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Dec 30th, 2015
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  1. GUNZ 1,0,0,290 launched. build (Dec 29 2015 13:30:19)
  2. Log time (12/30/15 17:18:04)
  3. Linear88's Runnable!
  4. CPU ID = GenuineIntel ( family = 518 , model = 10 , stepping = 7 ) @ 3310 MHz
  5. Display Device = NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 Ti ( vendor=10de device=1183 subsys=28431462 revision=a1 )
  6. Display Driver Version = 10.18.0013.5582
  7. Windows = 6.1 Build 7600 , n/a (64-bit) (2097151KB) : Windows 7..
  8. Load XML from memory : system/locale.xml- SUCCESS
  9. Country : (USA), Language : (USA)
  10. Load Config from file : config.xml- FAIL
  11. Load XML from memory : system/system.xml- SUCCESS
  12. Load XML from memory : system/strings.xml(0x0009) - SUCCESS
  13. Load XML from memory : system/cserror.xml(0x0009) - SUCCESS
  14. Load XML from memory : system/messages.xml(0x0009) - SUCCESS
  15. Load XML from memory : system/gametypecfg.xml
  16. Dmp ok.
  17. InitializeNotify ok.
  18. WFog Enabled Device.
  19. device created.
  20. Video memory 2045.500000
  21. shader initialize successful : 1
  22. main : RGetLenzFlare()->Initialize()
  23. InitialLoading success.
  24. interface Initialize success
  25. ZApplication::OnCreate : begin
  26. 0(Primary Sound Driver): Hardware Mixing Not Supported
  27. 1(2757-0 (NVIDIA High Definition Audio)): Hardware Mixing Not Supported
  28. 2(Realtek Digital Output(Optical) (Realtek High Definition Audio)): Hardware Mixing Not Supported
  29. 3(Realtek Digital Output (Realtek High Definition Audio)): Hardware Mixing Not Supported
  30. [[[getMaxChannel32]]]]
  31. found 0 custom music
  33. -------------------> Sound Engine Create : 1.198000
  35. sound engine create.
  36. Load XML from memory : System/tips.xml(0x0009)- SUCCESS
  37. start log bipmap
  38. end of load bitmaps2
  39. loading pictures : 2.825000
  40. warning : bitmap frame_b.png not found.
  41. warning : bitmap frame_t.png not found.
  42. warning : bitmap stripe.tga not found.
  43. warning : bitmap stripe.tga not found.
  44. warning : bitmap stripe.tga not found.
  45. warning : bitmap stripe.tga not found.
  46. warning : bitmap stripe.tga not found.
  47. warning : bitmap slot_head.tga not found.
  48. warning : bitmap slot_head.tga not found.
  49. warning : bitmap stripe.tga not found.
  50. warning : bitmap stripe.tga not found.
  51. warning : bitmap stripe.tga not found.
  52. warning : bitmap stripe.tga not found.
  53. warning : bitmap icon_gameroom.tga not found.
  54. IDLResource Loading Success!!
  55. IDL resources : 0.262000
  56. start InitInterface option
  57. Number of Display mode : 44
  58. Number of Display mode : 44
  59. end of InitInterface option ok
  60. Init maps : no Current ChannelRule
  61. Screen Effect Manager Create : 0.223000
  62. Screen effect manager create success.
  63. SFX/ef_hp ampulla.elu mesh Plane57 node 2 face 0 point -> physique 3 Greater than
  64. SFX/ef_hp ampulla.elu mesh Plane50 node 2 face 0 point -> physique 3 Greater than
  65. SFX/ef_hp ampulla.elu mesh Plane51 node 2 face 0 point -> physique 3 Greater than
  66. SFX/ef_hp ampulla.elu mesh Plane52 node 2 face 0 point -> physique 3 Greater than
  67. SFX/ef_hp ampulla.elu mesh Plane53 node 2 face 0 point -> physique 3 Greater than
  68. SFX/ef_hp ampulla.elu mesh Plane54 node 2 face 0 point -> physique 3 Greater than
  69. SFX/ef_hp ampulla.elu mesh Plane56 node 2 face 0 point -> physique 3 Greater than
  70. SFX/ef_ap ampulla.elu mesh Plane50 node 2 face 0 point -> physique 3 Greater than
  71. SFX/ef_ap ampulla.elu mesh Plane51 node 2 face 0 point -> physique 3 Greater than
  72. SFX/ef_ap ampulla.elu mesh Plane52 node 2 face 0 point -> physique 3 Greater than
  73. SFX/ef_ap ampulla.elu mesh Plane53 node 2 face 0 point -> physique 3 Greater than
  74. SFX/ef_ap ampulla.elu mesh Plane54 node 2 face 0 point -> physique 3 Greater than
  75. SFX/ef_ap ampulla.elu mesh Plane56 node 2 face 0 point -> physique 3 Greater than
  76. SFX/ef_ap ampulla.elu mesh Plane57 node 2 face 0 point -> physique 3 Greater than
  77. SFX/ef_haste ampulla.elu mesh Plane50 node 2 face 0 point -> physique 3 Greater than
  78. SFX/ef_haste ampulla.elu mesh Plane51 node 2 face 0 point -> physique 3 Greater than
  79. SFX/ef_haste ampulla.elu mesh Plane52 node 2 face 0 point -> physique 3 Greater than
  80. SFX/ef_haste ampulla.elu mesh Plane53 node 2 face 0 point -> physique 3 Greater than
  81. SFX/ef_haste ampulla.elu mesh Plane54 node 2 face 0 point -> physique 3 Greater than
  82. SFX/ef_haste ampulla.elu mesh Plane56 node 2 face 0 point -> physique 3 Greater than
  83. SFX/ef_haste ampulla.elu mesh Plane57 node 2 face 0 point -> physique 3 Greater than
  84. Effect manager create success.
  85. Client create success.
  86. game interface create success.
