
St George breaking Cerberus’ arm

Jul 15th, 2023
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  1. St. George drove his free hand up into the battlesuit’s elbow as hard as he could. Metal squealed under his knuckles. At least one servo sparked and blew out.
  2. The steel fingers released him. Cerberus tried to shake him off but he drove two more punches up into the joint of the arm. The second one got even more sparks. The third one made it go limp and sag at a wrong angle.
  3. The hero grabbed the forearm with one hand, the dead M2 with the other, and wrenched the whole thing away. The elbow joint cracked and some ball bearings sprayed out onto the street like steel raindrops. A half-dozen cables yanked free. An armor plate broke off and clattered on the ground. The M2’s ammo belt twisted until some of the links bent and it snapped apart.
  4. The battlesuit took a few heavy steps back. Gibbs raised the remains of the arm. St. George thought he could see the man’s own fingertips exposed in the twisted remains of the elbow.
  6. Excerpt From Ex-Purgatory, pg 611
  7. Peter Clines
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