

Feb 23rd, 2018
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  1. "Chaveirai Hashluchim:
  3. A terrible tragedy took place today, where a 10 year old child hung himself Lo Aleinu.  I am writing to you, as you may hear a vicious allegation, to the effect, that LEC might have had some hand in causing this tragedy Chas Vesholom.
  5. I feel it important that Shluchim know the facts behind the story, in case you are asked.
  7. The family moved two of their children to LEC last year from Toras Emes. They liked the school and put in another young child in January of this year.
  9. They then applied to LEC to move another 2 children at the end of January as well. After completing the necessary interviews, they applied to the financial office this past Friday the 16th.   I was approached that day by the Registrar asking what to charge this family. My response was to ask him what he could pay, and to accept that.
  11. This is EXACTLY what happened. The father was asked how much he would like to pay, he gave an amount he could pay, which was accepted. On Monday a contract was sent to be signed, and brought in so the children could start. On Tuesday Morning the father brought the children in, without signing or submitting the paperwork, and was told by the principal that the child had not been put on the list, and she had no clearance to put him in school.  The registrar had not yet arrived in school, so he went home.
  13. AT NO TIME did LEC refuse to accept the children DUE TO MONEY. 
  15. LEC is there for the family to assist in all their needs, with counseling etc.  We are shaken by this tragedy, as I am sure everyone else is. And we ask for everyone’s tefilos."
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