
US realms

Nov 21st, 2023
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  2. Aegwynn
  3. Aerie Peak
  4. Agamaggan
  5. Aggramar
  6. Akama
  7. Alexstrasza
  8. Alleria
  9. Altar of Storms
  10. Alterac Mountains
  11. Aman'Thul
  12. Andorhal
  13. Anetheron
  14. Antonidas
  15. Anub'arak
  16. Anvilmar
  17. Arathor
  18. Archimonde
  19. Area 52
  20. Argent Dawn
  21. Arthas
  22. Arygos
  23. Auchindoun
  24. Azgalor
  25. Azjol-Nerub
  26. Azralon
  27. Azshara
  28. Azuremyst
  29. Baelgun
  30. Balnazzar
  31. Barthilas
  32. Black Dragonflight
  33. Blackhand
  34. Blackrock
  35. Blackwater Raiders
  36. Blackwing Lair
  37. Blade's Edge
  38. Bladefist
  39. Bleeding Hollow
  40. Blood Furnace
  41. Bloodhoof
  42. Bloodscalp
  43. Bonechewer
  44. Borean Tundra
  45. Boulderfist
  46. Bronzebeard
  47. Burning Blade
  48. Burning Legion
  49. Caelestrasz
  50. Cairne
  51. Cenarion Circle
  52. Cenarius
  53. Cho'gall
  54. Chromaggus
  55. Coilfang
  56. Crushridge
  57. Daggerspine
  58. Dalaran
  59. Dalvengyr
  60. Dark Iron
  61. Darkspear
  62. Darrowmere
  63. Dath'Remar
  64. Dawnbringer
  65. Deathwing
  66. Demon Soul
  67. Dentarg
  68. Destromath
  69. Dethecus
  70. Detheroc
  71. Doomhammer
  72. Draenor
  73. Dragonblight
  74. Dragonmaw
  75. Drak'Tharon
  76. Drak'thul
  77. Draka
  78. Drakkari
  79. Dreadmaul
  80. Drenden
  81. Dunemaul
  82. Durotan
  83. Duskwood
  84. Earthen Ring
  85. Echo Isles
  86. Eitrigg
  87. Eldre'Thalas
  88. Elune
  89. Emerald Dream
  90. Eonar
  91. Eredar
  92. Executus
  93. Exodar
  94. Farstriders
  95. Feathermoon
  96. Fenris
  97. Firetree
  98. Fizzcrank
  99. Frostmane
  100. Frostmourne
  101. Frostwolf
  102. Galakrond
  103. Gallywix
  104. Garithos
  105. Garona
  106. Garrosh
  107. Ghostlands
  108. Gilneas
  109. Gnomeregan
  110. Goldrinn
  111. Gorefiend
  112. Gorgonnash
  113. Greymane
  114. Grizzly Hills
  115. Gul'dan
  116. Gundrak
  117. Gurubashi
  118. Hakkar
  119. Haomarush
  120. Hellscream
  121. Hydraxis
  122. Hyjal
  123. Icecrown
  124. Illidan
  125. Jaedenar
  126. Jubei'Thos
  127. Kael'thas
  128. Kalecgos
  129. Kargath
  130. Kel'Thuzad
  131. Khadgar
  132. Khaz Modan
  133. Khaz'goroth
  134. Kil'jaeden
  135. Kilrogg
  136. Kirin Tor
  137. Korgath
  138. Korialstrasz
  139. Kul Tiras
  140. Laughing Skull
  141. Lethon
  142. Lightbringer
  143. Lightning's Blade
  144. Lightninghoof
  145. Llane
  146. Lothar
  147. Madoran
  148. Maelstrom
  149. Magtheridon
  150. Maiev
  151. Mal'Ganis
  152. Malfurion
  153. Malorne
  154. Malygos
  155. Mannoroth
  156. Medivh
  157. Misha
  158. Mok'Nathal
  159. Moon Guard
  160. Moonrunner
  161. Mug'thol
  162. Muradin
  163. Nagrand
  164. Nathrezim
  165. Nazgrel
  166. Nazjatar
  167. Nemesis
  168. Ner'zhul
  169. Nesingwary
  170. Nordrassil
  171. Norgannon
  172. Onyxia
  173. Perenolde
  174. Proudmoore
  175. Quel'Thalas
  176. Quel'dorei
  177. Ragnaros
  178. Ravencrest
  179. Ravenholdt
  180. Rexxar
  181. Rivendare
  182. Runetotem
  183. Sargeras
  184. Saurfang
  185. Scarlet Crusade
  186. Scilla
  187. Sen'jin
  188. Sentinels
  189. Shadow Council
  190. Shadowmoon
  191. Shadowsong
  192. Shandris
  193. Shattered Halls
  194. Shattered Hand
  195. Shu'halo
  196. Silver Hand
  197. Silvermoon
  198. Sisters of Elune
  199. Skullcrusher
  200. Skywall
  201. Smolderthorn
  202. Spinebreaker
  203. Spirestone
  204. Staghelm
  205. Steamwheedle Cartel
  206. Stonemaul
  207. Stormrage
  208. Stormreaver
  209. Stormscale
  210. Suramar
  211. Tanaris
  212. Terenas
  213. Terokkar
  214. Thaurissan
  215. The Forgotten Coast
  216. The Scryers
  217. The Underbog
  218. The Venture Co
  219. Thorium Brotherhood
  220. Thrall
  221. Thunderhorn
  222. Thunderlord
  223. Tichondrius
  224. Tol Barad
  225. Tortheldrin
  226. Trollbane
  227. Turalyon
  228. Twisting Nether
  229. Uldaman
  230. Uldum
  231. Undermine
  232. Ursin
  233. Uther
  234. Vashj
  235. Vek'nilash
  236. Velen
  237. Warsong
  238. Whisperwind
  239. Wildhammer
  240. Windrunner
  241. Winterhoof
  242. Wyrmrest Accord
  243. Ysera
  244. Ysondre
  245. Zangarmarsh
  246. Zul'jin
  247. Zuluhed
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