's me! Anon, remember? I'm down here! You have to help me!"
  19. She turned towards you. Did she hear you? Evidently not, as she didn't look at the ground as she walked you ran to avoid getting stepped on again. On the other wall was a soft, cushioned surface, which seemed like the perfect sanctuary from the hard floor. You leaped, rolling across the dark red fabric. Breathing deeply and staring up at the ceiling, you felt relieved.
  21. Then she moved to sit down, right on top of you, and you couldn't believe how stupid you were. Of course, it was a seat. Plop! She slammed her butt down on you before you had a chance to move, smothering you under her right cheek. Every time she shifted, it felt like you were being ground into dust. "C-Canni, get up, you're sitting on me..." you yelled feebly, but it was no use. She sat there for what seemed like ages. You had to admit, in any other scenario, you would have loved being under her butt. If she didn't realize you were there, however, you could be in serious trouble.
  23. Finally, she got up, and you were almost blinded by the sudden change in brightness. You stood back up and watched her go to the oven. Guess her food was done. She pulled out a baking sheet with what looked like hay burgers cooking on it. Even from where you were, you could smell it. Once again, you were off to get her help, fumbling off the cushion and across the floor.
  25. "Canni, please... it's me. You gotta help me Canni..." you were getting desperate. If she didn't find you soon, she might--
  27. One of the hay burgers apparently slipped and fell off, right on top of you. You could hear her let out a frustrated groan. She picked the burger up, with you stuck to it, shrugged, and dropped it back onto her plate.
  29. You struggled furiously now. This could not be happening. She was going to eat you! You tried to pull away from the burger but found your arms trapped and stuck tight.
  31. She sat back down on the cushion, lifted the burger to her mouth, and took a large bite, nearly slicing off your head with her teeth. "Canni, please, no!" you shouted. "Don't eat me!"
  33. She gulped it down, licked her lips, and brought you to her mouth again. Her maw opened wide as she brought you into the dark, moist cavern. She bit down, pulled you in with her tongue, and started to chew. You squirmed and struggled to avoid being crushed by her teeth. Still, her tongue swirled you around. You curled into the fetal position, waiting for death.
  35. Feeling something strange in her mouth, she spat it out onto her plate, trying to see what ended up in her burger. You stood up shakily, wiping of the strands of saliva that were dripping off of you.
  37. Canni gasped. "What? Is that... Anon? But you're so tiny! And how did you get in my food?"
  39. Grateful to be alive, you explained what happened with the vendor. Canni sighed and lifted you up. "At least I didn't eat you! Question is, what now? I could look for a cure, but..."
  41. You raised an eyebrow. "But what?"
  43. She smirked. "Well, I like you at this size. Maybe I could keep you like this, just for a little while?"
  45. You paused to consider. You did enjoy being sat on, as long as she knew you were there and didn't do anything stupid...
  47. "C-Can I make a request Canni?"
  49. Her ears perked. "Hmm?"
  51. "I just wanted to know if, well, uh... if you wanted to, like... let me take care of your hooves, and s-sit on me..." You gulped and looked down at your feet as she laughed. Yeah, that was probably a stupid thing to ask.
  53. "You like that stuff, huh?" she asked with a devious look. "Okay then, we can have some fun."
  55. You glanced up at her. "R-Really? Are you sure?"
  57. "I don't know," she said, "let me sit on it." She got up, placed you down on the cushion, wiggled her butt, then dropped it down on you, pinning her between her cheeks. As laid there and felt her grind against you, you began to consider a more permanent situation with her. You could definitely get used to this.
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