

Jan 23rd, 2019
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  1. on spawn:
  2. if event-entity is zombie:
  3. event-entity's name is "aaa"
  4. if {boss::spawn} is not set:
  5. set {boss::spawn} to "on"
  6. if {boss::countdown} is not set:
  7. set {boss::countdown} to 300
  8. while {boss::countdown} is more than 0:
  9. wait 1 second
  10. remove 1 from {boss::countdown}
  11. loop all Players in radius 30 around the event-entity:
  12. wipe loop-entity's sidebar
  13. set name of sidebar of loop-entity to "&7VS BOSS"
  14. set score "&b残り &e%{boss::countdown}% &b秒" in sidebar of loop-entity to 0
  15. set {_boss.count1} to random integer between 1 and 3
  16. if {_boss.count1} is 1:
  17. set {_boss.count2} to random integer between 1 and 4
  18. if {_boss.count2} is 1:
  19. set {_boss.shot} to 0.5
  20. set {_Particle} to location of the block {_boss.shot} meter in front of event-entity's head
  21. loop 30 times:
  22. show 20 crit particles at {_Particle} offset by 0, 0, 0
  23. set {_boss.shot} to {_boss.shot} + 0.5
  24. set {_Particle} to location of the block {_boss.shot} meter infront of event-entity's head
  25. shoot an arrow from event-entity at speed 500
  26. wait 1 second
  27. else:
  28. loop 15 times:
  29. shoot an snowball from event-entity at speed 3
  30. delete event-entity
  31. loop all Players in radius 30 around the event-entity:
  32. wipe loop-entity's sidebar
  33. send "&8[&7BOSS&8] &7時間切れです。また次回挑戦してください" to loop-entity
  34. delete {boss::*}
  35. else:
  36. stop
  38. on death:
  39. victim's name is "aaa"
  40. if {boss::spawn} is not set:
  41. stop
  42. else:
  43. delete {boss::*}
  44. drop {boss.drop::*} at victim
  46. command /boss [<text>]:
  47. permission:
  48. trigger:
  49. if arg-1 is "reset":
  50. delete {boss::*}
  51. execute console command "kill @e[type=zombie]"
  52. send "&8[&7BOSS&8] &7BOSSをResetさせました"
  53. if arg-1 is "drop":
  54. set {boss.drop::*} to Player's tool
  55. send "&8[&7BOSS&8] &7ドロップ品を設定しました"
  57. on Damage:
  58. attacker's name is "aaa"
  59. projectile is arrow
  60. if {boss::spawn} is not set:
  61. stop
  62. else:
  63. set Damage to Damage*100
  64. on Damage:
  65. attacker's name is "aaa"
  66. projectile is snowball
  67. if {boss::spawn} is not set:
  68. stop
  69. else:
  70. set Damage to 4
  72. on shoot:
  73. loop entities in radius 1 of projectile:
  74. loop-entity is a snowball
  75. add 1 to {_random}
  76. if {_random} is 1:
  77. push loop-entity to the right at speed random number from 0.05 to 0.11
  78. push loop-entity upwards at speed random number from 0.04 to 0.10
  79. if {_random} is 2:
  80. push loop-entity to the left at speed random number from 0.04 to 0.10
  81. push loop-entity upwards at speed random number from 0.05 to 0.11
  82. if {_random} is 3:
  83. push loop-entity forwards at speed random number from 0.05 to 0.10
  84. push loop-entity upwards at speed random number from 0.05 to 0.10
  85. if {_random} is 4:
  86. push loop-entity backwards at speed random number from 0.04 to 0.10
  87. push loop-entity to the left at speed random number from 0.05 to 0.11
  88. push loop-entity upwards at speed random number from 0.04 to 0.11
  89. if {_random} is 5:
  90. push loop-entity backwards at speed random number from 0.05 to 0.11
  91. push loop-entity to the right at speed random number from 0.04 to 0.10
  92. push loop-entity upwards at speed random number from 0.04 to 0.11
  93. if {_random} is 6:
  94. push loop-entity forwards at speed random number from 0.05 to 0.10
  95. push loop-entity to the left at speed random number from 0.05 to 0.10
  96. push loop-entity upwards at speed random number from 0.05 to 0.10
  97. if {_random} is 7:
  98. push loop-entity forwards at speed random number from 0.05 to 0.10
  99. push loop-entity to the right at speed random number from 0.05 to 0.10
  100. push loop-entity upwards at speed random number from 0.05 to 0.10
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