

Mar 16th, 2018
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  1. ===================================== MASTERNODE ETHEREUM FUTURE ==================================
  2. Hello Everybody. In this guide I show you how to setup Simplicity cold VPS masternode on Ubuntu 16.04 x64 (1GB RAM). Im using Aruba Cloud. When I write (enter), it means that you click enter. First of all dawnload Windows wallet and run it. When wallet sync, buy on 1001ETHF and send to your wallet adress. BACKUP YOUR WALLET!
  3. Next in your Windows wallet go to:Tools>Debug console
  4. type: getnewaddress mn01 (enter) <--- you generate new wallet adress for your masternode where is yours alias named mn01
  5. (send to this adress exacly 1000ETHF in one transaction and wait for 6 confirmation)
  6. back to Debug console and type:
  7. masternode outputs (enter)
  8. masternode genkey (enter)
  9. (don't close debug console)
  10. Next back to wallet window and go to:Tools>Open Masternode Configuration File
  11. In this directory create a new file: masternode.conf
  12. Past this line and change to yours value:
  13. mn01 xx.xx.xx.xx:52545 yyyyy zzzzz 1/0
  14. ============explanation of the above syntax============
  15. mn01 <--- this is what you write after "getnewadress" - alias of your masternode adress where you send 1000ETHF
  16. xx.xx.xx.xx:52545 <--- IP of yours VPS (port must stay 52545)
  17. yyyyy <--- masternode genkey
  18. zzzzz 1/0 <--- masternode output (txhash and outputidx)
  19. =======================================================
  20. You'll get something like this in masternode.conf:
  21. mn01 21G6sSMgaYFBRliXMAHAWP7SkO6pdSPPSMjYYUtrpmSKioYtbsA hjki8kajues9lktenr02ntklpaenrt5mnswqe4ny654qkosplmxcne45nbt3j86se 0
  22. ==========save file masternode.conf============
  23. Back to wallet window and go to:Tools>Open Wallet Configuration File
  24. Past this line and change to yours value:
  25. rpcuser=YOURUSER <--- write something difficult, because you do not have to remember it in the future
  26. rpcpassword=YOURPASS <--- write something difficult, because you do not have to remember it in the future
  27. ==========save file ethf.conf===========
  29. ============ON YOUR VPS============
  30. ============installation of necessary packages on your VPS============
  31. sudo apt update (enter)
  32. sudo apt upgrade -y (enter)
  33. sudo apt install -y libgmp3-dev libevent-dev libminiupnpc-dev libtool libssl-dev libboost-all-dev libprotobuf-dev libqrencode-dev autoconf protobuf-compiler build-essential nano htop git autotools-dev automake autogen python3 pkg-config bsdmainutils software-properties-common screen (enter)
  34. sudo add-apt-repository ppa:bitcoin/bitcoin (enter)
  35. sudo apt update (enter)
  36. sudo apt upgrade -y (enter)
  37. sudo apt-get install libdb4.8-dev libdb4.8++-dev (enter)
  38. sudo fallocate -l 4G /swapfile.img && sudo chmod 600 /swapfile.img && sudo mkswap /swapfile.img && sudo swapon /swapfile.img (enter) <--- this create 4GB swamp file
  39. ============installation of the Ethereum Future wallet============
  40. sudo git clone (enter)
  41. cd ~/ethf (enter)
  42. sudo chmod 755 && sudo ./ && sudo ./configure && sudo make && sudo make install (enter)
  43. sudo swapoff -a && sudo rm -f /swapfile.img (enter) <--- this delete 4GB swamp file
  44. sudo ~/ethf/src/./ethfd (enter)
  45. sudo nano ~/.ethf/ethf.conf (enter)
  46. ============paste this in blank desire.conf on VPS============
  47. rpcuser=YOURUSER <--- change this to the same as before in Windows wallet!
  48. rpcpassword=YOURPASS <--- change this to the same as before in Windows wallet!
  49. rpcallowip=
  50. listen=1
  51. server=1
  52. daemon=1
  53. staking=0
  54. masternode=1
  55. maxconnections=128
  56. externalip=xx.xx.xx.xx:52545 <--- IP of yours VPS (port must stay 52545)
  57. masternodeprivkey=yyyyy <--- masternode genkey
  58. ============save file (ctrl+x>Y>enter)============
  59. sudo chmod 600 ~/.ethf/ethf.conf (enter)
  60. sudo ufw allow 52545/tcp (enter)
  61. sudo ~/ethf/src/./ethfd (enter)
  63. Go to: Masternodes, next select your Masternode (mn01) and click "Start alias"
  64. YES YOUR MASTERNODE RUNNING! You can close Windows wallet and VPS ssh connection.
  66. Donation my ETHF wallet: fEHgCQw1WzeUZ5c2SB6enrb6WuNwSRvfSt
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