
Neon Heights: Silver, Chapter 1

Jun 17th, 2019
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  1. A towering figure cloaked in a black duster and a dark helmet accented with chrome busts through the doors of the Sepolcro family hideout, on a contract to clean it out. In the lobby stand two guards, taken back for a moment before the figure draws a heavy revolver from their jacket. "Shit!" Exclaims one of the guards as he fumbles with his weapon, the other ready to go in moments, about to take a shot before the figure draws a fist, wrenching him forward and making him drop his gun. After seeing this the first guard takes his shot, clean through the shoulder, though at this point he was completely panicking. The figure lets out a faint grunt distorted through a voice modifier, flinching just a little, then takes that same clenched fist and grabs at something the guards assumed was nothing. At this moment the other guard is wrenched forward against his will, though the other guard managed to keep hold of his gun. The figure slowly raises their revolver to point at the unarmed man. Click... BANG! In one shot, a quarter sized hole was made straight through his head as his body collapses to the floor. The figure tilts their head and looks at the remaining guard as the bullet wound in their shoulder vanishes. All the guard knew what to do at this point was retaliate, letting loose a barrage of seven shots before ending up exactly like his fellow co-worker on the floor. Only two of these bullets had managed to damage the figure, and yet the damage was gone mere seconds after. "One room down... two to go..." Said the figure to them-self in a deep modified voice as they took a few moments to prepare, reloading their revolver in a few swift motions and listening at the door. "Twelve guards... If the information is correct..." They said to them-self again, right before busting through the door. Three guards were at the ready, guns aimed at the door, though they weren't expecting the door to come off its hinges and fly into two of them. The third trembled with fear and fired off three shots before the figure yanked at nothing out of the air and pulled him forward, making him drop his weapon and scream for help. The figure let out a menacing growl, glancing at the corner across the hall as two more guards took position and aim. The two were fearless, they had the advantage of cover and range, ready in moments to take shots with their pistols. The figure responded swiftly, yanking the nearest mortified guard towards them-self and using him as cover, blindly retaliating with a pair of shots as their human shield was killed. One shot to one of the guard's legs, and the other breaking the window at the end of the hall. The two guards at the end of the hall took cover, in the meantime the figure crushed one of the fallen guard's neck with a stomp and finished off the other with a clean shot. After this, the figure ran down the hall with heavy stomps, jumping the corner and loosing two more rounds at the pair around the corner, yanking one forward with that invisible force once again and knocking them both off their feet. The figure then kicks over a nearby table as cover, sending cards flying as a barrage of bullets come their way. The barrage stops a few seconds after, and much to the guard's surprises, the figure stands and takes two clean shots to kill the two guards they had previously knocked over, then takes aim at another random one across the room. One takes the initiative and opens fire, three shots at the figure. One dinks off of the figure's metal helm, the other two go clean through the figure's upper body. The figure menacingly turns to look at the one who shot them, as the wounds disappear right before everyone's eyes. The other two duck for cover in a panic as they watch the figure slowly take one step at a time towards the ballsy guard. The guard drops his gun and tries to book it, but the figure once again makes a snatching motion as he's yanked back, making his efforts worthless. He screams for help as the other two guards in the room cower. The figure approaches closer with each step, until they're right behind the guard, looming over him with a terrifying presence. His only instinctual reaction was to fight back, and so he did, turning around to strike the figure right in the gut. The figure reacted with not a flinch, but a strike right at his head with the grip of their revolver. A fatal blow. They then took two steps closer to see the door to the final room before looking back to the table the remaining guards were hiding behind as they spoke again, "You can't escape the judgement of your actions... I know everything each of you has done for Sepolcro, and my orders are clear. No survivors." They then yank the two out from hiding in one harsh motion, and with two more bangs their bodies are added to the count. The figure reloads their gun and lets out a hiss of air through their helmet before busting into the next room, greeted by the final two guards of their target. Both open fire the moment the figure enters the room, each shot making its mark, but the damage vanishing immediately after right before their eyes. The gunfire ceases after this is seen and the figure looks between the two of them before shooting them both in the head one after another. "Show yourself, Alessio... I can see your terror clear as day, let's not make this take any longer than it has to." The figure says, taking two steps towards the desk in the center of the room. Alessio Sepolcro proceeds to rise up from under his desk, hands raised as he trembles with absolute and utter fear. "Who- Wh-What the fuck are you?! Who sent you?!!" He asks in a mortified shout. The figure replies in that same modified deep voice, "My name is Silver. Mr.Miami sends his regards." before leaving two holes clean through Sepolcro's breast. Silver slowly trots out of the room while putting away their revolver, wiping some blood off their helmet as they walk through the halls full of bodies. No witnesses.
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