  88. -------------------> GameInterface Create : 4.811000
  90. model/man/man-parts_shunter.elu mesh eq_chest_shunter node 34 face 0 point -> physique 3 Greater than
  91. model/man/man-parts_dryad.elu mesh eq_chest_dryad node 680 face 0 point -> physique 3 Greater than
  92. model/man/man-parts_gveteran.elu mesh eq_chest_gveteran node 6 face 2 point -> physique 3 Greater than
  93. model/man/man-parts_mummy.elu mesh eq_chest_mummy node 18 face 0 point -> physique 3 Greater than
  94. model/man/man-parts_nanosuit.elu mesh eq_chest_nanosuit node 680 face 0 point -> physique 3 Greater than
  95. model/man/man-parts_cloud.elu mesh eq_legs_cloud node 56 face 1 point -> physique 3 Greater than
  96. model/man/clonetrooper.elu mesh eq_chest_clone1234 node 0 face 0 point -> physique 3 Greater than
  97. model/woman/woman-parts_police.elu mesh eq_legs_police node 33 face 0 point -> physique 3 Greater than
  98. model/woman/woman-parts_police.elu mesh eq_chest_police node 376 face 0 point -> physique 3 Greater than
  99. model/woman/woman-parts_blackdragon.elu mesh eq_legs_blackdragon node 301 face 1 point -> physique 3 Greater than
  100. model/woman/woman-parts_eskimo.elu mesh eq_chest_eskimo node 80 face 1 point -> physique 3 Greater than
  101. model/woman/woman-parts_bloodsuit.elu mesh eq_chest_bloodsuit node 129 face 0 point -> physique 3 Greater than
  102. model/woman/woman-parts_gveteran.elu mesh eq_chest_gveteran node 6 face 1 point -> physique 3 Greater than
  103. model/woman/woman-parts_maka.elu mesh eq_legs_maka node 2 face 0 point -> physique 3 Greater than
  104. Load character.xml success,
  106. -------------------> Character Loading : 3.811000
  109. -------------------> WeaponMesh Loading : 1.148000
  111. Load weapon.xml success.
  113. -------------------> Worlditem Loading : 0.064000
  115. Load zitem info success.
  116. Load zBuff info success.
  117. Init world item manager success.
  118. Init map Descriptor success.
  119. Init channel rule manager success.
  120. Init abuse manager success.
  121. Init chatting filter. success
  122. Error While Read spymaplist.
  123. Error While read spymode.
  125. -------------------> ETC .. : 3.786000
  127. BspObject open : begin interface/login/
  128. RBspObject::Open : Open_MaterialList
  129. RBspObject::Open : Open_LightList
  130. BspObject open object list : begin
  131. RBspObject::Open_ObjectList : size 8
  132. RBspObject::Open_ObjectList : end
  133. RBspObject::Open : OpenDescription
  134. RBspObject::OpenRs : file.Open
  135. RBspObject::OpenRs : file.Read(&header)
  136. RBspObject::OpenRs : file.Read(&nMaterial)
  137. RBspObject::OpenRs : Open_Nodes begin
  138. RBspObject::OpenRs : Open_Nodes end
  139. RBspObject::Open : OpenRs
  140. RBspObject::Open : OpenBsp
  141. RBspObject::Open : done
  142. Load smoke description mesh.
  143. main : OnCreate() done
  144. Server Connected
  145. Login Posted
  146. Login Failed.(ErrCode=10002)
  147. Destroy gunz
  148. Destroy sound engine.
  149. Destroy sound engine. success
  150. Destroy console.
  151. Destroy interface begin
  152. destroy client.
  153. PeerInfoList Released
  154. clear looks end.
  155. Widget map clear end.
  156. desctroy cursor system end.
  157. clear IDL resource end.
  158. Final interface end.
  159. Destroy game interface done.
  160. clear looks end.
  161. Widget map clear end.
  162. desctroy cursor system end.
  163. Destroy mesh manager.
  164. Destroy weapon mesh manager.
  165. Clear SkillManager.
  166. Clear QuestItemDescMgr.
  167. Clear MatchItemDescMgr.
  168. Clear ChattingFilter.
  169. Clear ChannelRuleMgr.
  170. destroy game application done.
  171. interface finalize.
  172. game input destroy.
  173. game configuration destroy.
  174. Bitmap manager destroy Animation bitmap.
  175. destroy gunz finish.
  176. Rframe_destory::closeDisplay
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